I disgree brother Nurudin with you; you are partially right to say that we did not have a written Somali then But there were many other languages that is used to write. For example in Europe also there werent many people who could write and had access to the education. Only clergymen and aristocrats could read and write.
While this era was the golden age for muslims but in Europe was in the contrary and they refer it as the dark ages.
Coming back to the issue of Somali history; there are many written transcrpits about Somalia which dates back to the 3500 BC. For example Chinese manuscripts are mentioned in Somalia as an important commercial centre as it imported ivory, cloths and spices. Also Hatsepshut who was the first Pharaoh queen established close commercial links with northern coast of Somalia.
After the spread of Islam, Horn of Africa was the first place outside Arabian Peninsul that Islam reached before it even spread to the most of the Arabs. Furthermore, Somalia is mentioned in many arabic writing by the most renowned historians, thinkers and philosophers of their time such al-Masudi 935 AD, Al-Bakri 1067 AD, Al-Idris 1154 AD. Ibn Batuta who is not doubt the world's greatest traveller mention in his book When he visited Mogadishu reported seeing cloth being exported from Mogadishu to places as far off as Egypt and China.
For the time being I will stop my research here and carry on from there another time insha allah. However if anyone is interested where to read let me know and I will try to suggest to the some of the most informing books.
Aduunkaan weerarka ah walaa xoowlaan ka iri