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  1. Did you just say what did you do to get him/her back FOR WHAT PURPOSE.......I have dealt with players before and lets just I show them the door
  2. ok let me nominate Baashe cuz he always has something good to say regardless of the topic Aamina and Barwaaqo are fighting for second place what can I say they are very intelligent sisters and love reading their post hmm can I nominate myself for third place lol what do you say
  3. Congrats!!!! to brother libax and his new bride wiil iyo gabar and caano geel
  4. one bullet hmm let me see I will aim at none other than the Evil man....sharon peace ma nomads
  5. I don't know why I chose mine....maybe I thought she was cute like me hehehe jk seriously tho' my avator reminds me of me...something about her expression lol :cool:
  6. Nice_guy I was grade seven markii kabteey ma aragtay ay kadhacaysay...I remember I had exam that morning and was lil glad when mom said no one is going to school with all this going on...little did I know that it was going to be the last time i wore that yellow shirt and khaki pants... anyway I am representing jidka soddonka near bar Black Sea and Bar Caafi
  7. Maybe someday in the future Somalis will go back to their roots and all of our problems will disapear Soomaaliyeey toosoo, toosoo isku tiirsada oo hadba kiina taagtaranee, taageera waligeena salaam
  8. Taqwa walaalo why do you take everything "face value"? and how do you know the brother isn't considering her for marriage....he is abviously in love with the girl :cool: salaamz
  9. My old time favorate shows are Fresh prince....I still watch the re-runs Martiiiiiin jamie fox Steve erkil....that dude was funy as hell Scoobi Doo Dexter Now I can't get enough of this new show half N half and ofcourse my favorate cartoon Hey Arnold or as they call it...football head
  10. !!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Walaahi we have very creative peeps in this site two thumps up to all that contributed it was fun to read.... keep it up guys PS waiting so hear Barwaaqo's version since all agreed that she was there
  11. I thought this poem was very interesting...tho' I think Somalis nowadayz are exactly the opposite of what the poem describes... so what do the nomads think? Waqtiyada socdaalka ah Ayaamaha silsidda ah Xilliyada bal suuree Soojire haddaad tahay Sadarrada dib ugu noqo SOOMAALI WAA KUMA? Sinnaantaan la magac ahay Sanku-neefle ma oggoli Inuu iga sarrayn karo Anna garasho sogordahan Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Ninna madax-salaax iyo Kama yeelo seetada Sasabada ma qaayibo Sirta waxaan iraahdaa Saab aan biyaha cellin SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Inkastoon sabool ahay Haddana waan sarriigtaa Sacabada ma hoorsado Saaxiib nimaan nahay Cadawgayga lama simo SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Socdaalkaygu waa meel Sahaydaydu waa dacar Soohdintaydu waa caan Seeftaydu waa cudur Naftuna geedka iga suran SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Nin i sigay ma nabad galo Nin i sugayna maba jiro Libta weli ma sii dayn Gardarrada ma saacido Nin xaqlana cid lama simo SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Nabaddaan u sahanshaa Colaaddaan ka selelaa Sooma jeesto goobaha Ninka nabarka soo sida Gacantiisa kama sugo SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Ninkaan taydu soli karin Uma yeelo suu rabo Sida dunida qaarkeed Ninna kabaha uma sido SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Ninka iga sed roonow Siintaada magaca leh Ogow kaama sugayee Hana oran "sasabo bedow" Dareen seexda ma lihiye SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Saan la kala jaraan ahay Summadi ay ku wada taal Rag baa beri i saanyaday Anoo xoolo soofsada Xil midnimo anaa sida SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY!! Maansadan waxaa tiriyey Cabdulqaadir Xirsi Yamyam wuxuu na kaga hadlayay sifooyinka uu leeyahay qofka Soomaliga dhabta ah.
  12. NO It will depend on whether or not he was maried before if he has never married than I expect nothing less than pure man....and when i say pure i mean free of any major sin...such as zina or adultary as they call it