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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Our resident trash collector has found new trash on Youtube.
  2. Anything is possible. But these have been very loyal to Kayse Cabdi Yusuf and he is not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, as part of the Khaatumo Somaliland agreement, Kayse will assume the security of those regions as a quazi-regional state within Somaliland. The same goes for Col. Canbaashe's clan melitia who done a great job in the last two rounds of fighting in Tukaraq. And soon to be incorperated into Somaliland national army are the clan melitia belonging to Cali Khaliif Galaydh's clan near Boocame. We will hope Buuhoodle to fall without bloodshed as has been the case whenever Somaliland moves into a new territory.
  3. They are Khaatumo melitia incorperated into Somaliland national army earlier in the year. They get their orders & salary from Birjeex.
  4. Kolka waxaas oo maryo calas ah, dhegta dhiiga loo daro, can we get a standing ovation for the Ciidanka Qaranka? Mise Maryoolay xasiidnimoda - guulsha ciidanka way kala xistiyi doonta?
  5. The Turkish Soap Opera industry must be running for their money. The Garoowe Musalsal by the 3 stooges is the latest daily production. It would have been great if they had a female cast. At least we could have had the smooch and roses scenes.
  6. As always, you are behind the curve. I am one of those people who advocate for a tougher position regarding the UN. Both President. Abdirahman Tuur and President Egal played very tough with the UN, specially when the UN was all powerful - before it lost all the legitimacy. President. Egal even went as far as granting Persona-non-grata to the SRSG of the day. Somaliland deals with its donors directly and the UN can sholve it where the sun never shines. Biyo Gacmo-haaga ayaa lagaga dhergaa.
  7. Maya sxb. Ka yar ciyaartiisa wax faa'ido leh maha. Nin aad fadhiga kaga adagtay, looma saro joogsado. Hadalka Garowe macno badan oo so kordhinaya ma jirto. Gabish. Garowe siyaasad iyo military labadda waa lagaga badiyay. When we reached the gates of Garoowe, At the 11th hour, tolaayay inaad ka wadhid, cid kaa asmacaysa ayaa iska yar. Hada wixii ka danbeeya olive branch ayaan tuurayna Garowe Take peace, spare your sons from Tuka-Raq.
  8. Nimanka Garowe ka so qaylinaya, waa gartood. MBC has said that the Governors of Sool and Sanaag regions will deal with the pests in Garoowe. While Hargeisa will focus on the bigger issues in relations to Mogadishu. Ina Cali Koore iyo Prof. Cali Khaliif iyo Prof. Fartoon, nimankaa ayaa ciyaarta la ciyaaraysaan.
  9. Mooge, Hear from fat belly Gaas... Calaacal iyo bacaac laguma qabsan, dhiig ayaa loo qubay.
  10. Dhaqankii reer koonfurka ee intay ganbadh/kursi qolqolka isku so hordhigtaan, isu tirinjjiray miyaa la bilaabay? Dhaqanka halkan lagama yaqaano, ha loo sheego Garoowe. Hadaad waxaa la timaadaan, sidii Maxamed Cabdille Xassan ayaa xaarka taalo ka dhigi doontaan. Inaan Bile tagoogada ka xidhay, tebiya oo geeya Inuu xaarka taallada ka dhigay, tebiya oo geeya Inaad gaalo taag daran tihiin, tebiya oo geeya
  11. If you were from the camp that thinks Somaliland is an administration within the context of Somalia's Federal system, then yes, you can think that MBC's clan elders will have clout and can change decisions. But if you are from the camp that thinks Somaliland as being complete seperate country that - whether it is recognised by outside world or not - should control all its territorial land, by any means necessary. Then, you can think of the Tukaraq situation as a faith accompli. The situation is very simple, a small clan fiefdom cannot possibly stop Somaliland's quest to secure its borders. Every last drop of blood will be shed to make sure it doesn't happen.
  12. Fardo la isu hayo maxaa la isaga faanin. Somaliland made the move, lets see if our competition can keep their word! Galbeedi, camoo, your sources have failed you, yet again. Just watch and learn, and probably appreciate a little sxb. Whoever stirs this hornets nest will wished they didn't.
  13. Galbeedi nin maskaxdiisu dagaal iyo xasarad taqaan maha. His analysis is that akin of a girl's view of the world - nervana of peaceful utopia. The real world is a dog-eat-dog world. And the strongest survives. Coming back to Tukaraq, my take on this is that either way, peace or no peace, Garoowe loses. Garoowe cannot stop the Somaliland army. In fact, this will be a chance for Somaliland to go after those who committed serious crimes in 1988-91 in Hargeisa+Burco. Garoowe and Bosaso will pay for Somalia' destruction of Hargeisa and Burco. This will be an opportunity to settle those old scores. On the other hand, if Garoowe takes peace, those clans that has been fed with falsehood will revolt and politically will be very damaging. Again, it plays right to Somaliland's playbook. It will be back to square one. If the local clans try to take it on their own, they will end up exactly as it all ended up so far. In futility. Somaliland army will flush out these clan melitia from every village they seek and if they try to launch attacks from Puntland, we will punish Puntland for it. It seems to me that Puntland will become the sacrificial animal for Somaliland's independence. Ciidankii aan Somalia oo dhan oo midaysan u diyaarinay, if Garoowe wants to take on, Bring it on my friends.
  14. All that hullabalou and that was it? One of Hadraawi's poems he said, talking to Afwayne: Dalka waan aqaana, bahal iga da'wayno, dad cun ahi ma joogo! Awoowe, I know you are from peaceful community of Borama. We know high risk, high reward is not part of your lexicon, kolka sxb nin dabcow dhan uga durug. Btw, just be a good spectator and watch with awe how the boys do it.
  15. It is ok when you make people laugh. Equally it is ok if people laugh with you. But when they laugh at you? You are the joke.
  16. Maamulka daciifka ah ee Garoowe Tukaraq laf dhuun gashay ayay ku noqotay. Awoodna waa u la yihiin, calaacalna wax kaga qaadi kari waaye. Hence, they had to resort to this low level propaganda. I remember they even recycled Alshabab vs Ethiopia videos and called it Tukaraq. Also the videos from Galkacyo melitia which they said was vehicles captured from Somaliland. Ciidanka Qaranku like a hot-knife through butter ayuu u dhex maraya maleeshiyaadka la isku keenkeenay qabiilka ku dagaal yimid.
  17. Habar Dhali wayday aleelo ku waalatay. Recycling old video from 2012. Alayle Garaad Jamac's nickname for Maamulka Garoowe still sticks. He called them "Binti land".
  18. We have seen that film play out in Ganbadhe. Caruurti Ganbadhe ciidanka ugu dhalshay maanta waa 11 jir... another 6 years and they will be fighting to defend the soil they were born in.
  19. Balo ku degtay. Boowe Tukaraq Daraawiishta aya ka talisa nooh. Wiil hoog indho-bahal malay cune ayaa noo jooga nooh.
  20. Politics and diplmatic relations aside, Ethiopian soldiers never set foot in Somaliland soil. It's laughable when you say "we are resisting". With resistance like that, I would like to know how embracing and loving looks like for you.
  21. Suldaanka


    If that was a win for you, I would like to see how your version of defeat looks like.