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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. king I can't believe you are not providing any input regarding equipping puntland parliament with electronic voting systems in our parliament. King can you imagine our parliament sitting with these
  2. GAROOWE : Ururka Somali Family Service (SFS) oo daah-furay Mashruuc Xirfado lagu barayo Barakacayaal iyo Dadka Deegaanka April 29, 2012 7:10 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Garoowe:-Ururka Somali Family Service (SFS) ayaa maanta daah-furay Mashruuc Xirfado kala gadisan lagu barayo dad isugujira Barakacayaal iyo Dadka deegaanka kaas oo socon doona muddo 6 bilood ah oo ay maalgalisay hay’adda QM u qaabilsan Qaxootiga UHNCR. Maxamed Xaamid oo ka mid ah hawlwadeenda SFS ayaa waxa uu sheegay in 100 q0f oo 70 ay yihiin Barakacayaal 30 ay yihiin dadka Deegaanka la bari doono xirfado kala duwan oo ay ku shaqaysan doonaan si suuqa ay ula qabsasdaan. Barakacayaaasha, ayuu sheegay in la bari doono Xirfado ay ka mid yihiin Makaanik, Alxan, Tolida Dharka iyo Karinta Dharka, dadka deegaanka ayuu sheegay in la bari doono Kumbuutar iyo Xisaabaad. Maxamed, waxa uu la tababarayaasha ku dhiiriyay in ay ka faa’iideystaan mudada uu socdo Mashruuco ayna maanka ku hayaan in dad gaaraya 6000 laga soo xushay, sidaasdarteedna aysan khasaarin ujeedada laga leeyahay Mashruuca oo ah in laga faa’iideysto, si qof kastaaba uu u ahaado xirfadle. Cabdilaahi Cali Jaamac Agaasimewaaxeedka Tacliinta Sare ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland Cabdilaahi Cali Jaamac Agaasimewaaxeedka Tacliinta Sare ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay ahmiyada ay leedahay Waxbarashaddu, waxaana uu sheegay in qofka marka u wax barto oo xirfad leeyahay uu yahay qof sharaf leh oo isku filan, waxaana uu la tababarayaasha ku bogaadiyay in aysan lumin fursadan qaaliga ah oo ay ka faa’iideystaan. Duqa Caasumadda Garoowe Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi ayaa ammaan u jeediyay hay’adaha midna fulineyso mid maalgalisay ee SFS iyo UNHCR, waxaana uu sheegay in si dhab ah looga faa’iideysto Mashruucan oo uu sheegay in dadaal dheeraad ah oo ay sameeyeen SFS uu ku yimid, waxa uu sheegay in uu isagu goobjoog u ahaa markii masuuliyiinta SFS ay Xafiiska UNHCR ay ku leedahay Nayroobi ay ka codsanayeen Mashruucan. Sargaal ka socdey UNHCR, ayaa aad ugu mahadqnay SFS, waxaana uu la tabarayaasha ku dhiiriyay in ay ka faa’iideystaan Mashruuca, waxaana uu sheegay in ay kormeer ku sameyn doonaan sida uu u socdo mashruucu. Beexaani Axmed Bare Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha ee dhanka Barakacayaasha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in aan laga abaal dhicin dadka isku soo taxalujiyay hirgalinta Mashruucan iyo sidii uu ahaaan lahaa mid taabagala, waxaana uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in laga faa’iideysto mudada uu socdo oo aan shaley imaan oo aan wakhtiga la dayicin amaba iyada oo niyaddu maqan tahay aan la imaan tababarka. Sikastaba, SFS, ayaa deegaamada Puntland ka wada dhowr Mashruuc oo wax ku ool ah oo dadka deegaanku ay ka faa’iideystaan. Puntlandpost.com Maxamed Xaamid (SFS) Cabdilaahi Cali Jaamac Agaasimewaaxeedka Tacliinta Sare ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmo Duqa Garoowe Sargaal ka tirsan UNHCR Beexaani Axmed Barre Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha Puntland Barakacayaal iyo Martigaliyaan Xirfado la barayo Masuuliyiin kala duwan Xogta Mashruuca SFS
  3. Somalia;824367 wrote: I bet you had an orgasm when you saw this. My keyboard is sticky its beyond orgasm niyahow
  4. Puntland house of representative and parliament are going to be equipped with electronic voting systems. This is Dasturi not rumours!!! Article 61. Section 12 baby The votes in the House of Representatives will be taken by a system of raising hands, unless this constitution orders a different way. Raising hands may be substituted by an electronic voting system when installed in the House . GUUL IYO GOBANIMO
  5. This is the total nonsense and can cause friction in a neighbourhood that is already war-scarred. I suggest the best solution is to have cool heads and drop this nonsense project as it will just lead to bloodshed. I am totally against this waana xaq daro aan loo dhul-qadan karin in dadka shirqool lagu samayo. I am with ASWJ and believe this is un-necessary project and should be dropped immediately for the sake of peace. Arintan wixi ka soo baxo waan arki doona lakin cil-gaar ah baan ku hayna hadanu nahay reer puntland sida aanu cil-gaar ah ku hayno shirqoolka ay waqoyi ku damaceen wada hadalki tfgka oo ay ahayd inay shidaal ku ibsadan xoriyadooda lakin gacan bir ah ayaa kaga timi dhanka puntland illa hadana qolki mugdigi badnaa ayaa lagu celiye ee adiguna ogow galmudugow inaadan safe ahaynee
  6. I am lucky Puntland is one of the only african nations that was not touched by colonialism, we were masters of our own destiny. You will not see any colonial remnants in Puntland because they simply never were there. Ironically Mogadishu and Berbera are not only colonial heartlands but were colonized even before italy and the uk came. Mogadishu under oman, berbera under ottomans. Puntland colonized socotra islands. Puntland was infact a colonial power hadi tarikhda dhib loo raco. Only somali clan that can claim such a feat. That is why we are way more evolved then the rest of somalis havent you noticed always thinking of "qaran" and other "tools" of managing not just ourselves but also YOU
  7. Burah if this is only what u have after 22 years, your right hargeisa way duushay the rest of it must be lost in the sky somewhere It looks like a settlement not a city at all. No CBD at all
  8. Waxan oo kale ayaa ciil iga keeno runti. I dont understand why the USC folks are so aligned with hargeisa when you can see these ppl are animals but they still align with them maxaa keenay? War move to Bosaso and Invest where all somalis are free and happy and succeed equally
  9. Then you have a peaceful cosmopolitian Bosaso where all people are enjoying themselves " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Listen at the 5:07-5:55 a mogadishu guy in Bosaso there working hard for his family and to return that money to give them a better life. He even has access to telephone to call up radio station and provide his views. Puntland people are fully evolved somaliland is mentally not evolved and this just proves it. I dont understand why mogadishu folks always defend hargeisa and propagate them when they are treating you like this? Yet puntland who is building homes for you and giving u the same opportunities to succeed in our cities you mock us and call us bad
  10. http://www.waagacusub.com/news/27.04.12.Nacasland.htm?v=sRAvJrPSlhg&feature=youtu.be
  11. get in here kingyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I am smashing boorama boys oo wax weyn is mooday
  12. No farah I put everyone on trial and if found guilty I throw the god damn book at them
  13. Boorama boys with attitude this is how its done. SXB u paved one or two roads in your whole 20 years. Bosaso alone is paving up to 5 major roads in the city a total of 10km. U stand no chance give up and get outta here kid. Even your capital hargisa is 15th century compared to Bosaso
  14. Come and shop in Bosaso Boys. I am definitely eye-balling some tailored business shirts and pants for business
  15. abahay warlord ma aha waa dadki hore he dont have any cuqdad. him n qeybdiid go back long time same wit silanyo
  16. i see xafaads only Boorama...where is the CBD
  17. naturally blessed city weeye lakin wax ay gabteen ma jirto illahi ba idin siiyay. Plus after 20 years i would've of expected a bit better then that from boorama and all waqoyi. When Puntland has its 20th birthday nigga there is going to be skyscrapers through the whole region
  18. Hey kingy the farm alone is 1000 hectares or 10kms. Thats just mudug. Farms are popping up everywhere in Puntland
  19. Somalia: Puntland Maritime Police Force instructor killed on duty 28 Apr 28, 2012 - 7:04:26 AM ISKUSHUBAN, Somalia Apr 28 2012 (Garowe Online) – A Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) instructor was killed on duty in a district in Iskushuban located in Bari region Friday evening, Radio Garowe reports. According to the Puntland Ministry of Security’s condolence letter, instructor Lodewyk Pietersen was killed while the PMPF were conducting an anti-piracy operation in Hul-Anod a district in Iskushuban where pirates have used as a base beforehand. Puntland Maritime Police Force(PMPF)Photo(Garowe Online) Although reports are still unclear instructor Pietersen accompanied the PMPF in the operation and was killed shortly after entering Hul-Anod district. Puntland forces have encountered resistance in Hul-Anod before in March 2011 pirates holding a Danish family hostage attacked Puntland forces that were stationed in the district, 5 soldiers were killed. The Puntland government approved Friday’s operation by the PMPF and it is unclear what exactly occurred in Hul-Anod Friday afternoon but Puntland authorities have already set up an investigation into the killing of Mr. Pietersen. On behalf of the Ministry of Security the Puntland government sent its condolences to the family of Mr. Pietersen who was a South African national. Mr. Pietersen’s body was flown to South Africa where he will be buried. In a bid to stop piracy and illegal fishing of the coast of Puntland PMPF forces have been stationed along the coast of Puntland. Bases in Eyl and Bossaso have been established to prevent pirate activity. GAROWE ONLINE
  20. Carafaat;824095 wrote: One says the killed trainer is one American, another 2 south Africans, another says its one south african. What you seed is what you get. Saracen should stop arming Somali's and leave the country. Before all trainers are hunt down and killed by their trainees. Even if saracen goes someone else will do the training for the marines. It has an allocated $50 million just for it yearly. So it doesn't matter who does it, it will happen regardless but it's best saracen learn local culture and traditions of the area they're working in. As they say "When in rome do as the romans" when in puntland do as the puntlanders
  21. abdiqaybdiid whatever u do dont unite with these
  22. I knew this qandala boys would not be welcomed in kings territories becuz lets be honest everyone knows the marines are 80% from qandala but then again PIS is 80% from qardho so we can't have our cake and eat it twice. I think wa in loo daaya marineska qandala and if anything happens we still got the PIS looking after our back. So whats the big deal
  23. Deg-Deg. Laba kamida ciidamada shirkada SARACERN oo Iskushuban lagu dilay April 27, 2012 // Warar Somaali Magaalada Iskushuban waxaa ka dhacday shaqaaqo ay ku dhinteen laba kamida ciidamada Saracern oo u dhashay dalka Koonfur Africa. Ciidamadan ayaa maalmahan duleedka Iskushuban iyo garoonka diyaaradahaba ku sugnaa waxayna maanta doonayeen inay u gudbaan tuulada Timirshe, balse waxaa halkaasi ka dhacday shaqaaqo kooban oo ay ku dhinteen laba kamida ciidamada Saracern, inkastoo la sheegayo in mid kamida ciidamada aanu dhiman oo uu dhaawac yahay. Dadka deegaanka Iskushuban ayaa ka hor yimid diidmana kala hor tagay in ciidamadan fariisimo ka samaystaan deegaanka. Shirkadan ayaa dadka deegaanka Iskushuban ku eedeynayaan inay gacan saar weyn leeyihiin islamarkaana si ka baxsan awoodda dalka ay u hubaynayaan beel kamida beelaha reer Bariga, taas oo dadka deegaanka tuhmayaan in la doonayo in deegaanka lagu qabsado ciidamo calooshood u shaqaytayaal ah oo aan la ogeyn meel ay ka diiwaan gashan yihiin. Maalinimadii shalay waxaa shaqadii barasaabka Iskushuban isaga tagay C/risaaq Muuse Cartan, oo wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay arrimaha iyo dhaqdhaqaayada ay ciidamadan ajnabiga ah ka waddaan deegaanada Iskushuban, oo uu ku sheegay inay magaalada xoog kusoo degeen, xilli loogu baaqay inaysan soo degi karin magaalada.