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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. If there is anyone who are in despartae life or death, it is people of Gedo.
  2. I think the writing is on the wall for the ONLF. Asmara has given them the move out notice. They have been loosing relevance for too long as well. Their recent support to Ina Iley was like shooting yourself in the leg. How can they support their longtime tormentor? It was mindbogling. I think they will consider themselves lucky if they win a deal allowing them to take part in th running of Somali Regions' affairs.
  3. Axmed Shide oo loo doortay hogaamiyaha xisbiga Dimoqaraadiga Shacabka Itoobiya Axad, August, 12, 2018 (HOL) –Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in Axmed Shide oo ah wasiirka Isgarsiinta Itoobiya loo doortay in uu noqdo guddoomiyaha xisbiga Dumoqaraadiga Soomaalida Itoobiya. Axmed Shide ayaa xilkan ka badali doona madaxweynihii hore ee dowlad deegaanka Soomaaliya Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar oo hadda ku jira gacanta hay’addaha amaanka dalka Itoobiya oo horaantii todobaadkii ina dhaafay ka qabtay magaalada Jigjiga. Saraakiisha ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay in muddada guddoomiyaha cusub uu talada heyn doono ay tahay ilaa laga qabanayo shirweynaha xisbiga. Axmed Shide ayaa ka mid ah marka la eego ragga sida weyn ugu dhaw dhaw ra’iisal wasaaraha xiligan ee Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed waxaana ay u muuqataa in magacaabistiisa ay meesha ka saari doonto siyaasadii muddada dheer uu xisbigaa ku soo hogaaminayay Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar. Dhawaan mar uu hadalay Wasiir Axmed Shide waxaa uu ku sababeeyay fara-galinta ciidamada Itoobiya ee dowlad deegaanka Soomaalida mid ka dhalatay dhibaatooyin is daba –joog ah oo ay abuureen sida uu hadalka u dhigay mas’uuliyiinta maamulkii hore. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online
  4. Somalis may as well bid Good bye to "Article 39" Somali Galbeed people put a lot of faith on Article 39. In the Ethiopian constitution, drafted in 1994, nations and nationalities are promised the right to secede from the ancient empire, if they so chose. This was a powerful social contract between the nations in the anceint empire. That contract may change given the wind blowing across Ethiopia in post TPLF political landscape. Today, I attend a talk given by Andargachew Tsige. Mr. Tsige is the number 2 man for Ginbot 7 party. Ginbot 7 has been involved in an open conflict with EPRDF for several years, and was also an ally of ONLF. PM Abiy removed them out of the terrorist list recently. He is also a former prisoner who was released by PM Abiy. It is recalled that he was kidnapped by EPRDF spies while he was on transit in Yeman. The man told us a lot of moving and emotional personal stories. I was impressed by his modesty and willingness to forgive and forget the crimes committed against him. He sobbed several times and emotion took over him. Most of his stories struck a cord with me. He joined the armed wing of the now defunct Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party (EPRP). As a young boy, I used to read EPRP's outlawed paper, called "Democracia." He so touchingly talked about the headech and agoney he caused his mother after she heard her 20-something boy joining the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Army (EPRA), the armed wing of the party. That too struck another cord with me. I escaped and joined Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF) at the tender age of a mere teenage. I too caused an unnecessary hurt to my famliy. But, I differed with him on his newly-found rejection of the right of nations in Ethiopia to determine their fate. I thought his position and that of his party represented a serious departure from what his party and most of Ethiopia's left-wing politocal operatives believed in the past. But again, each and every political organization in this mosaic former feudal country has the right to chart its own political course and program. That I fully get it. What I don't get is what he told us about the new government's (Abiy's) resolve to soon or later nulify Articke 39. He informed the audience that "both PM Abiy and Lemme are not going to entertain this Article to remain in the constitution. He emphasized that the "idea of dividing Ethiopia is not acceptable to Abiy and Lemma." He spoke definitely about the demise of Article 39. There was no other flag around the room except that of old Ethiopia. Everyone in the room, about 100 of them, REALLY liked his asserssion that there will not be any discussion hereafter about secession. TPLF lost the war and it too cannot bring it back! We will figjt them to their dsfeat, he added. The room exploded with enthusiasm! "ETHIOPIA will not be divided into 80 language groups," he emphasized with such a firm position. He was sure about this more than what I bargained for With that, in my silence I put my sweaty hands on my two cheecks and kept wondering how much Somalis understand the contemporary political environment of Addis Ababa, a city we always remained so alien to it.
  5. Garoowe ama meel adag ha istaagan, ama meel jilicsan ama meel u dhaxaysa. Su'aalsha meesha taal, maxay ka badalaysa Tukaraq? Garowe waxba yaanay kolka geed ku xoqan. Camay waxa laga sugayaa waa Dagaalkii Qarniga...
  6. It doesn't matter whether there are isolated incident here and there. What matters is the fact that the people and their leaders, religious, traditional or politicians are all united to bring lasting peace to Ceel Afwayn. A lasting peace in Ceel Afwayn is obviously something the enemies of Somaliland would not want to see. macaluul ayaa ugu dhimandoonta inta aad is leeday Ceel Afwayn ayaa xumaan ka dhici doonta.
  7. Not too sure. I do not think there is any tax on money transfers. But I do think it should be. In the video, CEO Ahmed mentioned that the total money transfers that come to Somaliland is around 750 million a year. If there was a 5% tax, that could earn the gov't a whopping 35 million dollars. I think if this money is collected and used for community development, it is worth it.
  8. Same here. It has made so much difference. No longer travel to the local Hawala and queue up when sending cash. I now able to send cash to loved ones when I am on train, in the park playing football, or even from my desk at work. Convenience. As of now, you can do all that in Somaliland too. You can make your orders from China or Dubai while you are enjoying the sea and beach or even while you are drinking fresh camel-milk in the country side or hiking up in the Gacan-Libax mountains.
  9. This rat got smoked out from every hideout and his desparation here is cringeworthy. Ha loogu dhaarto, arinkii Ceel Afwayn waa dhamaatay. Beelaha walaalaha waa heshiiyeen. Habaar iyo calaacal wax u dhimi mayso, Ceel Afwayn wadadii horimarka ayay cagta saartay.
  10. It is not about where the Xoolo originated, it is Bosaso' lax (intentional or otherwise) regime regarding testing and quarantining animals. They need to up their game.
  11. The TPLF operate a State within a State. They had been preparing for a day like this and are in a better position than any other region to defend itself and its interests. In terms of Economy, they control most of the money making entreprises and also have their own paramlitary that is equiped with most advanced weaponary including fighter jets. It will take at least 10 years or more for the rest of Ethiopia to be on bar with the TPLF. It will be very interesting to see how Abiye Ahmed navigates or deals with an opposition from TPLF. He will be walking a a very tight rope.
  12. The Oromos want his head. Even he moves to Kismayo he will be renditioned by Cheeseman or Ahmed Kikuuyo.
  13. President of Ethiopia's Somali region resigns The Minister for Information for the Somali region of Ethiopia Idris Ismail has confirmed to the BBC Somali Service that regional President Abdi Mohamud Omar has handed over power and has agreed to step down. This follows days of tension in the Somali region as the Federal Military were deployed to the region. It’s believed that he has been pressured by the federal government to step down following protests and fighting between Somali and Oromo communities. Reports say that more federal troops have been deployed to the regional capital, Jigjiga
  14. Ina Ilay has unleashed Liyu Police ethnic cleanthing of Oromos and other nationalities. law & order is getting out of hand.
  15. maakhiri, I think Ina Ilay is the last person to lead such a cause. It is just mind bogling that a desparado like warlord Cabdi Ilay could try to pull this off. He should have resigned and leave peacefully. This won't do much other than make life harder for the ordinary folks.
  16. It is ok. There were two camps, the gov't camp and the opposition camp. Lets just say the opposition camp won. The Somali State camp included included WSLF, Somali Aabo, various paramlitary clan melitia from Buuhoodle to Laasqorey. Various clan melitia in Awdal. The minority clans like Gaboye, Midigan and Madhibaan. The opposition was just the SNM and USC. Ina Cumar Jees came to the party very late. In any case, if the Somali state was as organised (in terms of armed supporting clans... and military installations etc) in the South as was in the north. I think the USC could have had its work cut out. It could have taken years. And to win a long drawn out war, like the SNM, you will need a lot of things alligned behind the battle front. I think the USC lacked a lot of those key ingridients that make such military campaign successful. The gov't could have divided the USC and defeated, something that they tried time and again but failed with regards to the SNM.
  17. Dubai’s government said on Thursday the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) has ruled DP World’s port container terminal contract in Djibouti was valid and binding. The government of Djibouti seized the Doraleh Container Terminal from DP World in February over a dispute dating back to at least 2012. Dubai government-controlled DP World has called the seizure illegal. “The LCIA Tribunal has ruled that Doraleh Container Terminal’s Concession Agreement ‘remains valid and binding …'” Dubai’s government media office said in a statement, which did not state when the ruling was made. “DP World will now reflect on the ruling and review its options.” Also read: Dubai’s DP World will not consider settlement with Djibouti over port A DP World spokesman referred to the Dubai government statement when contacted by Reuters for comment. Djibouti officials could not be immediately reached for a comment. Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority (DPFZA) said in March it was willing to buy out DP World’s 33 per cent stake in the container terminal to end the row with one of the world’s largest port operators. DP World denied that such an offer had been made. In 2017, the LCIA cleared DP World of allegations of misconduct associated with the terminal concession awarded in 2000.