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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. @gooni Berbera waa saleelo, mashaariicda soo socota 2019 ayaa ka waawayn. Sidii M. Cabdulle Xassan... Caamir waa saleele, haatan anaa caymadiye, Coomaade duulayay cadan nagaga keeneene cirkii iyo dhulkii ayaa is qabsaday, cadhadhaqdoodi Bal adba caqli ayaadleeday, carar maxaa dhamaa!
  2. I could actually understand, with difficulty of course, what she was saying.
  3. This is like the 3rd Somali Interracial wedding I see this month. Specially, it is Somali Women showing the red-card to the Somali men. Waar ina raggow... meesha ka kaca.
  4. @galbeedi It is not two years. It is more like 1 year and maybe few months. The last year is an election year and doesn't normally count. It is highly unlikely anything will change. In fact, things will get worse. This SNA thing is a mirage, a make-believe army. At any given minute, it will dintegerate into clan melitias. We see a hint or two of this inside Mogadishu where the same SNA fight each other in the open streets. What is keeping all these and perpetuating it is the foreign money funnelled through AMISom and UN. As soon as that dries out, then the whole thing falls apart. Alshabab is the eastiest of the problems in South Somalia.
  5. DP World chairman says they are not going to make any more investments into Djibouti. But rather are seeking aggressively compensation both in terms of broken contract as wel as other damages. Surely, DP World wants to make Djibouti broke financially. With regards, to Berbera, DP World wants to turn Berbera into a regional trading hub.
  6. Badda la aasayo waa tan ugu sahlan, waxa ka qiimo badan boqolkiiba boqol waa technology, aqoonta, iyo "isku-xidhka" ama "shabakadda/network" ay DPWorld aduunka ku leeday. Shixnadda ka timaada China ee u socota Qaaradda Africa, waxa lagu soo rarayaa markabka kuwa aduunka ugu wayn, waxay inta Africa u socota ku dejinayaan waa Berbera. Halkaa ayaa ama baabuur ama maraakiibta yar yar uga daldalayaan dalalka jaarka. Taa ayaa aad u muhiim u ah Berbera. Mida kale DP World waxay ka samaysatay Ethiopia xarun loogu yeedho "Dry dock" ama dekedda qalalan. Waana halka alaabta u socota Badhatamaha Africa iyo Ethiopia looga daabuli doono marsada Berbera Somaliya meeshay ka taliso sharcigeeda ha la tiigsato. Somaliland aduunku waa ogyahay, adna waa ka dheregsantay in Somalia waxba isugu jirin. Hadii Dastuur Federal ah samaystaan iyo hadii jarka iska xooraan, ayaga ayay u taal. Mogadishu cashar ku filan waa la siiyay. Laakin hadii wali hunguri kaga jiro Berbera, ardulaahi waasacan.
  7. DP World's latest port in is in Turkey, Yarimca. It is a 400m deep sea port very much similar to Berbera's new state of the art port.
  8. Ethiopia sexeexii waa laga haya, taa ayaa muhiim ah. Waxa kali ah ee Ethiopia saamiga lagu siiyay waa inay 30% Import/Export u so wareejiso by 2020 dhanka Somaliland.
  9. Filmed at the height of worse drought in many years, it is heart breaking to see those images of nomads whose livelyhoods have been wiped by it.
  10. Diktoore, Hadii Gooni reer Gedo yahay waa Refugee hadaa. Cardka Qaxoontiga ayaa isaga la wayn. Just like Cheeseman uu green-cardkii America siisay wali la waynyahay.
  11. Reer Koofurku Af-maxaa iyo Af-maay gooda ha iska eryadaan. Kolay, reer somaliland ahaan Af-maxaa wax la yidha ma naqaano. Afka hooyo waa Af Soomaali dhalad, pure ah oo Bantu iyo Balaayo kale lagu dhex milin.
  12. Gooni, Horta waxa la odhanjiray fish'ka aya maskaxda koriya, laakin waxay u badantay kaluunka badda Puntland in suntii Cabdilahi Yusuf ku shubay DNA wax ka badashay oo hada maskaxda wax ayu u dhima. Caanaha Geela ayaa hada la ogaaday in sirta ugu badan ee caafimaadka laga helay. Kolka waxaan ku odhan lahaa, Kaluunka ka wareeg oo caanaha geela badso. Mida kale, arinka Berbera waa roob galbeed kaa xiga - ka samir mooye, rajo kale ma laha. Tu kale mooye, tani waa socotay ha ku daalin. Hadii la isku dhaco, wixii in rag kala yeeli jiray ayuunba lagu kala baxayaa.
  13. I remember how cocky they used to be regarding Somaliland. By now, I am sure they have learned a lesson. I would very surprised if we hear anymore nonsense from Villa AMISom or the so called Parliament regarding Somaliland.
  14. President MBC remarks: 1. Commends the Somaliland Business Community for their patriotism and nationalism and being pioneering in their fields. The first Somali Airline after the fall of Siyad Barre was started by a Somalilander, the first Somali Hawala System was started by Somalilander, the First Telcoms that connected to the world was STC against started from Hargeisa. And so on and so forth... 2. President makes a quick remark about Somalia's opposition to Somaliland's development endevours. Says this has only made Mogadishu a laughingstock and only showed us their cold hearted ennity towards Somaliland's progress and development. He said, Berbera Port will go ahead and will develop and be among the most successful in the world and there is nothing they can do about it.
  15. DP World Chairman about existing Berbera Port... 1. 1300 Fully trained employees of the Port with international standard wages 2. Port performance has increased by 70% 3. The port's capacity has increased by 50% 4. The growth of cargo is 30% 5. Gov't income from Port has increased Phase 1 of the Berbera Port expansion. 1. Building of 400 m deep sea port which can handle largest vessels 2. Will be equiped with state of the art software and hardware equipment including 3 large Gantry cranes 3. Locally source subcontractors for most of the project's requirements. Since DP World arrived in Berbera. 1. Land prices in Berbera sky rocketed, which means more land tax for gov't 2. More large scale investments by international investors i.e. French company building the largest Ship Repairs Facility in Berbera, UAE Gov't funding large scale solar power project, and other companies also investing in Berbera and Somaliland in general. 3. To make Berbera a successful regional Trading Hub