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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. chimera its total nonsense 90% of the things comes out of somaliland, u should know that by now. If an administration has lied to their ppl about recognition coming for 20 years you think they would not lie about projects? Come on chimera use common sense. But hargeisa airport is ok now especially the new vip lounge. I don't like the scenary though. Anyways don't remind me of bosaso failed airport project because thats what it is..wa total failure and some projects do fail in puntland just not as much as somaliland
  2. Cimera, we all know its a mess and urban planning disaster the way the electricity is in Bosaso. Its absolutely shocking and I will be mentioning it to some key influential figures there to sort it out.
  3. But puntland doesnt need your approval siilanyo because were your leader and farole was proving that and its become fact there is nothing you can do on your own without puntland stamp or where is the big meeting between you and sharif? listen old-man farole told you we are the stakeholder no 1 you get it thru your thick head and if u dont like it you won't see any iftin and will remain irrelevant and uncounted for
  4. What happened to the big meeting the tfg and somaliland were going to have? All I heard was a bit of qeyli from silanyo like habar caraysan and the tfg tried to use abdiweli gaas to silence farole but I still don't see any meeting happening between the two. Maybe beesha calamka stepped in and said "nothing is going to happen without puntland approval" so now its on the backburner and siilanyo is back in isolation thanks to faroles power!!! Listen silanyo you must come past farole your leader and my leader and get approval or else you will stay isolated and yelling and screaming won't help change that
  5. Relentless we dont harm somalis we are nationalist anagu father of syl yasin cisman sharmarke..father of federalism abdullahi yusuf. Tone it down niyahow. Hargeisa wa laga tagay hada. Bosaso outbeat it in 12-13 years. Bosaso sights are now on mogadishu. We will talk to mogadishu after a few glass towers start rising in our city center like golis and iftin and tawakal
  6. It took roughly 12-13 years when Bosaso left hargeisa behind. Now Bosaso sights are on Mogadishu and adding new glass towers to rival bakaraha and then getting full on shots of the city for comparison of our developments
  7. Relentless, pirates is not insulting. Considering the crimes that happen in Somalia like pedophilia in hargeisa and also pornography and chopping of heads in awdal. Pirates is probably the least crime im insulted about. Hargeisa is finished bro hadu manta dr osman ka dhigay bosaso hargeisa that means im not even competing anymore after that those heavy skyline shots with 2 more glass towers going up to impact the skyline and other dhagax dhigis coming this year 4 u.
  8. Blessed stop lying to yourself. There is no excuse why an infrastructure rich city such as berbera failed to develop itself. Im not talking about population, I am talking about development and making their people life easier. Berbera is shythole runti. Its pit-stop for everyone to go to other more developed cities of Somalia. That alone should tell you something. There is no excuse for the lack of development of Berbera which was somalia third largest city, but like I said the topic is The forgotten Berbera has been Remembered FINALLY and its about time. Its having a Renaissance right now so I am happy somaliland folks have woken up to this disastrous policy of turning what technically used to be the third or fourth largest city in Somalia into a god damn ghost town that serves merely as pitstop for all somalis to go to other cities in Somalia
  9. Cmon guys this is just in good fun..there will always be friendly rivilary between puntland and somaliland after-all who else is there in the nation to compete against. If somaliland and puntland are doing it imagine when other states build up and every state will be competing which means a fully developed somalia
  10. look at the president of somaliland protected by SIS agents
  11. Mario B;815384 wrote: This is juvenile by the Dr!! its not juvenile, their going to copy us anyways so might as well just give them what we have
  12. WOW SOMALILAND WALLE WA DAWLAD Look at their local councils even Berbera Mayor Office Erigavo Mayor Office Hargeisa Mayor Office Even Hargeisa Council Assembly Looks Better the Our Parliament in Garowe Not like Puntland. This our whole cabinet forget about mayor offices and local councils its non-existant
  13. IMMINENT PROJECTS IN HARGEISA LARGEST PARLIAMENT and Presidential Palaces IN SOMALIA. Hargeisa WUU WUU Oil Drilling In Hargeisa WUU WUU Nationalism in Somaliland WUU WUU Somaliland Under Construction [imghttp://cdn.horseedmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Ganacsiga-iyo-dhismaha-Qardho-3-640x480.jpg[/img]
  14. Somaliland is well developed now looks a proper commercial center and not residential slum town
  15. Damn Berbera WUU WUU Damn Meeshu Ma olympic bay noqotay hargeisa WUU WUU
  16. Farole Cities Hargeisa WOWWWWWWWW Damn Berbera Looking Good Damn Berbera sports ground being equipped with astro turf and night lights Burco Big UP
  17. cmon guys this farole stop comparing him to some oday xun oo karton sameyo
  18. amin amir lost credibility a long-time ago, posting his pictures won't give you any credibility in your arguments. Nin xun oo karton sameyo weeye oo siyasigisa waxay ku xiran tahay ninka lacagta uu soo shubo through paypal
  19. King you should've of changed the title to farole classic moments. My list so far High Level Farole Delegation Being Waited For In London Farole arrives in London 2012
  20. burahadeer;815296 wrote: It's all about economics...that simple.If you have $100,000 & live a small town of say 50,000 & there is a city of million people nearby,wouldn't you think of moving here to make more bucs.Why people going to metropolitan places is to feed their families.A lady with 8 children, no man in the house can sell khat in Hargeisa & bring in $50+ a day. BTW a lot those commute r comfortable,lot money involve here.The labourers stay put but then won't help local economy much. Why you think when you as a normal person buys a house its all about location, location, location. U know what that location means? Infrastructure and services for people. Services are provided by businesses, infrastructure by government. You can't have services without infrastructure. You cant move products around a city if their isn't roads you get it sxb? Infrastructure is the most crucial for allowing businesses develop, clientele follow where both of that exist and houses become alot more expensive in those sorts of areas for obvious reason then say in a remote location that lacks infrastructure and services. Its basic economic 101!!! Berbera should've of thrived sxb, and it didn't one of the great mysteries. It had all the ingredients. Third largest city in somalia, it had the population because the infrastructure was there. That infrastructure makes business set up shop. Over time Berbera would've of grown to become a major city of somalia which it didn't due to bad government policies and it's good to see silanyo administration is changing that