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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The Qataris have now become the spokes people of the AMISom Trusteeship. The UN Monitoring Group need to tell us what law this facility is breaking? the UN Sanctions are on Somalia not Somaliland.
  2. Gole lagu kaftamay doqontu run mooda. Xildhibaanku waa shaqadiisi ayu gudanaya. Waliba inu xiniinyo taabto oo miiska qaraaco waa ku taageersanay. Sida Xildhibaanku sheegay, nabadda qof walba waa u dan, waa shayga ku sahlaya inaad 4 aroornimo masajidka aad u guuro tagto adiga oo cidna ka baqayn.
  3. Madaxa shirkadda DP World wuxu hore u yidhi, maxmiyadda AMISOM ee Mogadishu hadalka ka soo yeedhay wuxu nooga dhiganyay dameer iska ciyay.
  4. Since peace now rings in Ceel Afwayne, our little rat Saalax feels like he has been robbed.
  5. We would not allow that kind of gebberish. Boqolaal sano ka hor ayaa ama dhulka laga xorayn laha ama Somali asal ah looga dhigi lahaa.
  6. This is great. In the next few weeks also there will be high level delegation from Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark arriving. There are rumours that I heard Germans will be joining the SDF too.
  7. These are fake replica. These are the stuff one can collect at any flea market in Egypt or even Yemen. It is very rare even in the Pyramids to find something as clean and as shiny as these.
  8. Somaliland's CEO of Telesom Group signs a join venture with Sarovar Hotels & Resorts Sarovar Hotels and Resorts to Debut in Somaliland Owned by Upper Hill Hotel, the hotel upon completion in 2020 will have a total of 123 rooms and suites; conferencing & meeting, an all-day dining restaurant and a swimming pool. Sarovar Hotels and Resorts has unveiled its plan to open a hotel in Somaliland. Somaliland is a growing economy in East Africa. Somaliland’s Port of Berbera is a convenient distance from the hotel. There are plans for the port to be upgraded. Owned by Upper Hill Hotel, the hotel upon completion in 2020 will have a total of 123 rooms and suites; conferencing & meeting, an all-day dining restaurant and a swimming pool. Ajay K Bakaya, Managing Director, Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd. says, “In order to maximize further growth opportunities in Africa, we are delighted to announce another milestone in Sarovar’s expansion plan. This hotel is located in one of the prime locations of Somaliland close to the getaway port of Berbera and has good connectivity for travellers to the country. Having successfully operated hotels in other countries of Africa, we now look forward to provide our signature hospitality in this growing country as well”.
  9. During the Italian colonial, the Italians had one of the biggest salt factories in Xaafuun, M'teeniya. By building the "largest solar salt" plant in Berbera, it'll bring back the Salt industry back to the Somali hands.
  10. There is a hidden message being sent here. The TPLF is not done yet.
  11. Gaas scores the worst mere 34% approve his leadership. Surprisingly, the two leaders from regions with foreign forces, namely Ethiopian and Kenyan soldiers, are enjoying a commanding approvals. What does that mean?
  12. Somaliland Education Review shows positive trends in boys' and girls' enrolment The Somaliland Ministry of education, jointly with education partners including the European Union and the Global Partnership for Education, conducted the annual Joint Review of the Education Sector (JRES) on 17-18 September 2018 in Hargeisa. They reviewed the performance of education against the targets of the Somaliland Education Sector Plan 2017-2021, which was being reviewed for the first time. Together, they prepared an action plan for education targets to be achieved in 2019. Ambitious education targets for 2019 The action plan includes ambitious targets to increase access to education, including for the most marginalised boys and girls; to improve learning outcomes through better quality, including teacher training; as well as to improve the management of the education sector. The Somaliland government through its Ministry of Finance committed to gradually increasing the education share in the overall budget from 8 to 13% until 2021, in support of the implementation of the education sector plan. The Vice President of Somaliland, Abdirahman Abdillahi Ismail Saylici, opened the review. "The development of Somaliland is fully dependent on providing quality education to its citizens. The government is committed and will ensure that, next to keeping the nation secure and stable, the largest budget portion goes to education", he stated. "The continuous support of our donors and international development partners is critical to the successful implementation of the 2017-2021 Education Sector Plan" said Yasin Haji Mohamoud, Somaliland Minister of Education and Science. "Our focus will be improving equitable education and learning outcomes for all children." EU Chargé d'Affaires Fulgencio Garrido Ruiz commended the ministry on its achievements, noting that enrolment figures are increasing for boys and girls, both in primary and in secondary education. "We have a window of opportunity to accelerate on achievements, boost enrolment and improve the quality of learning, with a major injection of additional funding coming from the European Union, as well as the Global Partnership for Education." A new EU funding initiative worth 8 million Euro to be implemented by Save the Children together with CARE will come online this year to support the education sector in Somaliland. The European Union and other donors have been supporting the implementation of Somaliland Education Sector Plans through a Sector-Wide Approach since 2012, ensuring complementarities and synergies among the delivery of all education services. For more information please contact Alix WURDAK and Abdikadir ABDI
  13. HSM had to accept Somaliland Special Arrangement. Which means Somaliland gets all its development support directly without Mogadishu's involvement. That is one step short of recognition in my books. And the fact that the International Community had to stick it on Cheeseman's face when he tried to stiffle the arrangement was another nail on that Unity coffen. Again, another arrangement which is similar in nature which allows Somaliland to fully take ownership, is ok in my books. The onest is on Villa Amisom's side. When will they realise this is not a joke or a game. When will they face reality and get out of the bubble and mirage that Hargeisa will submit to Mogadishu? These are the questions that @galbeedi and the Unionist pedalists need to gobble with. Hargeisa gives no flying fig about World Bank if they do not tow our line. After all, we survived all along and we will survive and thrive alone.
  14. This is fairytale story. If Cheeseman wants to pull Abiye Ahmed style, then he needs to act and talk like Abiye Ahmed first. Abiye didn't just out of the blue appear in Asmara. He first made a call by accepting the boundary commision's decisions. If Cheeseman accepts facts on the ground instead of wasting energy and resources on non-starters like trying to get IC not deal with Somaliland or trying to get Somaliland's Airspace without Somaliland's support. All these steps only make a solution to the issue much harder. And definitely plays to Somaliland's independence causes. It is not just Cheeseman but all the South's politicians.
  15. Gableedi, Odeyga waa af-gobaadsanaya, waxa Garowe ka jira ayaan ogahay. Reer Garowe shacabkii waa yaabanyin. Amni xumo soo wajahday oo u badan rag hubaysan oo habeenkii iyo hadhka cadba dadka dhaca. Ka hor Tukaraq may jirin waxan, Garowe amnigeedu waa la isku halaynjiray. Waa siyaasad xumida Gaas ee dad shicib ah qoryo soo gurta ku yidhi. Nin abeeso korsaday camal.