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  1. Maamulka Degmada Garowe oo xariga ka jaray Wadada Meeraysane kana warbixiyay dayctirka ka socda dhawr wado oo kale. Posted by Puntlandi on May 19th, 2012 Garowe(Puntlandi.com):- Duqa degmada Garowe Mudane C/casiis Nuur Cilmi ayaa xariga ka jaray wadada Meeraysane ee magaalada oo maalmahan ay dawladu ka waday dayactir aad u balaaran. Wadadan ayaa Todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyay waxaa ka socday dayac tir balaaran oo ay dawladu ka sameyanaysay qaybaha wadada oo JAY laga dhigayay, waxaa maanta xariga ka jaray duqa degmada Garowe C/casiis Nuur Cilmi maadaama la dhamaystiray dayactirkii iyo dhismihii laga waday. Duqa degmada Garowe Mudane C/casiis Nuur Cilmi ayaa sheegay in la dhamaystiray islamarkaana maanta ay xariga ka jareen Wadada MEERAYSANE oo ah wado isku xirta Laamiga iyo Jidka Soddonka oo qiyaas ahaan 1200 Mitir oo loo dhisay hay JAY ah dhaawaana lagu sii dari doono 2KM oo jidka Soddonka ah. Duqu wuxuu sheegay in wadadani loogu talagalay in ay maraan Gawaariada Xamuulka ah ee isaga kala gooshta gobollada dalka islamarkaana xambaarsan Miisaanka weyn si aysan magaalada u soo dhex marin Miisaanka badan iyo Xawaaraha mashquulka ah ee ay ku marayaan wadada laamiga ah ee magaalada dhex martana ay uga yareeyaan. Duqa degmada Garowe Mudane C/casiis Nuur Cilmi oo saxafada kula hadlay mid ka mid ah Wadooyinka dayactirku uu wali ka socdo ayaa sheegay in jiraan dhawr wado oo kale oo magaalada ah kuwaas oo ay ku wadaan dayactir balaaran kadib burbur ay ku reebeen biyo dhigii roobabkii badnaa ee ka da’ay magaalada iyo Nawaaxigeeda. Duqa oo ka warbixinaya dhamaan arrimahaan ayaa yiri ” Waxaan hada taaganahay Wadada GUUREEYE oo aan ka wadno dayactir balaaran, kadib burbur xoogan oo wadada ka soo gaaray daadadkii iyo biyo dhigii roobabkii badnaa ee magaalada ka da’ay iyo casharo aanu ka baranay intii ay wadadu dhsinayd oo mudo labo sano ah ku siman, waxaanu hada dayactirnaynaa guud ahaan wadadan oo isku xirta Wadada laamiga ah laga soo bilaabo Barxadda iyo Jidka 30-ka, Hawshan waxaa fulinayay shirka BAACA oo ka mid ah shirkada dhismayaasha ee degmada Garowe, Sidoo kale waxaynu soo furnay hada Wadada MEERAYSANE oo isku xirta Laamiga iyo Jidka 30-ka, Wadaasi waxaa loogu talagalay in ay maraan Gawaariada waaweyn ee Xamuulka ah oo laamiga looga leexsho, Waxaynu sidoo kale mari doonaa wadooyin kale oo biyo fariisi noqday oo dawlada hoose ay dayactir ka wado si meelaha biyo fariisadka leh loo buuxi Naadaafada Magaaladana loo ilaaliyo, Waxan sidoo kale mari doonaa Suuqa Bacadlaha oo la dhexgax dhigay, hadana dhismihiisu uu bilawday oo loogu talagalay ilaa 100 Ganacsato ah in ay ku shaqaystaan oo ay ka faa’idaystaan”. Guddoomiyaha degmada Garowe wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in qaab laami ah loo dhisi doono Wadada Eng, Khaalid oo ka mid ah 5 wado oo dayactir lagu sameeyay sanadkii la soo dhaafay ee 2011-ka wuxuuna yiri ” Waxaa 20-ka bisha oo bari ah la xayaysiin doonaa Tartanka dhismaha wadada Eng, Khaalid oo Laami la saarayo si ay ugu tartamaan shirkada qandaraaslayaasha ee dhismaha”. Hawlahani waxay qayb ka noqonayaa qorshayaasha horumarineed ee bilicda magaalada Garowe ay dawladu wax uga qaybanayso iyadoo kaashanaysa shacaka iyo hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ee ku bahoobay barnaamijka JPLJ ee horumarinta degmooyinka Puntland. Sawirrada Mardhaw ayaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa hadii uu alle idmo
  2. They're is 36 articles that need urgent attention to get the blessing of Puntland or else no constitutional talks will happen!!! And Xaji as far your khat ridden soo-daalay-land administration it will continue to be isolated untill we gives you our blessing and remove you from oblivion. No nation will dare look at you because Puntland has shunned you and noone wants to get on Puntland wrong side its political suicide
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;831496 wrote: anti Puntlandism waleh meeshu way so walanaysa:D intay Somali marba Addis u ordayaan xalku ma dhowa Puntland concerns are heard by powerful players!!! Cuz Puntland is the stakeholder no 1 of Somali people
  4. Friday, May 18th, 2012 at 04:03 pm Madaxweyne Caali Oo U Ambabaxay Addis Ababa Gaalkacyo (RBC) Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug ayaa maanta u amababaxay magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia, halkaas oo uu kaga qeybgali doono shirka saxaaxayaasha Roud-Mapka, oo kala ah, DKMG ah, Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna, UNPOS, iyo hey’addo kale. Madaxweynaha ayaa bixitaankiisa wax hadal uu siinin saxaafadda, waxana horey u raacay qaar ka mid ah golaha wasiiradiisa iyo xubno ka soo raacay magaalada Muqdisho oo dhawaan uu ka soo laabtay. Madaxweyne Caalin ayaa ka qeyb galaya shirka toddobaadka soo socda ka dhacay magaalada Addis Ababa oo looga hadlayo waxyaabaha ay ka mid tahay dhaliilo ay soo jeedisay Puntaland oo ku aadan qaabka hadda uu socda dastuurka loo sameenayo Soomaaliya. Waxa hadda magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia ku sugan wafdi uu hoggaaminaayo madaxweynaha Puntland C/Raxmaan Faroole kaa oo tagay dalka Hindiya. Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland waxa uu sheegay in dastuurka Soomaaliya loo sameenayo ay dhaliilsan yihiin siddaas darteedna ay kala soo baxeyn ergadii uga qeyb galeysay Puntland shirka odayaasha dhaqanka ee ka socda Muqdish. Maamulka Galmudug ee ka arrimiya qeybo ka mid ah gobalka Mudug, waxa madaxweynahooda uu khilaaf kala dhexeeyaa qaar ka mid ah baarlamaanka Galmudug, kuwaas oo hadda isku khilaafsan xilka uu hayo. Dhawaan waxa lagu wadaa in Galmudug ay ka dhacdo doorasho madaxweyne, waxana dadka isku soo tagay ka mid ah Cabdi Cawaale Qeybdiid oo horrey u ahaa qabqable dagaal, Taliye Poolis iyo Wasiir DKMG ah. RBC Radio ————————- Xafiiska Wararka Gaalkacyo
  5. Excellent work range/africa oil and horn petroleum!!! They're is a proven petroleum system in Shabelle 1 with recoverable oil of 170 million just in that well. Testing of the Shabelle 1 oil well will be conducted after the drilling of shabelle north well. Both wells will be drilled and proven that a petroleum system exists and then only testing remains. Around 400 million barrels of oil will be recovered from these two wells is my guess, this should give the major oil companies confidence to move in to and buy out some more concessions and wells in these productive basins which contain 17 billion barrels of oil altogether.
  6. RANGE RESOURCES LTD - Lodgement of Open Briefing Puntland Range Resources Ltd RGRYY | 5/18/2012 2:50:00 AM RANGE RESOURCES LTD - Lodgement of Open Briefing Puntland 18 May 2012 Lodgement of Open Briefing Puntland Managing Director on Puntland Drilling and Outlook Open Briefing interview with Managing Director Peter Landau Range Resources Limited (ASX: RRS, AIM: RRL) ("Range" or the "Company") is an oil & gas producer and explorer with producing assets in Trinidad and Texas, US and with exploration interests in Puntland, Somalia and the Republic of Georgia. Market capitalisation: $255 million In this Open Briefing®, Peter Landau discusses * Update on Shabeel-1 well * Spudding of the Shabeel North Well in early June Record of interview: openbriefing.com Range Resources Limited (ASX: RRS, AIM: RRL) yesterday announced the completion by operator Horn Petroleum of drilling of the Shabeel-1 well (Range Resources Limited 20%, Horn Petroleum 60%, Red Emperor Resources NL 20%) in the Dharoor Block in Puntland approximately 300 metres above planned target depth (TD). You've suspended drilling the well for future testing. What is your assessment of the result? MD Peter Landau The well has been a significant success to date with the discovery of a 12 to 20 metres net hydrocarbon pay zone in the Jesomma sands. The zone needs to be commercially flow tested and this will be undertaken after the completion of the second well, Shabeel North, which will spud early June. Based on Range's internal technical team's review of the net pay zone and results to date, a successful flow test could result in 70 to 130mm barrels of recoverable oil from the well of which 14 to 26mm bbls would be attributable to Range. It is also important to remember that this is the first hydrocarbon well drilled in the Dharoor Valley for over 50 years and it is a massive credit to all involved, namely Horn Petroleum, the Puntland Government and the local Puntland communities that the well has been successfully drilled to date. Globally, the average discovery rate is between one in five and one in 10 for a `wildcat' well, which essentially is what Shabeel-1 is, hence we consider the well successful to date with both the net pay and the confirmation of an active petroleum system. Whilst the market and short term traders may have been anticipating further success in the deeper sections of the well, what we have discovered is extremely significant and the chances of a commercial hydrocarbon operation in Puntland are far greater now than when the well was spudded. And it must be remembered that we did encounter additional potential net pay sands in a Jurassic aged formation over a 184 metre section at a depth of 3,246 metres to 3,430 metres. The fact that hydrocarbons were encountered at a number of levels is particularly significant moving ahead. openbriefing.com Is there a reason the commercial flow test cannot occur immediately before moving to Shabeel North? MD Peter Landau Obviously the preference would be to flow test immediately but timing and logistics would mean that the rig and crew would be idle for four to six weeks at what are expensive day rates in the region. Previous test equipment flown in was designed for open hole, smaller diameter testing as opposed to the now cased well requiring high performance perforation. This is quite standard practice across the world, particularly in remote areas. openbriefing.com You've already begun preparing for Shabeel North with a 50 metre pre-drill hole and drill pad constructed at. What is the expected timing for drilling at Shabeel North and to what extent will this well be contingent on the Shabeel-1 outcome? MD Peter Landau The Shabeel North well is scheduled to spud early June with a revised Target Depth of 2,400 metres. The well has an identified Jessoma formation significantly thicker and of better quality than the Shabeel-1 well providing the joint venture is with great comfort in moving the rig immediately to drill the second well. Internal technical estimates suggest recoverable oil of between 100 to 150mm barrels from a successful discovery in the Jessoma formation, of which 20 to 30mm barrels would be attributable to Range. It is also important to note that given the Jessoma discovery in the first well, the second well will be drilled with smaller casing to ensure that open hole testing can be undertaken with the equipment already on site. So no, the well is not contingent on the Shabeel-1 outcome, but the success there certainly gives us greater confidence moving forward. openbriefing.com It has been suggested that some of the wells in Yemen were successful after drilling through metamorphic basement, do you have a comment to that? MD Peter Landau It's not that simple with regards to understanding the lithology comparison of what was encountered in the fractured basement formations in Yemen and what was encountered within the Dharoor metamorphic section. There is a consensus view across the joint venture technical team that the correct decision has been made, remembering that their collective knowledge on what occurred in Yemen is immense. openbriefing.com With a revised target of just the Jessoma formation, are you still confident of a commercial discovery? MD Peter Landau Absolutely. If the Shabeel-1 well successfully flows and the Shabeel North well delivers to current expectations, we would have discovered between 170 to 280mm barrels of recoverable oil in our first two wells (with 34 to 56mm barrels attributable to Range) with the remainder of the basin still to be tested. Investors must also remember the well's proximity to the coast (approx 60 km) and the relative ease of constructing a pipeline to an offshore loading facility based on a commercial discovery. openbriefing.com What are your priorities for Range over the coming months? MD Peter Landau Nothing changes for Range in the immediate future and we are working head down, bum up. We are fully funded and look forward to updating the market on a number of fronts including Colombia and our flagship operations in Trinidad and of course hopefully on further drilling success in Puntland. openbriefing.com Thank you Peter. For more information about Range Resources, visit www.rangeresources.com.au or call Anthony Eastman or Peter Landau on (+61 8) 9488 5220 For previous Open Briefings by Range Resources, or to receive future Open Briefings by email, visit openbriefing.com DISCLAIMER: Orient Capital Pty Ltd has taken all reasonable care in publishing the information contained in this Open Briefing®; furthermore, the entirety of this Open Briefing® has been approved for release to the market by the participating company. It is information given in a summary form and does not purport to be complete. The information contained is not intended to be used as the basis for making any investment decision and you are solely responsible for any use you choose to make of the information. We strongly advise that you seek independent professional advice before making any investment decisions. Orient Capital Pty Ltd is not responsible for any consequences of the use you make of the information, including any loss or damage you or a third party might suffer as a result of that use. PR Newswire May 18, 2012 - 2:50 AM EDT
  7. Africa Oil Provides Update on Puntland Drilling VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 17, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Africa Oil Corp. CA:AOI -7.53% (omx:AOI) ("Africa Oil" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the drilling program in Puntland, Somalia. The Shabeel well has reached a total depth of 3,470 meters and has encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3,430 meters and is currently being suspended for future testing. In addition to the previously announced 12 to 20 meter zone of significant hydrocarbon pay in the Upper Cretaceous Jesomma Formation, the well has encountered additional potential net pay sands in the Jurassic Adigrat Formation at a depth of 3,246 to 3,430 meters, several of which exhibited oil and gas shows. Petrophysical analysis of the well log data indicates up to 3 meters of potential hydrocarbon pay in several thin sand units. They are not considered to warrant testing at this time, but do further confirm the existence of a working petroleum system. The rig will now move to the Shabeel North location which is 3.5 kilometers north of the current location. The primary objective of this well will be to evaluate the Upper Cretaceous Jesomma Sands which appear to be oil bearing at the Shabeel location. Subsequent to the drilling of this well, it is the intention of the Company to return to the Shabeel well and test the Jesomma sands once the necessary testing equipment has been mobilized into the country. Keith Hill, President and CEO of Africa Oil, commented, "We are very encouraged by the results of the Shabeel well which appears to have confirmed oil bearing sands in two zones. This has very positive implications for the prospectivity of the basin. We look forward to the results of the Shabeel North well and to testing the Jesomma sands to confirm the potential of the block." The Shabeel well is operated by Horn Petroleum Corp. ("Horn Petroleum"). Africa Oil holds a 51% equity interest in Horn Petroleum which in turn holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal permits in Somalia. The other partners in the blocks include Range Resources (20%) and Red Emperor (20%). Africa Oil Corp. is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Kenya, Ethiopia and Mali as well as Puntland (Somalia) through its 51% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation. Africa Oil's East African holdings are in within a world-class exploration play fairway with a total gross land package in this prolific region in excess of 300,000 square kilometers. The East African Rift Basin system is one of the last of the great rift basins to be explored. New discoveries have been announced on all sides of Africa Oil's virtually unexplored land position including the major Albert Graben oil discovery in neighbouring Uganda. Similar to the Albert Graben play model, Africa Oil's concessions have older wells, a legacy database, and host numerous oil seeps indicating a proven petroleum system. Good quality existing seismic show robust leads and prospects throughout Africa Oil's project areas. The Company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and on First North at NASDAQ OMX-Stockholm under the symbol "AOI". ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Keith C. Hill, President and CEO Africa Oil's Certified Advisor on NASDAQ OMX First North is Pareto Ohman AB. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
  8. Madaxweyne Faroole oo khudbad dheer ka jeediyay Golaha Hindiya u qaabilsan Arimaha Dibada, Maantana la kulmaya Raysal wasaaraha Hindiya Posted by Pi on May 16th, 2012 New Delhi(Pi) Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliya Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh Mohamed Faroole oo ku guda jira booqasho rasmi ah oo uu ku joogo Dalka Hindiya ayaa maanta la kulmaya Raysal wasaaraha Hindiya PM Manmohan Singh kulanka oo ka dhacaya xarunta Dowlada Hindiya ee New delhi, Madaxweyne Faroole wuxuu shalay khudbad dheer oo ku saasan ladagaalanka Burcad badeedka ka jeediyey Aqalka Sapru House oo uu kula hadlayay Goæaha Arimaha dibada u qaabilsan Hindiya, Madaxweye Faroole wuxuu sheegey inuu had iyo jeer taageero qorsho kasta iyo howlgal kasta oo lagula dagaalamayo Burcad badeedka, wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqey in Dowlada Puntland ay had iyo jeer kasoo hor jeedo lacagaha Madaxfurashada loo siiyo burcad badeedka. “I always support the military operations to fight piracy,” Farole told reporters on the sidelines of an event he dressed at the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) at Sapru House in New Delhi. Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu kaloo sheege in Dowlada Puntland ay garab taagneyd Cidiamada Hindiya xili ay soo badbaadinayeen Dad u dhashay Hindiya oo xoog loogasoo daayay Burcad Badeedka, wuxuu kaloo raaciyey in Dowlada Puntland ay had iyo jeer garab taagan tahay cid walba oo la dagaalamaysa Burcad badeedka wuxuu yiri Dr. Faroole “If they ask for our support on the land, we can assist them,”. Maanta ayuu Madaxweyne Faroole iyo wafdiga uu hogaaminayo ay la kulmayaan Raysal wasaaraha Hindiya Manmohan Singh, Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Dowlada Puntland Cabdullahi Ahmed Jamac Ilka Jiir wuxuu isna la kulmayaa dhigiisa Hindiya. Puntlandi.com kala soco Wararka rasmiga ah ee safarka Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland iyo wafdiga la socda oo uu kamid yahay Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Cabdullahi Ilka Jiir. Puntlandi.com
  9. I am sorry guys but the fact remains Puntland is a National Government meeting with heads of state in India!!!
  10. Somali leader backs Indian action against pirates New Delhi, May 15 : Against the backdrop of Somali pirates currently holding over 60 Indian sailors as hostages, the African country's Puntland state has backed military operations to rescue them and to fight piracy, even as its President Abdirahman Mohammed Mohamud Farole is in India to work out a naval capacity building agreement. "I always support the military operations to fight piracy," Farole told reporters on the sidelines of an event he dressed at the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) at Sapru House here. He was responding to queries if the Puntland government will support Indian military action to rescue its sailors held hostage by Somali pirates all along Somalia's 3,300-km coast, of which 1,300 km fall in Puntland's jurisdiction. However, the feasibility of operations depended on the assessment of those forces wanting to take action. "If they ask for our support on the land, we can assist them," he added. Puntland is a semi-autonomous state in north-eastern Somalia, which is now witnessing credible governance under Farole after two decades of internal conflict. However, Farole, a leading anti-piracy advocate, had a word of caution on the fight against the sea brigands. "If you don't stop the option of ransom payment, you won't stop piracy. That (ransom) encourages new recruits and that (piracy) never ends," he said. The other option to deter the pirates, according to the Puntland president, was to fight indirectly through other means such as denying access to the seas for the pirates and ensuring economic growth on the Somali coast that could offer youths alternative employment opportunities. Though there were no ship held hostage in Puntland as of now, Farole admitted that pirates did escape into their territory "sometimes" from neighbouring areas when the government forces fight them on land. "We are fighting them on the land, but we do not have support from the sea. We do not have the means to reach them in the sea. International forces off the shore do not want to hurt them because they are afraid the hostage may be hurt and that doesn't work (in the anti-piracy fight)," he said. The Puntland chief, who is scheduled to meet Indian political leadership, including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Wednesday, said he will discuss a military agreement with India, particularly in capacity building of its forces to fight piracy both on land and at sea. "Yes, definitely. Training...mainly to support training," he said to queries if a military agreement would be discussed with the Indian leaders. However, he said his government does not allow any foreign military base in Puntland. On the endstate he wished to achieve in both the fight against piracy and governance in Somalia that has been torn apart due to two decades of internal strife, he said: "Ten years from now, I expect Somalia to be united and prosperous, and become a honourable part of the comity of nations." Earlier, addressing a gathering of diplomats, former ambassadors and strategic affairs experts, Farole said his government is committed to do its utmost to safely release hostages held by pirates in the region, although most pirates had relocated outside Puntland. "Puntland government strongly and consistently rejects ransom payments as the primary factor fuelling piracy attacks. We believe that expensive naval patrols off the coast of Somalia cannot eradicate piracy alone, as long as the world continues to neglect the domestic conditions that produce piracy." He also noted that the costs and legal ramifications of piracy prosecutions in foreign countries is another obstacle. "These are problems that could be overcome by pursuing a new comprehensive approach to tackling piracy in full partnership with the Somali people and their institutions," he added. (IANS)
  11. Farah your envious, jealous and, mad, in rage, and down-right miserable about Puntland progress. But the progress of the state stops for no man, get that through thick skull. You will still be here yelling and screaming when skyscrapers are going up in Bosaso. I bet you just mark my words, you will say ohhhhhhhh its just one skyscraper, then when its two you will say oh its ugly one this one, and when its three you will say something else. Your just in a hysterical rage at the rapid progress of puntland a city that is ten times more advanced then yours and all done in 14 years
  12. War Deg Deg ah: Isimadii Puntland uga qayb galayey shirkii Muqdisho oo Garowe kasoo degaya 11:00 subaxnimo Posted by Pi on May 15th, 2012 Garowe(Pi) Odayaal Dhaqameedka Puntland ee ku sugnaa Muqdisho ayaa isaga tagey shirkii, sababta rasmiga ah lama shaacin, laakiin waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey iney odoyaashu imaanayaan Garowe maanta… Faahfaahinta warkaan goordhow naga filo
  13. DEG DEG: Odoyaasha Dhaqanka Ee Ka Socday Puntland Oo Ka Baxaya Shirka Muqdisho Sheegayna Inay Puntland u Laabanayaan Xuquuqda Qoraalada, sawirada iyo warbixin kasta waxay gaar u tahay Raxanreeb.com (RBC Radio). Lama adeegsan karo, dib looma daabici karo, lama baahin karo ama kambayuutar laguma keydsan karo si toos ah iyo si dadban intuba, haddii aan fasax laga heysan maamulka Raxanreeb.com (RBC Radio). Fadlan hana xadin Muqdisho (RBC Radio) Odoyaasha dhaqanka ee ka socda Puntland ee ka qaybgalaya shirka odoyaasha dhaqanka ee ka socda magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in ay go’aansadeen in ay ka baxayaan shirka. Wararka ayaa sheegaya ka bixitaanka odoyaasha dhaqanka ee shirka Muqdisho inuu salka ku haayo qodobada Dastuurka qaar oo dhowaan maamulka Puntland uu ka soo horjeestay. Sidoo kale wararka soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in odoyaashaan ay sheegeen in ay ka baxayaan shirkaan isla markaana ay isga tagi doonaan magaalada Muqdisho ayna ku laabanayaan deegaanada Puntland oo ay ka yimaadeen hadii aanan la eegin qodobada uu diidan yahay maamulka Puntland. Puntland ayaa dhowaan waxay soo saartay qodobo badan oo ay dhaliilsan tahay oo ku qoran Dastuurka cusub ee dowlada Soomaaliya haatan ay ku dadaalayso in la meel mariyo. Sidoo kale Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya C/wali Cali Gaas oo asna warbaahinta dowlada la hadlay ayaa sheegay in Puntland uu gaar u yahay hadalkaas isla markaana aysan jirin cid ka hor imaan karta qorshaha socda. Odoyaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ayaa haatan waxaa laga sugayaa in ay soo xulaan ergada ansixinaysa Dastuurka cusub iyadoono Dowlada iyo caalamka ay dadaal badan ku bixinayaan meel marinta Dastuurkaan. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho
  14. lol xaji, a de-centralized state? based on what? how will power be devolved? by clan, we tried that it's failed. By States well that's what we are calling for and the more reasonable approach. Or do you suggest we devolve power within mogadishu? Hadee sucashu waxay noqonaysa aan ku noqono wixi dalka halkas dhigay!!! Midnimada iyo sidi somalia ay ahan jirtay ma soo noqoneyso, the sooner u get that the better. Waa in la kala deganaada!!! Wax kale dawlad kuma soo noqoneyso. If we put everything in hamar, everyone will fight over hamar once again!!! Clans will play the clan card saying mogadishu is where everything is going and it's back to square one division followed by destruction. It is safer option to let everyone rule they're own area and themselves and share power based on states in the government!!!
  15. Dhalinyarada Puntland oo dhisanaysa dalad ay ku miadaysan yihiin. Posted by Puntlandi on May 14th, 2012 Gaalkacyo(puntlandi.com):- Kulan balaaran oo maanta ka dhacay xarunta wasaarada shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhalinyarada iyo Cayaaraha Puntland ee magaalada Garowe oo ay isugu yimaadeen dhalinyarada gobollada Puntland ayaa aad loogu falanqeeyay in dhalinyaradu ay dhisato dalad ay ku midaysan yihiin. Kulankan waxaa sidoo kale ka soo qaybgalay Xubno Wasiirro ah oo ay ku jiraan wasiirka Shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhalinyarada iyo Cayaaraha Puntland C/wali Xirsi Cabadulle (Indha-guran), Wasiiru-dawlaha Maamul wanaaga Puntland Maxamed faarax Ciise gaashaan waxaana aad loogu lafa guray muhiimada ay leedahay isku xirnaanta dhalinyarada Puntland. Wasiirka Shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhalinyarada iyo Cayaaraha Puntland C/wali Xirsi Cabadulle (Indha-guran) oo kulankan furay ayaa aad ugu dheeraaday muhiimada ay leedahay isku xirnaanta dhalinyarada iyo natiijada wanaagsan ee ay dhalintu keeni karaan hadii ay isku xirnaadaan. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in ujeedada kulankani ay tahay in dhalinyaradu ay samaystaan dalad ay guud ahaan dhalinta Puntland ku midaysan tahay eek u kala nool 8-da gobo lee Puntland ay ka kooban tahay. Wuxuu kaloo wasiirku sheegay in kulankani loogu gogol xaarayo xuska maalinta dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed oo ku beegan 15-ka bishan May oo ah maalinta bari ah, wuxuuse aad ugu dheeraaday in ururada dhalinyarada ee ka jira gobollada Puntland ay tahay in ay ku midoobaan daladan ay dhisteen. Wasiiru-dawlaha Maamul wanaaga Puntland Maxamed faarax Ciise gaashaan ayaa isna dhalinyarada aad ula hadlay wuxuuna aad ugu dhiirigaliyay dhismaha daladan iyo in ay yeeshaan han sare oo ay ku gaaraan in ay dhalinyarado ka mid noqdaan ururada siyaasadeed ee Puntland mustaqbalka dhaw ka samaysmaya. Kulanka dhalinyarada ee maanta wuxuu imaanaya xilli maalinta bari ah oo ku beegan 15-ka May ay tahay maalinta dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed islamarkaana la filayo meelo badan oo ka mid ah wadanka in ay ka dhacaan dabaal dagyo lagu maamuusayo maalintan.
  16. Xaaji whats your beef with farole? you have not said one thing that is good about him which just proves your not a reliable voice of reason. You merely protest against anythin farole stands for, you do not protest against the policy but the man. If he today said I call for central based somalia you'd still be protesting about it. Get your priorities straight!!!
  17. The official update http://www.rangeresources.com.au/fileadmin/user_upload/asx/ASX_Announcement_Puntland_Update_14.05.12.pdf
  18. Range Resources rallies on Puntland report, retains 'buy' rating at Fox-Davies - UPDATE 10:15 am by Sergei Balashov Shares in Range Resources rallied 5.5pct on the Puntland update, while broker Fox-Davies repeated its 'buy' recommendation on the stock Range Resources (LON:RRL) surged in early trade on a positive update from its drilling campaign in Puntland, Somalia, while broker Fox-Davies Capital advised investors to buy the stock. Range and partner Red Emperor Resources (LON:RMP) told investors that the Shabeel-1 well is now down to 3,425 metres and has confirmed the existence of a 150 metre gross section of oil and possible net pay of 12 to 20 metres. The update also revealed that oil shows had been found in deeper lying sandstone which are currently being drilled. “A testing programme including the zones discovered to date and any deeper potential pay zones encountered will be agreed with the operator upon total depth being reached,” Range said in a release to the market this morning. Shares in the AIM quoted oil explorer climbed 5.5 percent to reach 9.84 pence by 10 AM, giving it a market cap of £223.5 million. Fox-Davies cheered the update, repeating its ‘buy’ recommendation on Range with a target price of 27 pence per share in a note titled “Puntland looking like a better Punt”. “Firstly it raises the potential that we may have a commercial discovery, and secondly, it increases the prospectivity of the remaining targets in the exploration portfolio,” Fox-Davies said in the note. Drilling will continue down to 3,800 metres. The primary and secondary targets are believed to be in Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic intervals that are equivalent to the main productive section seen in similar fields in Yemen. Once the well is complete it is planned that the rig will move onto the Shabeel North location, where construction is nearing completion for the second well, it added.
  19. Wax kale lama oran karo waa a state on the move!!! Puntland Medics have already begun medical research to lower diabetes and high blood press sure in the state.
  20. Shirkadda Golis iyo Jaamacadda EAU oo iskaashanaya oo Boosaaso mashruuc caafimaad ka bilaabay [sawiro] Updated:- 37 mins ago| 0 Commnets Shirkadda isgaarsiinta ee Golis iyo Jaamacadda bariga Africa oo iskaashanaya ayaa maanta magaalada Boosaaso ka bilaabay Mashruuc lagu baarayo heerka cudurada Sonkorowga iyo Dhiigkargu ay bulshada dhexdeeda ka joogaan, sababaha keena iyo siyaabaha looga badbaadi karo. Barnaamijkan oo socon doona mudo 4-maalmood ah waxaa fanka ku baxaya bixinaysa Shirkadda isgaarsinta ee Golis iyadoo baaritaankaas oo ah kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ah ee magaalada Boosaaso iyo guud ahaan Puntland laga sameeyo ay fulinayaan ardayda wax ka barta kulliyadda caafimaadka ee Jaamacadda bariga Africa. Munaasabad balaaran oo Mashruucaas lagu daah furayey ayaa maanta ka dhacday hoolka shirarka ee rugta ganacsiga iyo wershedaha ee Puntland, waxaana kasoo qayb galay maamulka rugta ganacsiga, madax ka socota shirkadda isgaarsiinta ee Golis, macalimiinta kulliyadda caafimaadka ee Jaamacadda bariga Africa, ganacsato, arday badan iyo madax dhaqameed. Furitaan: Ugu horeyn waxaa goobta ka hadlay gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga iyo wershedaha ee Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim, gudoomiyuhu wuxuu mahad balaaran usoo jeediyey maamulka iyo macalimiinta Jaamacadda isagoo xusay in mashruucani uu yahay mid loo baahnaa islamarkaana uu si aad ah ugu faraxsan yahay in la helo jiil cusub oo Dhakhaatiir ah. Ardayda: Maxamed Siciid Xay oo isna ku hadlayey magaca ardayda baaritaanka samaynaya ayaa ka warbixiyey qaabka ay u sameynayaan iyo mudada uu socon doono, wuxuuna sheegay in mashruucani uu yahay mid ka kooban qaybo badan islamarkaana uu xanbaarsan yahay faa’iidooyin dhowr ah. Waxyaabaha uu sida gaarka ah u taabtay waxaa kamid ahaa in Mashruucani uu yahay mid lagu ogaanayo heerka ay labadaas cudur bulshada dhexdeeda kajoogan, ardayduna ay samaynayaan Cilmi baaris ku salaysan waxa ay bartaan, markaas kadibna ay u suurta geleyso inay helaan natiijo sugan oo la isku halayn karo. Golis: Madaxa xafiiska xiriirka dadweyaha ee shirkadda Golis Faarax Xaaji Mire wuxuu ku nuux nuuxsaday ujeedada ay golis ka leedahay maal gelinta mashruuca noocan oo kale ah, wuxuuna sheegay in Golis mar walba ay saaxiib la tahay bahda waxbarasahda, xilli kastana ay garabkooda taagan tahay. Faarax ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in shirkadda Golis iyo guud ahaan bulshadaba ay dan weyni ugu jirto in la helo jiil cusub oo wax bartay, sidaas darteedna ay lagama maarmaan tahay in dadaal dheeri ah lagu bixiyo horumarinta tacliinta iyo sidii ardayda jaamacadaha loogu fududeyn lahaa inay aqoontooda kororsadaan. Dhiinka kuliydda caafimaadka Dr. Abshir Cali Cabdi oo kamid ah macalimiinta wax ka dhiga kuliyadda caafimaadka ee Jaamacadda bariga Africa ayaa isna kamid ahaa mas’uuliyiintii munaasabadaas ka hadlay, wuxuuna ugu horeyn u mahad celiyey shirkadda Golis oo barnaamijkan fududeysey iyo rugta ganacsiga oo hoolkeeda lagu daah furay. Dr. Abshir wuxuu tilmaamay in tirada dhakhaatiirta ee Puntland ay tahay mid aad u hooseysa marka loo eego caalamka, halkii dhakhtar ayuu Dr-ku tilmaamay in tirakoobyadii ugu danbeeyey ee la sameeyey lagu ogaaday inay tahay in uu qaabilo ku dhowaad 50,000 oo qof. Dhiinka kulliyadda caafimaadka ee jaamacadda bariga Africa ayaa ugu danbeyntii sheegay in dhakhaatiirta Jaamacadda ka howlgalaa ay xarumahooda gaarka ah si Free ah ugu qaabili doonaan bukaanada ay ardaydu inta ay baaritaankooda wadaan Dhiigkarka iyo Sonkorowka ka helaan. Gaba gabo: Gaba gabadii waxay ardaydu iyaga oo adeegsanaya qalabkii loogu tala galay in baaritaanadaas lagu sameeyo ay isla goobta ku qaabileen in badan oo kamid ah marti sharaftii munaasabadaas kasoo qayb galay kuwaasoo uu kamid ahaa gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga iyo wershedaha ee Puntland. Mashruucan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ah laga fuliyo deegaanada Puntland, waxaana iska kaashaday shirkadda isgaarsiinta geyigeena ee Golis iyo jaamacadda bariga Africa qaybteeda magaalada Boosaaso.