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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. You surely give Villa AMISom powers that it only dreams about. I think the first thing that Villa AMISom needs to do is to remove the foreign occupying forces and regain legitimacy using its own forces fully funded by its own tax collection. If it can surviive on its own, then it proves that its a gov't by the people for the people. So long it is funded and protected by foreigners, it is a foreign installed gov't and no one wil take it seriously - including Mogadishu residents themselves. Just a doze of reality check.
  2. Halyay Mudane Cali Sandule ilaahay ha cafiyo oo xanuunka ha ka dulqaado. Amin. Cali Sandule nin ku wayn qaranka weeyan. Halyay ka koray qabyaaladda oo Qaranimo ku abtirsada.
  3. This idea was first started in Oodweine region by a Somalilander from Canada. He has now got 5,000 she-camel farm of which he owns none of it. Rather he leases from owners of she-camels. He manages the she-camel while its still in milking season and gives back regular uninterupted payments to the owner. It has proven so popular that now a lot of other smaller business have started the same setup. The WorldBank and EU are now joining this bandwagon. And want to extend this to the rest of Somali inhabitted regions. BBC Africa goes to Hargeisa
  4. Buuhoodle is as lawless as Bosaso is. Where there is no strong administration and security system, all sorts of criminals will find it a safe heaven. As soon as Buuhoodle enjoys the same standards of governance as the rest of Somaliland, then rest assured there will be no place for criminals to hide.
  5. WASIIRO KATIRSANAA MAAMULKA DDSI OO LAGU XIRAY HARGEYSA Ciidamada Soomaaliland ayaa gacanta ku dhigay wasiiro kamid ahaa xukuumaddii Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar kuwaa oo laamaha amaanka ay sheegeen iney si dhuumaaleysi ahaa kusoo galeen Soomaaliland doonayayna iney kasii baxsadaan. Wasiirada xukuumadii Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar ee lagu qabtay hargeysa ayaa kala ah wasiirka caddaaladda Cabdi Jaamac iyo Wasiirka waxbarashada dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida Ibraahim Aadan Mahad oo dhanka xuduudka Wajaale kaga gudbay si qarsoodi ah, balse laamaha amaanka Soomaaliland ayaa sheegay in labada Masuul gacanta lagu dhigay iyaga oo doonayay iney gaaraan caasimada Soomaaliya. Laamaha amaanka Soomaaliland ayaa dhanka kale sheegay labada wasiir iney sheegteen iney yihiin ganacsato kasoo cararay kacdoonkii Magaalada Jigjiga ee dhulka Soomaali Galbeed. Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii uu xilka iska casilay madaxweynihii maamulka Soomaali Galbeed Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar oo sanado xukumayay Maamulkaas, Islamarkaasina Ciidamo badan oo ka socdo Itoobiya ay la wareegeen Jig Jiga. Shalay ayaa Mustafe Cagjar ayaa Loo magacaabay Madaxweynaha Cusub ee DDSI. Mustaf ayaa la soo shaqeeyay Hay’addaha QM, gaar ahaan Hay’adda OCHA,wuxuuna kamid ahaa mucaaradka madaxweynihii Hore.
  6. The fact is, Fat belly Gaas and co, are just barking like dogs without even looking at the evidence out there incriminating folks from Bosaso and erlwhere from Puntland both in terms of financing as well supporting Terrorism. Not to even mentioned illegal activities like Piracy and human trafficking. Fat belly Gaas needs to look into the mirror and take a hard look at himself.
  7. LOL When evidence is presented, is that what you come up? ----- Source: MOHAMED MIRE ALI YUSUF, LIIBAAN TRADING, AND AL-MUTAFAQ COMMERCIAL COMPANY Mohamed Mire Ali Yusuf (Mire Ali) was designated for assisting in, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or financial or other services to or in support of, ISIS. Liibaan Trading and Al-Mutafaq Commercial Company were designated for being owned or controlled by Mire Ali. As of mid-2016, Mire Ali was an ISIS-aligned financial operative who provided funds to U.S.-designated Abdulqadir Mumin (Mumin) for his ISIS-aligned activities. During mid-2016, Mire Ali ran all of his business activities through his company, Liibaan Trading, located in downtown Boosaaso, Somalia. Mire Ali was the sole owner of Liibaan, a livestock trading business that served as a front for ISIS-aligned groups in the Bari region of Somalia. The U.S. Department of State designated Mumin on August 31, 2016 pursuant to E.O. 13224. As of late 2016, Al-Mutafaq Commercial Company was located in Boosaaso, Somalia and run by Mire Ali. Identifying information on the individuals and entities designated today.
  8. As far as I know he is Akishe. He is related to the Hargeisa based singer Sahra Ileys.
  9. Kenya is demanding more compensation this year from the United Nations (UN) for its troops fighting Al-Shabaab in Somalia as it signalled to start withdrawing the soldiers from next July. Treasury documents show that Kenya expects reimbursement of Sh8.5 billion in the financial year starting July, up from the current Sh6.1 billion — which has remained static for the past four years. The refund is set to drop to Sh5 billion and Sh3.5 billion in the next two years, indicating gradual reduction of troops. The UN eased Kenya’s cash crunch after it refunded Sh4.68 billion in the 10 months to April. In the past, delay in reimbursement of the funds has been linked to the UN’s insistence on verification of claims. About 4,000 Kenyan soldiers are part of African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom). The African Union is keen on all the troops withdrawing by December 2020, but Kenya wants a delayed exit. Al Shabaab conducts frequent assaults in Kenya, mostly in the region bordering Somalia, to put pressure on the Kenyan government to withdraw its peacekeeping troops from Somalia. Amisom troops were deployed to Somalia in 2007 to defend the internationally-backed government against attacks the Shabaab. Kenya formally sent 4,660 soldiers to Somalia in October 2011 after incessant attacks and kidnapping of civilians by the militants within its territory. A year later, the UN Security Council gave Kenya the green light to join Amisom, a decision that meant the Treasury would not bear the full costs of the incursion. The international community pays $1,028 (Sh103,828) for each soldier per month, their respective governments then deduct about $200 (Sh20,200) for administrative costs, leaving them with a take-home of about $800 (Sh83,628). The soldiers receive the funds through the government. The African Union wants Somalia national army to take over responsibility for the country’s security.
  10. I have never seen Gaas venture inside Somaliland territory. Where is your evidence?
  11. Daesh linked faction imposes tax on local businesses in Bosaso. Pirates and Terrorists working together now in Puntland Somalia: U.S. imposes sanctions on Puntland merchant for IS support
  12. Somaliland waa ku ceeb in maamul yar u jawaabto. Maamulka Garoowe isaga waxa jawaabtiisa siinaya waa Badhasaabka/Governors of gobolka Sool iyo Sanaag.
  13. Everyone knows Alshabab and Daesh do collect tax from Puntland businesses. In fact, the USA has black listed a number of Puntland businesses for their backdoor dealings with Alshabab. You can google it. Garowe is in a desparation mood. It worked for them once when they snitched Galmudug forces and directed US drone attack in Galkacyo. And they still think they can pull another one of those against Somaliland. But they forgot that Somaliand is way ahead of them in this game. Nice try. Dacawo halkii macal ku barato ayay macaluul ugu dhimataa.
  14. Awoowe, caano niido'ha iska cab. Majiibtuba khaasaray kugu tahay. Adiga iyo Saalax are two from the same coin. I think inaad labadiinu isla ciyaartaan weeyan. Anigu waan ka dhex baxaya, daawasho wacan.
  15. Calm down boy. No need to get all giddy. There is a gentleman's agreement that you need to respect when it comes to these sort of things. Btw, Col. Caare is in Somaliland territory, unless you want to secede it to the Pirateland. And btw, this alcoholic reference will apply to all Somaliland soldiers - if you piss against the wind, it will surely land on your face.
  16. Col. Caare is a decorated Somaliland soldier. He will in due course return to the family. No need to smear him or any of the other Somalilanders with him. They do have geniune case and like all other issues, it will be resolved peacefully. That is what Somalilanders do. By then, our little rat, will go and find another sideshow issue to get busy with.
  17. Xubno laga saaray xisbiga ka arrimiya DDSI Source BBCSomali Kulan tan iyo 8dii Agoosto magaalada Addis Ababa uga socday xubnaha Xisbiga Dimoqaraadiga Shacabka Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sida uu sheegay guddoomiyahooda cusub oo ah wasiirka warfaafinta ee dawladda Federaalka ee Itoobiya, Axmed Shide, waxaa lagu go'aamiyey in xisbiga laga saaro xubno lagu tuhmay in ay ka dambeeyeen rabshadihii ka dhacay deegaanka. Shir jaraa'id oo uu Axmed Shide ku qabtay Addis ababa, ka dib gabagabadii kulankaas, ayuu ku sheegay in 3 xubnood laga saaray guddiga fulinta, 8 xubnoodna laga saaray golaha dhexe ee xisbiga. Talaabadaas ayuu ku tilmaamay inay tahay go'aan siyaasadeed oo xisbigu ka qaatay dadkaas oo wax laga saarayo rabshidihii horraantii bishan ka dhacay deegaanno ka tirsan DDSI. Waxaa shirka la fadhiyey madaxweynaha cusub ee DDSI, Axmed Cabdi Maxamed iyo xubnaha xisbiga. Wuxuu kaloo intaa ku daray inay jirto talaabo xagga sharciga la xiriirta oo laga qaadayo dadka dambiyada gaystay intii ay rabshaduhu socdeen, "kuwaasoo ay hay'adaha dambi baaristu gacanta ku hayaan". Ma uusan sheegin magacyada xubnahaas laga saaray xisbiga. Kulan Jigjiga ku dhex maray Saraakiil iyo odayaasha dhaqanka Itoobiya oo ka hadashay xaaladda Jigjiga Waxaa la filayaa in ay qaban qaabiyaan shirweyne ay isugu keeni doonaan "dadka deegaanka", laakinse ma aysan sheegin goorta uu dhici doono, halka uu ka dhici doono, iyo cidda ka qayb galaysa toona. Hadalka wasiir Axmed Shide ayaa ku soo beegmaya ayadoo magaalada Addis Ababa ay sidoo kale kulan u fadhiyaan guddoomiyeyaasha 11ka gobol ee DDSI iyo 5ta xubnood ee gobol kasta ugu sarraysa xagga maamulka, iyo sidoo kale wasiirrada iyo wasiir ku xigeennada maamulka DDSI. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in ayaguna ay ka arrinsanayaan sidii meel loogu yeeli lahaa rabshadihii dhacay iyo ciddii mas'uulka ka ahayd. Wararka ayaguna naga soo gaaraya deegaannada is maamulka Soomaalida waxay sheegayaan in shirar waaweyn ay ka dhacayaan magaalooyin ay ka mid yihiin Jigjiga oo ah halka ay shirarka ugu badan ka socdaan, dhagaxbuur, Qabridahar, Godey iyo meelo kale. Shirarkaas ayaa la sheegay in ay ku salaysan yihiin sidii loola jaanqaadi lahaa isbeddellada haatan socda, waxaana dib ugu soo laabanaya deegaannadaas dadkii markii hore uga cararay khilaafaadka siyaasadeed iyo mabaadii'da ay aaminsanaayeen daraadood.