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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Where are those that were predicting end of the worlds when Somaliland, Ethiopia and UAE inked their agreements? Lots of them were foaming from the mouth. Ethiopia is taking over Berbera was the battle cry.
  2. sheekoy sheeko,, you are a wasted talent. You could have become a great fiction writer the world over.
  3. Somaliland National TV takes a dig at Garoowe's attempt to censor it from its citizens. Why would maamulka Garoowe go to such extra length? Truth hurts and folks from that region are tuning to get a doze of truth that their maamul is not providing.
  4. Here is VP Camay oo sheegaya siyaasadda Maamulka Garoowe ka leeyahay dumarka iyo caruur. Laakin sidu Camay sheegay, waji gabax kala kulmeen beesha Caalamka. Maamulka Garoowe is getting frustrated by the day as they are running out of options.
  5. Like Georgia had to accept the lost of Crimea peninsula, Garowe has to accept this. Otherwise, they will accept it after they get beaten up again and again. Therefore, wise-heads in Garowe must take the ceasefire offer seriously and spare their sons from wrath of the Somaliland war-machine. The least bloodshed before Somaliland reaches its borders, the better.
  6. Last time I remember you were to regain Tukaraq, that was 6 months ago.
  7. Maakhiri, If history is any guide, the first option is the most likely scenario. We all remember VP Camay's remarks in the leaked audio that they were planning Dagaalkii-Qarniga. All their effort was thwarted so easily by Somaliland army without even breaking sweat. And we are talking about a subset of the Somaliland army which are stationed in the new outpost of Tukaraq. The bulk of the army is not even in the front lines. Garoowe is looking for a face saving win back of Tukaraq but that is not going to happen. Somaliland is consolidating its gains and is opting for cease fire, because a cease fire will be so damaging to Garoowe, politically. Somaliland is got the upper hand both diplomatically, militarily and eventually when dust settles, politically. It is dejavu of 2007. These women and kids on the street will take their 5 minutes of fame but will be a distant memory soon.
  8. Somaliland waxay leeday ciidan qaran oo ku socda siyaasad iyo strategy. Maha sida maryo calasta kolba gidaar isku qaadaysa. Dhamaan laamaha kala duwan ee Qaranku waa isla socdaan, kolba siyaasadda madaxweynaha ayay fulinayaan. Hadii hore u socdaan iyo hadii halkooda joogaan, waa kolba strategy madaxtooyadu dejiso. Hada, maamulka Garoowe is between a rock and a hard place. They cannot afford to start an all out war with Somaliland, as that will be devastating to them. it won't be your usual off the mill - maryo calas vs ******** fight of Galkacyo type, this will be on a whole new level. The type that actual armies engage in. Somaliland army will unleash fire and fury and the death toll will not be just the 100s, it could quickly go into the thousands. If Garoowe has the guts to engage that kind of war, then they will have their work cut out for them.
  9. Waxaan maqli jiray, Waxaad ceebta u taqaan dad ayay camal kooda tahay.. Considering maamulka Garoowe has its roots from SSDF, the so named "Sii-soco, So-soco, Dumar u Faan", this TV strategy is just an extension of that. Meesha waa in la tusa dumarka inay wali noolyihiin oo hadla'yaan.
  10. Xukuumada Somaliland Oo Shaacisay In La Furay Dhoofkii Xoolaha, Kana Hadashay Rajada Ay Ka Qabto Inay Sii Socoto Dhoofinta Xooluhu Xukuumada Somaliland Oo Shaacisay In La Furay Dhoofkii Xoolaha, Kana Hadashay Rajada Ay Ka Qabto Inay Sii Socoto Dhoofinta Xooluhu
  11. Very unfortunate. Getting strip searched by foreigners in your own country. Only happens in Villa AMISOM.
  12. Galbeedi's oo koofiyaddi guulwadeynta so gashaday. Thanks for the laugh old friend. But let me give you some advice, you can be somebody yourself without trying very hard inaad u naagaysid maamulka Garoowe. You can chart your own independent views and respectable positions. As with Garoowe, like I said, just watch and learn... probably xaasid ha noqon ee acknowledge a bit as well. Xaashe, nin libin kaa xistiyay xumihii waa yaab.
  13. Rag badan oo Garoowe maanta jooga, they will face reality check sooner or later.
  14. It seems Gaas has pulled the plug off the "Musalsalkii Garoowe" by the 3 stooges
  15. What do you do when you have not been paid your salary for the better most of the year? You have a family and kids to feed. Of course, I would do the same as those 7 melitia have done, sell your weapons for cash. Now, instead of addressing the root cause, Maamulka Garoowe is diverting blame to the melitia who sold their hardware and weapons to Galmudug administration.
  16. One thing that if Abiye done would be a lot for the region is the openning up of the economy. At the moment there is just too much bureaucracy and control. If he relaxes the state controls and opts for free market economy, that will be a game changer for Somalis business community everywhere.
  17. At least, I have full control over my destiny and future. And the recognition is something that is bound to happen, whether it takes another 20 years or more. But one thing that is ironclad guarantee is that the Somali Republic that was created in 1960 will never see the day of light again. There you have it, at least I have good chance as we develop and progress our flames will get bigger and bigger. While your dream of a United Somalia has zero chance of ever coming back to existence. hope that sinks in.
  18. DEG DEG: Puntland oo isaga baxday dagaalkii Tukaraq. TUKARAQ, 06 JUNE 2018 (ALLSHACABKA) Sida goordhaw wasiir aan magiciisa qarinay oo ka tirsan golaha wasiirada Puntland usheegay ALLSHACABKA, waxaa dhamaaday dagaalkii Sool lagu xoreyn lahaa kaas oo maamulka Puntland laga dareemayey abaabulkiisa maalmihii ugu dambeeyey. Madaxweynaha Dawladda federalka Soomaaliya Mudane Farmaajo oo gacan ka helaya dawladda Itoobiya oo qaramada midoobay iyo beesha caalamku u xilsaaratay gaar ahaan dawladda Mareykanka ayaa ku guuleystay wada hadal siinta labada Madaxweyne ee maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland. Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa xiriir fiican la leh labada maamul iyadoo dawladda Mareykanka ee Itoobiya u xilsaartayna ay labada Madaxweyne ee Puntland dhalasho ka haystaan dalkaas Mareykanka taas oo fududeysay wada hadalka iyo xabad joojintaba iyadoo Madaxweyne Gaas uu guri malaayiin dollar ah ku leeyahay wadanka Mareykanka. Qorshaha Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa ahaa in dagaal tuur tuur ah uu dhaco 15-ka bishaan June kadibna midka xiga lagu balan sanaa bisha sagaalaad ee September, iyadoo mid yara xoogan qorshuhu ahaa in la qaado sanadka cusub ee soo socda 2019 maalmihiisa hore si shacabka Puntland loo jahwareerinayo sida taliyaha ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland Jen. Siciid Dheere u xaqiijiyey wariyaha ALLSHACABKA Axmed Nuur Xuseen Jaamac oo ku booqday xafiiskiisa Garowe. Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Eng. Camey oo ka war helay qorshayaasha Gaas, ayaan maantay Garoonka Garoowe kusoo dhaweyn Madaxweyne Gaas taas oo noqoneysa markii ugu horeysay Camey oo Garowe jooga uusan soo dhaweyn Gaas iyadoo khilaaf xoogan ka dhex jiro labada masuul kaas oo maalinba maalinka ka dambeysa soo ifbaxaya. Beelo badan oo jiida hore ee dagaalka Puntland ee Tukaraq lagu soo daabulayey illaa bilowgii sanadkaan ayaa dib ugu noqday deegaanadii ay ka yimaadeen kadib dagaal aan daacad laga ahayn iyo daryeel xumo kusoo wajahday jiidaha hore. Shacabka Puntland ayaa iweydiinaya haddii illaa bishii koowaad ee sanadkaan aan weli la xoreyn tuulada Tukaraq imisa ayey maaweelada Gaas socon kartaa ee ah Laascaanood waan xoreynaynaa iyadoo inta Tukaraq la heysto kayar doorashada Puntland ka harsan tahay? Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Gaas oo Qurbajoogta Puntland kamid ah, doorashada kadibna ku noqonaya dalweynaha Mareykanka ayaan marna niyada ku heyn dagaal uu amro oo lagu xoreeyo deegaanada Puntland ka maqan. Sidoo kale waxaa jira siyaasiyiin badan oo doorashada Puntland sugaya 2019 kuwaas oo aan marna raali ka aheyn dagaal aan natiijadiisa la ogeyn iyo wakhtiga uu qaadanayo iyadoo Madaxweyne Gaas si cad dhigiisa musharixiinta ugu sheegay in dagaalku daba dheeraanayo taas oo muuqata. Laxariir Short URL: admin Comments are opened 300x250 ad code [Inner pages] Home RSS © 2018 Allshacabka. All Rights Reserved. Log in - Designed by PO TEAM
  19. Wondering which group is @galbeedi rooting for? mise isaguna waa farac kale.