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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Boosaaso: Laamaha Ammaanka oo Soo Bandhigay Hub iyo Walxaha Qarxa [Codad+Sawiro] Updated:- 1 hour ago| 4 Commnets Laamaha ammaanka ee gobolka Bari ayaa maanta soo bandhigay hub iyo walxaha qarxa oo ay kusoo qabteen howlgalo ay maalmihii u danbeeyey ka sameeyeen magaalada Boosaaso. Wasiir ku xigeenka amniga ee Puntland Cabdijamaal Cismaan Maxamed iyo Taliyaha qabybta Booliska ee gobolka Bari Cismaan Xasan Cawke (Afdalow) oo maanta Saxaafadda shir ugu qabtay gudaha dekedda Boosaaso ayaa hubkaas soo bandhigay kana warbixiyey qaabkii gacanta loogu soo dhigay. Taliyaha qaybta Booliska ee gobolka Bari Cismaan Xasan Cawke (Afdalow) ayaa sheegay in hubkan lagu soo qabtay howlgal ay ciidamadu sameeyeen 10-kii bishan aynu ku jirto ee March. Wuxuuuna intaas ku daray in hubkan ay ku jiraan kuwii lagu fuliyey dilkii AHN Sh. Axmed Xaaji Cabdiraxmaan oo isaga lagu toogtey meel aan guriga hubkaas laga soo qabtay wax badan ka durugsaneyn. Wasiir ku –xigeenka wasaaradda amniga ee Puntland ayaa isna sheegay in beryihii u danbeeyey uu socdey baaritaan lagu raadgoobayey dadkii hubkan ay ciidamadu qabteen lahaa islamarkaana lagu guuleystey in qaar badan oo kamid ah lasoo qabto. Cabdijamaal ayaa dhinaca kale mahad balaaran u jeediyey bulshada magaalada Boosaaso kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay si joogto ah ciidamada ula shaqeeyaan una soo gudbiyaan xogaha ku saabsan wax walba oo ay ka shekiyaan. Audio http://horseedmedia.net/2012/03/21/boosaaso-laamaha-ammaanka-oo-soo-bandhigay-hub-iyo-walxaha-qarxa-codadsawiro/ Stunned Outrageous
  2. Puntland wa inay gasha no 1 most agriculturally active state in Somalia, if we can build the infrastructure required and the technology the will power is there, watch out for thie key industry somaliyay your being left behind because puntland is doing huge focus on this sector like never before
  3. Garoowe (APL ) : Wasiirka Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka Puntland Maxamuud Xaaji Saalax ayaa ka warbixiyey Howlaha Wasaaradda iyo Waxa u qabsoomay Mudadii Sanadka ahayd ee uu Wasiirka ka ahaa Beeraha iyo Waraabka,waxaana uu sheegay inuu qabtay arrimaha ay ka midyihiin 1. Wacyigelin la siiyey shaqalaha iyo khabiirada Beeraha ee Wasaaradda 2. Tababaro iskaashatooyinka iyo Beeralayda puntland taas oo la xiriirta Horumarinta Beeraha 3. Hagaajinta Xiriirada Hay,addaha Caalamiga ah ee ka shaqeeya Mashaariicda Beeraha Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in wasaaradiisu ay u diyaargarobayso sidii loo Kaydin lahaa Biyaha Xilyadda Roobku Da,aan soo mara Togaga iyo Laagaha, iyadoo loo Habaynayo Biyo Qabatino ama Goobo lagu Joojiyo si loo adeegsado Xilliyadda Jiilaalka ah ee ay abaaruhu jiraan,loogana Faaiidaysto Waraabka Beeraha iyo Xoolaha , Wasiir Birijkole ayaa sheegay in Siyaasadda Beeraha ay ku jirto Dibu eegis ,iyadoo la ogaaday in Puntland ay ka midtahay Deegaanadda soomaalida Meelaha dhul beereed ka ku wanaagsan ,Xogta la hayana ay filayaan in kaalinta kowaad ay ciriirsanayso puntland , waxaa uu sheegay wasiirku in ay jirto Xiligaan Biyo Yaraan haysata Beeralayda Yaryar ee soo koraysa ,Taas oo lagu wado in Ceelal Badan laga hergalindoono Deegaanadda Dhulbeereedka ku Haboon, Wasiirku waxaa uu ugu Baaqay Dadka Reer Puntland eek u dhaqan Dibadaha in ay Maalgashadaan Dhulka puntland oo ah meel ku Haboon Beerista Dalagga kala Duwan,iyadoo puntland ay ka khafiifindoonto adeegyadda Beeraha ee ay lasoo Degayaan, ALLPUNTLAND Saalim.org@gmail.com
  4. Somalia: President Farole travels through Karkaar region 20 Mar 20, 2012 - 9:34:18 AM QARDO, Somalia Mar 19 2012 (Garowe Online) – A delegation led by Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, met with clan elders and other district officials in Puntland in the region of Karkaar on Monday, Garowe Online reports. President Farole traveled to the district of Dhudo to meet with the mayor of Bayla, Saeed Adan Ali. After meeting with president Farole, Mayor Saeed told reporters that he discussed the issue of illegal fishing on the coast of Puntland and how it could be dealt with. He also discussed development projects in Bayla so the local authorities are capable of dealing with issues like illegal fishing. Mayor Saeed said that president Farole promised that his government would deal with the issues mayor Saeed raised in the coming future. After departing from Dhudo, President Farole and his delegation consisting of regional officials, MPs, clan and religious leaders traveled to Rako; where Farole and his delegation have been trying to get to get two clans in the region to reach a peaceful resolution over a killing. The mediation between the two clans has taken president Farole through Karkaar region meeting with district officials, clan elders, community and religious leaders in the district of Rako early Monday morning. President Farole and his delegation are currently still meeting with clan elders and religious leaders in Rako. GAROWEONLINE
  5. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo kulan ka furey Rako Raaxo 20 Mar 20, 2012 - 8:49:55 AM Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka qeyb galay munaasabad lagu heshiisiinayay beelo walaala ah oo wada degmada Rako ee gobolka Karkaar. Munaasabadaas oo ay goob joog ka ahaayeen ergooyin isugu jira isimo, culimaa'udiin, aqoon yahno, odayaal dhaqameed iyo indheergarad. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa munaasabadaas ka akhriyey khudbad dheer uu kaga hadley xalinta khilaafaadkaas. Waftiga Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa maalmihiii lasoo dhaafey ku sugnaa degmada Qardho halkaasoo kulamo kula qaatey shacabka iyo mas'uuliyiinta gobolka Karkaar. Dowlada Puntland oo xilka iminka haysa ayaa muhiimad gaar ah siineysa xalinta khilaafaadka beelaha walaalaha ah ee wada daga degaamada Puntland. Khudbadihii laga jeediyay waxaa warbixintan nooga diyaariyay wariye Axmad Cawil Jaamac (Halkan ka dhegeyso). http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Warbixin_kulan_ka_furmey_degmada_Rako_Raaxo.shtml
  6. DANGOROYO : M-waynaha Puntland oo si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyay Dangoroyo Khubadna u jeediyay dadkii soo dhaweeyay March 21, 2012 11:23 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Dangoroyo:-M-waynaha Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo ka soo kicitimay maanta (Arbaco) tuulada Rako ayaa si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyay Degmada Dangoroyo ee gobolka Nugaal, waxaana si diiran u soo dhaweeyay dadwayne aad u badan iyo maamulka deegaanka, waxaana uu khudbad u jeediyay dadkii soo dhaweeyay. M-waynaha, ayaa sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay sida diiran ee loo soo dhaweeyay, waxaana uu sheegay in ay tahay mid uu filayay uuna u dhashay magaalada uuna ogyahay in laga jecel yahay. Waxa uu sheegay in uu dareemi karo in deegaanka uu waxyaalo badan tabanayo oo u baahan yahay, hase ahaate, waxa uu yiri “Geeljirow wax kasta oo aad qabtid reer Ari waa kaa hooseeyaa……”, taas uu ku macneeyay in magaalada Dangoroyo ay u jirto Caasumada in ka yar 100Km, balse ay tageen oo ay soo arkeen deegaamo badan oo aad u fog oo ay ka jiraan baahiyo aad u badan loona baahan yahay in wax loo qabto. M-waynaha, oo ku soo jeeda Caasumada Puntland ee Garoowe ayaa maanta qado-sharaf ku leh Degmada Dangoroyo ee gobolka Nugaal, waxaana uu M-waynuhu todobadkan ku maqnaa gobolka Karkaar oo u tagay heshiisiinta beelo walaalo ah oo halkaasi wadadaga. Puntlandpost.com
  7. Carafatow, dont you see his porfolio The man is ready to bring the policies and programs to the table and his vision for the state. I assume investment, security, and health and education must be a key priority on his agenda
  8. Carafatow, Puntland is a major stakeholder and a key to somali politics and future, your hatred will not change this!!! you just need to accept it
  9. Carafaat;807495 wrote: I dont think you can call appointment by 450 people democratic. Sheick Shariif was appointed by 500 MP's. Does make it democratic though. Your lack of understanding of what democratic is the problem and not Puntland. General constitieunt assemblies have signed constitutions before like in India and America. Puntland is heading towards a multi party democracy, where the parties will be elected at the local level so every abdi can have his say. The party with the most vote will form the government. The tfg is based on clan politics 4.5, where clan manipulation is rife and where power is given to people based on clan and not policies, Puntland is heading towards a democracy what dont you get? not a kangaroo democracy like somaliland and its 150 tribal parties but a proper democracy based on shared policies between clans with 3 major parties.
  10. Good luck Gablax on your candidacy but before you begin your election drum-rolling, the election date has yet to be confirmed. Their is dispute about it and the parliament recently just said the presidential election is penciled in for January 2014 and not next year. The president himself has said this also. So its wise to confirm with the government, parliament and electoral commitee when the elections are penciled in for before you waste money, resources and time on the campaign trail through-out the 8 states of Puntland. Other then may the best man win the race!!! Ill be looking forward to hearing your platform, program, and vision for the state as I will be intently observing other candidates election programs!!!
  11. Musharax Gablax oo Shaaciyay in uu u Sharaxanyahay Madaxtinimada PL [sawiro+Cod] Updated:- 3 days ago| 29 Commnets Cabdiraxman Sh Maxamed Xasan (Gablax),oo ah Musharaxa u taagan jagada madaxtinimada Puntland ayaa maanta waxaa xaflad balaaran oo soodhaweyn ah loogu sameeyey Hotelka Golden Plaza ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Xafladaan oo ay kasoo qaybgaleen qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada kudhaqan gobolka Mudug , ayuu musharaxu ku faahfaahiyey arimo badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen waxbarashadiisa iyo shaqadiisa. Wuxuu kale oouu musharaxu soo bandhigay qorshihiisa siyaasadeed ee ku aadan horumarinta bulshada, dhaqaalaha iyo dhaqanka. Wuxuu kaleeto oo uu ku dheeraaday nabad kusoo dabaalida gobolada Puntland oo dhan taas oo aasaas looga dhigayo sinaan iyo caddaalad. Dhagayso Khudbadii musharaxa oo dhamaystiran http://horseedmedia.net/2012/03/18/prof-gablax-oo-shaaciyay-in-uu-u-sharaxanyahay-madaxtinimada-pl-sawirocod/ Waxaa ka muuqday wajiyadda kasoo qaybgalayaasha xafladda farxad ay ku dheehan tahay wadaniyad iyo yididiilo ay u qabaan aragtida madaxweynahooda mustaqbalka dhow. waxayna taas ku muujiyeen khudbado ay ka soo jeediyeen hoolka shirka. Musharaxa oo ah nin dhalin yaro ah kana mid ah aqoonyahanada soomaaliyeed kuwa ugu cadcad ayay dadweynaha iyo masuuliyiintii kasoo qayb galay xaflada u arkeen inuu musharaxu yahay nin dhexdhexaad ah oo gobolka Mudug ka samatabixin kara marxaladda adag oo maanta ku jiro isla markaana aan lug ku lahayn ururada ka jira soomaliya. Musharaxu wuxuu sidoo kale soo bandhigay waxa dowladiisu qaban doonto boqolka maalmood ee ugu horeysa xukuumadiisa, taasoo ah wax aan looga baran musharixiinta in ay dadweynaha soo hor dhigaan wax qabad cad inta aysan hanan jagada madaxnimadda ummadda. Dhamaan Masuuliyiinta kasoo qayb galay xafladaan islamarkaasna bixiyay taageeradooda buuxda waxaa kamid ahaa masuuliyiin ka kala socotay ururada bulshada gobolka Mudug iyo gudoomiyayaal beelo soomaaliyeed oo ku hadlayey magaca degaanada ay ka soo jeedaan, kuwaas oo aay kamid ahaayeen nabadoon Gaani Siciid ,Eng Cumar dheere , nabadoon Yaasin Cabdi Samad iyo Col Cabdinuur Buulale. Munaasabadaas waxay kusoo gabagaboowday Guul dadweynihii meesha isuguyimidna waxay Eebe uga baryeen in uu ku guuleeyo Madaxtinimada Puntland , iyaga oo ku qancay aqoontiisa iyo kartidiisa, kuna raali noqday hadafka Nabad raadinta ee uu wado musharax Cabdulraxmaan Sh Maxamed (Gablax). Axmed Maxamed Cali [Caano-Geel] Horseed Media Gaalkacyo-Puntland
  12. http://puntlandi.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Farole-Constituent-Assembly.pdf
  13. You guys are insane, If puntland wants something it always gets it. That is something you should know by now!!! This is the state which made all somalia and 45 nations of the world accept garowe principles as the foundation of somalia politics. Thats why I dont respond to somaliland international meeting bay gashay iyo aqoonsi ba soo socoto iyo sheekadas anymore because sharci ayaa hada jirto oo aduunka hirgalay cid ku sagajami karto ma jiddo, yet your talking about sool and sanaag lol wallahi dadkan wa iska nacaso. Somaliland would get calls from 45 nations and more telling them to get out of sool and sanaag or puntland will held back to militarily deal with somaliland, which it can and easily can defeat snm if it wanted!!! Puntland ma amaanan meel uu ka baqo, lets just leave it at that. Lets be real dude, somaliland is a ghost state noone politically supports them that can change somalia's politics in the long term. I have only seen professors of university or lecturers supporting somaliland cause buts lets be real what can some lecturer change foreign policies of their nation? sxb they are their teach kids textbooks not decide on politics. Thats why I have no fear of somaliland and I dont even care when I hear somaliland ayaa aqoonsigisa soo socoto iyo somaliland ba meel calaami faristay iyo waxaas nin sharciga og baan ahay anigu and I know full well that will never change untill puntland changes it!!!
  14. Range Press Release on Puntland offshore oil blocks http://www.rangeresources.com.au/fileadmin/user_upload/In_the_News/20312PUNTLAND_OFFSHORE.pdf
  15. Range secures new Puntland agreement By Sarah Modlock | Tue, 20/03/2012 - 10:35 Range Resources (RRL) updated investors on activities in Puntland, Somalia, on Tuesday and revealed a new farm-in opportunity and the potential sale of Texan assets. In Puntland, Range has secured a new agreement with the government for a 100% working interest in the highly prospective Nugaal Basin Offshore Block. The Block is an extension of the onshore Nugaal Region which has the potential for deltaic deposits from the Nugaal Valley drainage system and comprises over 10,000 kilometres. Range said it will now commit to a 2D seismic program within the first three years, with further 3D seismic and an exploration well to follow in the second three-year period. It will offer a participation interest to its joint venture partner, Red Emperor Resources (RMP), on terms to be agreed. "Today's announcement is significant in that we have demonstrated the next development path forward for Range," commented Range managing director Peter Landau. "A successful first well in Puntland will trigger increased interest in the whole Puntland region and Range believes it has secured the most prospective offshore block following previous work undertaken by Range in 2009 and 2010 which included a review of historical seismic and well data," he added. As part of the deal, Range has committed $5 million (c£3.2 million) for the tarmac sealing of an airport runway in Puntland at the government's direction. Meanwhile, the Shabeel-1 well on the Dharoor Block in Puntland, Somalia is currently at a depth of 2,384 metres and drilling ahead. It is expected that casing will be run at approximately 2,400-2,700 metres as dictated by the next electrical logging run. Target depth remains at approximately 3,800 metres. Farm-in and Texas prospects offers Range also revealed that it is has secured a 65% farm-in opportunity (350 metres of 3D seismic and two new wells) on two highly prospective licences in the onshore Putamayo basin in southern Colombia. It said full details of the agreement will be provided after regulatory approvals but Landau said: "The proposed Colombian farm-in will see Range move into a highly prospective, producing precinct in southern Colombia and provide a very unique exploration and production proposition when combined with our major Trinidad operations." Range said it is also considering the sale of its Texas project interests "following approaches from various parties". Timing of any deal is likely to follow the P1 and P2 reserve upgrade expected to be completed in April 2012 and the company confirmed it will consider several capital management alternatives for the sale proceeds, including a return of capital and an on-market share buyback. Finally, the company announced a strategic institutional placement of 150 million shares at £0.125 each to raise £18.75 million. It said: "Importantly 100 million of the shares have been placed to a major US and European fund management group, with considerable expertise in the oil and gas sector. Admission of the shares on AIM is expected to be Tuesday, with Range's shares on issue then being 2,271,766,648." Shares in Range dropped over 6% in morning trading. Investor reaction On the Interactive Investor discussion board for Range, there was initial confusion over a spelling error in the Range RNS which appeared to suggest a new opportunity in the US state rather than the country of Colombia. User ‘Oilfarmer’ wondered: “Is this COLUMBIA OPPORTUNITY - anywhere near to The Capella Oilfield - a new heavy oil discovery in COLOMBIA !…made by Emerald and Canacol in the Caguan-Putumayo basin?” On the Puntland news, user ‘Forest Trader’ said: “My first thoughts were why place at a low price just prior to Puntland drill results. PL [Peter Landau] is no fool and there will be a reason behind it.” “Major oil companies have been looking closely at East Africa and buying into it. Rumours are that the majors are sniffing around Puntland. How does the interest in offshore change if an onshore strike is announced. PL has all the info on offshore from historis seismic etc and has secured the best block before the real interest in it kicks off. Colombia has been talked about for over a year and it may have been time to move on the deal before the door closed,” he commented, concluding: “The ride on this share keeps getting longer but it's also getting more exciting.” Meanwhile, user ‘moisherabbenu’ said: “Well done Mr Landau - astute to the extreme. Funding offshore Puntland for a mere 150m shares to an oil and gas biased US investment house. It could not get any better. This deal has increased the value of Range by a huge amount. I feel within 3-4 weeks we shall be looking at a share price of double where it stands today.” The managing director of Range Resources discusses operations in Trinidad, Georgia, Puntland, future sale of Texan assets and the purchase of new assets in: Your questions answered by Peter Landau.
  16. PUNTLAND OIL: Tartankii shidaalka Puntland oo labo lixaadsaday, Nugaal Basin Offshore Block oo ay nasiib u yeelatay shirkadda Range Resources March 20, 2012 11:24 am GMT - Written by Yusuf - Edited by Editor Print Puntland:-Shirkadda Range Resources ee laga leeyahay Dalka Australia ayaa maanta warsaxaafadeed ay soo saartay ku sheegtay in ay ku guulaysatay in ay heshay ogolaanshihii shidaal baarista badweynta Hindiya ee gobolka Nugaal (Nugaal Basin Offshore Block ), waxayna warsaxaafadeedkeeda ku sheegtay inay mudo sadex sano ah halkaas ka taagi doonto riigii ugu horeeyey ee biyaha badda Soomaaliya laga taago. Tani waxa ay tusaale u tahay sida ay shirkadani u ogtahay shidaalka dhexceegaaga degaanada Puntland Dhul iyo Badba, waxayna iminka u muuqataa in shirkadu ay isku fidinayso Puntland kor inta aysan shirkadaha waaweyn iman. Shirkadda ayaa shaacisay in ay bixinayso lacag dhan $5 milyan oo ay ugu talo gashay in lagu dhameeyo garoon diyaaradeed oo aysan warsaxaafadeedka ku sheegin halka uu noqon doono. Waxaa dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo Saamilayda shirkadaha shidaalka qodaya ay sugayeen natiijadii ugu dambaysay ee ceelka shabeel-1, waxaase iminka ay u muuqataa oraahdii ahayd “Kani galbay ku kale mooyee”, shabeel-1 gacanta ayaad ku haysataan ee yaan la idin ka hormarin dhinaca badda, ka hor inta aan warku bixin. Puntlandpost.com
  17. hilarious aint it kingy, me and you can u imagine it on the puntland airforce squad, going through somalia showing our might in an26 and black hawk helicopters!!! dammmmmmm it sends a huge message to all clans in somalia they are nothing in somalia if were around and if we want we can take them out in seconds and they live at our mercy and not on their bravery
  18. The AN26 and blackhawk helicopters will be dispatched and logistical lines of communication and support re-enforced for Puntland Marine forces in every coastal city of the state. An effective security apparatus is what im talking about
  19. Eyl Mayor wellcome Puntland Maritime Police force Puntland State of Somalia – Colonel Abdirizak Dirie Farh, Commander of the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF), met with Mayor Muse Osman Yusef of Eyl. The Colonel, who was in Eyl to view progress made by the PMPF anti-piracy efforts, used his visit as an opportunity to meet with the Mayor to discuss how the PMPF can work with the community to provide security and stability. In addition to the Mayor, attendees included Mr. Faysal Khalif Wa’ays, Deputy Mayor of Eyl District, Mahad Ahmed Mohamoud, Police Commissioner, Eyl District, and Mr. Farah Jama Hasan, the Assistant Government Coordinator for Puntland. At a public event earlier in March, The Mayor of Eyl, Muse Osman Yusef, commented, “The people of the community of Eyl are very happy to welcome the Puntland Maritime Police Force,” The Mayor and the Colonel agreed that the PMPF will begin urban patrolling as a way of bolstering community confidence in the government’s commitment to protecting Eyl. Until recently, the town of Eyl was known as a notorious pirate safe haven. The town is known as the birthplace of modern day Somali piracy. The deployment of the PMPF was undertaken to secure the town in order to prevent the pirates from returning. The Mayor and the Colonel also discussed the PMPF’s commitment to improving the socio-economic viability of the community by using only local goods and labor to support the unit’s deployment. Lastly, the construction of a community airfield that would support both commercial and military traffic was discussed. The project, slated for later this year, would enable the PMPF to maintain logistical lines of communication while offering the community increased economic opportunities. The Government of Puntland seeks to create a climate for normalization of trade, good governance and related reconstruction and development. Eyl was once one of the largest fishery centers in Somalia harvesting lobster, tuna and other high value products for the local and international market. Piracy and lawlessness destroyed much of this income and the community will work with the government to rebuild their maritime industry. About the Puntland Maritime Police Force. The PMPF is a professional, locally-recruited coastal police force in the Puntland State of Somalia. The PMPF’s mission is to promote peace and stability in the region by deterring, detecting, and eradicating piracy, illegal fishing and other coastal crimes; protecting marine resources; and delivering much-needed humanitarian relief supplies to Puntland’s citizens. The PMPF directly responds to calls from the United Nation and international community for regional Somali authorities to enhance their law enforcement and security capacities. Relevant Somali authorities have briefed and notified the United Nations about the PMPF and its activities on a number of occasions. Mr. Abdirazak Mohamed Mohamud Project Coordinator Presidential Office
  20. Their so well trained, has the doctor worried!!! at least I dont lie. I am even rethinking if puntland will have the best forces in the nation!!!
  21. This guy on left hand side is struggling He probably goes to uni at night in bosaso Who knows maybe me and kingy will be going there to teach PHD curriculums while watching our city transform into a cosmopolitan hub
  22. Garowe mayor office Qardho mayor office finally bosaso cabinet vs mogadishu cabinet hargeisa cabinet lol im not even comparing them to our real political capital with a proper presidential palace under construction and the most modern parliament in somali history, not to mention 3 governor houses that are more grand then anything in mogadishu and hargeisa, plus a government guest house under construction in qardho I think Puntland has some good government institutions oo laga daysto. Hurry up guys before your left behind. Doodayda halkay marayso ma aragtan lol, I comparing local governments to hargeisa and mogadishu regional govts
  23. I dont see any protests, as some reporters have been claiming. All I see is caleemo qoyan and a hero's welcome for the president of puntland to one of the 37 jurisdictions that fall under his leadership. Those guys in the pic are not your avg politician but the heavyweight isims of qardho, if he has their blessing you can be rest assured the whole god dam city does too!!! marka igala tag propagandada yar aad la wareegaysid