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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Rumour has it that Cheeseman was forced to sign the 4 ports in exchange for Cheesema's request for Abiye to not release Qalbi-dhagax. Abiye not only got the ports but released Qalbi-dhagax, talk about killing a stone with two birds.
  2. Two words I never seen any northerner use before. Sxb, ma reer koonfur ayaa la caano maashay? Also, you keep on using the word "ninyow" which is a Puntland street word...
  3. Qalbi-dhagax oo Mogadishu ku so wajahan. It is like a murderer who tried to hide his victim's dead body in the woods and all of a sudden see the victim knocks on the front door. The shock on Cheeseman's face.
  4. Perhaps he has no "credibility" according to Pirate boys but he has huge following and supporters. I think Mogadishu is better off with someone who is a realist as Sherif Ahmed.
  5. You guys need a new independence day. The day AMISOM and all its testicles leave, I suggest that is the day you can honestly celebrate. But while a Ugandan overlords Mogadishu streets, you are far from Independent.
  6. Halkii laga hadlaayay iyo waakaa Gooni dhaafay hadalkii. Awoowe, faras indho'la ayad toocinaysa, inta uu jarka kaala boodaayo aan ku yara dhawrno. Kolay waxa hore loo yidhi kaadi-badane waa loo gogol badiya. Cheeseman maha qof isago ikhtiyaarkiisa go'aan u gaadhi kara. Dhawr jeer oo isku dayay inu yar boodboodo, arinkii Berbera tusaale, gidaar adag ayu madaxa ka so jaray. Inta waliba dharbaaxo loogu daray ayaa loo sheegay itaalkiisa. Boowe, waaqiciga hortaada yaal indhaha u kala fur. Wax ka baro waayaha, la iskama riyoodo oo sidaad jeceshay aad nafta ku maaweelisid, aduunku uma shaqeeyo. Maaweelada caruurta ugu sheeke, laakin waligaa rag lalama hor yimaado. Waa talo. Wada-hadalkan, maha mid ka yimid Hargeisa iyo Mogadishu, waa mid dadka aduunkan ilaahay ka sakaw majaraha u haya ay dabada ka riixayaan. Hadii uu madmad kaa galay halka uu ku dhamaan doono wada hadalkan, waxaad si fiican u dhugata waraaqdii u danbaysay ee Jaalle Cheeseman loogu caqli celiyay iyo lana hoga tusaaleeyay cida amarka iska leh.
  7. A geniune question, what are you celebrating? Unity? Soveriegnty? Country? Can our Buluugley crew jot down what exactly they are celebrating?
  8. What I know is that UAE is a tool of America. What credit they get is more or less in line with USA's policy. It is open secret that the USA had a lot to do with the changes in the internal affairs of Ethiopia.
  9. There are indeed a political and diplomatic seismic shift going on in the region. It is being re-organised in a way that is very different to the status-quo. I think the UAE has a lot to do with all these, of course with the tacit and knowing support from uncle Sam. UAE is making waves including throwing huge money, effort to re-align things. I wouldn't discount the sudden changes have a lot to do with China's take over of Djibouti. We all remember how the, then, State Secretary of USA toured the region like few months ago. It seems things got bad. With Eritrea in the game now, thanks largely to UAE. Djibouti is being squeezed from different sides. Latest news, DP World is to build a dry port in Ethiopia which will have direct links to Berbera (And in the near future Asab Port).
  10. Meleeshiya beeleedka koonfurta Somaliya ayaad si fiican u cabirtay. Waana sababta meesha u dagi la dahay. Dadka hore umaray ee Somaliland ayay inta afka ku so tagaan, halka ay kaga dayan lahaayeen wanaaga iyo kala danbaynta iyo professionalismka.
  11. Somaliland's situation is unique. I don't want to sound like a broken record. But lets just agree to disagree here.
  12. Speaking of legal mandate. What is the legal mandate of Federal Gov't of Somalia over Somaliland? We can all agree on key facts here... 1. Somalia and Somaliland formed the Somali Republic on Jul 01 1960... 2. That Republic ended when dictatorship took-over the country and nullified the democratic constitution and formed a new Republic - Socialist Democratic Republic of Somalia. 3. The dictator was overthrown and Somalia became a failed state 4. MBagathi Conference, Somalia's warlords signed agreement to form a Federal Republic. Somaliland never participated in any peace conference to reconstitute the failed republic, hence any new constitution without the consent of the people of Somaliland has no legal binding. Unless you want to belief your own dreams. Besides, Somaliland's lack of recognition by IC, is not a legal issue, it is a political issue.
  13. Economy Update: 1. Mentioned that design and costing of Berbera Corridor highway has been completed, construction to start early next year 2. Announced Berbera Port expansion phase 1 wills start construction in December this year. 3. Announced Berbera Free Zone will get started early next year. 4. Oil & Gas - First Oil well drilling campaign to start second quarter of 2019. Completion of RAK Gas's Berbera 2D seismic imaging.
  14. For almost 12 years, this midget has shaped the politics of South Somalia. He has been the Malcolm in the middle in every dispute and the deal maker in every agreement from Col. Yey's day til about few months ago. You have to salute the man. Gaal dil, gartiina sii. Taariikhda baal dahab ah ayu uga galay Ethiopia.
  15. Key points: 1. Talks about how Somaliland's foundations are built on peace and resolving differences under the tree. 2. Talks about the fact that Ex-Italian Somalia is now united from corner to corner in their hostilitity towards Somaliland's peace, development and even now foreign support. 3. Talks about the Ga'an Libah GX Conference why its conclusion will make Somaliland stronger and united. 4. Talks about efforts to bring about lasting peace to the brotherly clans of El-Afwayne (habar-lamaan clans) and why both gov't and stakeholders will make this effort succeed this time. 5. Promises the pursuit of more just, democratic, united Somaliland.
  16. I am glad that Bluugleh is being raised in a city that is under foreign occupation. The exact opposite of what this day should have symbolised - a day when the first Somali terrirtory became free of foreign control. Equally, I am glad Somaliland's flag has been raised in exactly the same spot that this day symbolises in a free, democractic country. A stark contrast. I know which of the two situations our forefathers would be proud of today.
  17. Panic from Daddy's army? Sxb, odeyaasha ha so dhibina oo ha so lug'goynina.
  18. As expected the small speech is full of factually incorrect historic events and he mixes Ex-Italian colonial history with Somaliland's.
  19. Waxaan soo xasuustay qisadii class'ka 2yooda lagu dhigijiray ee 'Abno-waas iyo Beeno-waas'... maxaa khiyaali la isugu sheekayay.
  20. Xaalimo Soofe ayuunba u dhiman frontline ka.. inay ka buraanburto. A serious note, did they fail to read the script correct? Calling reservists is a sign of trouble. Reservists are civilians who sign up for army or do part time training... by no means reservists regarded as Comando unit. Commando units are full time army members... Waa khiyaaliga Saop Operaha scriptka xataa si fiican looma prove check garayn.
  21. Maamulkii Garowe oo ruwaayad iyo khiyaali ka dhamaan la. Qosolka aduunka.