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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. burahadeer;815287 wrote: true its just pit stop nowadays & I think it has to do more with business.People r moving to & building their houses in hargeisa/burao cos there r more people here,if you run store or cafe you make more money and I think by the fact lot people driving or transportation lot better these days make it much easier.Both port/airport running good.There nothing really tribal about it. That doesnt make sense, Somalia one if its biggest factors in wars iis lack of infrastructure and resources and people all moving to wear the infrastructure is which causes conflict with the local populations of those cities that are blessed with infrastructure, That should've of occured in Berbera where everyone in burco and even hargeisa moving there but it didn't and is one of the suprising things in somalia. The usc clan in the central regions pretty much all ran ran to mogadishu for the infrastructure. The gedo boys ran to kismayo. The puntlanders ran to bosaso. You see the pattern??? running towards where the infrastructure is and where-ever the infrastructure is when population build around it and make the city big. This didn't occur in Berbera which is one of the suprises of the somali civil war. Plus businesses should be thinking of their profits, trucking products to burco and hargeisa is going to affect their bottomline, where-as if all of the people moved to berbera their trucking costs would become non-existant since their at the city where everything is brought in and taken out. But somalis do say waqoyi wa dad waalan, which again this is something VERY UNUSUAL from that part of somalia
  2. Hustler the infrastructure at berbera is word-class in somali standards, there is no reason why the city shouldn't have developed into one of the cities of somalia. It doesnt even get a mention now and is viewed as transit point only. Like "war berbera baan soo maray waxan uu socoday airportka bosaso ama hargeisa"...Its just pit-stop
  3. Hustler;815280 wrote: Dr you are right berbera use to be amazing city but the past 20 years everyone has ignored. It was the only city in somlia that had two ports ayaan daro ba ku dhacday meeshas. Somalis are killing themselves to have control over such strategic areas that are similar to berbera in infrastructure and somaliland just ignored it for 20 years is truly ariin lala yaabo. I can see why the neglect happened because of tribal issues and one clan not having total control over it to prosper themselves and the administration worries over starting a war if it meddles into it, but the administration should've of sorted that mess out a long time ago. U can't allow for such strategic cities like that to be held hostage by tribal differences because at the end of the day everyone then will lose and so will the govt!!! It's the administration role to bring all conflicting stakeholders together to work out a plan so that everyone can benefit, if they can't do that then sxb war meeshu nidaam kama jiddo
  4. peasant;815274 wrote: ^ Utility and communication service providers do generate a lot revenues from the public and the government should hold them accountable to organize their utility poles and wires. Bosaso and all other cities should have guideline and a system in place which companies can operate under. I agree 100% the businesses need to all agree, because businesses won't do anything if it jeopardizes their profit margin. The rule needs to be applied to all businesses, construction, and electricity companies to comply with the electrical regulation laws. A regulatory body needs to be set up to oversee that members are in compliance. It can be done very easily, the only thing is how to enforce the regulations to make sure the businesses, electricity companies and construction firms comply. I think the best way would be for all of them to invest into a solar energy technology plant for their usage, or stick with the old generators but make sure the wires go underground. Its up to them whichever way is the cheaper option however the electricity regulatory body should be there to make sure all of the players are in compliance to the regulations to have no wires around poles which is a safety hazard and is also bad for town planning. Some of the penalties could be a 3 strikes your out. First 3 times if the companies found breaching the regulations can be fined. This will give the govt new revenue sources. After 3 times if a business is found in non compliance the chamber of commerce should revoke their trading licenses in the city and go to the business with police force to shut the company down. They can't whine they weren't warned. They had 3 times to get their act together and were told of the consequences of not complying after 3 fines. You can also make sure any new business that starts up in Bosaso to get their business licenses from the chamber of commerce and the electrical body can liaise with the chamber to assess the application to make sure the business has accounted for how their new company will comply with the electrical regulation laws. If it complies and shows how it will, approve the application and give them their license, if it doesn't reject the application. I think all businesses will comply as long as the competition is also so no one has an advantage over another, the public will welcome it because safety will be enhanced and the government will benefit from it because they will get alot of revenue from the fines because their will always be people regardless who they are trying to take short cuts. I have alot of vision for this great state and will be heading there once the oil is declared. I am considering going december this year through-out my annual leave at work, but that is just to suss the place out and see if what sort of opportunities are there to make money. My plan is to work where I am in a stable job while having second income streaming somewhere else overseas
  5. Its a shame wallahi the third largest city in somalia has just been neglected like that especially when it has key infrastructure like a port-airport-roads. It's an absolute disaster!!! I can under erigavo neglect its very hard for that place to boom being isolated with no connection to other cities, but berbera wallahi there is no excuse. The somalilanders say "meeshu wa kuleel thats why we cant develop it" thats nonsense. Why is jabuti and bosaso developed which is the same climate? bosaso has even less infrastructure then berbera. Marka taas wa been cad weeye arin kale ba jirto tribal issue at berbera port, i hope that has been sorted out to allow for the city to develop
  6. I am very happy that berbera which used to be the third largest city in somalia is under going a renaissance unseen since the last effective govt of somalia maxamad siyad barre. Berbera is definitely a city to watch out for in the future, I've seen a number of projects happening for the city for a while now so it looks their has been strong policy change from Silanyo administration to strengthen berbera local council to provide key infrastructure for the city. Once the infrastructure is there(the platform), well then logicaly the platform will be full with business and investment players.
  7. Chimera yes urban planning is an issue everybody knows that its nothing new. Bilicida magalada programs are underway. 10KM road project is happening within the city with 5 main roads being paved. So its a start!!! As for the electricity. I don't mind the electricity poles as long as its orderly. I understand in some places outside of the residential area their is alot more electricity generation due to commercial activities being very high but there is ways to manage that. We can use alternative energy sources for commercial areas and use standard electricity grids in residential areas where electricity generation is much lower and for personal use. So its highly unlikely massive amounts of wires will be thrown around residential areas I think it is sad thing noone has a vision for bosaso electricity regulation. Even garowe is using wind-farms now. I suggest the best solution is to use either solar energy in the commercial area or to run the cables under-ground but that still would be using older technologies which is really not sufficient for the commercial center.
  8. king where is somalia, duke, and all the puntlanders to observe their financial capital
  9. King u gotta admit its dense and looks like proper commercial center not one or two buildings like bakaraha and hargeisa downtown
  10. war illahi baan kugu dharshe kingo bal eeg Scary thing is; war meeshu is booming weli and only started. U can see from construction photo theres something all over the city its just continuing to develop before the oil money even starts and then we will another industrial boom!!! King Bosaso Is the best city in Somalia I think today. It looks mediterrenen city It could easily look like this with roads and planning just with the city the way it is now!!!
  11. King its a god damn monster city, its just so heavily urbanised and commercialized its crazy sxb wallahi!!! thats what shocks me the most
  12. King we did well bro, our cities speak for themselves and compare to rest of somali cities. End of story!!! But did u notice all the construction occuring that we dont even know about!!! Now thats scary stuff
  13. king bal eeg waxan. Its a full on skyline King u gotta admit its well developed!!! But the question is sxb bosaso has to be now biggest or second biggest at least. Hargeisa has nothing on this!!! The bakaraha does but I think we can outbeat it with the two nice shiny towers of golis and iftin rising there
  14. Guys why are you all hiding all of a sudden from this topic after posting these other pics? Comment guys on the new pics especially the skyline and how the new projects will fit into it and what the way forward is for the future
  15. I love Bosaso horumar song it reflects the reality Look at this skyline
  16. I truly believe Bosaso is the most developed city in Somalia. Even our downtown looks more dense then bakaraha and we still havent some of the glass towers opening up soon. Who thinks Bosaso can claim most developed city in Somalia?
  17. iftin, golis and 2 more standing up here would be awesome But the roads need to be developed it would change alot of the city!!!
  18. I love how the skyline is developing Cant wait for the shiny glass towers of golis and iftin in there lining up!!!! Plus we should aim for some dhagax dhigis for a few more modern glass building this year. I think 2 more headquarters for this year would be good and aim for more next!!! within time it will be awesome
  19. king xasid ba igu noqotay niyahow, kuwan hoose maxad uu qarisay? Kingy Magaladeena waxay noqotay magalada ugu dhismaha badan somalia and we can throw it in ppl face from now on and they wont find anything in their cities to match it!!!
  20. I think Bosaso is the largest city in Somalia today. End of story
  21. Xaaji, farole is focusing on all the wrong places. Garowe has no security issues, this sort of initiatives would have more of an impact in Bosaso and Galkayo!!! But then again the security generally has been pretty good for the first quarter of the yearand im happy with it and I hope it remains the same through-out the year while the state goes deeper into it development objectives and meeting critical outcomes for citizens, residents and IDPS alike!!!
  22. Qaranki;813751 wrote: Ok. I will speak to my adeers to drop that, I might need to professionalise the english format and bring out powerful words and slogans that the government can use