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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Come on now Che. Somaliland we call anyone from those regions *** or ****. None of them call themselves *** ***
  2. Si fiican ayaad u taqaan Barwaaqo. Daabaqa waa khad ama cagaar ah ama casaan ah... cagaarka waa ok markabka waa la saari karaa... kan cas lama saari karo waa quarantine - caafimaadkiisa ayaan wanaagsanayn.
  3. No amount of Faataxo or Fatwa is going to save Gaas' face. There is a big bold stamp on his bottocks very much like a Berberaawi Blackhead sheep, it is spelt out "TUKARAQ". We will save Badhan for the next leader of Garowe. The stamp is ready.
  4. Oodka, Waa miskiin looma ooyaan ah kani. Hadalka ayaa ku khasaare ah. Bal ka waran, Ethiopians bombed a Quran School just this mornign and killed all the children and Ealay villagers. What is even more sadder than the death of the children is the fact that not a single tear is shed for it. No one is even talking about it. Consider in Somaliland, if a goat gets killed by car accident, it is on the news left right and centre. Xoola heena ayaa kuwan ka martabad roon. Therefore, let this miskiin spend his time on Somaliland while his Eelay are being bombed back to stone age. SAWIRRO: DUQEYNTII KA DHACDAY SAAKOOW (Warning too graphic to post them here )
  5. Absolutely correct that Sanaag is an important region - it is the largest landmass in Somaliland. But as far as Eastern Sanaag is concerned, it is not a huge priority for Somaliland to rush to bring them under complete authority of Somaliland. This is because, 1. The region's political capital is already firmly under Somaliland. 2. The East Sanaag locals do mind their business just fine i.e. peaceful and welcoming. I think Somaliland should support not hinder any development in that part of the region. The solution for East Sanaag is to show them what they are missing out. At the same time, Somaliland gov't should bring more development into Sanaag and try to bargain with East Sanaag folks so they can trade more Somaliland authority in their area for more development aid. With regards to Mogadishu interfering in East Sanaag, it will be regarded as an open conflict. Mogadishu is a loser if they try to take that path.
  6. I reckon the issue with East Sanaag my get resolved itself. Since Somaliland fully controls the capital of Sanaag region, politically the region is under Somaliland. And the fact that Somaliland Development Fund is now geared towards the development projects for Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag, I am sure East Sanaag folks will not want to miss out on those millions. Garowe will not match the development funds that are in the pipeline for Sanaag region. And naturally people will re-orient themselves towards were the money is.
  7. A divided loyalty is given. You just haven't seen it being exploited. The issue here is, for Somaliland East Sanaag is a small fish... not much you can get out from a very remote fringe area. Somaliland would be spending more and getting less. So the current policy sounds ok at this stage until such time that other more higher priorities are resolved, i.e. Buhodle district.
  8. Indeed. This time he is under the development cover. Somaliland doesn't want to be seen by the locals as being opposed to development in that region. So it will let this slide. Somaliland needs to help Laasqorey residents build their port so they can compete with Bosaso.
  9. Aun. Dagaalka si qurux badan ayaa looga adkaan lahaa hadii sidii Qaybta Makkah lagu socdo. Laakin dhanka Madinah ayaa u reer galbeedaysay oo u seexatay... Ahmed Mire's men captured the whole SNA/Somali Gov't leadership alive in Burco. The whole army base was overrun run like a hot knife goes through butter. Qabsashadii xerada saadka ee Cadaadlay ayaa ahaa mid faraha looga gubtay.
  10. Abwaan Timocade once said in a classic poem... Gaajada ka bax ayaan guntiga u xidhee ma hadaan galay geerashkeedii. Every Somalilander romanticises about his version of Somaliland - a well oiled and functioning Somaliland where all the ills are addressed and compares that to Somaliland of today. But reality is different, only when reality hits you, then you get weigh thinks properly.
  11. ONLF is a spent force. Only exists in name only. With Eritrea base closed. ONLF is even more at weaker position to negotiate hard.
  12. Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote A rebel group in Ethiopia said it will demand a referendum on self-determination for the country’s troubled, gas-rich Somali region during landmark peace talks with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government. The plan by the Ogaden National Liberation Front, which has staged a low-level insurgency in Ethiopia’s east for more than three decades, comes as Abiy invites once-banned opponents to take part in elections. The demands may aggravate a scramble for the region’s energy resources, including natural gas reserves the government estimates will eventually earn it $7 billion a year. At stake are an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Ogaden Basin, where exports are due to begin 2021 via a pipeline to neighboring Djibouti. A unit of China Poly Group Corp. has also started testing oil deposits. “We want to achieve self-determination recognized by international law under the current Ethiopian constitution,” Ahmed Yassin Abdi, the ONLF’s foreign secretary, said by phone from the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. “We want our people to have a right to decide.” He said his group has no preconditions for the talks. The region’s new president expressed support for greater autonomy. Ethiopia, Africa’s second-most populous country after Nigeria, is a federation designed to give autonomy to its dozens of ethnic groups. The ONLF has long maintained that the Somali regional state, which it calls the Ogaden and borders war-torn Somalia, hasn’t been properly represented by the federal government. Ethiopia’s constitution enshrines the rights of people with “a large measure” of common culture, customs, language, identity and “psychological makeup” in an “identifiable, predominantly contiguous territory” to seek self-determination and even establish their own states.
  13. Now that Cheeseman knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things, what does being a phantom President holed up behind foreign soldiers in Villa AMISOM mean?
  14. Deg Deg::Madaxweyne Farmaajo Aad Uga Cadhooday Shirka Looga Baxay. Shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka ee uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo iclamiyay in uu muqdisho ka furmo maanta oo isniin ah ayaa Baaqday, kadib markii baaqa madaxweynaha ay ajiibi waayeen madaxda maamul Goboleedyadda. War murtiyeedkii ay Madaxda maamul goboleedyaddu ka soo saareen Shirkii ay Kismaayo ku yeesheen 4 illaa 8 dii ayey eedeeyn ugu soo jeediyeen Dowladda faderaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, edeeyntaas oo ay ugu weyneed faragalin maamuladooda ka dhan ah iyo Masuuliyaddii amni oo ay sheegeen in ay Dowladda gabtay. Sidoo kale Madaxdu waxaa ay War murtiyeedkaas ku sheegeen in hakiyeen xiriirkii kala dhexeeyay Dowladda faderalka ah. Intaas kadib Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed farmaajo ayaa shir wada tashi ah isugu yeeray madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyadda, laakiin 14 kii Bishaan ayey madaxdu maamul goboleedyaddu War ay soo saareen waxaa ay shuruud adag ku hor dhigeen ka qayb galkooda shirka. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka banaadir Cabdi raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow oo ka mid ah golaha Amniga Qaranka ayaa madaxda maamul goboleedyadda waxaa ugu baaqay in ay shirka u yimaadaan si loo dhameeyo wixii khilaaf ah ee jira. Xiriirka Dowladda faderaalka iyo maamul goboleeyada ayaa waxaa uu gaaray heerkii ugu hooseeyay tan iyo markii maamul goboleedyadda la dhisay, dhexdoodanana waxaa ka tagan degenaansho la’aan siyaasadeed.
  15. "".....Uny Kasaany ee ising my kasasang....." The english translation says "We know him, but you don't..." What does that suppose to mean anyway? Is that a maahmaah.
  16. The writing is on the wall. Cheeseman is the weakiest link. He is a fraud. Have you see when he delivers his primary grade speech no one even remembers wtf was said. That is how much he is irrelevant.