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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. This is my assessment of the current situation of Somalia. 1. Shabab is collapsing and will dismantle 2. Somaliland will return into isolation 3. Puntland will continue to spearhead its political agenda domestically and internationally 4. The TFG will start to transition into an official government Winner appears to be Puntland. All the ingredients of success are clearly visible. The region has it's hands in the TFG making sure it's compliant with puntland in terms of constitution, idealogy, power-sharing, resources, etc. The only thing out of puntland's hand is shabab and somaliland and we are seeing some major losses on those front. Shabab is in retreat mode and heading for the caves, somaliland is back to square one. I am happy for the Puntland region and urge the state to keep a vigilant eye on the TFG to make sure it doesn't come in and throw some random turub to disturb the process of puntlandizing the somali people and nation. I also urge the state to continue building it's bi-lateral ties overseas and bring in more political spot-light for garowe. We should continue with building all the necessary arms of a government and nation just in-case the mogadishu boys come up with a trick then we can quickly go to option B and get the international stakeholders to bring mogadishu-hargeisa or whoever in line with Puntland visions and if that fails we have option C to secede and have covered all the political bases ready for the recognition of Puntland.
  2. Beer-Gaal;822310 wrote: Lately I'm disliking more the word Mujaahid!. A mujahid is someone who fights for islam not for clan/region/politics/etc. Usually the term mujahid is practised more in religiously ignorant areas of Somalia in particularly hargeisa. The term is hardly used in the south or east. Halyay is more the term used in those areas someone who fights for national cause like Abdullahi Yusuf, Sayidka, Aideed, etc.
  3. Waxan oo kale looma jawaabo. Puntland is moving forward just look after yourself
  4. Puntland streghtening Somalinimo. Can I see one of these in Hargiesa?
  5. Somalia: Puntland Forces Conduct Anti-Al Shabab Operation At Galgala Mountains 23 April 2012 Garowe — Heavily armed forces from Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland have on Monday conducted major operations against Al shabab fighters in Galgala mountainous hide outs in Barri region. Cabdullahi Mohammed Donyale, the security advisor of Puntland president Abdirahman Farole told reporters in Garowe town that Puntland has began this operations after Al shabab has shifted its guerilla- style warfare in Galgala, a small town that strategically located 40 Km away south of port town of Bosaso. "I call on people in Puntland to stand firmly with the forces to avert attacks from Al shabab militants against government buildings and as well as civilian targets. Al shabab seem to bee regrouping in Galagal Mountains after they were defeated in south and central Somalia," he added. Hundreds of residents in Galagala area started fleeing from the town to saver areas in Puntland in fear of battle between Punland forces and Al shabab militants. Al shabab fighters have sought refuge in the mountainous region of Puntland which remains relatively free of local or international police or military forces. They are publicly declaring their relocation, recruitment drive and intention to oust the government of Puntland.
  6. Silanyo your office looks like Bosaso mayors office I won't even compare it to Dr farole state cabinet and office plus dr farole has own his office plus building a presidential palace. Our governor houses are located in bosaso-galkayo-garowe all more lavish then yours. I am just so ruthless
  7. Puntland are conservative state and Bosaso is like new york manhattan hustle and bustle. Somaliland is like Las Vegas. Jaad, Women, Crazyness. Mogadishu is like california relaxed and laid back and more liberal minded
  8. Carafaat, ilbaxnimo the las vegas of somalia is in hargeisa even foreigners know!!!!
  9. cowards look at your somaliland inventions Sooooooo advanced Even high school kids can create better Hargeisa 2012 Galkayo 2012 Carafaat. 12 years behind? if you think your ahead of Puntland then riyo baad ku jirta sxb. The only thing you lead in was democracy thats it. That came not because of you but because you surrounded by peaceful neighbours. Puntland is surrounded by Hostile enemies and still has developed and maintained it's peace. Plus carafaat how can puntland be 12 years behind when we are laying pipelines to oil storage facilities in bosaso? wax surta gal ba la sheega
  10. Get in here carafaat. Sxb you will drive through Puntland with your Puntland International License, Passing Toll booths who only take payment from you once every 3 months using highly advanced technology. You will see road-signs and give way signs, bus stops, and all the the amenities of a mature road network. Hell you even will see 31000 government owned vehicles with their own Puntland Govt number plating. I want you to ask yourself something, why not make this state known as the "state on the move" as your HOME?
  11. Does your cities have such effective road systems in place? driver licenses, traffic inspectors, toll booths? if so please provide your evidences if you don't then ask yourself why!!!! Because Puntland does
  12. GAROOWE : Canshuurta Baabuurta oo si xoogan u socota April 23, 2012 11:13 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Garoowe:-Waxaa si xawli ah u socda qaadida canshuurta baabuurta kala duwan iyada oo la xaraynayo baabuurkii aan cashuurnayn. Canshuurta la qaadayo iminka oo ah mid 3 bilood ah ayaa gaari kasta laga doonayaa in uu baxsho, waxaana ciidanka canshuuraha ay jidgooyo dhigteen wadada laamiga ah meesha kaga beegan Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo Gaadiidka halkaasi oo lagu canshuurtan lagu qaado. Canshuurta, ayaa iminka loo qaadaa hab casri ah iyada oo si fudud loo ogaado gaariga aan canshuurnayn iyo inta lagu leeyahay. Baabuurta, ayaa aad iyo aad ugu soo badanaya Puntland waxaana soo daga sanadkasta dhawr kun oo baabuur oo u badan baabuurta yaryar ee raaxadda, waxayna inta diiwaan gashan oo aysan ku jirin baabuurta ku callaamadaysan GD ee Dawladda leedahay marayaan 31,000. Puntlandpost.com
  13. War waxad mooda inayba yihin united nation peacekeeping forces sida ay uu dhisan yihin, sida ay uu qalabaysan yihin, sida ay uu taba-baraysan yihin is just amazing iga dheh niyahow war waxaas ba military la yirah
  14. I just havr so much material to flaunt in people's faces that I haven't used half my arsenal. Damn let me go hunt down galkayo troopers at abdullahi yusuf burial,. they packing or waaw waaw iga dheh
  15. Notice the focus I put on the flag of puntland in farole and his govt pictures. Meeshu wa dawlad weeye
  18. Now Its Time for Puntland Marine Force or better known as PMF Marines in Training Marines in Action
  19. This is now dedicated to the Presidential Guards of Puntland Oh no!!!! Here comes the Puntland Intelligence Service or better known as PIS