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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The irony is not lost Samafal. Somaliland is asking you politely to bendover so it can give you a quick swift boot. And when you fall to the ground, then extend a helpful hand and telling you "that was fun! can you bendover again, please?". And you are here saying "ooh, I allowed them to kick my behind, they begging me... duh!".
  2. Gooniyow, hadaan ku idhaahdo awooda ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland iyo awoodii Ciidankii Siyad Barre ee 1977, waa is celiyaan. Ima rumaysan doontid. Laakin waa run. Laakin adigu kolay xaasid ayaa tahay oo waligaa guulsha Somaliland inaad qirtid waa laf dhuun gashay ayay kugu tahay.
  3. Like Maakhiri said. Only a dimwit can translate this as weakness. But the alternative if the peace offer is not taken is very well clear. The political shackles will be removed from the army. Somaliland's army obeys the policies and politics of Hargeisa leaders. Its within that framework that Gen. Taani is speaking of. MBC has made assurances to our friends in the International Community that Somaliland will not go beyond Tukaraq but it won't be going back either. If however Garowe does not stick to that same assurance as well, then MBC has made it clear that the army will finish this nuisance once and for all.
  4. Nuux Taani hadal waayeel oo qofkii wax garad ah fahmaayo ayu kula taliyay maamulka daciifka ah ee Garoowe. We will beat you in the battlefield but you will not expect from us to damage your dignity. We will give you a way out of your own mess. Somalidu waxay tidhaa, doqontu cad ciida loogu daadiyay sad bursiimo ma moodo. Nabadda Somaliland ugu baaqayso Garowe, rag badan ayay u cuntami la dahay. But this is the best offer you can get.
  5. The question that remains unanswered here is who is fooling who?
  6. laascanood( Waabarigi Saaka Abaare 3:30 aroornimo laga maqlay rasaas socotay daqiiqao kooban. Rasaastan oo laga maqlay saldhig xaafadeedka Daaqi halkaas oo ay ku sugan yihiin police u dhalatay deganka. Weerarkan ayaa la sheegay inay gaysteen Kooxo gudaha magaalada keena Khamri kuwaas oo maanta ay gacanta kaga dhigeen ciidanka nabadgalyada xaafada daami. Maamulka Maxamuud Saleebaan Ayaa Sheegtay weerarkan kooxaha Khamriga keena magalada Laascaanood ay ku qaden saldhiga xaafada Daami. Iskusoo wada duuboo khasaraha uu gayatay weerarkan ayaa la shegay inuu yahay dhawac fudud oo soo gaadhay Haweenay waayeel ah oo xabadahan u gudbeen. Wixii kasoo kordha kala soco Allssc
  7. Mr. Gamal's visit to East Sanaag prompted Somaliland to punish Puntland. Now Mr. Gamal again may unwittingly cause a rift between Puntland and the IC, whereby the IC may withdraw its funding all together. Kan yar cashar fiican ayaa loo dhigaya.
  8. By clan association. But by any other attribute, he is a reer Banadir. Born in banadir, raised in Banadir and spent majority of his time in North America. In any case, tolaayay'da Gaas, dad badan ayay qaawisay oo politically ceel dheer ku dhacay.
  9. I have no doubt that the other regional states have little or no knowledge of this, if at all. It is just Prozac Gaas' clan fiefdom, even causing unnecessary embarassaments for Villa AMISom who got slapped like a misbehaved toddler. And now Prozac Gaas couldn't take no for answer and wants his own smack down.
  10. This is so good for Somaliland in many ways, politically and diplomatically. For the first time, Somaliland and the IC are on the same side while the thugs and puppets are throwing tantrums from the side.
  11. Somaliland National Army Chief says, Tukaraq will grow like all other towns grew after the Army moved in and businesses boomed. After just 6 months, Tukaraq gets a shining new MCH building with fully funded medics room, nurses and other amenities. A new police station soon to open. A school is in the works. Tukaraq will prosper.
  12. A Day after Somaliland forces took over the Garowe' extortion outpost of Tukaraq.
  13. Muj. Muse Bixi inu xaduudka tagaayo, reer Somaliland oo dhan ayaa dhinac taagan. Prof. Cali Khaliif ayaa safka hore kaga jira.