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Everything posted by Ojelle

  1. ^No, Yey is the hero. Coz he managed to give the country to Amhaaro. Nooloow nooloow Yeyooy noolo, Aabihii garashada gayga yagoo. Happy now? ooh forgot to say. Dhafoorqiiq saved Barre's *** when his koofiyad cas run away from him hurrah!
  2. lol@ haka xishoonin. Malaha dayniile uu ka soo qaadaa aan u maleenaa. Juje warka cadee, intee ka soo qaadaa?
  3. Sxb, the song was meant for those who were against the new revolution from all clans and its swift progress on many sectors i.e. Education, health , farming etc. So to say it was meant for a particular clan is absurd.
  4. ^looooool@Clanish song. Are you telling us the whole clan had meel bugta? duqa u r coming out the closet walaaahi. Ceeb badanaa!
  5. Originally posted by Emperor: LOoL, it's my fav too, thou it was a wicked clanish song, utter failure of the late President Said, it is one of the ediotic songs I have ever heard, sidee qabiil hees loogu qaadi karaa? and architected by the President himslef, waxaas baa lagu leeyahay legacy fiican buu katagay, shacabka ayuu qabiil iskugu dhiibay heesho, hub iyo colaad. However, I love that song and have copy of it, waan iska dhagaystaa oo kuqoslaa every other while... Why do you think it was ment for a whole qabiil? Here is waxqabadkii Kacaanka
  6. When I see Duke and his likes I remeber this song: Inkastoo loo baaqoo Oo loo sheego barwaaqo Dadbay meeli bugtaa dadbay meeli bugtaa Dadbay meeli bugtaa bugtaa
  7. Siyad was a failure and his supporters like Horn should have defended him when he needed it, not after 12 years since his death loooool, buuh baahdii cida miyaad wali aaminsantahay yaa dhafoorqiiq ! Your signature says it all, how could you be against Siyaad Barre while you praise Yey everyday?
  8. "Our policy of inaction made us loose these regions and Lasanood long time ago. If we are worrying about committing genocide to these people we will never be able to realize our goal to become a state", I think what Warabe said sums up the whole argument and his intention to comit is sickening. we will see if those people are willing to welcome Mr Warabe's intention with 'Red Roses' or 'Waawaray iga soo gaaraay, waxaan dhuuso mooday baa xaar igu noqdaye'
  9. Good job Mr Dhere, Clean up the mess, We somalians are behind you, kick some asses.
  10. waxaad guursataa midii aad tiraahdo xaasbay kuu noqon kartaa, hadiise aadan hubin lasoo xiriir xafiiska guurdoonka address dib ayaan kasoo sheegayaa hadii ilaah idmo. Good lucky
  11. Ojelle

    A video...

    wicked Video is just tells you more obout our rich culture and sort of ladies we missing, i wish i had one like Awrala.
  12. Congratulation to him, and that is symbol for Somali origin kid in the Football career in this country.
  13. Atleast Siyad Barre did some good for the country and was patriotic unlike Yeey who is neither patriotic nor did any good for the country. Aabihii Kacaanka left a legacy which is difficult to mimic.... So for me I have voted for Barre although I didn't agree with a lot of things he has done..
  14. Waxaan u maleenayaa in dadku uusan ka sineen haysashada Shareecada Islaamka.Ilaah dadka xaqa ha fahamsiiyo.
  15. ^Dude, are you saying the TFG is not corrupt?
  16. ^Abti, listen, the Islamic Courts are supported by the majority of the Somalis living in the following regions: 1.Banadi 2.Shabelleda Dhexe 3.Shabelleda Hoose 4.Jubadad Hoose 5.Jubada dhexe 6.Gedo 7.Galguduud 8.Hiiraan What more do u want buddy? Do u want us to ask every living Somalis wheather they support Maxkamadaha or not? Be realistic dude and stop being difficult aite.
  17. ^Duke, They do have popular support, the majority of somali people do support even people from puntland and somaliland, it was a week ago when the puntland administration had arrested people who they said were supporting Maxkamadaha. This is clear to everyone except you and your likes in diaspora who are full of envy. You only see the current situation through Males Zanawi and Yey's eyes.
  18. ^Why would the TFG arm any group? why don't they put to end the occupation? TFG ma magac yaalbaa? Goormay wax qabanaayaan?
  19. Miskiin Macruuf, you never appreciate anything, you always have something against this revolution. You call them names, I have never seen you say anything good about Maxkamadaha, why is that? Is liberating Xamar from the thugs not enough? Is opening Airport and the Mogadishu Port not enough? Is cleaning the streets of Mogadishu for first time in 16 yrs not enough? Aad aa iiga yaabisay ninyahoow!
  20. What about cabdiyo, xusulo, shankaroon, qamar,
  21. Ojelle


    Salaama Calaykum this is about a twin who are un born but had This converstaion while they were in their mums Worm, this is what happen. Twin A: do you know that other people are naked as well as we are. Twin B: oh no i dont think so, but why do u think that they might be naked. Twin A: you know the guy who comes to our room every night he is naked, may be i though every one is naked.
  22. Salama Calaykum i am not sure if they are real somalian, and if they are we need to find out the reality. because it seems to me hard to beleive that we have such ppl in Chicago at that time, not realy knowing what their circumantace were. Blue sky's