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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Tell the minister to do something in Bosaso. Thats all I will be judging him on. And if you dont know where that it is let me introduce her to you
  2. They know full well recognition from somalia is impossible especially with puntland weight on politics and the constitution that clearly stipulates the nation is one which was signed by hargeisa also. dastuur.org exposed that bit. This is not about aqoonsi the real reason is oil, aqoonsi is the guise they're using to keep their folks in lies. Remember this is a state that has lied 20 years to its ppl saying aqoonsi is coming marka maxad ka filaysa? you think they're so called aqoonsi talk is REAL today? This is not about aqoonsi at all and mark my words on it!!! This is about oil point blank. When the talk ends "somaliland will tell its ppl we negiotated hard and came to solution all somalis are happy with" the solution being the capital will be hargeisa and we will get this much share of govt, blah blah blah and somalis have forgiven themselves. But deep-down the talks WERE really about oiiiiiiiiiiiiiil and how to get the tfg onboard and provide assurance to oil companies to dig in somaliland and more importantly how that oil will be shared. Marka sheekadu way qarxi lahayd sooner or later regardless so they're trying to do it with as less collateral damage as possible
  3. These talks are over, rabshada badan maxaa keenay. No more talks so please go home everyone. Marka labaad faysalow, wax uu samayn karo sharif ma jirto hadusan farole aqbalin, marka it's a waste of time trying to use mogadishu hatred of garowe to further your recognition agenda. Ogow any talk that doesn't include puntland waxba kama jiran weeye. Calamka ma aqbaleyo wa arin manta ka jirta somalia hadad aminsan tahay ama hadi kale wa hawl ku taal. Anyways but deep-down in garowe we know why somaliland is rushing to solve they're issues with Somalia, it's not really about aqoonsi at all but I will leave it at that. It's more to do with the oil drilling and how no place will go near it if it doesn't have the full support of mogadishu and not only that the problems that can arise without it is huge. Like "Mogadishu" saying noone can dig without our approval and this would blow the guise of "dal gooni baan ahay" card and they're ppl will be like "we have oil arrangement in place with hamar" so how can we be a indepedent nation. So their politicians knew this would happen so they rush to the table now to prepare for the above scenario. Maseerka puntland ayaa dishay somaliland lakin weligin noqon maysan iyo shidaal kama qodan kartid halkas, waxay is-oranayan yusan puntland shidaal helin kadib nuclear kugu soo ibsan, cabsi darteed ayaa waxas uu keenayso. They dont fool anyone in garowe
  4. Somalia damn man Bosaso is banging dense as hell with multiple central business district downtowns. This is two but I know of at least another 3-4 in the city similar to it
  5. Chimera is a big hater, a man who has the audacity to say this is bad Yes he did say that indirectly when he is saying federalism is bad and all this balony , if it wasnt federalism MR nationalist no city in somalia would be progressed except mogadishu and people who are kids would have to move to mogadishu for health and education services. WHAT sort of nationalist doesn't want every somali enjoying themselves? thats what federalism does its a solution for all. Thats A TRUE NATIONALIST SOMEONE WHO THINKS ABOUT EVERYONE
  6. Dr_Osman;823695 wrote: Hey guys notice the huge difference when u trim out the mountains. It takes away the canyon effect and gives you a feeling of what it would be like at ground walking around But damn am I looking forward tooooooooooooooo golis and iftin glass additions, I thinks about time we started adding more glass to the city but I could why they might avoid that cause it requires alot of maintenance especially with sand being blown on windows and so forth. But hey this is Bosaso "we'll always find a way to overcome something"
  7. Hey guys notice the huge difference when u trim out the mountains. It takes away the canyon effect
  8. uchi;823682 wrote: ^ Dr am I a cadow? I hope not, cause your threads are too extreme for many Puntlanders in SOL~ tone it down! you only show your face when oil is on the discussion plate. Your an oil fanatic, even though I like the oil happening I see it as an on-going project (taas meel bay inoo taala) but I want to make sure other projects are kick-starting or ongoing in other sectors as well. Thats what makes me happy
  9. Showqi;823674 wrote: Ditoore I really do love Puntland ask General Duke. I do participate and give my opinion about the topics talking about Puntland's progress and the improvement that Puntland had made so far. I just don't like when you (Dr_Osman) some times promote only Puntland and insult the rest of our beloved country. Please refrain from the insult and you will find me, and many other Nomads in your Threads and Topics that you have started. Belief me I had the chance to visit many, many differed regions of Somalia When I was very young including Bari (specially Gaalkacyo, Garoowe, Daawad iyo Eyl). The only area that I have never been is Bay iyo Bakool. So I do Love the entire Somalia (Koonfur, Bari iyo Waqooyi Galbeed), waanan ku faraxsanahay horumarka ay gaadheen gobolada qaarkood illaahayna waxaan marwalba ka baryaa in uu u siyaadiyo. Waayo waa dalkeeygii iyo walaalahay Soomaaliyeed, wixii wanaag ah iyo horumar ee ay gaadhaana kuligeen waxaa inooga imaneysa faa'iido. Wa inaad garataa dad badan ayaa cadow uu ah dadkaga iyo dalkaga.
  10. Showqi, ive never seen u happy with anything about puntland, why is that? and don't use the excuse I hate the way dr-osman is a puntland addict. I am puntland addict because for one reason, This is a place that started with nothing, lost everything we had in somalia, went to the most driest part of somalia and turned a major city bosaso into a financial capital that is getting mentioned as the fastest urbanizing city centers in east-africa and that is way beforeeeeeee oil has struck. That will lead to another era which I like to call the modernization of Puntland
  11. the relentless the xaajis the jbs the che's, the ngonges, the rudies, all da cadow niyad jab
  12. Oh btw we need to forget bosaso now, tanaaday. We really need to focus on Garowe plus we need to get galkayo out of the media black out it's suffered regarding the city developments. We also need to keep a stern eye on key infrastructure developments like airports/ports. This is our weak points. We are getting better with roads. The amount of dayactirs on our roads last year or feeder roads into xafads or remote town I stopped counting. On-top of that with bosaso city road project AND the coastal city roads project its safe to say were leading in roads in Somalia. Our serious weak points are airports. Its disgraceful and nothing short of it. We are last on the list when it comes to that. Mogadishu takes the cake, followed by somaliland and possibly abudwaq if we dont get our act together. I am paying close attention to turkey and its airport projects in Puntland and I hope you are also. Plus im waiting to see the final result of Bosaso expansion port but im not hopeful it will modernize it. Strong areas Health Education Roads Factories Businesses Politics Military Weak areas Lifeline Infrastructures Electricity especially in regulations, safety, and services Ministries need to be modernized. Especially MAJOR portfolio ones like education, security. Finance-Health-Planning-Commerce-Interior are ok for now.
  13. King come home bro me and you will meet up at dubai and take 1 month vacation in Bosaso.
  14. Also make sure to add this one Guaranteed noone will match it and they will cry deep down asking themselves "what happened to their cities" thats how u really get somalis angry do it like that kingy.
  15. Hey kingy if the cadows give you a hard time. Just throw this at them and say "show me one place ur clan resides that can match it" u can also put a stipulation "built in 14 years"
  16. rumour has it idps are being kicked off prime land areas in bosaso and being shifted to the outskirts of the city because the owners are selling the prime real-estate at premiums because the city is getting too tight and land value has soared because everyone is trying to build something in the city. I guess when they offered the land for IDP settlement they had no clue the city would be beefing up like this. Other rumours has it that bosaso is going to join with laag in the near future as it expands out in that direction following the main road!!! Funny thing is its just going to get more dense and bigger which then will ultimately call for skyscrapers cause they cant expand out anymore.
  17. waxan waa iska garbage weeye!!! propaganda news ayay dadka ku soo jiitan si ay lacag ku qaatan advertisement iyo wixi lamid ah
  18. kingofkings;823643 wrote: subhanallah. Bosaso is a beast. :cool: I think bosaso has multipe CBDS. Because i've seen shots of the city from many different angles all built like its the down-town
  19. Bosaso has outdone mogadishu I believe. I think horseedmedia is not doing it justice