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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Boosaaso: “Hooyada Horumarka Puntland” [sawiro] Updated:- 24 mins ago| 2 Commnets Magaalada Boosaaso oo ah magaalo kulaasha badda cas islamarkaana ay ku taal deked halbowle u ah dhaqaalaha iyo ganacsiga Puntland iyo qaybo badan oo kamid ah dalka Soomaaliya waxay sanadihii u danbeeyey nasiib u yeelatay in loo aqoonsado magaalada ugu weyn magaalooyinka geeska Africa marka laga eego dhinaca kororka dhismaha. Boosaaso oo burburkii dowladdii dhexe ee Mileteriga kahor ahayd tuulo yar oo ay dad koobani ku nool yihiin waxay xiligaas wixii ka danbeeyey isu bedeshey magaalado aad u mashquulsan ganacsi firfircoon iyo fursado badan oo shaqana ay ka jiraan. Tirakoobyadii ugu danbeeyey ee Boosaaso lagu sameeyey waxay sheegayeen in tirada guryaheedu ay kor u dhaafayaan 100.000, waxaana tirada dadka kunool oo marba marka ka daneysa sii kordhaysa lagu qiyaasaa ku dhowaad 900,000 oo qof. Dhismayaasha waaweyn iyo guryaha dabaqyada ah oo iyagu astaan u ah horumarka magaalooyinka ayaa mudooyinkii u danbeeyey kusoo badanayey Boosaaso, waxayna horseedeen in Boosaaso ay noqoto magaalo marba marka ka danbeysa ay bilicdeedu sii kordheyso. Horseed Media waxay halkan idiinku soo gudbineysaa sawiro muujinaya sida uu xiligan yahay muuqaalka magaalada Boosaaso oo qaar badan oo dadka kamid ahi ay ku naaneysaan inay tahay hooyada horumarka Puntland. Horseed Media
  2. We could take a leaf out of our brothers in hamar regarding how well they maintained the airport and how poorly we have failed with Bosaso. I understand Mogadishu airport was 'inherited' and they really didn't start from scratch like is the case with Bosaso international. I know mogadishu airport services larger capacity airplane therefore they need top of the line passenger stair-ways and airport equipments, but still seeing the airport at mogadishu really puts our airport to shame
  3. Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga oo Mashaaric ka hirgelisay degmada EYL April 27, 2012 // Warar Somaali Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda ee Puntland ayaa howlo mashaaric ah ka hirgelinaysa degmada EYL ee gobolka Nugaal oo kamid ah degaan xeebeedyada Puntland. Agaasimaha Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga C/waaxid Xirsi Joocaar iyo wefdi ka socda Hay’ado dhinaca horumarinta kaluumaysiga Puntland ayaa ku sugan degmada EYL. Mr.Joocaar oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in mashaaricda kamid tahay qaboojiye loogu talagalay in lagu keydiyo kaluunka ay Badwaynta kasoo qabsadaan Kaluumaysatada. Agaasimaha ayaa intaas raaciyey in mashaaricdaas ay ku baxayaan lacag ku dhow $1.5-milyan oo doolar. Dhinaca kale wuxuu sheegay in Wasaaradda ay ku howlan tahay sidii mashaaric kale uga hirgelin lahayn degaan xeebeedyada Puntland. Kaluumaysatada Puntland ayaa inta badan ku dhaliila Wasaaradda in aysan wax u qaban iyadoo ay dhibaatooyin kala kulmaan Ciidamada Shisheeye ku sugan xeebaha Soomaaliya markii ay soo kaluumaysanayaan.
  4. I can't wait too see astro-turf on here with night lights. The faan will be through the roof doing comparisons with other somali regions and showing the their grounds vs ours
  5. kingofkings;823592 wrote: Viva Mudug, Viva Galkacyo and Viva greater PL. :cool: We need to really start investing into drainage systems. This will help smooth out traffic and keep our roads safe and busy regardless of seasons. I am going to research into drainage solutions and sending an email to the puntland administration
  6. I am going to stay here when i go to galkayo come onto SOL and smash heads I swear to god galkayo is awesome Good to see their updating the roofing on the city. This is crucial so houses dont get damaged in torrential raining more pics here http://horseedmedia.net/2012/04/27/daawo-sawirada-magaalada-gaalkacyo-xarunta-gobolka-mudug-oo-roobsatay/
  7. Guys Puntland is going to buy all those big weapons when the oil money comes. It first focus is on security and that means alot of purchasing of new hardware unseen in Somalia. Puntland first priority is always security and big money is going to be spent on it come oil production time. I'll give you all another warning like I always do and my predictions have proven to be SPOT ON most of the time like (oil tankers off bosaso) Don't be suprised markad maqashan "Dekeda Bosaso ayaa manta ka soo degtay ICBMS, MARITIME NAVAL VESSELS, JET FIGHTERS, ETC ETC" Just know that you been told beforehand and when it does happen i'll be reposting this and saying "TOLD YOU SO". I look at many factors before I reach conclusions and I look at the evidences and take into consideration what are the regional priorities of Puntland to come to such conclusions. There is also going to be huge investments into fully modernized water network, electricity grids, roads and the oil will be mainly used for that to develop asphalt, their will be huge investments into financial sector also siiba banking, trading, etc.
  8. The AN26S are confirmed in Puntland whether you want to accept it or not and there is reports of helicopters in Bosaso that belong to the marines. Garoonka maamulkiisa ma hoostago wasaaradda duulista ee Puntland, sidoo kalana waxba lagama oga hawlaha ay Saracen ku qabato garoonka. Waxaa la sheegay in diyaarado nooca helicopter-ka ay habeenkii ku soo degaan garoonka, isla markaana ciidamo hubeysan ay ku sugan yihiin garoonka. Plus Farole said noone in Somalia or even amisom has air-assets. He wouldn't of used the term 'air assets' if he only had planes he has a mix of air-capabilities which include helicopters thats why he used the term 'air assets'. Below is the quote No other force in Somalia, including the Mogadishu-based central government or African Union peacekeepers, has air assets. As for the Long-range missiles, ICBMS, and all those goodies will come once the oil production begins. The first thing on the shopping items is security as cade muse said When I asked the president, Mohamoud Musa Hirsi, what he would do with revenue from future oil production, he replied: “ Spend it on security .” That is because oil will very likely lead to another civil war Alla somalida dhib jecela runta neceba, waxaa soo socoto uma jeedan weli. Illahi ba idin maqan!!!! Puntland tashatay. When farole said he had air assets that means a mixed assortment of helicopters and military planes. If he had only one sort of it he wouldn't of said that. Daandaansi iyo indha tiris meel idin ma geynayso
  9. Somalidu wa iska hadlan or as relentless says 'hot air' I think CHE once said "office workers doing part time military parades" wa iga qosolsiyay cuz were not going to battlefields were just always doing parades. So let me be so I can attack ALI DHEERE WITH PARADES
  10. The whole might of puntland will be unleashed on anyone who dares undermine the state.Waxba yaan loola harin cadowga dalka
  11. Cali Dheere “Dhowaan Al-Shabaab Talada Puntland ayay la wareegeysaa (Dhageyso) Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa wareysi uu siiyay Idaacada Andulus ee ku hadasho afka Kooxda Al-Shabaab waxa uu sheegay in dhowaan ay la wareegi doonaan Maamulka Puntland. Cali Dheere ayaa ugu hanjabay Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole in dhowaan Shabaabka ay talada kala wareegi doonaan. Sidoo kale Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegay in ay qorshaha ugu jirto sidoo ay u gaari lahaayeen dhamaan deeganada Puntland. Hadalka Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadayaa iyadoo Buuraha Golis ay ku suganyihiin dagaalyahano ka tirsan Ururka Al-Shabaab. Cali Dheere ayaa ku faanay in Al-Shabab ay awood u leeyihiin in ay isku qeybiyaan Koofur iyo Bari oo uu ule jeeday Deeganada Puntland. Dhowaan ayay eheed markii Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole uu sheegay in Ciidamada Al-Shabaab ay u soo guureen Deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan Buuraha Golis. Xaawo Cisman Nadiir Horseed Media-Muqdisho Dhageyso Codka Cali Dheere http://horseedmedia.net/2012/04/27/cali-dheere-dhowaan-al-shabaab-talada-puntland-ayay-la-wareegeysaa-dhageyso/
  12. I don't know if you have noticed this but I surely have!!! Why is it always the debates on universal tv with somaliland centers around the d-fam. Like xoosh vs snm, khatumo vs snm, ssdf vs snm. I have never seen a USC and SNM debate on universal to discuss what the hell went wrong with those two factions? I even seen the D-fam take on H-Fam on universal like puntland vs galmudug debate and i've seen others where puntland and the tfg are going at it too. This is very strange indeed of universal tv. I think somalia is ready for a mogadishu vs hargeisa clash, Winner takes all type of battle on xog-waran. I know I will indeed be watching.
  13. Well done Puntlander Only a few things I would've of added would've of been to show that Puntland is way more developed then anything in Somaliland and at much larger scale across multiple cities with better facilities like water, electricity, education and health and way better projects like oil drilling and other vital infrastructure like roads. As for the democratisation card the somalilander used you could rebuffed him by also stating that Puntland is heading towards a Democracy. A proper democracy not shady democracy!!! The somaliland guy whole debate was the talks are between somalia and somaliland because somalis used to be that way. Easy refutation "Somalis used to be like that but are not today and that border was made null and void when the two regions merged in 1960" khalas intas ayaaba ku filan hadalkasi. The puntlander should've of been a bit more ruthless and said the truth. 'If you somaliland folks wanna boycott the talks it is you who will go back to ghost status not Somalia you do not have the upper-hand and somalis know it and will use that leverage on you on any talks that occurs". Albab walbo garacday hada ayaad garatay xaqiqda that was perfect line of the puntlander that truly reflects the reality. "if those guys could get recognition without coming to Somalia you think they wouldn't" Markay daaleen bay hada yimadeen and we will use that as another leverage against the pedofile infested quasi regime
  14. XOG: Shidaal Baaristii Dooxada Dharoor oo Natiijadii Laga Gaaray Dhowaan La Shaacin Doono Comments (20) | Write Comment Boosaaso (RBC) Warar ku dhow saraakiisha shirkadda African Oil Corporation oo masuul ka ah hawlaha shidaal baarista Puntland ayaa muujinaya in natiijo macquul ah laga heley dooxada Dharoor ee gobolka Bari oo bishii Janaayo laga bilaabay baarista shidaalka. Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo ay heshay Shabakada Raxanreeb ayaa sheegaya in qodista ceelka “Shabeel 1″ ee dooxadaDharoor uu hadda gaaraya in ka badan 2703 meters taasoo u dhiganta 80% intii ceelkaasi laga qodi lahaa. Waxaana illaa hadda la arkay gaaskad dabiiciga ah iyo togag biyo ah. Laaiin qodista ayaa socotay iyadoo loo gudbay qeybta shidaalka oo ah waxa la raadinayo. Mid ka mid ah dadka gacanta ku haya hawsha shidaal baarista oo Raxanreeb ay la hadashay ayaa ku gaabsaday in waqti dhow la shaacin doono natiijada ceelka Dharoor oo u muuqda in lagu guuleystay. War saxaafadeed bishan April 11, 2012 ay soo saartay shirkadda African Oil oo iska leh saamigaugu badan ee heshiiska shidaal baarista ayey ku xaqiijisay inay gaartay illaa 2703 meters iyadoo xaqiijisay in waqti dhow maamulka Puntland iyo shirkadda si wadajir ah u xaqiijin doonaan natiijada la gaaray. African Oil waxay kaloo war saxaafadeedkeeda ku sheegtay in marka uu dhamaado qodista ceelkan inay u u guureyso ceelka labaad ee” Shabeel 2 waqooyi” halkaasoo shaqo dhisme ah hadda ay ka socoto. Saraakiisha Puntland oo aan la hadalnay waxay sheegeen inaysan rabin in natiijada soo bixi doonta usbuucyo gudahood ay ka hor dhacaan maadaama aan la gaarin gabagabadii iyo ku dhawaaqista. Natiijadaceelka Dharoor ayaa haddii si rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqo waxay noqoneysaa markii ugu horeysay taariikhda oo shidaal ka soo baxa ciida Soomaaliya bannaanka yimaado taasoo la rumeysan yahay inay wax ka bedeli karto xaalada dhaqaale ee dadka. RBC Radio Xafiiska wararka Nairobi
  15. me, somalia, king, showqi, duke all walking down the corridor of power
  16. Farole the man from the corridor of power(galkayo-garowe-bosaso stretch) slapping up the neighbourhood state baraxlay and the pedofile infested hargeisa