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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is very absurd. Askar mushahar la'aan ka mudaharaaday oo askar kale loo dalbaday si loogu awood sheegto. Only happens in Garowe Administration. Mushaharku waa xaq u leeyahay askarigu maha baryo iyo sadaqo. Waa xaaraan qof uso dhididay oo so shaqaystay inaad contract' aad wada gasheen aad kaga baxdid oo waliba ciidan u dalbatid. Maxaa kasoo kordhay iskahor imaadkii ka dhacay Xabsiga Weyn ee Boosaaso
  2. Burco is coming of age. Land is still very cheap when you compare to Hargeisa's hyper-inflated costs.
  3. Looks like the goals of this grant has been designed along the lines of Somaliland Development Fund. But what makes Somaliland Development Fund so successful is the fact that Somaliland has all the foundations already in place. Which is why the donor countries have tripled the SDF for the next 5 years from $50 million in 2012 to $150 million between 2018 and 2021. Here is a background info for SDF: Designing the Somaliland Development Fund
  4. I could have agreed if this was Poland or other poor Eastern European countries which this sort of arrangement would make economic sense. But for German? I bet the billions you are talking amounts to loose change for them. The Japanese are in the same boat. In fact, there are active protest against American military bases in Japan.The Japenese gov't can't do much since they signed it (forced to...).
  5. On another note, what does Somalia Constitution say about people who hold dual citizenship? Somaliland's constitution prohibits President to hold another country's citizenship. But it allows a person with Permanent Residency at another country to also hold highest office in Somaliland.
  6. This law has many good innovative laws. It is actually very comprehensive in detail and goes right down to unlikely events whcih we hope we never come across like the abuse of a minor by another person (it could be female or male). Kolka la turxaan bixiyo oo la lafo guro, our friends from the Ex-Italian Somalia will, as usual, copy word for word.
  7. You could be right. And it could be because you didnot disclose that you are dual citizen but if you did then the law says otherwise. No wonder they call him Cheese, he has so many holes. Which is why he refuses to give unscripted interviews.
  8. Waxaan soo xasuustay... caruurta hadii aad la ciyaartid futo'dooda ayay laasim ku tusaan. @Oodweynekan wakhti yaanu kaaga lumin...
  9. So now you are trashing the meeting. The other head of states are not wrestling between keeping a foreign passport and fullfilling their national duty.
  10. This is what I found from the State Department... Hence, Oodka is right. If he were to travel to the States with Somalia Passport, he could run into troubles with the authorities there and may get his US passport cancelled. Cheeseman can choose to travel with his US passport but he will lose all the diplomatic protections provided by foreign diplomatic passport. The honourable thing for a true nationalist under the given circumstance would be to honest to the people. But Cheeseman and honesty? He is a fraud. He rather try pull another Qalbi-dhagax "Dhuumasho dhabarku muuqdo - waa dhib iyo hadimo"... rather than being brave and facing his demons. Even if that means telling people that he values the US passport because there is no hope with the Somalia passport.
  11. If this is not the ultimate insult to "nationalism", I do not know what else is. He is a total fraud.
  12. Cheeseman waa fashil. Ha moodin dalalka shisheeye danaha ay leeyihiin ee ay ayagu fududaysteen oo hirgalshadeen in Cheeseman gacan ku leeyahay. Waxa hore loo yidhi "beggars can't be choosers" ama maskiinka dawarsada ma kala doorto waxa la siin doono oo macneheedu yahay waa ku faraxsan wixii sacabka loogu rido ba. Cheeseman hadii Asmara looga yeedho iyo hadii Addis Abeba looga yeedho ama Qatar, wax u odhan karo maya ma ba jirto. Waa ku gawracanyay waxa loo so bandhigo inu aqbalo. Kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiya, beesha caalamku ma aha kowo lacagta iska tuurtuuraya, waa dad ku shaqeeya "outcomes". Cheeseman jidwalkii loo dhigay iyo wixii laga filaayay inu hir galiyo tubteedi ma hayo. Aniga iga qor mid, kolka la gaadho Jun 2019, wax badan ayaa debadda u so baxaya. Waa 8 bilood ka dib.
  13. For Cheeseman the value of holding on to his US Passport is greater than the value of representing his country at the global stage.
  14. Baasaboorka Mareykanka miyaa Farmaajo ka hor istaagay inuu ka qeyb galo shirka QM?
  15. Ducale, This is politics. There is no permanent friend or enemy in politics - but consistent interest. Besides, it was Qalbidhagax in his first speech in Nairobi that singled out Somaliland as a place where rest of Somalis should look to for progress, peace and development. And since Eritrea and the Amhara have burried the hatchet - why not? After all, peace between the two sides will only help Somaliland's business community in the Ogaden region. The historic "Wado-bariis" will see again the light of day and caravans will criss-cross carrying goods.
  16. Qalbi Dhagax Oo Lagu Soo Dhaweeyay Hargaysa SAWIRO.
  17. Taabiciyiinta reer Somaliland ee dhalashada Sacuudiga haysta oo xaflad ku qabsaday lagu xusaayo maalinta boqortooyadda Sacuudiga.
  18. This is different clan to that of Morgan's. The Suldaan is talking about the difference between the two similarly named clans.