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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. You can put a lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. Nabadda laga baryi maayo qabiil iyo maamulka Garoowe toona. Like Mudane Baashe said below, peace will be imposed by force if necessary. "Hadii Ina Camay iyo Gaas nabadda diidanyihiin, Indhahooda oo shan ayay nabad dhacaysa..."
  2. @Old_Observer What Galbeedi is drooling about is a return to the 1980s when the SNM clans were on the recieving end of a well organised ethnic cleansing program led by sworn enemies who are now all ended up as Refugees in the Western countries. It seems he has not learned a thing or two from that history. Probably he thinks that things are different. Ha karaamo seegina habaar lagu kari waa...
  3. Galbeedi is a knowledgeable person, no doubts. However, his pationate hate for Hargeisa shroud his objectivity and reasoning. His analysis would have been sound if it doesn't end up bending towards wishful thinking at the end of it.
  4. Dawlada Isku Tega Imaaraada Carabta Oo Shaacisay Kaalinta Ay Ku Lahayd Heshiiska Ay Wada Gaadheen Dalalka Itoobiya Iyo Eretria Wasiirka oo hadaladan ku faafiyey barta uu ku leeyahay shabakada ay bulshadu ku wada xidhiidho ee Twitter- ka oo uu si aad ah wararkiisa ugu faafiyo ayaa waxaa uu ugu horeyn ka hadalayaa arinta khatarta iyo fursadaha is bar bar yaala ee uu ku sheegay gobalka Geeska Africa isaga oo qoraalkiisa ku bilaabay " Shaqo adag oo aan sannado badan ku taageeraynay xasiloonida , la dagaalanka Argagixisada iyo budhcad badeeda Soomaliya iyo dedaalo horumarineed oo aanu ka geysanay Jabuuti iyo Somaliland , iyo sidoo kale xidhiidhka siyaasiga ah ee aan ka dhex samaynay Itoobiya Iyo Eretria , waxaa uu Imaaraadku ku kasbadey inuu noqdo saxiib laga qadariyo Geeska Africa , Horuumad na ka ah Joogitaanka Carbeed ee gobalka Muhiimka ah " ayuu yidhi Boorama News
  5. Gaas and Co. underestimated the Somaliland resolve. Indeed, they thought by unleashing clanish Qaylo-dhaan, they can scare off Somaliland and get it to back off. But all they done now is that they actually dug themselves a deep hole, which is both unconfortable to dig themselves out and dangerous as stimulated clans could revolt and backfire spectecularly. One thing is for certain, Gaas is in a very unconfortable position, damned if does, damned if he don't. I wouldn't to be in his shoes at this moment.
  6. It is all unravelling already. I was giving them at least until October.
  7. I wish Abiye Ahmed good lucks with his changes. It is good for Ethiopia and region. I am particularly looking for to his openning up of the economy. That is a game changer for Somali business community. As far Somaliland is concerned, it is not much different than the change between Mingistu to Meles, Meles to Disalegn, Disalegn to Abiye... we will deal with each the same way.
  8. I can detect the change in assessment, between a few months ago and today. This Tukaraq thing is done. Mark my words. Somaliland has already began consolidating the gains and it is not going anywhere. Your comments regading moving the conflict further afield doesn't hold water either. Nothing will change as far as how things where. The current hightened tensions will subside and it will business as usual.
  9. The Taleex incident was a cowardly act by cowards. It is not going to win you anything. It is just shows your desparations, you will stoope to any level. hadii aad dhimanayso, dhareerka waa la iska duwaa... sida jabhad yar oo hopeless ah looma dagaalamo. I think we are giving you more respect than you are proving yourselves for. I have to give you that there is more fighting on Social media than on the ground in Tukaraq. While Somaliland is already moved on building schools, MCHs and roads for Tukaraq community.
  10. With regards to how they will be able to maintain the ragtag melitias, that will be visible for everyone in the next couple of months. But one thing is for certain, this will continue to drain badly needed cash from Gaas. How Gaas balances his urge to raid the state coffers for his own political survival vis-a-vis keeping a dignified face on the Tukaraq front. That will be sight to watch.
  11. The IC has asked Somaliland to go back to Gambadhe... MBC gave them the big finger!!! Instead, MBC promised the IC that Ciidanka Qaranka will not push for new ground. Whereas, maamulka Garoowe, is between a rock and a hard place. And it seems, as things are standing, they have accepted MBC's offer i.e. ka samir Tukaraq.
  12. You can tell that to 5 year old kids. They will believe you. How disappointing. And before you know it, it is 10 years and the cycle will continue. I think I have watched this film before. I know where it will end... Yoocada will be the next talking point. Cabdilahi Yusuf ---> Adhicadeeye Cadde Muse --> Laascaanood Faroole --> Gambadhe Gaas ----> Tukaraq ??? ----> Yoocada
  13. Horseed News, one of the few respectable news sources from Puntland, covers the interesting spanner that MBC's Tukaraq move has thrown into the Garowe's Presidential selection processes. Hakinta Hawlgalka Tukaraq ee Madaxweyne Gaas, iyo Damaca Muddo Kororsiga – Qaybta 1aad Source Horseed News Here Horseed actually reveals the ragtag clan melitia is now larger than the actual puntland melitia. If anyone can read between the lines here, it is actually a cause for great concern for anyone in Garowe. Clan melitia men who no longer obey the central command, is a recipe for civil unrest, specialy in a time when power is being challenged by different factions in Garowe. Our resident guru @galbeedicould help make few comments and predictions on this. All in all, Tukaraq may actually become a footnote rather than the actual news.
  14. There are known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns... this is known unknown unknowns.
  15. @Peace Action As Garowe approaches the pointed end of the (s)electioneering cycle, Gaas will be tempted to raid the state coffers in hope to buy votes etc. hence, I predict things to get worse in the next few months. By October this year, you will see the visible signs of breakdown. One thing to keep an eye on are the clan militiamen that belong to competing factions who are congregated in Garowe's vicinity..
  16. The only way for Somaliland is forward. It is a political suicide for MBC to even come back an inch from Tukaraq. Besides, It is not even registered in the public opinion in Somaliland that there is anything remotely called war taking place in Tukaraq. In fact, it is Business as usual as far as the army is concerned. Somaliland already, with or without a standoff, maintains a huge army, peace or no peace. So the expenses is consistent. Whereas Maamulka Garoowe had to dig deep and call up clan melitias - all of which is adding up more cost which was not budgetted for. At the same time, the active maintenance of day to day needs of these additional men keeps cash in very short supply. The Sanaag issue is local griefance. Clans were fighting each since time memorial. The Gov't and nation is now making peace between the local clans there.
  17. Dagaalkii Qarniga was the farce that occurred 25th of May.
  18. Naf la caari are those who were on TV begging for women and kids to take to the streets - not just begging but crying for it. Well the 3 stooges have been missing from their daily Saop Opera for the past 2 weeks and we now know why. The Pirate enclave is in deep financial crisis. Also, other unverified news, but from credible sources, say that some of the clan melitia have vocated and went back to their homes. In the meantime, Gaas is very much worried about Qardho clan melitia establishing a strong presence in Garowe, the hagbad/Ayuuto is their turn come 2019.
  19. The Pirates seem to be confused. Prof. Ahmed Ismaciil Samatar is a card-carrying Kulmlye Party leader. He is no different to any other Somaliland leader that visited the region before or will visit afterwards. But one thing this tells everyone is that, Somaliland is in complete control of those areas. And like General Nuux Taani said in his interview below, the Army is capable of reaching the borders and flushing the ragtag clan melitia from Pirate enclave, but they are obeying the political leader's who have asked the army to not go beyond their current line.
  20. Daacad iyo Siyaasad meel ma wada galaan. If you want daacad, you are in the wrong business. Besides, I disagree the gist of your argument here. I think the one in Mogadishu still chasing his tail. Sooner or later he, too, will give up. The one in Hargeisa, as the saying goes "xeedhada salkeedii ayu soo taabtay" as far as Unionism and Mogadishu is concerned.
  21. Hada Gooni ma Professorka ayu isku dhererinaya? Somalida waxay meel u gaadhi wayday Taxi driver ayaa Professor isku dhererinaya. Iska daa dadka bini aadamka ah, hal xoolo oo xadka ka talawday maba jirto. Awoowe, xataa xoolaha ayaa garanaya inaan la isku halayn karin maamulka MJteeniya. Dadku wali waa xasusanyihiin 1991kii kolkii hablaha/dumarka beesha Garaadka Bosaso dhexdeeda lagu fara xumeeynaayay.