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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. cuqdada nafsiyan aad u qabto SNM waxay ku baday inaad sadarka hore ku yastid guulsha SNM gaadhay. Halka tuduca ku xigta adigu isku marag kacaysid in guusha fudud ee USC ka keentay Koonfurta xidhiidhkeedu yahay guulsha adkayd ee SNM waqooyi ka keentay. Halka aad qiraalaha dadban aad ku meermeeraysid, waxa ka wanaagsan cad walba sidu yahay inaad u seeftid. Waa talo. hadii anaad la socon, USC cidi hubaysay ee ciidankii ugu horeeyey siisay SNM ayay ahayd.
  2. For Djibouti this was a kick in the guts. At a time when Djibouti is feeling lonely and encircled, for Cheeseman to backstab her.
  3. Xafladii 1da Agoosto oo baaqatay & khilaaf siyaasadeed oo Garoowe ka Jira. Garoowe (HM):- Dowladda Puntland oo dhismaheedii laga joogo mudo 20 sano ah,waxaa guud ahaan laga diyaar garoobay magaalooyinka waweyn si loo xuso munasabadda 1 agoosto oo ah xilli ku adan 20 guuradii dhashada Puntland 1998. Waxaa caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe bishaan kusoo qulqulayey marti katimi gudaha & dibadda Puntland oo lagu casumay ka qaybgalka munasabadd weyn ee dhalashadii dowladda Puntlan. Nasiib daro waa baaqatay oo ma dhicin in la xuso, waxaan jirto cid xukuumadda Puntland kamid ah oo u sharaxday ummadda Puntland sababta baajisay xafladda,waxase Jira warar lagu kalsoonyahay oo sheegay in uu jiro khilaaf siyaasadeed oo soo kala dhex galay Madaxda Puntland & tan Dowladda Faderalka Soomaaliya,iyadoo ay wali garowe kusuganyihiin wafdiga uu horkacayo raisalwasaare xasan cali kheyre. Maanta inteeda badan waxaa aqalka madaxtooyadda Puntland kulan uga socday xukuumadda iyo xubno ka tirsan golayaasha kale ee dowladda oo uu shir gudoominayo madaxweyne Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali,waxaana lagu falanqeeyey munasabadda 1-da Agoosto, Shirka Golaha wasiiradda Faderalka oo hore loo qorsheeyey in Garoowe lagu qabto maalinta khamiista ah, iyadoo ay hore u dhacday in shirka golaha lagu qabto hadba meel kamid ah caasimadaha Maamul goboleedyadda Soomaaliya. Shirka oo waqti badan qaatay waxaa kasoo baxay in aan munasabadu qabsoomin iyo in aan la qaban shirkii loo balansanaa ee xukuumadda Raysalwasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre, magaaladda Garoowe waxaa galinkii danbe iyo caawa ka socda kulamo gooni-gooni ah oo arintaas ku adan wallow aanay jirin xal rasmi ah oo laga gaaray. Arintaan ayaa la sheegay in ay salka ku hayso kadib markii uu ka baaqday dhagax dhigga dakadda Garacad Raisal wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre oo la sheegay in ay jadwalkiisa kamid ahayd. Galinkii danbe ee manta waxaa garoonka diyaradaha ee Gen Maxamed Abshir Garowe kasoo degay xubno katirsan golaha wasiiradda Dowladda Faderalka Soomaaliya oo u yimi Puntland in ay kaqayb galaan shirka golaha xukuumadda PM Xasan Cali Kheyre,waxayse arintu u badan tahay in ay wafdi dib ugu laabtaan magaaladda muqdisho. wixii warar ah ee kazoo kordha arintaan wararkeena danbe Ayaan idiin kusoo gudbin. Horseed
  4. Allahu Akbar. Guul ayaan u rajayna dhamaan tolka shaydaanku ka dhex shaqeeyay. Amin
  5. A joint IGAD-UNSOM mission visited Garowe, Puntland, and Hargeisa, Somaliland, from 28 to 30 July 2018, to take forward ongoing efforts to find a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Tukaraq area of Sool region. In Garowe, the mission held discussions with President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, Vice President Abdihakim Abdullahi Haji Omar and Traditional Elders from the Sool region. In Hargeisa, they met with President Muse Bihi Abdi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Saad Shire, and other members of the Cabinet, together with members of the two Houses of Parliament, as well leaders of the UCID and WADDANI opposition political parties, representatives from civil society and a committee of Somaliland elders and entrepreneurs who are working with their counterparts from Puntland to de-escalate tensions and create conditions that should allow a peaceful solution and restore the free flow of people, goods and services between Puntland and Somaliland. The mission discussed with the interlocutors some ideas on how they could work towards resolving the Tukaraq crisis and exchanged views on the way forward. The discussions were held in a very positive atmosphere. The leaders of both Somaliland and Puntland and all other interlocutors from both sides reiterated their commitment to finding a peaceful solution. They openly explained their positions, welcomed the ideas from the joint mission as a good basis for taking forward the ongoing search for a solution and shared additional ideas for consideration. The joint IGAD-UN team will now further elaborate the emerging ideas and clarify issues that came up during the discussions, with a view to returning to Puntland and Somaliland for further discussions in the coming days and weeks.
  6. The Amhara have come out strong. They were the hand behind all those protest movements and directing OLF from behind the curtins. In the next general elections, Ahmara wants to return to power. THey are already talking about multiparty system and openning up of the political system. That is their dream and they know it.
  7. Somalia had a chance, if and only if those who were around Afwayne relinguished power. I am talking about those who even after they got chased out of the capital still were power hungry and were dealth with the ultimate humiliation. Had they just opted to all go on exile and transitioned the power to the advancing rebel groups, then that could have made the difference between sending millions of Somalis into Refugee camps and giving Somalis another chance to remake themselves. But they didnt' and rather they choosed to go down the ignoble way. Another chance came, and that is when Somaliland declared its independence, if those in Mogadishu accepted that fact at that time, it could have also shortened the pain and suffering in South Somalia. But again, the southerners choosed to go down the hard and ugly way which is still slowly manifesting itself like a train-wreck in slow motion. Not only is their opposition to Somaliland counter to their "unity" crockdile tears, but also this opposition will conderm any future generation Somalis to never again unite under the one flag. That possibilty is dead not just today but for the future generations.
  8. Is it a bird, is it a Jubba Jumbo Airways, no.. it is...
  9. A rare picture of HSM not smiling...
  10. Xadka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Somalia ee 60kii wuxu ku dhacaa meel u jirta Garowe wax aan ka fogayn 5 km. Khaire ma ku dhacaa inu ka so talaabo xadkaa? Maxay muqadasnimoda midnimodu sheegaysa kol hadii aanu so hawaysan kara hayn dhul ka mid meelaha uu sheeganaayo inu Prime Minister u yahay?
  11. It does or doesn't, that is not the issue. The issue here is Somaliland argument is based on historic reality and once an internationally recognised borders. Puntland is based on tribal clan identity and tribal borders. Puntland should accept defeat and peacefully leave the last village between Tukaraq and Yoocada, that is under their control. Otherwise Somaliland will once again be forced to do the deeds.
  12. It doesn't matter whether it is recognised or not. But the issue here is which border existed and which side do Sool & Sanaag historically fall under? In this argument, Garowe is coming to table with clan identity. And trying to create new tribal/clan borders.
  13. Puntland has no other choice but to accept this. The writing is on the wall. Both the UN/IGAD understand that Somaliland's case is based on respect for borders as inherited from colonial masters. There is no international organisation that will push for tribal/clan borders in Africa. Puntland's argument is Dead on Arrival.
  14. These are the 4 points that the UN/IGAD have tabled and Somaliland has accepted. 1. Cessation of hostilities 2. Humaniterian access 3. Openning communication channels 4. Release of Prisoners... Other issue regarding border issue, will be between Hargeisa and Mogadishu.