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Everything posted by Naag-qaawan

  1. Thanks Minneapoliskid... Say Hi to Somali Cedar for ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  2. Jaber, Good Point!!......... WorldVision...... What is "in" Today Won't be "in" or there to protect you from HEll-FIRE would it?the present life is only a trial preparation for the next realm of existence. This life is a test for each individual for the life after death. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and the dead will be resurrected for judgment by God... Trust Me that Day Ur Mini skirt nor your FUBU wear Won't help U. Allah SubXana Wata'Alaah Said.. "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity of them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: they should not display their ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty..." It's really Simple, Nothing to it as Shaikh Abu 'Ali Nabeel al-Awadhi Said Before.. "So be the children of the Hereafter and not the children of this life. A Party in Paradise and a party in the hell-fire" Which One would it be?? ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  3. Salaamz all, All you college and Unversity Students, What is/are your Majors?? What are the Hotest careers/jobs out there? Please share your views. Me?...... My Major is Public health, Minor in social Work.. I like Helping people, Plus I've always been into Health & Travel..My (Major)Career provides both opportunities for me. And also Is something that I would benefit from If I Had to go back to Somalia. ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  4. Salaamz all, All you college and Unversity Students, What is/are your Majors?? What are the Hotest careers/jobs out there? Please share your views. Me?...... My Major is Public health, Minor in social Work.. I like Helping people, Plus I've always been into Health & Travel..My (Major)Career provides both opportunities for me. And also Is something that I would benefit from If I Had to go back to Somalia. ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  5. Axmedo adna Nac Nacdii Uun baad sii wadaa.... There is this saying" If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all" Or "Af'daboolani waa dahab" ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  6. Most definitely Jaber! ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  7. LOL.............. Qaaxo U dhimee beenta iska Daa ninwayan baa tahay! Faraqayahow, sheekadee mahadaad sidan U badashay? Man Whatever I'm, I'm proud of It 100%. are you? ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  8. Qawdhan........ if I'm a man, then How come you're always In my PRIVATE EMAILS??? Talking about lets get to know each other and sh*t... Ninyahow, Waa Kugu Daadsantahay! Ee Cagta wax Ka' Waxaan garan la'ahay Why everyone is in our Buzinezz?... ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  9. lol Nimco.... No sis, I'm from N.A Been in holland only for Vaction, how about you? ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  10. Jaber for your own sake, I'm afraid to tell you what I've in store! What if you become krankzinnig for me? Or become in beminnen with NQ?...... Besides, Jaber you only get what you're worthy, In this case Some Sugaar iyo Laxoox... for the exchange of a Diric and Garbasaar iyo Googaradiisii.....The food at your sisters houses and the food that someone who beminnen's you are not the same right?....... redden aan de best gedurende voorgaand!! ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  11. Pig Plz Don't compare the Crap you guy's have here with REAL HIP HOP........ What you have here is SomaliBULLSHI*T TALK not Hip Hop aight.. and For a Grandmother I know a thing or two about Hip Hop Huuno.. Anyway, NO Disrespect Meant for yo Kids here, Grandma Just wanted to give you some Wanaano iyo Dardaaran.. Now go ahead Do U thing aight......... Keep it REal Huuno..
  12. Pig Plz Don't compare the Crap you guy's have here with REAL HIP HOP........ What you have here is SomaliBULLSHI*T TALK not Hip Hop aight.. and For a Grandmother I know a thing or two about Hip Hop Huuno.. Anyway, NO Disrespect Meant for yo Kids here, Grandma Just wanted to give you some Wanaano iyo Dardaaran.. Now go ahead Do U thing aight......... Keep it REal Huuno..
  13. Pig Plz Don't compare the Crap you guy's have here with REAL HIP HOP........ What you have here is SomaliBULLSHI*T TALK not Hip Hop aight.. and For a Grandmother I know a thing or two about Hip Hop Huuno.. Anyway, NO Disrespect Meant for yo Kids here, Grandma Just wanted to give you some Wanaano iyo Dardaaran.. Now go ahead Do U thing aight......... Keep it REal Huuno..
  14. Pig Plz Don't compare the Crap you guy's have here with REAL HIP HOP........ What you have here is SomaliBULLSHI*T TALK not Hip Hop aight.. and For a Grandmother I know a thing or two about Hip Hop Huuno.. Anyway, NO Disrespect Meant for yo Kids here, Grandma Just wanted to give you some Wanaano iyo Dardaaran.. Now go ahead Do U thing aight......... Keep it REal Huuno..
  15. Wagareey! All this writing because someone didn't know what PMS was? ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  16. Nimco............ Nincaytamaye afkiis isugu lee iskalah!Mandheey Maxaa Kudaaray? adiga sheekadaa Mafahmin, Gubara isku sheegee Xaalakasi la'dahay? PMS Adi Hadii Kasi waydaye, Soco Mamada Soo waydii, Hadii Mamada Kasi waydo,ee dhib aa qabtaa moohoo?... Ilaahay Ha Kuusahalo, Ania Waa Kuu Naxsanahay..
  17. To all you Nelly Wanna Be's... If you sh*t was any good you would have been on the charts by now, U know what I mean? I suggest you stay or go to school and Learn the proper english... The Sh*t You talking about if it would have any good, The black men who been here for Centuries would have benefit from it already............and that is iga Waaano iyo Dardaaran...
  18. To all you Nelly Wanna Be's... If you sh*t was any good you would have been on the charts by now, U know what I mean? I suggest you stay or go to school and Learn the proper english... The Sh*t You talking about if it would have any good, The black men who been here for Centuries would have benefit from it already............and that is iga Waaano iyo Dardaaran...
  19. To all you Nelly Wanna Be's... If you sh*t was any good you would have been on the charts by now, U know what I mean? I suggest you stay or go to school and Learn the proper english... The Sh*t You talking about if it would have any good, The black men who been here for Centuries would have benefit from it already............and that is iga Waaano iyo Dardaaran...
  20. To all you Nelly Wanna Be's... If you sh*t was any good you would have been on the charts by now, U know what I mean? I suggest you stay or go to school and Learn the proper english... The Sh*t You talking about if it would have any good, The black men who been here for Centuries would have benefit from it already............and that is iga Waaano iyo Dardaaran...
  21. Waryee Qawdhan...Cudur Kugu Dhacayee Gabadha beenta ka'daa ninyahow...
  22. "how come every xaliimo wants the same qualities in Mr.Right" Cuz We all deserve better and look for the best in whatever's out there for us.. Just like you Faarax's look for the best Xaliimo's... Waxaanu Guursandoona marka aanu aragno wax Noo qalma Until then Jaber, We gonna keep searching for the Mr. Right.. Nimco, Huuno go get a Dictionary and check for it...or better yet, ask Jaber, He seem to be too familiar with women's Issues ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  23. Buubto and Admin thank you for the INfo, Buubto, Abaayo thanks but I asked for the 'lyrics' meaning somali songs written down for us so we can read them instead of listening to them.. anyway, thanks again for the help..
  24. Salaaamz everyone, I'm hoping one of you can tell me, Where to find Somali Music lyrics? Every website I go Has the Listening Version but Not the Text. Ninba wuxuu ku taamaa ama hees ka tiriyaa tixo gabay ku sheegaa halka lagu tallaalee hawadiisu taallee uurkiisu tebayee.......... Thanks in advance,
  25. Jaber, Waryee, Geeljire.. Jacaylka Hantaqada Kadaa dee waa kusidee?... How about a Nice Home Cooked meal? Lets say some Laxoox, Suqaar ama Sabaayad iyo Suugo?.. your choice Secondly, I understood everything Except the Need for Tennis? Why would I need tennis?... To anony.........Ninyahow, How did you come up with this assumption?