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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. PA/ What political strategy? ... the clan card won't work. Yes, a few will get stimulated and excited by the clanish battlecry, but that is all. At the end of the day, you are crying out from Garowe. That is about it. While Somaliland is hard at work, delvering projects.
  2. Gaas underestimated Somaliland's resolve. He is now slowly but surely backing away retreating backwards while still making those empty threats.. soon he will start to run like Forest Gump. With the 3 stooges missing from the airwaves and social media, there is disquiet among those who were initially sold the false promises specially in the diaspora. The locals women and kids that were being used in Laascanood are now going back to about their normal daily lives. Gaas' biggest worry now is the clan melitia from Qardho who are roaming around Garowe streets.
  3. Other news, the KDF also burned down Hormood Telco building and Cell Tower - the second time in the past 12 months.
  4. Dhacdo Murugo leh: Ciidamada Kenya oo Haween Soomaaliyeed ku Kufsaday Gobolka Gedo iyo Sida wax u dhaceen Muqdisho ( Kalshaale ) Mas’uuliyiinta magaalada Beled Xaawo ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in haween dhowr ah lagu kufsaday degaan hoos yimaada magaalada Beled Xaawo oo lagu magacaabo Bakoolow. Mas’uuliyiinta ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey cidda ay tuhunsan yihiin in falkaasi ka dambeeyeen oo ah Ciidamada Keny. Falkan ayaa dhacay maalintii shalay sida ay sheegeen mas’uuliyiinta Beled Xaawo. Gabdhaha la kufsaday ayaa gaarayo ilaa shan gabdhood sida uu sheegay Guddoomiyaha Beled Xaawo Maxamuud Xayd Cusmaan iyadoo ay ku jirtay hal gabar oo yar oo aan weli la guursan. Guddoomiyaha Beled Xaawo ayaa sheegay inay Gabdhaha geeyeen Isbitaal isla markaasna baaritaanka lagu ogaaday in gabdhahaan la kufsaday isla markaasna laga diyaariyey warbixin loo gudbiyey madaxda Ciidamada Kenya. HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO WARBIXINTA IYO WARAYSIGA Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in arrintaan baaritaan lagu sameyn doono isla markaasna sharciga la horkeeni doono ciddii falkaas geysatay, Saraakiisha Ciidamada Kenya Falkan dhacay ilaa hadda kama aysan hadlin.
  5. Lax walba shilka ay is dhigto ayaa lagu gawracaa... I do not have any issues with the people of Djibouti, after all, we are the same people. But their gov't is a difference story. Hopefully this challenge will lead the gov't in Djibouti to reassess and take a hard look at its policies specially towards Hargeisa.
  6. No need for that Nin aad fadhiga kaga adagtay looma sara joogsado. With so little effort and no lost of life, Somaliland was able to gain so much land including Tukaraq. We are not in a hurry but rest assured there is only one direction that we are going. In any case. I just found it odd that a State TV that supposedly gets its funds from Gov't will stoope to the level of airing advertisement. Coupled with Gaas and Camay crying for "waar hal dollar kolay ku tahay wax noo taraysa.." to the diaspora. There is no doubt money is in short supply.
  7. The noose getting tighter on old Djibouti dictator. he danced on the heads of so many snakes but this time, he chewed more than he could swallow. .
  8. I am not saying it is a bad thing at all. All I am saying here is that Garowe is strugling financially that it can't guarantee funding to its mouth piece TV station. Here in Oz, we are actually having this debate right now. The gov't has proposed to spinoff ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) as a private business. Currently it is owned and funded by the gov't but in all honesty it is fiercely independent in its editorial and political positions. There are pros and cons in both options. Currently the station which also operates a number of other subsidery stations for different segments of society i.e. kids, youth and news stations, focuses more on quality programs. Doubters are saying that if it is privatised, it will impact that quality since it will chase after money making productions rather than community focused programs like it is now.
  9. Listen to Gaas' speech in Belgium, he is decrying that the diaspora can't even support the operations of the TV station. Going into the commercial business puts the privately owned TV stations from that region in a bit of a disadvantage. They are competing with a gov't half funded station for the same market.
  10. @galbeediyou are always behind the curve, betting on the wrong horse. This Oromo dude is just a place holder for the Amhara, if you didn't know. In another words, a temporary error waiting to be correct in due course.
  11. No. In my neck of the woods, it is called Commercial TV not State TV.
  12. @galbeedi's wild dreams continues... The Oromo choking Jeegeaanta episode, Tukaraq unravelling Jeegaanta episode... Ceel Afwayn clan fighting deliving the knockout punch... and now this episode. The plot is getting thicker and the drama gettings interesting - Not!. You are out doing yourself awoowe.
  13. I predicted this. Gaas will not risk a war against Somaliland. As the new reality sinks in, the locals will have to make decisions. I am sure defending Garowe was not part of what they signed up for.
  14. President Muse Bihi was offered the same status as President Siilaanyo's 2012 London Conference. President Muse Bihi rejected it. President Siilaanyo signed the Special Arrangement in 2012. Unless the IC is willing to invite Somaliland and Somalia as two equals, he won't send a delegation there. Ilaahay idinkii iyo gacmahaaga ayaa biyo lagaga dherga. I agree totally, we do not need donations with strings attached.
  15. FIFA is a backward undemocratic, corrupt organisation. Think of Qatar 2022 and the level of corruption. It was one of those organisations that fight change because the way things are suits best to those who are currently milking it for personal gains.