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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Qarax xoogleh oo ka dhacay meel aan waxbadan u jirin Madaxtooyada Galmudug. Posted by nbi on May 5th, 2012 Qarax xoogleh ayaa ka dhacay meel aan waxbadan u jirin Xarunta madaxtooyada maamulka Galmudug ee koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Qaraxan ayaa ka dhacay Gadaalka danbe ee xarunta madaxtooyada Galmudug iyadoona Dhowr qof ay ku dhaawacmeen. Wararka lagahelayo isbitaalka Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in la geeyey Dhaawaca inkabadan Sadex Ruux iyadoona ay dadkaasi u badnaayeen Haween marayey halka qaraxu ka dhacay oo ah gadaasha madaxtooyada Maamulka Galmudug ee Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Xiriiro ay Puntlandi lasamaysay Galmudug ayaa ka gaabsaday faahfaahinta qaraxaas, mana ah markii ugu horaysay oo la qarxiyey madaxtooyada maamulka Galmudug ee Koonfurta Gaalkacyo.
  2. Puntland traditional elders are on they're way to mogadishu for a historical day. A day where all somalis destinies will be inked forever. I urge the elders of Puntland to make us proud in mogadishu.
  3. Stop acting silly guys, you know puntland is itching to separate from somalia. The symptoms of it are written everywhere. Like how farole talks, like how the constitution is written and it's format, the way puntland govt is structured and the consulates in garowe. You know Puntland is itching to leave Somalia and is concealing it as much as possible. I think we don't want to be remembered in the history book with a tarikh madow which somaliland will have for they're policy and when they are told to get back into the union. Where-as then Puntland can say "We were always the mother of somalia waiting for a nation state to come and we never ever declared separation from our child somalia who is now off life-support and healthy" and if it turns bad in hamar we can say "Puntland is the mother of somalia and her baby somalia has been diagnosed with tribalism and hatred and we from today onwards have cut all umbilical cord to our sick baby and declare a miscarriage. Puntland uma firsan karto her baby somalia la ba'bicineyo and declares a complete separation of the sick child(somalia) from the mother(puntland)". Wallahi NGOGNE was spot on about Puntland policies taking the best of both worlds
  4. markan arkay sawirkas waxaa igu soo degtay "ma guri ba waxan mise waa garoon calaami" look at the stair-wells its supposed to be elevators and meeye luggage rotators
  5. Hargeisa airports look pretty good on the outside. Its like an airport complex. The inside is really dodgy though, looks second handish siiba technologyga iyo kursiyada. But then again my standards for airports in somalia has radically changed since aden cadde, its the no 1 airport in somalia runway ahan, terminal ahan, technology ahan iyo xataa services ahan. Them boys even have shuttle buses and shuttle passenger steps. I hope turkey does the same job with bosaso-garowe-galkayo airports as they promised. Waan arki doona lakin if history counts for anything well look at what the turks did with hamar airport lets pray it replicates over to puntland when they start working on infrastructure project in the state
  6. This is amazing news. Puntland flag flying side by side with uganda and somalia. WA DAL GOONI AH oo weliba loo aqoonsan yahay or else wy would uganda have it's flag next to puntland in mogadishu. I've seen puntland's flag flying with other nation's flags but it's always from our perspective but this time it's not just our perspective but also the perspective of somalia and uganda
  7. You aint driving in Puntland without this and following the road rules and signs Somalis be prepared for a huge shock when your pulled over and fined by the puntland traffic officers. Ganax ayaa ku sugi doono hadad waddoyinkeena isku waashid like you do in your jungle roads. Yaan cardka laga waayin
  8. Puntland oo bilowday bixinta ogolaanshaha wadista Baabuurta [sawiro] Updated:- 8 hours ago| 0 Commnets Wasaarda Howalaha Guud iyo Gadiidka Puntland ayaa manta bilaawday bixinta sharciga wadaha-gadiidka ee loo yaqaan laysanka (Driver license) tasoo la sheegay in aysan jiri doonin darawel aan lahayn sharcigaa inuu gaari ku wado gudaha deegaanada Puntland. Bixinta sharciga wadida gadiidka ayaa wajigeeda kowaad si rasmi ah uga furmay maanta magaalda Garoowe waxaan maanta la siiya dhawar qof kuwasoo intaan la siin sharcigaa la marsiiya habka iyo imtixaanka loogu talagalay in la marsiiyo wadah intaan la siin laysanka. Taliyaha Guud ee taraafikda Puntland Col Axmed Cabdi Cali oo saxaafda kula hadalay xarunta wasaarda ayaa sheegay in sharcigaan dhawr jeer oo hore la isku dayay in la sameeyo balse uu hirgali waayay, kan maantana uu ahaan doono mid hirgala oo aan oo kaliya looga harayn bixinta balse ay socanyaso inaa darawelkii aan wadan sharcigaa talaabo sharciga waafqsan laga qaadi doono. Cabdifutaax Yuusuf Cilmi, Madaxa Shirkada *Puntland Identification information Technology(PIITEC) ee Puntland, ayaa waxaa uu xusay in ay maanta bilabeen bixinta laysanada gobolada Puntland oo dhan ay ka bixin doonaan. Cabdifutaax ayaa sidoo kale sharaxay sharcigaan in uu yahay mid casri ah, intaa aan qofka lasiin ay marsiin doono imtixaan si loo hubiyo xirfadiisa iyo cafimaadkiisa in uu wadi karo gadiidka. Sharcigaan wadista gadiidka ayaa noqan kara mid wax badan ka bedala marxalada gaadiidleyda ku sugan gudaha Puntland iyo shilalka ka dhaca wadooyinka ayadoo ay jiraan dad aan aqoon badan gaadiidka u lahayn oo sababa shilal badan. Maxamed Siciid Horseed Media
  9. Paragon, CHE is irrational. We tried for 22 years to form a govt using mogadishu theme and it hasn't worked and millions of people lives lost in the process. Infact it can be argued the man is not apart of the solution but apart of the problem. I liked your logic off the cooling off time period till people come their senses. CHE is not a local in Somalia who has known nothing but war from day 1 and expects them to all hug and forget everything over one meeting in mogadishu and have a 1960s style somalia return. Sorry CHE but that is not realistic!!!
  10. Xinfanin of course I support the constitution to be passed and may it be passed because it will be historical day. A day where Somalia has an official constitution no more transitional, no more where it can be changed. It is PERMANENT system of Somalia and any leader existing or aspiring in the nation will need to play within the confines of this legal framework. Infact Siilanyo tried to get in now with this opportunity(fursad) of securing recognition for somaliland before this historical day happens of passing the official constitution for the next 1000 years of somalia". Now however It will be virtually impossible for somaliland to get recognition from any government in Somalia without parliament approval(the whole nation) to amend key articles. Before this there was no official constitution but a transitional one which really means temporary so technically speaking you could come in and change it at whim like abdullahi yusuf did with the "tng of ina salad to tfg of yusuf". It wasn't a stable system and could be comprised anytime. Please note: Cali-dheere is threatening to chop heads off on this historical day because he knows what this means for the nation once it is ratified this CEMENTS federalism for the SOMALI people for the next 1000 years. No more negiotations, no more I want a different system for Somalia and blah blah blah. Everyone will play by federal rules or go to hell..
  11. Xinfaanin, the reality is seccessionist are bad yes but centralists are even worse. Never forget that!!! Centralists policy is to keep everything in hamar and let everyone rott away, at least with seccession they are not trying to keep the rest of the nation down and out. Even though they're both horrible policies that are not workable in Somalia the only solution is federalism. Federalism answers all the worries of the somali people. If a Puntlander was put on the Somalia podium to promote the benefits of federalism to Somalia it would be similar to this; 1. All somalis regardless of region can form a government if they have 2 or more regions. 2. Federalism will lead to a Somalia at peace with herself. No more fighting for power over mogadishu(seat of the govt) This policy will save millions of somali peoples lives from being lost in the ensuing battles that can ensue if a central govt is established in mogadishu. It's already happening now as a federal govt it will be alot worse and more actors involved if it was a central govt. 3. Federal states will allow for internal competition between the somali people. Competition leads to better services for our people. Isn't better having universities, hospitals, factories and job opportunities all around the nation rather then all in one city? 4. Federal Somalia means power is returned to the states and people. Dalku hamar keliya ma aha and it needs to be based on states rather then 4.5 iyo tribe. 5. Federalism provides damage-control. If mogadishu collapses that won't mean the nation will collapse and recovery will be alot easier then if it was a central state. Plus remember in today's somalia waxa lagu jira recovery mode therefore this buffer is crucial to gain people's confidence. 6. This Federalism program can be be sold to all somali stakeholders without coming off as sounding clan based, tribally minded, gumeysi doon, terrorist based, etc. We can go to baydhabo and say "you guys originally came up with this excellent system and we would like you to support it" considering what happened in baidoa and its history I am sure they will. Same goes for hargeisa we can say "listen guys the nation wuu burburay and it was destroyed because of somalis. We know somaliland must exist and we support that idea. Somaliland existence working in the spirit of Somalia is all we ask of you". We can go to mogadishu and say "listen guys 20 years ppl have been fighting over hamar, rather then have the pie all in one city and cause war why not spread the pie around the nation so everyone get some in their own home city. This will lead to a mogadishu at peace with herself" Runta haday timaado sxb, Federalism is the only workable solution for the somali people. The people who reject IT are not considering the national interest but clan interests. If they have a better way let them bring it to the table but at the same time that solution must answer all the somali ppl needs and not just their own clan's need. It needs to factor in all the environmental variables in modern day somalia and also show how to it can be used for the betterment of the nation whilst also ensuring damage control if something goes wrong with it. If they can do that they have a system that can rival federalism, if they don't awoowe maad dhibka naga daysid iyo mucaradnimada dalkaga ayaa ku sugayo ee aanu dhisano. Xaji xunjuf hates federalism because deep-down he knows it's the most realistic policy for the somali people today and it's a hard system to beat when it's put up head-to-head against other competing systems in somalia
  12. Qandalawi yes some sort of orientation and induction is a must for the foreigners to know how to operate and conduct themselves in the state. As for the piracy bro its settling scores you still our fish we will steal your boats. Plus its not against somalis but in-general against foreigners. But moryanism is stealing ppl properties, looting locals, taxi drivers asking for bribes, officials living in ppls homes, going inside ppl backyards and stealing, airport officials conducting in shady businesses..that is moryanism learn it bro and that is not what happens in Puntland it's solely a mogadishu and hargeisa specialty. You are crazy if you think that sort of stuff occurs in Puntland never has and never will because seriously what do somalis have we need ayuu sucasha noqonaysa. There is nothing they have we do not have in bigger and more prosperous quantities. As for the international community well that is different issues yes they have more then us hence why we focus on them. Not only that they stole from us we have the right to steal from them. Thats not moryanism but settling the score just like this guy settled the score with the south african. U need to learn how puntlanders operate. Abdullahi Yusuf is typical of it thats why he was loved. A man of justice but strong and will defend but not go over the limit and still be nationalist.
  13. When we see seccessionists and centralists smear campaigns the federalists will always have the last laugh
  14. while your zoo parliaments are doing gacan-taag iyo muran, puntland mps go'ankooda halkan bay marin doonan
  15. The guy over-reacted but I know Puntland im from there and we never go around focusing on somalis because we are the top of food chain here, but we really focus on other nations and people. So this was typical of Puntlanders but I do not condone it and think it was irrational response. For example you wont see typical moryanism in puntland like looting ppl houses, properties, bribes at airports and by taxi drivers and other sectors of societies and road blocks, . Those sorts of behaviour are usually confined to mogadishu and hargeisa because they view other somalis as better then them and therefore why they have usually an inferiority complex and seeking to be like them. But haka sugina Puntland taas weligin our battles are with foreigners be it settling scores like this situation or settling scores financially at sea. There is nothing somalis have we dont already have and have in BIGGER quantities. IF anything foreign is involved puntland will always be up in arms immediately because remember we were sultanates and even had colonies as far as hobyo and socotra. We are different breed to other somalis as we always competed against international community and leagues of nation and you need to learn to accept this be it somalis or outsiders and conform to this when you are inside puntland
  16. King its bit hard to explain we are federal and believe in 1 somalia yet have our own central bank, constitution, military, intelligence services, flag, anthem, parliament, government, for god sakes its confusing and thats the honest truth runta lagama ordo, its need to be confronted head-on. We need to stop saying what we are for a change and implement it. Waxan ahay federal lakin la soo shir qadana state presidents and parliaments around the world ma war ba waxaas. We are in the wrong in this instance we need to make OUR policies CLEAR and stop being TWO-FACED about it ama qaladada badan baan ka fahmay federal because we are not behaving like a federal state we are more closer to an autonomous state 1 step away from being a seccesionist
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;824427 wrote: Dr osman that's not all what about the Puntland citizenship part. I give my dues if ppl make a valid argument. I think ngonge summed up puntland
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;824414 wrote: King of Kings adigu manad gooni goosad ahayn wamaxay midnimadan iyo waxan aad ka sheekeneysid:D I must agree with xaji as much I dont want too but after reading puntland constitution illahi baan kugu dharshe weliga ma aragtay state government dastur noocas oo kale leh. War illahi aanu ka baqno. There were even terms "defending puntland national interest" iyo kelmadyo aad moodiid inaanu nahay dal gooni goosad ah. I think ngogne really summed it well I said it before and I say it again, PL's entire being was positioned so as to get the best of both worlds. Should Somalia get fixed, PL will be right in the centre of things and, should SL get its recognition PL will also be well prepared to follow suit and ask to be recognised too. Waa hadal cad, saaxib.
  19. wiilcusub malmihi aan bosaso difacay dhamatay u can say whatever u want. My focus is on other cities of puntland siiba garowe iyo qardho iyo galkayo cuz I know Bosaso is right there at the top of any somali city and its just going to get better with roads and better port facilities. The roads mean more construction and ppl building and denser taller skylines. Oil will bring more massive investments. Sxb bosaso is over now I am watching out for stadium in garowe damn will they make me kick up a smoke on SOL
  20. Nah somalia All I need to say 4-5 proven cbds and prolly more still not shown. I keep it for backup now and post when someone tries to deny it and also use it as eye-candy when people say crap about Puntland. I look at it and think "if puntland is so bad why is the city like this"
  21. Wiilcusub well thats a settlement. Bosaso has 16 of them and 4-5 CBDS, I am sure thats hard for you to grasp.
  22. King to be quite honest I think Puntland parliament is going to be equipped like this Takes the seating arrangements of the older parliament with Electronic voting systems