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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I remember social media melted down when Berbera issue was hot cakes. I did not even get a single feed on my FB page regarding this. Maybe the odd one or two. It is yet another testimony to the hypocrisy of the fake "Somalinimo" pedlars.
  2. Awoowe, waxa hore loo yidhi "af qadhmuun, afkii hadii isa saarsaartay, qadhmuun mooye wax kale oo kala faa'iideen ma jidho..." akaka Boowe, hadii MJteeniya isku qanciysay in dhaqaalaha lagala dagaalamo Somaliland, adiga ayuunba khiyaali isugu sheekayay cid kale oo wax kaa dhagaysanaysa ayaa iska yar. Kaam ayaa Garoowe warsaxaafadeed been ah isku maaweelisay oo Somaliland ku tilmaamtay Alshabaab? cid ka hoos qaaday ama war ku so celisay miyaa jirta? Boowe, nin kaa xoog wayn, kaa horimarsan, kaa horeeya oo kaa sokeeya, la iskuma qaad qaado... casharka maamulka Garoowe sanadkan loo dhigo, caruurta ayaa dugsiga lagu bari doona sanado badan.
  3. Since he too rewrites Somaliland's name with double-quotes, there is nothing stopping us from rewriting his name according to how we see fit. Formalities aside, facts on the ground is what counts, his office in Hargeisa says "Somaliland and Somalia". What counts is that, he can't push his agenda which is the federalism for Somalia in Somaliland, he can't do anything that is against Somaliland. Hence, his "Somalia" is just a label.
  4. I am not too sure if we have read the same letter. Read it again. Somaliland is not backing off an inch of its claims and it is the UN that needs to come to terms with those facts. Basically, there is no compromise from Hargeisa. Take it or leave it. The UN, as the trustee for Villa AMISom and by extension Ex-Italian Colony, will force its puppets to accept those facts. Watch this space.
  5. It is a diplomatic speak, nothing more. Taking the morale high grounds, while at the same doing the damage. Like I said previously, While Garoowe is between a rock and a hard place, a ceasefire or no ceasefire, both situations works well with Somaliland.
  6. You do have lots of hope, in a very hopeless situation.
  7. Mr. Keating is the trustee of the Villa AMISom, he has no influence nor sway on Somaliland whatsoever. In fact, he would be lucky if Somaliland does not declare him persona-non-grata as was done to a previous SRSG by former President Egal (AUN). It is good that Somaliland did not address him in this email. Putting him in his place. He can't talk to Somaliland like he talks to Villa AMISom's puppet leaders. He will be schooled bad.
  8. Somalia's Unity cannot be forced on people that do not want it. You know it very well as much as I know it. They can't change reality on the ground either by means of military might. Equally, relying on foreigners to keep that unity for you, will have its limits. Foreigners will only obey that at their own disposal and own interests. The unity that Villa AMISOM is looking for is found in Hargeisa not in Nairobi or London or New York. And certainly not in Mogadishu itself. Any other way, and it is just gacmo daalis iyo ruwaayad. Yes, the ruwaayad might seem at some point close to reality but it is a ruwaayad no-more, no-less. With this fiasco backfiring spectacularly as was the previous ones regarding Berbera Port/Military base agreements. Both going ahead after Mogadishu's tantrums were dismissed like a sideshow. Yet both highlight the fact that Mogadishu puppet leaders are just merely dreaming. They still think that they have any power, when in fact its not. And what small power is discharged by powers that be i.e. IC/ UN/AU. Moreover, these missteps by the rookie politicians is only playing to Somaliland's play book.
  9. Tell that to the agoontii abahood la dilay. A sister in-law's dad was among those who were killed in Jigjiga area by the regime. He was called to accept metal of honour for his bravery on the battlefields, only to be killed for no apparent reason. That is the pain that no one will forget.
  10. Scripted and rehearsed... still lack of tone, confidence and presentation.
  11. Hargeisa needs a new visionary mayor for sure.
  12. MBC was elected to challenge the statusquo. Farmaajo has been forced to take positions that will hepl Somaliland's case not lessen. If the IC continues with its arrangements, it is clear lost for Villa AMISOM. Failmajo has shot himself in the foot. This only plays to Somaliland's position. The IC were dumbfunded when Failmajo objected to the development of Berbera, and now this? Now that the IC and Somaliland have the same position, we need to pressure for IC to raise Somaliland's status to attend and participate in decision making circles.
  13. Boowe, Ciidanka Qaranku Somaliland meelsha u dagay ee uu kalsoonida ku joogaa waa banaanka cad ee Tukaraq iyo Garoowe u dhaxaysa.. halkaa ayu ku caano maalaya oo hilib iyo subag loogu keenay. Awoowe, runtu waa taa, bootada iyo baalaxooftada waa waxa Garoowe yaala @galbeediiyo duul kale oon ku aqoon u sheeg.
  14. Only from the Pirateland folks would one see such a ludicrous & laughable comment like the one above. Who is actually crying? Oh, I see, the one that whipped your behind in the battlefields and still holds your customs outpost where you just 6 months ago extorted money from travellers? Or is it the one that is on TV 24 hours like a Turkish Soap Opera crying about "women and kids, please take to the streets"... Are we living in the same realm of reality? I am not sure which parallel world you are living my friend. The ceasefire that Somaliland is got on the table is one that says... forget about Tukaraq, stay where you are until we consolidate our gains in Tukaraq and until such time we deem right to come after you once again in your new hideout at a time of our choosing. That is what MBC is asking you to accept.
  15. I am sure Ethiopians have consolidated their grip more, not less.
  16. Garoowe clan enclave have been reduced to what they really are, clan enclave masquarading as a proper respectable Administration. And they know it, which is why they have gone rogue , even accusing Dahabshiil. I no longer see any difference between the stooges in Garoowe and Daahir Alasaw. Daahir Calasaw levelkiisi ayaa hada la marayaaa. Open clanism, baseless daily accusations... you name it. Shamelessness to the max. They no longer act like a respectable administration.
  17. I wouldn't discount the UAE, as we know what it is doing elwhere in more powerful regions and countries. The chemistry is revealing though.
  18. The irony is not lost on anyone with half a brain. In fact, for Bay & Bakool regions, we are not talking about a future event... it is happenned already.
  19. LIke I said, it is not a question about what Somaliland gained, which is obviously clear. It is what Somaliland lost in the process that you need to explain to the gallery. Somaliland didn't lose reputation, friends nor land. The women and kids on the street, it is a dejavu of 2007. It will take its natural course and soon you will see them waving the flags of the national political parties.
  20. The question is not what has Somaliland gained or benefited - which is obvoius, it is what has Somaliland lost?
  21. At least you have to give to Somaliland for being open and transparent about its affairs. No one knows how much the Turks paid (if any at all) for the 25 year management of Mogadishu Port. The same for Bosaso. No one knows about the share holding details. Anyway, it is good that our haters are falling over each other trying to to copy our lead. But in doing so, they are doing more harm to themselves than they get out of it. I honestly failed to see the the business case behind granting additional 4. Perhaps 1? But 4 ports? Can @Galbeedi and other Cheeseman apologists shed some light on the thinking behind this?
  22. The four ports could be Bosaso, Hobyo, Mogadish and Kismayo for all it is worth.