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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. We all remember when ONLF all of a sudden jumped on Ina Ilay's sinking boat on his dying days. It is highly unlikely that Ethiopia will freely allow this to go ahead. It just tapped into the oil reserves of that region and they are not going anywhere.
  2. Trying to politicise the inter-clan fights between the two brotherly people of Southern Sool. Desparate times. Raggan dhaarti ay aduunka u sheegeen ayaa laga filaaya, calaacal iyo cheap under-the-belt propaganda loogama fadhiyin.
  3. Good points @Galbeedi. There are certain people who do not want change because these people think the current setup benefits them most. This is a very narrow view and counter productive to the aspirations and wishes of the people. Somaliland has got very good foundations to build a dream castle, that is the people raise up and push the few that are standing ontheir way. Our aim should be to pin point the loopholes, to address the shortcomings and to bring forward new thinking and new designs to existing regulations in order for the governance system to work and benefit the people. This is not a one of project but a continious ongoing project of reviewing, fixing and legislating.
  4. Hagbaddu/Ayuutadu doorkan waa Qardho. Hadii Qardho heli waydo Jamac Cali Jamac cusub ka filo.
  5. I agree. The system needs substantial improvements. Also the political parties need to go back to the drawing boards and field knowledgeable, educated and experienced people to run for these positions.
  6. Hargeisa' mayor is the most corrupted and incompetent that the city has ever had. In fact, all the 21 council members are the same.
  7. Dadka so galiyay Facebook waa isla reerka Cali Khaliif kaso jeedo. Kolka waxay u badantay inantiisi... Laakin ma hubo islaanta. Kolay waxay u eegtay islaan loofartay (lover tay )... ilaahay ha so hanuuniyo hadii tahay xaaskii Cali Khaliif.
  8. I highly doubt it. This is passenger airline. Unless the passengers carry Qaad in their luggage, then it is highly unlikely that it will double as a cargo plane to. Btw, the report is wrong. Qaat arrives by trucks to Somaliland.
  9. GAROWE:- ISSIMO WADA QORSHE AY KAGA HOR-IMANAYAAN DOORASHADA PUNTLAND Qaar kamid ah issimada gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn ee Puntland oo shir ku leh magaalada Garowe ayaa wada qorshe ay kaga hor-imanayaan doorashada la qorsheeyay 8-da Janaayo 2019. Qorshaha issimadan ayaa ah in aysan soo xuleyn xubnaha beelahooda ku matala Baarlamaanka Puntland, inta laga xoreynayo gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn oo ay ku muransan yihiin Puntland iyo Somaliland, waxaana maanta galinkii dambe baaqday shir jaraa’id oo lagu shaacin lahaa arrintan, kadib markii la sheegay in laysku khilaafay. Sidoo kale issimadan waxaa qorshaha kula jira qaar kamid ah issimada Beesha Tanade Daarood (Leelkase), kuwaas oo sanadkii hore codsaday in dastuurka Puntland loo furo oo loo kordhiyo xubnaha ay ku leeyihiin Baarlamaanka Puntland, taas oo markii dambe suurta galiweyday. Qorshaha issimadan ayaa ku soo aaday, xili Puntland ay u diyaar-garowday doorasho madaxtinimo oo xiligeedu ka dhiman yahay 80 maalmood, iyadoo beelaha qaar ay soo xusheen xubnaha ay ku leeyihiin Baaralmaanka Puntland. Sida la aaminsan yahay qorshahan looga hor-imanayo doorshada Puntland ee la qorsheeyay 8-da Janaayo 2019 waxaa dabada ka riixaya Madaxweyne Gaas oo raba in uu sameysto muddo korarsi, inkastoo horey uu u sheegay in doorashadu xiligeeda dhacayso. Qorshahan ayaa Puntland ku keeni kara qalalaase siyaasadeed, iyadoo qaar kamid ah musharaxiinta Puntland 2019 ayaa horey uga digeen Madaxweyne Gaas in uu sameysto muddo korarsi. Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa 15 bishii Agoosto ee sanadkan soo saaray Lifaaqa 4-aad ee dastuurka Puntland, kaas oo qeexaya qaabka ay u dhaceyso doorashada Puntland 2019.
  10. MBC's calculated move on Tukaraq, stripping Garowe Administration their last extortion point, is bearing the intended political results. The Cagalule dude, ex-London marfish owner, is now licking his own wounds... he naivly and wrongly misunderstood Garowe's desparate cries for IC' interference as a token for support for going to war. Hopefully he learned his lesson.
  11. I think he can do better job than the failed Gaas.
  12. Project Contractor Shafa Construction page here Berbera Terminal Heavy Equipment Construction Start Date: 1st of November 2018 The construction will take 22 months which means it will be open for business in September 2020. 700 people will be employed during construction, majority of which will be locally sourced.
  13. After running like a headless chook to the UN, then to Arab League... and then selling out to Ethiopia by giving Ethiopia's PM on his maden trip to Mogadishu, all the Sea Ports in South Somalia that needed free of charge without negotiations or anything. Total sell out. After all that, now they see where they stand. Somalia's Foreign minister is politely asking DPWorld to reconsider.
  14. The gruesome and barbaric way the Saudi Kingdom murdered one of its own citizens deserves nothing but at most disgust. If you are unable to convey that disgust openly like the Western powers can, then you should have the same disgust in your guts and cry for the poor soul silently. Sometimes, silences is golden.
  15. Diktoore, Waa sida aad sheegtay. Kol hadii aad aragtid garanwaa iska cuqdadaysan, waa kuwii hore aad u karbaashtay oo wali so goconaaya haarihii hore u gaadhay. kolka pass garee.
  16. Maamulka Garowe oo weerarka ayago so qaaday, si fudud loo jabiyay waliba dhul aad wayn looga xoreeyay. Can we see similar dynamics at play in Tukaraq today? Attack the Army in Tukaraq at your own peril. Quote of the century ... "ilaa waxaan soo guranay muqumadoodi/oodkac, ka carareen"
  17. Ragga hada magacyoda cusub laso wada baxay waa kuwii hore loo karbaashay.