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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Come in King, Somalia, its a historic day today for the nation-state. Where are you?
  2. Somalia: Puntland constitutional convention opens in Garowe 15 Apr 15, 2012 - 3:51:56 AM GAROWE, Somalia Apr 15, 2012 (Garowe Online) – A historic convention opened Sunday in Puntland State of Somalia, with hundreds of Convention delegates expected to adopt the state’s new constitution, Radio Garowe reports. The four-day convention opened at 8:00am at parliament hall in Garowe, across from the presidential compound. The convention consists of by 480 representatives selected from across Puntland regions and social groups. The opening ceremony was attended Government officials led by President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, traditional elders, foreign dignitaries, and other guests of honor. The convention opened with an Islamic sermon delivered by Sheikh Mohamud Haji Yusuf, who emphasized that the Puntland Constitution conforms to Islamic Shari’ah law. “The Government appointed a Committee including Islamic scholars to analyze the Constitution article-by-article and to ensure conformity with Shari’ah law, which the Puntland Constitution satisfies,” said Sheikh Mohamud Haji Yusuf. Electoral Commission Chairman Chairman of Puntland Electoral Commission (PEC), Mr. Mohamed Hassan Barre, described the steps of the democratization process in Puntland until today’s convention. “You delegates can all testify that the selection process for the delegates was fair and transparent and all communities freely sent their representatives to this convention,” said the PEC Chairman. Mr. Barre expressed his thanks to President Farole for committing to advance and complete the democratization process and lead Puntland towards a multiparty political system. The PEC Chairman sent his appreciation to agencies that helped with the democratization process, namely Puntland Parliament, PEC members, Interpeace organization, UN agencies, and Puntland Development and Research Center (PDRC). Puntland civil society Mr. Ali Farah, a senior researcher at PDRC, commented about the process the Puntland Constitution underwent since 2005. Mr. Farah described the process, which commenced during the term of former Puntland President Adde Muse Hersi. Speaking behalf of Puntland civil society, Mr. Nur Mohamed Nur, chairman of the Puntland Non-State Actors Association (PUNSAA), praised the Convention and remarked that civil society groups “fully support the Constitution.” Mr. noted: “This Constitution protects human rights, freedom of speech, and allows the contribution of traditional elders and women.” Traditional elders Sultan Saeed Abdisalam, chief of ********** clan of Sanaag region, offered brief words that included congratulations, advice and prayers for peace in Puntland and Somalia as a whole. “This constitution is vital in order for our people to reaffirm our unity. I call upon the people to work with each other and to cooperate with the Puntland Government. I also pray to Allah Almighty to bring peace and prosperity to Puntland and Somalia,” said the Sultan. A Puntland traditional elder from Mudug region, Sultan Abdisalam Sultan Mohamud, said: “I believe Sultan Saeed Abdisalam spoke well on behalf of all the traditional elders in Puntland. I will only add that that today we decide our future direction. The Constitution has the full support of our traditional elders.” Foreign dignitaries Mr. Johan Svensson, Interpeace’s Regional Director for Eastern and Central Africa, said Interpeace has played a role to provide technical assistance with the Puntland Constitution. “This Constitution allows the Puntland people to consolidate peace and stability in a post-conflict situation. The next steps include formation of political parties,” said Mr. Svensson, who also added in Somali words to the audience’s pleasant surprise: “The Constitution is the basis of government.” UNDP officer in Garowe, Mr. Nic Beresford, sent his congratulations to the people and Government of Puntland State. Mr. Beresford said after the Constitution is adopted, Puntland can take “other major steps in democratizing the State by establishing political parties and organizing democratic elections.” Other foreign dignitaries present during the Convention’s opening include Ethiopian Consul-General in Puntland, Amb. Asmelash Wolde Mihret, and Germany’s Deputy Ambassador to Kenya, Amb. Michael Hasenau. Puntland Parliament Speaker Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi, speaker of the Puntland Parliament, compared the suffering in southern Somalia to the situation in Puntland. “We pray that peace returns to our brothers and sisters in southern Somalia. Do you all understand that the Constitution helps to unite us and provide us direction? We must avoid conflict and suffering that has crippled southern Somalia,” said Speaker Hersi. The Speaker described that Puntland parliamentarians and civil society engaged in public discussions of the Constitution. He noted that the future of Puntland is in a multiparty political system, to the applause of the audience. President Farole Abdirahman Farole, Puntland’s leader, emphasized that today is a historic day for the people of Puntland State of Somalia. Regarding the purpose of the convention, President Farole stated that it is “important to adopt the State Constitution in order to solidify our government and to realize the dream of the Puntland people.” Continuing, he added: “Let me emphasize again that Puntland State is part of the Federal Republic of Somalia; Puntland is committed to preserving the sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia.” Speaking to the delegates, the President said: “You are all today representative of the Puntland people. Our people are hopeful and anxious, and so you are obliged to discharge your duties with integrity.” He cited the U.S. Constitution and the Indian Constitution as examples of constitutions adopted by constituent assemblies, in 1787 and 1959, respectively. President Farole described his administration’s steps in democratization process, while underscoring that establishing a multiparty political system was one of the President’s election promises in 2008. The Puntland leader briefed the audience about the government’s accomplishments in security, education, healthcare, environment, drought relief, economic development, and raising Puntland’s international profile, among other achievements. President Farole said his administration considers security as a number one priority and noted that Puntland security forces have been reorganized, trained, and have fought effectively to prevent terrorism, piracy and clan conflicts in Puntland State. President Farole said: “Even while we are engaged with security, institution-building, and federal affairs, we remain committed to advance the democratization process. We expect an equal sacrifice by the people in order to protect the State.” Continuing, the President remarked: “Puntland State utilizes three systems of law that function in parallel fashion: Customary Law, Administrative Law, and Islamic Shari’ah Law. It is Shari’ah Law that is the basis of our State Constitution. Any law that contradicts Islamic law is null and void in Puntland State of Somalia.” President Farole said his vision is for “our people will vote directly to elect their leaders. Our people will be able to hold their leaders to account.” Describing the political community in Puntland, the President said: “The political community in Puntland is one that adheres to the values of peace, tolerance, and good relations with neighbors, and pursues socio-economic development for the State. Puntland has no ambition to seize the land of other Somali communities, but Puntland is committed to self-defense against external aggressions.” Finally, the President declared that the Convention is open and prayed for a successful convention, while thanking the various actors who played key roles in finalizing the State Constitution and organizing the Constitutional Convention. The Puntland Constitutional Convention is scheduled to debate and discuss the State Constitution and the four-day convention will close on Wednesday 18 April 2012. Puntland State, located in northeastern Somalia along Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean coasts, declared itself a state government within Somalia in 1998 and has been relatively stable since its own elected government, policies and security forces. GAROWE ONLINE
  3. Oh no here comes puntland. Galkayo Mayor Meets with counterparts in gotenborg and swedish party officials to streghten bilateral ties between the two sister cities gotenburg and galkayo. OH NO is what most enemies are saying and puntlanders are saying OH YEAHHHHHHH babyyyyyyyyyyy thats what you call a nation doing what nation states do
  4. Duqa Degmada Gaalkacyo Booqasho ku jooga Sweden(Warbixin iyo Sawiro) Posted by Pi on April 15th, 2012 Duqa magaaladda Gaalkacyo Siciid Cabdi Farah ayaa sabtidii 14.04.2012 ka qaybgalay shirwayne ay lahaayeen mid ka mida ururadda siyaasadeed ee dalka sweden oo ah xisbiga Socailka. Duqa magaaladda Gaalkacyo oo booqasho shaqo oo dhowr maalmood ah ku jooga dalka sweden kadib markii uu casuumaad rasmi ah ka helay dowladda Sweden ayaa kulamo gooni gooni ah la yeeshay masuuliyiin kala duwan ay ka mid ahaayeen dhigiisa magaaladda Goteborg Anna Gonson iyo masuuliyiin kale oo ay ka wada hadleen xiriirka iyo iskaashiga labada dhinac. Cabdirisaaq Yuusuf farax Nuur Qalay oo dhanka xiriirka u jooga Puntland dalalka Iskandineviyaanka iyo dowladda Soomaaliyaba sahlayna isku xirka labada dhinac ayaa sheegay in duqa magaaladda Gaalkacyo iyo dowladda Sweden ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo xoojin lahaa matanayn labada magaalo ee Gotenbery iyo Gaalkacyo sidii magaaladda Gaalkacyo wax loogala qaban lahaa dhinacyadda horumarinta ee suurtagalka ah. Booqashadda duqa ayaa la filayaa inay soo gabogabowdo maalinta isniinta ah,waxaana suuragal ah inuu maro dalal kale ka hor inta uusan ku laaban Soomaaliya, Iyadoo la filayo in ugu danbaysana la qabto kulan sadex geesood ah oo dhexmari doona masuulinta dowlada sweden, duqa magaaladda Gaalkacyo iyo jaaliyadda reer puntland ee magaaladda Gotebory, waxaana booshadda shaqo ee duqu ku soo beegantay xili ay tartan wayn ugu jiraan xisbiyadda kala duwan ee siyaasada dalka sweden hanashadda iyo kalsoonidda Soomaalida oo ah mid ka midda ah qoomiyadaha ugu wawayn ee soo galootinimada ku jooga dalkan sweden, gaar ahaan marka ay timaado codaynta xiliyadda doorashadda. Inkastoo aysan wali soo shaac bixin natiijadda socdaalka duqa magaaladda Galkacyo ku joogo dalka Sweden iyo waxa laysla ogolaaday ugu danbaynta, ayaa waxaa haddana la saadaalinayaa in muhiimadda ugu wayn ee duqa magaaladda Gaalkacyo ay tahay sidii uu dowladda Sweden uga hali lahaa Agab, Gaadiid, amase macluumaad kale oo qayb ka qaata horumarka degmadda Gaalkacyo, taas oo ilaa hadda aan wax faahfaahin ahi ka soo bixin. Puntlandi.com
  5. Shirweynihii Ansixinta Dastuurka Puntland Oo Garoowe Ka Furmay Updated:- 52 mins ago| 1 Commnets Magaala madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe waxaa maanta ka furmay shirweynihii ansixinta Dastuurka Puntland. Munaasabadii shirkan lagu furayey oo ahayd mid si weyn loo soo agaasimey ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay madax badan oo ay ku jiraan mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareeya dowladda. Shirka oo socon doona muddo dhowr maalmood ah ayaa ka furmay xarunta cusub ee loo dhisay Baarlamaanka taas oo iyadana maanta si rasmi ah xarigga looga jaray. Mas’uuliyiintii shirka furitaankiisa joogeyna waxaa kamid ahaa madaxweynaha Puntland, ku-xigeenkiisa, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, Isimo, madax ka socotey hay’adaha iyo marti sharaf kale oo badan. Ugu horeyn waxaa madashaas ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Puntland Prof Maxamed Xasan Barre wuxuuna ka warbixiyey qaabkii ay kusoo xuleen ergooyinka Dastuurka anixinaya. Prof Barre waxa kale oo uu mahad balaaran usoo jeediyey dowladda iyo Isimada Puntland kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay si wanaagsan ula shaqeeyeen mudadii ay xulista ergooyinka ku howlanaayeen. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi ayaa isna ka warbixiyey heerarkii uu soo maray Dastuurka Puntland isagoo xusay in asaaskii Puntland aysan lahayn wax dastuur ah balse lagu dhiqi jirey xeer hoosaad. Goodoomiyaha golaha sharci dejintu waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Dastuurkan cusubi hadii uu noqodo mid hirgala uu Puntland ku hagi doono sidii ay uga guuri lahayd nidaamka maamul ee beelaha ku dhisan. Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa isna sheegay in Puntland ay ka go’an tahay sidii ay uga guuri lahayd nidaamka beelaha uguna guuri lahayd nidaamka maamul ee Dimuqraadiga ah iyo doorashada ku salaysan xisbiyada badan. Madaxweynuhu waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Puntland ay Dastuurkeeda ansixin doonta kahor inta aan la ansixin kan dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya si ay labada Dastuur isula jaanqaadaan. Qaar kamid ah Isimadii madashaas ka hadlay ayaa iyaguna carabka ku adkeeyey in qaabkii ergooyinka loo soo xulay uu ahaa mid xaq ah islamarkaana aysan jirin beel ama cid laga duudsiyey qaybtii ay lahayd. Isimadu waxa kale oo ay ku booriyeen ergooyinka Dastuurka ansixinaya inay feejignaan muujiyaan islamarkaana aysan ku deg degin ansixinta wixii ay u arkaan in bulshada iyo dalkaba aysan dani ugu jirin. Shirweynaha ansixinta Dastuurka Puntland oo ay ka qayb gelayaan ergooyin 480 qof gaaraya oo laga soo kala xulay bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan ee bulshada ayaa socon doona ilaa 18-ka bishan xiligaas oo ah marka la qaadayo aftida Dastuurka. Dhowrka beri ee hore waxay ergooyinku ka doodayaan qodobada Dastuurka iyadoo kulamadaasina ay noqonayaan kuwo ay albaabadu u xiran yihiin islamarkaana ku kooban keliya guddiga doorashooyinka iyo ergooyinka loo soo xulay inay Dastuurka u codeeyaan. Sawirada iyo codadka mas’uuliyiinta Horseed Media saacadaha soo fool leh ayey idiin soo gudbin doontaa Horseed Media
  7. Somalia the only way to settle this with peacedoon is over dinner at garowe followed by spring-bath at biyokulule
  8. Where is your leaders? Where is ur ministers meeting such high profile state governors of nations? Only in Puntland
  9. Wasiiru dowlaha Iskaashiga caalamiga Puntland oo la kulmay Premier-ka Gobolka Alberta ee Dalka Canada April 14, 2012 // Warar Somaali Waxaa caawa ka dhacdey xaafada Millwoods xaflad si heer sare loosoo agaasimay oo lagu taageerayo Sohail Quadri oo ah musharaxa utaagan xisbiga muxaafidka ee gobolka Alberta, xafladaas ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ee dowlada Puntland Dr. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, Premier-ka gobolka Alberta Alison Redford iyo wasiirada ugu tunka weyn ee gobolkan. Sidoo kale waxaa xaflaadaas ka qaybgalay madaxa hay’adda SCERDO Bashir Xaaji Cali (Jamaal) iyo qaar ka mid ah jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Edmonton, Alberta. Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ee dowlada Puntland Dr. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi ayaa uga waramay Premier-ka Alberta Ms. Alison Redford xaalada guud ee dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan horumarka dawladda Puntland iyadoo sida laga war qabo shirkad ka mid ah kuwa dalka Canada ay hada ku howlantahay soo saarista shiidaalka Gobolada Puntland.. Xafladaas ayaa kusoo gabagaboodey jawi aad u sareeya
  10. Waking up in the morning , getting ready having my shower at home, getting in the car drive out to the city to do business in bosaso An avg day for the Bosasan local
  11. I dont see your roads in your cities. LET SEE IT BOYS BEFORE U TALK BOSASO
  12. I think the days of saying Bosaso has lack of paved roads is going to be a thing of the past. Where-as it is going to be said today Bosaso has the best roads in Somalia. Look at the roads in other cities of somalia either their non-existant or even if they do exist are in terrible condition and bumpy all the way. But not in my Bosaso we are ahead of you
  13. Magaalada ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso oo laga Dareemaayo horomar xaga wadooyinka (Sawiro) April 14, 2012 // Warar Somaali Magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari ayaa waxaa ka soconaya mashruuc dib u habayn lagu sameeynayo wadooyinka waawayn ee dhexmara xaafadaha magaalada Boosaaso. Isku daygan ayaa waxaa kasoo shaqeeyay qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada iyo siyaasiyiin caan ah oo kasoo jeeda gobolka Bari. Guddi loogu magacdaray horumarinta magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxaa ku midaysan ganasacato, nabadoono, aqoonyahano iyo qaar ka mid ah culimaa’udiinka magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana loo sameeyay inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii bulshada loogu wacyi gelin lahaa ka qaybgalka horumarinta magaalada Boosaaso. Guddiga horumarinta magaalada Boosaaso ayaa tan iyo markii lagu dhawaaqay waxaa ay wadeen howlo lagu horumarinayo magaalada Boosaaso, wadada dheer ee laamiga magaalada ayaa waxaa ay ku guulaysteen inay ka dayactiraan burburka wadada laamiga ah. Hadaba qaybtan waxaan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa qaybta koowaad ee mashruuca dhismaha wadada.
  14. good job bosaso law enforcement, gather them up and send a firm message this is anti terror state, if you want that go to your al-qaeda go to your headquarters in hargeisa
  15. Some of the things they have done in the past the New waamo click have done before WAAMO 1 More pics here http://www.somalitalk.com/newaamo/newaamo/index.html
  16. Wasiirka ganacsiga Puntland oo xariga ka jaray carwo cusub oo Garoowe laga furay, April 13, 2012 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byWebmaster Masuuliyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen wasiirka ganacsiga iyo washadaha Puntland iyo duqa degmada Garoowe ayaa ka qayb galay munaasabad lagu furayey carwo New Waamo2 oo Garoowe laga hirgaliyey Maamulaha carwada New Waamo2 C/kariin Maxamed Faarax dhagawayne ayaa sheegay in ay carwada labaad ee waamo u fureen baahi balaaran oo ay ka dareemen bulshada ay gobolka isla markaana waxaa uu sheegay in uu ku rajo wayn yahay in ay ka hirgaliyaan deeganada kale ee Puntland. Duqa degmada Garoowe C/casiis Nuur Cilmi oo hadal ka jeediyey furitaanka carwada ayaa sheegay in uu soo dhawaynayo qaybta labaad ee waamo 2 isla markaana waxaa uu ku amaanay in keenan adeegyo tayadoodu saratso isla markaana ay ku barteen ka qayb qaadashada hor umarinta sida dhiira galinta ciyaaraha gobolada oo uu sheegay duqa degmada Garoowe in ay abaal marino fiican gudoonsiiyeen ciyaartoydii ka qayb gashay ciyaarihii gobolada Puntland. Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warshadaha Puntland Xasan Jaamac Faarax oo xariga ka jaray carwada cusub oo Garoowe laga hirgaliyey ayaa sheegay in ay soo dhawaynayaan cidkasta oo ku soo biiraysa ganacsiga suuqa xorta ah ee deeganada Puntland waxaana uu intaa uu ku daray in maamulka carwada waamo ay horay Garoowe uga hirgaliyeen waamo1 oo uu sheegay in ay uga barteen adeeg wanaagsan oo tayo leh Mudooyinkii dambe waxaa ku soo badanayey suuqayada magaalada Garoowe ganacsiyo kala duwan oo iyadoo ay muuqato isbadal dhanka ganacsiga magaalada Garoowe ee caasumada Puntland. Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf SBC International Garoowe
  17. I can't wait to see President Farole mobilise Puntland Airforce consisting of helicopters and an26, an Army battalion of tanks, technicals, heavy trucks, f350s, bulletproof technicals, naval capacity consisting of mid sized naval vessels and small marine boats. Plus a ground troop armed to the teeth and trained of high caliber with top notch strategy to root out this shabab misfit from Puntland. Your dealing with a powerful state here boys this aint hamar this is a huge state with a huge army with huge stockpile of weapons
  18. Somaliland calling puntland yar lol. Waxas maba ka jawabi somali oo dhan ayaa wada og Puntland even calamku know waa the political heavyweights of Somalia wax lays waydiyo ma aha even david cameron ayaa garowe principle ku oraneyo. Lakin what I do find amazing is your region imitating everything from Puntland? Yet puntland doesn't imitate anything from somaliland except multi parties & neighbourhood watch. Thats two things only Puntland has imitated, you guys have imitated over ten things I can list off the top of my head!!! Just admit it BRO somaliland is scared of Puntland like there is no tommorow but Puntland is not scared of Somaliland and treats it like its wife having a cry. I've never met one puntland person that is threatened by somaliland and they just all say wa dad cuqdadaysan haloo adkaysto sida african americanka ha loola dhaqmo. Thats xaqiq talk!!! As for mogadishu there is a real rivalry and somalia knows it!!!
  19. It doesn't matter what politicians says, somalidu wa jahiil. Meeshu puntland ay ka firiso ka firsada hadad rabtin success in politics. Its not based on military or politicians its based on constitution its the setting of the rules and if the rules are in your favor regardless of what someone says will not change the laws of the land for the next 1000 years or so. Bal firsada hadi la tabto constitutionka puntland will be up in arms. We know what that can possibly lead too!!! Puntland remains confident
  20. waxba kama jiran weeye waxaas ha uu bixin. Wax aan puntland ku jirin waxbo kama jiro wa booto
  21. An effective government system Developed cities Egal Left behind this One developed city Aideed left behind this Please President farole don't ruin it for puntland the election is 2013 january 9 a multi party one man one vote. Dont ruin what has already been achieved and what is going to be achieved in the near future for your love of power. Step down peacefully and transfer power like cade muse did with you at the correct election time.
  22. total garbage nothing is happening in puntland except a new era being born a democratic puntland with functioning multi-parties
  23. ill see you at rayan park or rugsan square or at rays or at the parliamentary triangle cya then boysssssssssss