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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Can Cheeseman have the guts to face unscripted questions like Mahdi Guuleed?
  2. Che, I agree dadka iyo ganacsiga Somalidu inu xor ahaado oo wixii barrier ah laga dhex qaado. Wixii horimar ah waa in gacmo furan lagu soo dhaweeyo. Wadada in dhanka Ceerigaabo laga soo bilaabo weeyan. The people and the region will only benefit. Laakin siyaasad ahaan, I differ, Badhan waxay ka midtay oo ku suntay waa Somaliland.
  3. I bet Gaas was playing... Sareeye calanka sudhan Samo ku waar samo ku waar
  4. Whereever Gaas goes, death is following him like his shadow. In Badhan, Gaas' security killed a prominent Suldaan from East Sanaag - they say it was not premeditated.
  5. Somalia: Puntland presidential guard killed in Bosaso shooting
  6. Badhan horimar wayn ayay samaysay mudooyinkii la so dhaafay.
  7. Wajigiisa ayu dadka ka qarin lahaa hadii ay dhib ku hayso taasi. They are not in the begging business for no reason, shamelessness runs in the blood.
  8. Waa cibaarooyinka sabanka. Eaalay xabashi ku gumaysato dhulkiisi inu Somaliland afka ku soo taago. Baqal fardo la daaqday inay ka mid tahay is mooday.
  9. Waxa ugu ayaan daran qof qaawan oo futodiisu tawaahi ka muuqato, inu qof labis iyo tuxedo xidhan ku yidhaahdo "your tie is wrong colour". akakak WTF is your business about the colour of my tie? Shaqo la'aan dheh. The kids that are being massacred in Bay & Bakool, the underage girls being raped by Ethiopian soldiers... the mothers that are forced into slave labour in Xabashi army bases.
  10. 1. Security fail 2. AMISOM draw down fail 3. Federalism fail 4. Weaken Alshbab fail... What Cheeseman claimed to have succeeded in was, he brought Djibouti and Eritrea. Yet, he was not invited in the official ceremony held in Saudi Arabia. Shows how irrelevant he is in the grand scheme of things.
  11. Good work Miskiin. Shaqaale fiican oo daacad u ah. While you are at it, please wipe my desk, I had my cuppa left some marks on it.
  12. Maakhiri, It is not about the law in question, this Miskiin actually thought this was a bad news for Somaliland. That is his only motivation for posting this here.
  13. Kan kabaha dacaska wata la garay, laakin kan sneakers ka xidhan Gaas sidee u arkaa? kakakaka
  14. This is a forum, not a class room Che. The impact maybe different, but the meaning has not been lost.