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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. relentles sheekadada waxay noqotay kaadi iyo coffee
  2. Ironic cilmo samatar didn't come up with Hiil qaran when rayale was in power or am I missing something? Ma hada ayaad baratay qaran?
  3. im suprised why he keeps using the word "hot air" so much. But yes the kid has some issue his a bit upset Puntland is going to become an opec state and is actually in the process of organising registration, while hargeisa remains a khat ridden separatist enclave
  4. Its all the same in somalia sxb, I wouldn't fall for that nonsense.
  5. Somaliland is a Khat ridden village with no agriculture or irrigation systems. The city struggles with basic amenities like water and electricity after 21 years in government, The only major cities in all somaliland are hargeisa and burco thats it. I read a journey travel on it and all the small towns in between are non-existant everyone moved to one of those two cities. In other words u have no cities other then those two. Puntland all of its cities are building up not just bosaso something U cannot claim in somaliland.
  6. Relentless, I think after Bosaso city is paved (I know hargeisa has no idea what that means) but when we do finish the magaalo project. Do you think we can pull of building a solar traffic system for all the major road arteries in the city? Magaalo Project A solar based traffic system Watch relentless now go And me go
  7. It will always remain a xafad and no threat to Puntland
  8. Xaji u gotta admit Bosaso is way more modernized and fun then hargeisa. Ur summer time in hargeisa is like AVGGGGGG in Bosaso.
  9. Beach Day Out Ferries Swamp Cruise Honeymoon Mountain Hike
  10. Relentless I like how hargeisa has built on the mountain, it gives it a tel-aviv look plus the elevation makes it appear the buildings are actually bigger then they are but their all 3-4 stories. Unfortunatly I don't think Bosaso will be taking that option their pushing more out to laag Markaan aan ka baxnayn Laag ayaa arkay dhismayaal laamiga ku teedsan dabeedna waxaa la sheegay inay in magaalada Bosaaso dhowaan soo gaari doonto Laag I don't know why be we have this sick policy of keeping everything on the road, I really like the idea of building on mountain-tops like hargeisa did and Bosaso has alot of mountains so there is no excuse plus it's alot cooler there. We can easily built feeder roads into those mountain areas for access and later on pave it as it develops.
  11. Xaji read my prognosis in-depth to understand before you speak. Ku noq-noqo wax baad ka baran karta and hopefully learn how to play politics puntland style
  12. Thats how puntlander thinks and thats why we are so successful in somali politics. Thats why everyone else are mere failures
  13. Never under-estimate these boys 1.Federalism(is our best option). We can get kismayo back and our properties/businesses/farms in the south. Plus have greater control of all somalia through the gobollo "card". Plus we don't have to act tribal and can act we are thinking of the nations best interests and say 'somaliland doesnt want to rejoin somalia" and mogadishu want central govt therefore this is option is the best middle ground. WOW do international stakeholders love the logic in our reasoning yet we still have our own political agenda 12/18 states D-BLOCK. 2. If our preferred political solution doesn't work. We can use our ties domestically and internationally to bring the anti federal elements into line with Puntland. We can use the reasoning "as puntland we are thinking of the best interest of the nation" card and say mogadishu wants central, hargeisa wants secession, federal is the middle line". Can someone please get these "ravin lunatics into line who just care about their clan interests like hargeisa or lunatics in mogadishu who want to return to failed policies". WOW do international stakeholders love big picture thinkers!!! Then w can tell the international stakeholders "Puntland is mature and considered both options from mogadishu and hargeisa and came up with a reasonable middle ground" We can say "hargeisa just cares about hargeisa and non-existant colonial issues" their not mature. Mogadishu centralist can't take us back to what failed before "having everything in one city" Thats why our solution is the most logical and best solution because it addresses everything in Somalia today like tribal enmity, not going back to failed central systems, not adding city states into the greater horn regions, etc, etc. But deep down we have our own agenda 12 out of 18 states is d-block, we just dont tell the international world. 3. If all options fails(worse case scenario) we have set up all the necessary political institutions, governmnts, security forces, economy and general ingredients of seceding. We have a strong international ties and can use it to get our seccession and will use our local game-changers in hamar like ina gaas to sign off on it. I love being a Puntlander