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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Here we go guys, this is how a real state security set up looks like Lets start with the Law Enforcement. The Police Force In action not militia but well-trained The police institution
  2. its time goooooooooo all out on this and just hit a huge karbash and show you guys how pathetic your military is compared to puntland after you look at ours and do a bit of maseer and envy
  3. Lets go into the Puntland Defence Force. Or known locally as the PDF or Darawish. These guys defend us against External Forces, so the enemy is most likely to encounter them but the enemy will have no clue that the puntland security has many sectors and divisions. PDF headquarter. Base 54 training facility PDF In Action
  4. be prepared guys im going to steal the show for Puntland
  5. Hustler its galkayo vs hargeisa. War anigu Bosaso iyo meelahas haba ku riyon in-aan la simo hargeisa those days are gone since th update on the city. Sheekadu waxay maraysa Galkayo iyo Hargeisa. Kadib garowe iyo hargiesa and then qardho and hargeisa. I am choosing your largest city for a reason? Burco iyo berbera are not even in the picture. Burco is less developed then qardho and I can't wait to see updated pics on qardho. Garowe is way more modern then Berbera. Erigavo is equal in development with burtinle. Bosaso and Hamar are as developed. Puntland developed Cities 1. Bosaso 2. Galkayo 3. Garowe 4. Qardho 5. Burtinle This is still not pulling out Sool, Sanaag and Cayn developed cities.
  6. hustler one or two buildings with houses doesnt make a city I believe Galkayo is way more developed then hargeisa. Look at the bartamaha full of commercial buildings not just one or two. I believe hands-down Galkayo has overtaken Hargeisa and I cant wait to see more pics and video from the great city
  7. Dowladda Kenya oo safaaradeeda dib uga furanaysa Soomaaliya Sun, 22 Apr 2012 22:21:50 -0400 pm -04:00 -14400 Mogadishu, Apr 22 -Dowladda Kenya ayaa qorsheynaysa inay dib safaaradeeda uga furato dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaana magaalada Muqdisho. Wefti balaaran oo uu hogaaminayo wasiir kuxigeenka arrimaha dibadda Kenya Mr Richard Onyonga oo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la kulmay madaxwaynaha dowladda faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Wasiir kuxigeenka arimaha dibadda Kenya Mr Richard Onyonga ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta kulanka markii uu soo dhamaaday, madaxwaynaha inay isku afgarteen inay dowladda Kenya ay dib u howlgaliso safaaradii ay ku lahayd dalka Soomaaliy. Mr Richard Onyonga ayaa sheegay madaxwayne Sheekh Shariif inuu ogolaaday dib u furidda safaaradda Kenya ee Soomaliya. Dowladda Kenya oo dhowaan ku biirtay howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa qorshaynaysa inay dhowaan ciidamadeeda ka howlgalaan magaalooyin ka mid ah koonfurta Soomaaliya oo ay ku jirto magaalada Muqdisho. Diiwaanka Wararka Daljir Bossaso.
  8. why is king hiding, galkayo is media black out is over. Plus there needs to be a debate on who is more developed galkayo or hargeisa and please assess the video
  9. king forget about this, Galkayo video has just been released. Go check my thread. The city is booming
  10. I LOVE YOU GALKAYO BOOMING IS THE WORD. Just like I thought it was merely just a media black-out that is why galkayo wasnt being shown as of late but the city is booming take that to the bank
  11. I cant wait to goooooooooooooooooooooooo homeeeeeeeee...I LOVE PUNTLANDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  12. Walle I will never compare Bosaso to Hargeisa dhamatay malmahas. Sheekadas waxay maraysa Bosaso iyo Hamar. Lakin manta Galkayo iyo Hargeisa yaa dhisan weeye
  13. Puntland Parliament should now aim for interior design similar to the bottom image On the stage have the speaker in the middle. On the left side the party in power, the leading opposition party on the right. In the parliament MPS from 3 parties divided into 3 quarter seatings with isimo and public gallery.
  14. I am so happy to be puntland I didnt use to have all this ammo 3-4 years ago now I do and Im rubbing it in ppls faces
  15. Mukulaalow;821673 wrote: Dotoore are you on drugs? mise waad is yeelyeeleysaa? Since most of your budget goes to security and so does puntland wanna compare out security sectors and institutions? mise you backing down AN26, Black Hawks, F350s, Tanks, Technicals Bulletproof and standard, sea-going vessels, institutions like marine academy and carmo, security forces well armed and trained with bullet proof vests. Lets no go there my brother you will be shown to be 100 years behind. So much for the 100 million budget huh
  16. The day I see somaliland beat puntland and make us accept their seccession wa malinta aan somalia online ka bixi wallahi. Impossible, weak clan will just be told to get in line by mahiga and international players because they know who is the real boss of somalia and thats us and silanyo will be reminded yet again that he is under garowe principles
  17. Mukalalow. Somaliland is way behind Puntland. Deal with it!!! If Puntland wanted we cold wipe hargeisa out and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it!!! We have more modernized and trained security sector. Compare PIS with crappy somaliland intelligence. Who's more feared in Somalia? Look at our navies. Puntland has full blown sea-going vessels not just one but a fleet of around 10-15 from studies I read. Somaliland has speed-boats at best. Look at our police we have full blown academy to train and bunkers for our troops wheres yours? Look at our Army who have proven operational tanks yet you have not proven one works. Get over it bro, you wish you were like puntland but your not, your smaller clan then us thats why u have no influence in somalia. Imagine if u were puntland and imagine the power u could boast over the nation. Lol las anod go take las anod its one city im taking the whole nation including U
  18. Hargeisa is a remittance based economy in other words wa boqol dollar suge, maxay tax qaadi karan to account for 100 million dollar budget? war ninkan wa insane...berbera is dead where is this tax coming from. Iska hadal lakin paper trail ba loo bahan yahay before u make claims plus I have study that says there not a single operational tank in somaliland and explains why you never see one in action. Plus your 100 million dollar budget would give you are more equipped defence forces then Puntland but Puntland is 100 years ahead and has full blown naval vessels like a nation state, F350S, tanks, bullet proof technicals, bms, and a range of weaponry stockpile. Somaliland rag-tags speak for itself stealing puntland boots lol and showing non operational tanks that actually left over by siyad painted up to look real but never seen to move.
  19. your parliament is the size of bosaso assembly your president still lives in governor house. Puntland has 3 governor houses in all 3 major cities way bigger then anything in your cesspool. You do not even have local assemblies in somaliland. where is this so called budget? niyahow dont make get started on that pit-stop berbera that aint bringing in any cheese
  20. Mukalalow more prosperous then me? then why arent they as politically strong as me if they are prosperous? sxb anyone can claim budget lakin where is the power? mahiga is telling ur siilanyo puntland is your boss too. Thats power my friend