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Everything posted by Naag-qaawan

  1. Hibo sis.... I thought you should read this song by Diana Ross..... It's one of those recovery Songs At first I was afraid, I was petrified Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side Then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong And I grew strong And I learned how to get along And so you're back from outer space I just walked in to find you here, with that sad look upon your face I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother me Go on now, go walk out the door Just turn around now 'Coz you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no not I, I will survive For as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive I've got all my life to live And I've got all my love to give I'll survive I will survive Hey hey (I, I will survive) Hey hey (I, I will survive) Every day (I, I will survive) Oh yeah It took all the strength I had not to fall apart Just trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart And I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high And you see me, somebody new I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you And so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free But now I'm savin' all my lovin' for someone who's lovin' me I'll survive, I will survive ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  2. El-presidento... Walaalo If you look@ the name carfully you will see that it's Cabdi...Now of course cabdi is the correct spelling in Somali, but also if you look at it the way they spell it in English it could be C.Abdi.... Do U see now why I had to ask?? U know what? Just cuz my name says I'm naked it doesn't really mean I'm but thx anyway! Qowdhan....... Wake up.... Huuno Ur dreaming!! ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  3. El-presidento... Walaalo If you look@ the name carfully you will see that it's Cabdi...Now of course cabdi is the correct spelling in Somali, but also if you look at it the way they spell it in English it could be C.Abdi.... Do U see now why I had to ask?? U know what? Just cuz my name says I'm naked it doesn't really mean I'm but thx anyway! Qowdhan....... Wake up.... Huuno Ur dreaming!! ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  4. Salaamz MplsKid..........No, This is the 21th century walaalo of course Male's can be Nurses...but I asked (If he is male)So I can congratulate him!! Cuz it takes a lot of guts for a male to be part of a female-dominated profession. ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  5. Salaamz MplsKid..........No, This is the 21th century walaalo of course Male's can be Nurses...but I asked (If he is male)So I can congratulate him!! Cuz it takes a lot of guts for a male to be part of a female-dominated profession. ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  6. Thanks Jaber...... Hibo sis, Waxba Qawdhan Ha la yaabina... Qixii Baa lagu'Maraye! He has Alzheimer's disease and all he seem to remember and say is his Budh!! lol ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  7. MuslimSister I couldn't say it any better..... U go girlfriend ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  8. Xafsa thanks sis........ WOW U must really love science! Well good luck on that one, U will need a lot of study time infact I don't think U should even be here , wasting your time BTW.......Cabdi are you male or female?? ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  9. Xafsa thanks sis........ WOW U must really love science! Well good luck on that one, U will need a lot of study time infact I don't think U should even be here , wasting your time BTW.......Cabdi are you male or female?? ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  10. Nice one Hibo... You're right It's so easy to express yourself online and tell people how you feel exactly...U find friends online, U find Lovers and sometimes U find even More.. Isn't that amazing? BTW........This sat.10/27... I'm going to a wedding, the 2people that are getting married met online a year ago and fell in love after few emails, they decided to talk and each felt that they met the Right Person for them.......that shows U the remarkable things of the NEtworld ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  11. LibaaxS. Thanks Walaalo, I'll think about it. but you Guy's give me some other names... Naag Austuran sounds boring and It's not me! ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  12. Good Point Hana1 ------------------ "To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spine."
  13. I guess education is not the 1st priority for many somalis ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  14. I guess education is not the 1st priority for many somalis ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  15. Nuur .. A wise man once said "With a knowledge of the name comes a distincter recognition and knowledge of the person" Perhaps you should look at what I've to say rather then looking at My Username! But Thanks anyway, I'll take your Suggestion into consideration....
  16. Salaama again, Good point Sis Hibo.. I do agree with you somewhat but also I do believe in the saying... Somaliyeey to'saaye To'soo isku tiirsada ee Hadba Kiina taag daran, Taageera waligeen!! I know some areas of the country are really way behind while the rest is doing well.. but wouldn't it be Nice if we help them?? help each other? Faiza.... Non taken sis, I don't rewrite it, It's a signature perhaps U should read about it on the 'faq' Frequently asked Questions section on top?... 2ndly, My PMS re-surfaces every now and then.. it's abnormal condition which is found in NQ only.... let me rephrase that, do you know what Tourette Syndrome aka TIC is?? Or if you watched that movie Duece Bigalow, Male Giglo... where he picks up this lady for a date and in the middle of the ride she screams and says... Fu*K U this and that?. Well, I've a similar condition which makes me say bad things which I don't mean to say them. I hope that helps U understand why I've PMS attitude 24/7 and Finally, Jaber... shame on U, what are you doing in the Ladies room? ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking. [This message has been edited by Naag-qaawan (edited 10-22-2001).] [This message has been edited by Naag-qaawan (edited 10-22-2001).]
  17. Due to what happen in Sept 11th.. A lot of people(non Muslims)are learning about the Religion and Understanding what Islam is all about.. in my city alone last friday we had 6 New Converts in the Masjid.. Alxamdulilaah.. The Enemy's of Islam try to destroy the Good name of Islam and Muslims instead It open the Eyes of a lot of people who didn't know anything about it.. Alxamdulilaah for that.. This is a story of a new Convert plz read... Story Filed: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:20 AM EST Oct 18, 2001 (Daily Trust/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Her name is Fatima Edoh, a 47-year-old Deeper Life elder. She lives in Karon-Majigi, a satellite town located along Airport Road in Abuja. On April 12, 2001, Fatima performed ablution and recited Lailaha Ila Lahu, Muhammadu Rasullullah (Salallahu Alaihi wa salam). She accepted the Islamic faith and converted to Islam. Fatima, who hails from Togo, a small West African country, is married to a Deeper Life Pastor who hails from Benue State. With four children, Fatima said she never had any personal problem with her husband neither did she experience maltreatment form him. She was neither underfed nor uncatered for in any form. The Deeper Life elder narrated her experience to Abuja Trust thus:- "On a night, sometimes in April this year, I had a dream. It was about the calling of Adhan - the muslim call for prayer. The following night I had the same dream. After the first dream, I confided in an old muslim woman who happens to be one of my customers. She told me that the dream was a divine calling for me to become a muslim. I refuted it and left her after my second dream, I had to organise myself to embrace Islam, which I did successfully without my husband and relations' knowledge. When my family heard about my conversion, they were not pleased. It was bad news for my relations, friends, church members, husband and a host of others with whom I worship at the Deeper Life Church. Even my daughter who is a nurse, when I informed her, she thought that I was crazy. She went ahead as she had threatened to pack all her belongings in my house and leave me. She forsook me." Mallama Fatima told Abuja Trust that she was traumatised as a result of her decision to convert to Islam. She recounted further:- "It all began with my church members quarrelling with me. They warned that I was going the dangerous way. When all verbal effort to change my mind failed, enemies resorted to witchcrafts and charms. At one time, I became seriously sick. My stomach was swollen like that of a pregnant woman. In fact when I was taken to the hospital, doctors could not diagnose my ailment. Instead, I was told that it was not an hospital matter. "I was later taken to a Mallam who wrote some verses of the Quran on a slate and rinsed it for me to drink. The Mallam prayed for me and told me that I was going to vomit through out the night. I drank it, and throughout the night, I was vomiting. When morning came, I felt strong and healthy! It was a wonderful experience." According to Fatima, her church members were surprised that her protruded stomach had become normal. She continued her narration: "After some period of time, another traumatic experience started. I began to see some people in my dreams with blood in their mouth. This time around, some muslim brothers and sisters in prayers joined me. That was how I overcame the problem." Perhaps worst than Fatima's health problems was the fact that her father and in-law disowned her. The old woman only reacted with a lot of tears but could not change her mind. Said she, "My family members told me that I had brought shame to them by converting to a muslim. They persuaded me to reconvert to Christianity. They applied a lot of tactics. They even drew my attention to the attack on America, but I was rather angered. I told them that there is no evidence that muslims masterminded the attack for religious purpose. If you know the muslim very well, you will agree with me that they are a peace loving people." As far as Fatima is concerned, her conversion to Islam was a manifestation of divine calls. As expected, Fatima received a lot of assistance from muslim brothers and sisters. Her ordeals was so deep that she even had to be assisted with such things as dresses to wear and mattress to sleep on, after her daughter made away with all her belongings. But the woman had what she described as a pleasant dream. "While I was in the hospital, I had a dream that my spirit was lifted from the earth to a big building. I was ushered in by a small girl through a big gate and was welcomed by some women dressed like me in white gowns, gloves and socks. They sang some beautiful songs to me in a language quite foreign. I woke up only to find myself on the hospital bed with drips. I am also pleased to tell you that my son-in-law has converted to Islam through my influence. I believe it is gradual. Some day, we will all become muslims. "I must tell you however, that when my son-in-law converted, I received serious warning from some people who told me that they were aware that my conversion would influence a lot of people, adding that I should be careful. But I replied and told them that I had converted many people to Christianity when I was one. Today I am no longer a Christian, so why should they be aggrieved at that." Fatima, who is firm in her decision and actions further told Abuja Trust that she used to lock her door in the night for fear of physical attack from enemies. Now she is no longer afraid of them for she knows that the heaven is open for those who die in the pursuit of the course of Allah. Mallama Fatima has since converted two other Christians to Islam, one of whom is her sister. by Habiba Adamu Copyright Daily Trust. Distributed by All Africa Global Media( KEYWORD: Religion Copyright © 2001, Africa News Service, all rights reserved. You may now print or save this document
  18. Salaams sista's. Most of us know the current situation in Somalia and Somali Politics. It has always been the MEN who decide what is good for the country and what is not. Somali Women have no Say in most things especially when it comes To Politics!! I Personally think Somali Men are the cause for everything that has happend in Somalia Good or Bad for the past 11yrs and Beyond. So I'm wondering what you Ladies think about The Division in Somalia.. U know SOMALILAND,PUNTLAND,MoqdhisoLAnd etc... Do U think our country is well better off Separated or United? I would like to hear from the Pro's and the Con's, and if you're a Pro or Con Tell us why please?? I'm against the Separation Of Somalia 120% even though I love what some parts of the country it's doing for themselves, I still believe we are all better off United as a Nation! ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  19. Salaamz all, Hibo sis, the poem is great. Plz Ignore the Negative comments!! It's in their nature to be jealous when They see Talent. If I had the power to change Or one wish to be granted... I would change or wish to Erase trabalism in our culture.... Ilaahay Subxana Wata'alaa said "O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and Tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (49:13). Somalida sideedaba when people ask them what religion they belong they should say " Our religion is Qabiil" Cuz Honestly, We believe in Qabiil more then we do our Religion... and I think the reason is the Lack of religon in our lives(I'm not generalizing) but there are plenty of somalis out there who know Nothing about Islam or being a Righteous person. The only source of preference or greatness among human beings is not on our "qabiil" but it is at the individual level. One individual who is (higher in Taqwa), more conscious of his Creator and is Staying away from the bad and doing the good is better, no matter whether he is Isaaq, Darood,Hawiye,or other group his part, Individual piety is the only thing that makes a person better and Greater than the other one. Look at us? Look where Qabiil brought us. Isn't time we let go of the past and Move on?.. Subxana'Alaah. I'm proud of my Tribe, but I don't think anyone is better then me and I don't think I'm better then anyone...... After all we are all Xawo iyo Adan's children
  20. WOW......Jaber, U have good taste in music, That song is one of my Fav's... This is another one I luv.. Bi'i waa jacaylow Boodheri inuu dilay Been baan u haystee. Bi'i waa jacaylow Boog aan la dhayinoo Cidi baanan karinoo Beerka iyo wadnaa iyo Boggaa kaaga taalliyo Inuu yahay bir caashaqu Been baan u haystoo. Webigoo butaacoo Beeraha waraabshoo Dhulka baadku jiifoo Dhirta ubaxu buuxshoo Canabkii bislaadoo Badarkiyo gallyddii Laga tuuray baalkoo Bulladiyo ciyaaraha Lagu waa bariistoo Beeluhu gu' joogaan Sow beri-samaadkii Beledweyn maan tegin. Dhanka bari magaalada Sow boqorod joogtoo Biyo dahab la moodoo Bilicdii haweenkiyo Bili loo dhammeeyoo timo. Timo boqonta joogoo Baal goray la moodoo Baarkana casaankii Bidix midig is-gaadhoo Bul-cad lagu xineeyoo. Badh ku seexanaysoo Barkanaysa qaaroo Huwanaysa baaloo Igu beer-dilaacshoo U buseelay maan baran. Sow goor barqa ahoo Bishu ay siddeed tahay Aniga iyo Beerluli Isku maannu soo bixin. Sow bariidadayddii Buundada ciyaartee Beled-weyn ku taallee Biyo lula guudkood Badhtankeeda maahayn. Sow bixiso weeyee Ballan maannu dhiganoo Berri joog imay odhan. Sow bayd go'aygii Layguma bushaarayn. Maantaa la baxayaa Bulshadii imay odhan. Sow waa bestayoo socod beegsan maayee Inna baaja caawoo I baxnaansha maan odhan Sow taliye baasoo Ba'noo war-moogi'i Taydii ma beenayn. Sow badiba kooxdii Goortay badheedheen Baabuurka fuuleen Anna baal kamaan korin Boholyow daraaddii Sow baraq nuglaantii Belo lagu ducaystoo Baryo kuma maqnaynoo Biri may xumaatoo Baadroolka daadsho Ka wadaa bukoodoo Bogsan waayo maan odhan Sow beriga waagiyo Barqa kulul dhexdoodii Geed baaxad weynoo Dherer iyo ballaarloo La yiraahdo Baaroo Bilig dheer hirkiisii Ma bidhaansanaynoo Bulxankiisa yeedhiyo Ma maqlaynin baaqii. Sow baaxad soortii Iyo laba boglayntii Maan noqon bestayoo Bacadkii ma dheelliman. Sow galab-boqoolkii Annagoo barwaaqiyo Meel baadle joognoo Tumanaynna Beerray Soomaan baraarugin. Riyo beena weeyee Sow baalla-daymii Baabuur lalaayoo Haad baalle moodoo Nafta sow ma biimayn Nin Benaadir joogoo Beled-Weyn la haysoo Waxaan ahay la baabee Sow baadi doonkii Weli baafis maan ihi Beled-Weyn Allahayow ka dhig beerta raaxada Ka dhig xero baraareed Beerlula Allahayow Belaayada hareer mari Beled-Weyn Allahayow Ka dhig guri barwaaqeed Beerlula Allahayow Beryo samo ku noolee Beled-weyn ka dhig beerta raaxada. Beerlula Allahayow ka bari waxyeelada. ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  21. S.C.W.W All........ I got this from a Islamic Websites.... It talks about some of the Reasons why Muslims shouldn't celebrate Non-muslim Holiday's......enjoy. VALENTINES DAY, MOTHERS DAY, FATHERS DAY, ETC. - WHY SHOULD MUSLIMS NOT CELEBRATE FESTIVALS OF NON-MUSLIMS In western countries, such as ours, there is a growing social and religious integration between the Muslims and the non-Muslims. Muslims, today, are fusing their Islamic culture with that of the Kuffar. This absorbance of cultures has been achieved to such an extent that some Muslims have even abandoned their very own pristine and pure culture. They are unable to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentine's Day - festivals that are most widely celebrated by non-Muslims - are now being accepted and celebrated by Muslims. Many unwary or perhaps ignorant Muslims support these festivals in some form or other - either actively or passively. Supporting the cause of Kufr in any way is a heinous crime and a direct onslaught against Islam and everything that it stands for. Islamic scholars have repeatedly written that any form of activity that is closely related to the manners of the Kuffar is a stepping stone to Kufr, and thus, prohibited in Islam. "Mother's day" and "Father's Day" have become symbols of the Kuffar. In fact, these are the only days that the Kuffar decide to visit their parents! "Valentine's Day" encourages pre-marital relationships which is freely and widely practised by the West. Christmas, the day on which Christians believe that Nabi Isa (alaihis salaam) was born, is nothing more than a weekend of lust, pleasure and drinking. On these days, cards are exchanged, dinners are eaten, alcohol is consumed excessively, money is spent wildly, dancing and singing takes place and all sorts of lustful and sexual relationships are carried out. These days have also become synonymous to great economic activity as huge amounts of money are spent on advertisements and gifts. This is evident from the sudden economic boom that is experienced before these days are actually celebrated. Many Muslim businessmen tend to decorate their shops in the same way as their non-Muslim counterparts do. Whether this is done to increase the sales or merely as a formality is strictly not permissable. Anyway, it is a sheer waste of hard-earned money. This is condemned in the Holy Quran as Muslims are reminded time and again not to waste their wealth in unlawful activities. The Holy Quran says: "And act not wastefully (i.e. unproductively). Lo! He approves not the wasters." (6:141) The Holy Quran and Ahadith sternly cautions us against emulating the Kuffar. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: "Whomsoever emulates a nation is of them." (Abu Dawud) From this Hadith we deduce that emulating the Kuffar is Haraam (totally prohibited) in regards to religious and social habits which are confined to them only. Many Muslims assert that since the non-Muslims send cards to us on days of Eid, we, are compelled by courtesy to acknowledge this by sending cards to them on their festive days. However, this assertion is totally misfounded and against the spirit of Islam. We are not compelled to be subservient to the "courteous" gestures of others. Islam is a code of life and has undoubtedly shown us the correct etiquettes and manners for every occasion. It teaches us every facet of moral behaviour in regard to Muslims and non-Muslims. Thus, to borrow these anti-Islamic trait from the Kuffar is not sanctioned by Islam. In Islam, Muslims do not need specific days to remind them of the obligations they have towards parents and loved ones, that is, loved ones who fall within the confines of what the Shariah prescribes. Muslims are warned not to indulge in illicit sexual activities, drink alcohol, behave indecently in public, sing and dance, waste money, etc. So, it is clear that the celebration of these days are not sanctioned by Islam and that these are purely Kuffar festivals not approved of by Islam. Many are under the false notion that while retaining the basic tenets and teachings of Islam, adoption of a few non-Muslim modes of life would not do any harm. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: " ... and follow not the lusts (of thy heart) that it deceives you from the Way of Allah. Lo! those who wander from the Way of Allah have an awful doom, for as much as they forget the Day of Reckoning." (38:26 ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  22. One More thing................GRAD's are Welcome too, Share your major with us ATL.. ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  23. One More thing................GRAD's are Welcome too, Share your major with us ATL.. ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  24. Qawdhan, Nimco Knew what PMS was and could have learn about it Simply by reading or doing some search on it, She didn't need my explanation. Besides, Helping people and answering stupid Questions are not the same! No offence To Nimco... However though, What I hate Is old men with the brain of a 7yr old child...Such as yourself Qawdhan who have nothing good to contribute to Humanity But their lack of intelligence!! What a waste huh?... May I suggest that U do something with yourself and perhaps take a course or two in Transient ischemic attack (TIA)? You're showing the Symptom... ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.
  25. Qawdhan, Nimco Knew what PMS was and could have learn about it Simply by reading or doing some search on it, She didn't need my explanation. Besides, Helping people and answering stupid Questions are not the same! No offence To Nimco... However though, What I hate Is old men with the brain of a 7yr old child...Such as yourself Qawdhan who have nothing good to contribute to Humanity But their lack of intelligence!! What a waste huh?... May I suggest that U do something with yourself and perhaps take a course or two in Transient ischemic attack (TIA)? You're showing the Symptom... ------------------ Anything good I said came from Allah...Anything bad I said...well..thats PMS talking.