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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Relentless;823119 wrote: i was talking about security and military capability of which you have minimal...and you talk about oil....hmmmmmmmm you have no oil etheir saxib...buuuuuuudland is all talk nothing substantial somali o dhan ba fahmay...waaa sheko baaaax baaaax....hahah...you are the laughing stock of somali's because you pretend to be what your not. my military? lol you think I have anything to prove in that sector anymore? do you see me even debating it with you? when u show me one tank moving in somaliland then we will talk. Even then you still out-beat u don't have bullet proof vests, high training, seagoing navy vessels, f350s, AN26, helicopters, bullet proof technicals, etc etc. The only thing u remotely match in puntland capacity is heavy trucks and technicals and we got those too, tanks we got em, plus on top of that we got many other goodies you don't have thats why I don't debate this issue like airforce, navy, and other military arsenal. No way your catching up in all those sectors
  2. Relentless;823113 wrote: Im content with the status quo...Somalia Good Luck...if you have anything bring it to the battlefield buuuuudland you already defeated so continue talking...hahaha go brush up on puntland skills. Wareerka badan naga daa
  3. http://www.galmudugnews.com/2012/04/24/puntland-oo-wacad-ku-martay-in-ay-lawareegto-guud-ahaan-gaalkacyo/ Other galmudug propaganda trying to stirr up trouble in a already clan sensitive city http://www.cunaabi.com/playaudio.php?id=157
  4. Puntland argument is not hard to grasp 1. Who is uniting here? The nation is still 1. Whether we accept it or not Somaliland is not recognised. So what is there to unite? 2. This meeting is basing itself on north and south as was the case in 1960. Today in Somalia there is no colonialism and that issue will never be raised up again no western nation want's to bring up that past because they are "ashamed" of it. 3. The talks occuring do they reflect the reality on the ground in Somalia? How can anyone ignore what is happening on the ground and expect these talks to be TAKEN serious 4. Somalia today is FEDERAL whether we support it or not this is the system that is recognised for the somali people. This is what the london conference was pushing for to make the federalism and TFIS the official system of Somalia. If somalia is federal north and south are only two stakeholders and Puntland must play it's role. 5. Even if you talk to the TFG you think Puntland will not influence it? no matter if Puntland is there or not it will always play some sort of role behind the scene. Marka why waste your time talking to somalia when clearly somalia is built today for puntland interests. Somaliland needs to learn you are not in any power to negiotate. If you leave the talks your only hurting yourself and your people by isolating them and returning back to ground zero. If you want to do that excellent lakin oohiinta badan naga daa niyahow
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Wnb_YRWSiLU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. noone has responded to the puntlander. His still standing.
  7. kingofkings;823078 wrote: once its complete, say 8/1/12, we will see the finished good. hopefully, it will put all the government buildings in the region to shame. 300k interior just for the parliament hall is not a bad price-tag if you ask me!!!
  8. at first i was bit disappointed at puntland parliament it looks like they took a leaf out of mogadishu books But with this news I am very satisfied again and cannot wait to see what Puntland has up her sleeve to set the benchmark for somalis
  9. King im still suprised why they used the dome on the parliament, It looked so temporary as if they are going to take it off immediately after the conference and start working on the second floor where the mps put their properties, press rooms, other amneties etc etc.
  10. King i am dancing puntlander can't wait for the parliament to be completed. We got the size right, now we gotta get the look right.
  12. Somalia;823064 wrote: Those are a lot of Toshiba, them niggas be chilling are you proud and looking forward to the modernisation of the parliament? its going to be MASSIVE PLUS MODERN ALL MPS WITH SPEAKER PHONES AND LAPTOPS..RED CARPETS..ETC ETC
  13. Hay’adda AWEPA oo qalab ugu deeqday Baarlamaanka Puntland [Dhegeyso] Updated:- 8 hours ago| 0 Commnets Deeq qalab ah ayaa maanta lagu wareejiyey gudoonka Baarlamaanka Puntland. Deeqdan oo u badan Computerska gacanta lagu qaato ayaa waxaa Baarlamaanka ugu deeqday hay’adda AWEPA. Hay’addan oo caawisa Baarlamaanada ayaa tirada Computerada ay Baarlamaanka Puntland ugu deeqday waxay yihiin 8-xabo. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi oo isaga qalabkaas lagu wareejieyey ayaa u mahad celiyey hay’adda AWEPA. Wuxuuna sheegay in Computeradanai ay ka anfacayaan Baarlamaanka tababarada la xiriira ku shaqeynta Computerada iyo ka qayb qaadashada Siminaarada. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanku waxa kale oo uu ka warbixiyey halka uu marayo dhismaha hoolka shirarka ee Baarlamaanka Puntland. Wuxuuna tilmaamay inuu gaba gabo marayo, waxa keliya ee u dhimanna uu yahay sidii loo qalabeyn lahaa. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysey ee ay AWEPA deeq soo gaarsiiso Baarlamaanka Puntland, haseyeeshee waxaa jirey labo jeer oo ay horay ugu deeqday lacago lagu dayactiray xafiisyada Baarlamamaanka islamarkaana ay u qalabaysay. Dhegeyso Codka Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka http://horseedmedia.net/2012/04/25/hayadda-awepa-oo-qalab-ugu-deeqday-baarlamaanka-puntland-dhegeyso/
  14. I cant believe people is badiye but its so much modern then wallahi european cities. I went to europe and its backwardsssssss as hell places in london dont even have shower-heads they using buckets to shower. Plus all european cities are sooooooooooooo oldddddddd its ugly
  15. imagine walking through that jungle every morning in sydney like I have to Somalis all live here in melbourne
  16. somalia is living in the 15th century castles Brisbane Australia
  17. Somalia get out of europe the castle towns and move to real cities. Gold Coast Australia sydney Melbourne somali capital
  18. NGONGE;822807 wrote: I said it before and I say it again, PL's entire being was positioned so as to get the best of both worlds. Should Somalia get fixed, PL will be right in the centre of things and, should SL get its recognition PL will also be well prepared to follow suit and ask to be recognised too. Waa hadal cad, saaxib. Thats good prognosis
  19. Farolow ha laga firsada arintan oo khatar ku noqon karto sumcada puntland