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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. mukalalow ithe days of puntland iyo somaliland dhamatay you still on old stuff. New pics of Bosaso ended that debate. Qorshuhu manta wa sidee loo dhaafa halakan
  2. Mukalalow wat you think of galmudug and it's business acumen
  3. Qandalawi even IDPS are getting paid in the city opening up businesses, hotels, properties. Remember this IDP below Its a city where dreams come true. It's a city that hustles!!! Everyone is free in Bosaso and peace exists and laws are there to protect people and their investments. Bosaso was built by hustlers for hustlers and hustlers dont have to just come from Puntland they can come from anywhere in Somalia or the world. There is even foreigners like asians, africans, etc hustlin in Bosaso. If your hungry my friend go to Bosaso it provides the playground and conditions for you to become a success story
  4. Carafat, I think we should take all the SOL hermits and dulis on a road-trip through Baraxlay Galmudug State My god the presidential palace is looking nice
  5. There are some somalilanders who live, work, and have businesses in Bosaso just like any other clan. But everyone in the city knows where they are, waa xarunta boqortoyada!!!
  6. Carafaatow will you move to Bosaso and retire under biyo kulule
  7. Rudy wuxu mooda in Bosaso manta ay weli tahay 1990. Bosaso tanaaday niyahow catch up!!!! And the great thing about it is, it is still hasn't reached its peak period because diaspora uma soo jeesan dhulka sidi laga rabay plus oil hasn't started flowing. The best of Bosaso is still to come that is what makes me soooooooo excited. I mean c'mon lets be realistic in Bosaso we can talk about development occuring, developments cancelled, or developments lost in translation because the KEY THING is we HAVE DEVELOPMENT to speak about!!! where-as you guys are stuck with no progress so what is there to debate
  8. Carafaat bosaso is one of my personal favourites in Somalia. Only thing I hate about it is the weather
  9. Nuune will be picked up in Cade Muse International and taken to down-town Bosaso for some edbin
  10. Carafaat in Bosaso Carafaat doing some shopping Enjoying some Latte Carafaat stuck in the downtown jungle Carafaat watching the city under development while sipping on coffee doing fadhi ku dirir
  11. Carafaat you were in Bosaso? What were you doing there?
  12. YO KING WE CANT GO DOWN ROAD WORKS HAPPENING YO KING LETS HITS THE MARKETS IN BOSASO FOR SOME SHOPPING Ok king you want modern we can go there too or chill out in puntland aquarium king while smashing dulis on sol
  13. Rudy, Faroole enters like a President not Through back-gates like a beggar The feared cabinet A diaspora waiting for one MAN A paprazi for a president GIVEEEEEEEEEEEEE UP RUDY PUNTLAND WA DAWLAD
  14. puntland is charging forward GET OUT OF THE WAY Mogadishu Reaction Somaliland Reaction
  15. Carafaat;821457 wrote: Che, I support democracy and the will of the people. But I dont support anarchy, secessionist tendecies, printing Somali shilling and like you do. Democracy is political idealogy however what framework do you suggest is the most conducive environment to implement such idealogy? Are you for centralism or federalism? Puntland is going ahead with it's plans to officially become a multi-party democracy. Puntlanders will go to the election booths in 2014 to elect their new president and mark the beginning of a new dawn for the greatest region in Somalia. All these known cowards on SOL will not change this monumental moment for the state and it's people. I hope Puntland election is free and transparent. Corruption is only defeated by Good governance and it's about time good governance is implemented in Puntland especially in this critical journey with oil fields on the horizon!!!. I am puntlander through and through so help me god
  16. Shut up galmugdi they have no clue Puntland is a political chess master. Mahiga is there in hargeisa to tell them either it's isolation or you talk with Puntland Ministers. If negiotation occurs Puntland will know what to do in worse case scenario we will just get Puntland Ministers from dowlada hamar to attend the talks. What basis can they reject then? yet same policies different locations!!! Somaliland give up you won't win against the kings of politics
  17. Samsung;821264 wrote: Well Said. yeah mahiga is in hargeisa reminding them Puntland is the most powerful region in somalia above hargeisa and mogadishu and nothing can happen without OUR approval or else stay isolated mr.siilanyo its up to you!!!
  18. The separatist pedofile region will not dictate the terms of the talks, you will come to the conference on Puntland terms the sole guardian of unity. Somaliland will accept federalism and will recieve foreign minister post in the TFG. The separatist region will be limited to waqoyi galbeed and toghdheer. ANYTHING BEYOND THAT will not be acceptable by Puntland which attacks Puntland territorial integrity and as of a consequence somaliland will be put into political oblivion and remain in limbo staus
  19. Somalia: Puntland link compels Somaliland to abandon talks with TFG 21 Apr 21, 2012 - 12:55:01 PM MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 21 2012 (Garowe Online) – Authorities in Somalia's separatist region of Somaliland have abruptly pulled out of proposed dialogue with TFG of Somalia after President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed included two Puntland ministers in the dialogue committee he appointed last week, Radio Garowe reports. Somaliland Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar told a press conference in Hargeisa said that Somaliland would not hold talks with the TFG as long as Puntland officials remain on the committee. “The dialogue should be between TFG and Somaliland. We see no reason for involvement of Puntland ministers, who hail originally from Somaliland regions. So Somaliland will not engage in these talks,” said Minister Omar. Somaliland’s foreign minister went on to add that the appointment of the "two additional ministers from Puntland" had a hidden agenda. Minister Omar claimed that President Sharif "originally appointed five TFG ministers and then issued a second list with seven ministers, including two ministers from Puntland." Somaliland Minister Omar claims that Puntland Interior Minister Abdullahi Jama Ilkajir and Puntland Planning Minister Daud Mohamed Omar are “from Somaliland regions of Sanaag and Sool.” Sanaag and Sool regions, etched between Puntland and Somaliland, are claimed by both Puntland and Somaliland. In the past, Puntland and Somaliland have fought pitched battles for control over Sool and Sanaag regions. Mogadishu media reported TFG President Sharif appointed a 7-member committee chaired by TFG Interior Minister Abdisamad Moallim Mohamud. The committee includes two Puntland ministers and is mandated with facilitating dialogue between TFG and Somaliland, as recommended by the London Conference of February 2012. Puntland response Puntland Planning Minister Daud Mohamed Omar responded to Somaliland’s claims during a BBC interview on Friday. Minister Daud said: “Puntland is part of Somalia and shares land with Somaliland so it is very important that Puntland is part of the dialogue.” Minister Daud continued: "Puntland is a state in Somalia and is entitled to representation but Somaliland officials for whatever reasons want to discontinue dialogue and they should rethink their decisions.” Puntland's minister said "Somaliland fears being held to account for the killings, looting and displacement of civilians in Las Anod area." In March, Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole declared that TFG-Somaliland dialogue that excludes Puntland is "illegal and unacceptable." TFG officials led by President Sharif have not yet responded to Somaliland's decision to pull out of proposed dialogue. UN Special Representative to Somalia Augustine Mahiga landed in Hargeisa on Friday and has reportedly held a meeting with Somaliland officials over their decision to cancel proposed dialogue with the TFG committee. GAROWE ONLINE
  20. Italy ambassador to Somalia says 'Puntland Convention was milestone' [interview] 20 Apr 20, 2012 - 9:36:30 AM GAROWE, Somalia Apr 19 2012 (Garowe Online) – Italy's envoy to Somalia Ambassador Andrea Mazzella has commended the Puntland Constitutional Convention that concluded in northern Somalia this week, Garowe Online reports. Italian ambassador in Somalia Andrea Mazzella Photo Garowe Online In an exclusive interview with Garowe Online, Amb. Mazzella was among visiting foreign dignitaries at the Puntland Constitutional Convention which concluded on Wednesday. The Convention concluded when 472 out of 480 representatives from across Puntland voted "yes" to adopt the Puntland State Constitution. Garowe Online asked Amb. Mazzella about the convention and its outcome. "The Garowe Convention is a milestone in the Puntland history," he said, adding: "This is an example of how things could be managed with political dialogue." Amb. Mazzella cautioned that the initial progress needs to be continued by upholding and implementing the new constitution. "The constitution is not a given document but is a process and possibly needs to be discussed in more details in the future but this is a very good starting point and I hope the Somalia constitution being drafted in Mogadishu will receive such big results." As the international community keeps a close eye on Somalia, aid assistance and developmental projects being conducted in the war-torn country are increasing. Italy is a former colonial power in Somalia that has kept close ties to the country since independence and Amb. Mazzella announced that Italy will be implementing development projects in Somalia. Martini Hospital named after a famous Italian General was built in 1912 in Mogadishu and used as a military hospital during the reign of Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre. But the Barre regime collapsed in 1991, Martini Hospital ceased to function. Italy's ambassador to Somalia announced that the dilapidated hospital would be renovated by the Italian government. He also added that the Italian government would conduct infrastructure projects in Puntland State in the near future. Amb. Mazzella recently visited Mogadishu and met with TFG Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas. He then attended the Puntland Constitutional Convention in Garowe, stressing that there has to be an impartial selection of traditional elders who will choose the representatives of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) and members of the new Somali Federal Parliament. The Italian ambassador reiterated that point when he spoke to Garowe Online on Thursday. "The 135 elders who will nominate the NCA and the MPs are very crucial to the Roadmap success. If the selection of elders is transparent and real, and traditional elders are selected including elders from areas that Al Shabaab occupy then the goal could be possibly achieved." On the other hand Amb. Mazzella said if the selection of traditional elders is biased then Somalia risks heading back to anarchy and disorder. While in Mogadishu, Amb. Mazzella met with Prime Minister Gaas, who very narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on 4 April 2012 by Al Shabaab suicide bomber which killed 8, including government officials and sports officials. Speculation of government officials being involved or having knowledge of the suicide bombing has been looming. Prime Minister Gaas appointed a ministerial committee led by Defense Minister Hussein Isse Arab to investigate the bomb blast after claims that TFG senior officials planned the attack. Amb. Mazzella announced his support for the inquiry while in Mogadishu. Garowe Online asked Amb. Mazzella if an independent body should be set up to investigate the bombing, due to the growing speculation of government involvement in the failed assassination attempt on Prime Minister Gaas. The Italian ambassador said: "We support the efforts of the government's inquiry to highlight the responsibility [of government officials] if some responsibility is present but I do not think it is necessary for an independent body to investigate." As for the speculation of officials having involvement in the blast, Amb. Mazzella went on to say: "Until the inquiry is concluded we should suspend our judgment and leave the committee to investigate and if the investigation provides evidence that there is government involvement in the attack then I am positive that it will surface." The adoption of Puntland's constitution paves the way for the formation of political parties and holding democratic elections. Puntland, located in northeastern Somalia, considered itself part of federal Somalia and has experienced relative stability since 1998 with its own state government, elections, polices, and security forces. GAROWE ONLINE
  21. Carafaat dalka dhibaato ayaa ka jirto lagama hadli karo waxan oo kale, iska suga intay dalkan ka degayso fadlan alaykh. Why add more fire to Somalia when it is already burning. It is insane to have talks with Somaliland at this time wa inoo mar kale adeer lakin xaatan xaladu ma ficnee is-gabooji!!!! There will be no talks with the rogue administration of Hargeisa, a clan family that lives in 50km radius. You will remain politically isolated and you will live the way you have been living for the past 20 years ignored. Your presidents will continue to give you the spin story "aqoonsiga way soo socota" line and you will go back to sleep lik you have been!!! Intas sheekadu ha lagu xiro. TALKS ARE OVER. NOTHING TO SEE HERE BUDDIES EVERYONE GO HOME. THANKS FOR COMING!!!
  22. Thank god somaliland is back in isolation. Wallahi the talks had me worried they would actually get secession. Iga tag dheh its better for somalis and also hargeisa itself to remain isolated buuq badani meeshan loogama bahno