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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I felt of my chair when I heard one of Cheeseman's achievements was that he mediated between Djibouti and Eritrea. He can't mediate between Jowhar and Beledweine or Buulo Xaawo and Buulo Burde. On a serious note, Cheeseman's days are numbered. He is politically a sitting duck waiting for that faithful shot to land on its neck. He is at the cross hairs of many different fronts including a resurgent Alshabab, empowered HAG and desatisfied regional warlords including Axmed Madawe and Waare. This comes at a time when the IC's si got screws tightening as they expect a lot to be done in the next 12 to 18 months. For the past 20 months, Cheeseman has achieved none from the priority tasks. Where is our resident expert when you needed him most? I am talking about @galbeedi. When the going gets tough he reports as a missing person.
  2. LOOL waan ku qoslay runtii. Somaliland iyo Ethiopia waxa ka dhaxeeya wixii laba dal oo jaar ah ka dhaxayn jiray. Nothing special. Our biggest interest is having access to their market. However, if our interests collide, we will part ways. That is as simple as it is. What choice does@Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar and his E******* have? Nothing. Nin lagu xukumo dhulkiisi oo Xabashi u taliyo choice malaha.
  3. Beesha so diga rogatay welcome ayaanu leenahay. Maba ogayn in gashaan dhan halka ku noolaa.
  4. 400 Puntland soldiers change allegiance to Somaliland Only 15 kilometers outside the Qardho, the third largest town in the Somalia Federal State of Puntland, Qardho, the largest number of soldiers laid down their Puntland insignia, saying they have decided to move over to the Somaliland side. The soldiers, belonging to the largely ill-paid, loosely governed federal state ‘army’ of Puntland revealed they had not been paid even the pittance that goes for monthly salaries in the last 4 months or so. Speaking of the circumstances that led them to take this critical decision, Major Kamal Abdul Aziz ‘Afgudud’, commander, told the media that “they were neither properly looked after as they should or been paid their salaries making their situation untenable’. Major Afgudud stated that their patience has thinned out, and that, from then on, they were to be counted as Somaliland army officers. “If these areas were mapped in as Puntland locations, Dhahamo and Misir where we are stationed should from now on be chalked in as part of the Republic of Somaliland,” he said. Dhahamo – or Dhahan – straddles the Somaliland-Somalia border at a strategic point a stone’s throw from Dhahar of Somaliland, as it is to Qardho, Puntland. Major Kamal further stated that elders and local residents of the area were of the same opinion, fulling supporting their move. The army unit goes over the Somaliland side fully armed supported by a number of battlewagons, locally known as ‘technico’, and an ambulance. What was unexpected and totally surprising in the event was Major Kamal revealing that most – if not all – of the soldiers hailed from a branch of a clan that lives in and around the ancient harbor town of Heis (Mundus in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea) – making the situation that much more profoundly interesting to both Somaliland and Puntland. Barely a week ago, 50 armed fighters, in a similar move, abandoned Puntland front lines to cross over to the Somaliland side.
  5. Recap: 1. Says that Youth employement readyness program will start in January next year, with $200,000 earn marked to start this project. Initial 200 graduates will be given opportunity to learn and work around Somaliland and will get full employment by April next year. 2. Referring to Col. Caare, MBC says that Somaliland has always settled its disagreements by talking it out, and the gov't is prepared to sit with all and each that have grievances and will extend peaceful hand to all. 3. Somaliland welcomes the new leadership in Jigjiga and commends the 9 point goals as stipulated by the new leadership in Jigjiga. Specially, Somaliland welcome a deeper integration in terms of open borders and easier more freerer economic intergration between Somaliland and Somali State. 4. Referring to the 3 Stooges' latest outburts in which they sworn on TV that they will attack Somaliland, MBC says that Somaliland have accepted the brokered peace deal by the International Community but will answer swiftly any agression anyone in Ex-Italian Mafia State. 5. Referring to the regional geopolitics, MBC noted Addis Abeba's approach in dealing with issues between its self and Eritrea, and compared that with the weak Vila AMISom's hostilities towards Somaliland. In particular, he noted couple of hostile positions that the Cheeseman attempted but failed including Berbera issue and Somaliland Development Fund.
  6. Farmaajo is a fraud. Every single day, he is proving people right that he is a fraud. Farmaajo has zero charisma, zero oratory skills, no confidence, no nationalism... his Somalinimo has proven to be fraud.
  7. There are more deaths in Bosaso and Galkayo than ever been in Laascaanood. Take that to the bank.
  8. The Governor said, the body guards reacted to an unidentified car which parked near where the gov't officials where and the reaction was vital.
  9. @galbeedi, Your absence is noted. As things are, we will see you less and less. if you know what I mean. Btw, I know Qori-jarato and Gadhwayns, the two prominent families in Erigavo, and they are as solid Somalilanders as they come. Do not be decieved by the power strugles, it is all a war dance without the blood. Looking foward, to your posts on the situation in Villa AMISOM. They are approaching the business end of things - isla xisaabtan. Cheeseman like a deer caught in the headlights bewildered and confused, as the train approaches even more closer.
  10. In the case of Somaliland, it is just a protest symbol. Whenever you see that blue flag, then you know the situation is not good or at least it is towards breaking point of some sort. In a nut shell, in Somaliland, it means that someone or group is willing to shake hands with the devil and do the most sinful thing instead of accepting the situation as they percieved it.
  11. It is cheap politics nothing more nothing less. Puntland's wounded ex-melitia are all in bad situation, they are the ones that have rights "Xaquuq" to get help. Also the many melitias that have not had their rightful wages unpaid for months. These are the first on the queue that need to get their rights.
  12. Hadii ay xoolaha Berbera noo ogol yihin inaan u iib gayno, that is very good for Somaliland and the nomads. Here is the VP on a Royal Private Jet . Not too sure if this was his leg to Hargeisa.