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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. (Sawiro) Madaxda iyo Hogaamiye dhaqameedka Muqdisho ka yimi ee ka qayb galay Caleemo saarka oo Safraya Siyaasi Cali Maxamed Geedi,Xasssan Abshir Faarax iyo Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaake,oo ka mid ah Ra’iisul Wasaarayaasha soo maray ee dalka,kana qayb galay Caleemo saarka Boqorka 34-aad ee Beelaha Daarood ayaa ka tagay goobta Caleemo saarka,kuwaas oo ka cudur daartay inay sii joogaan,maadama ay Diyaaradi u taagnayd. Wafdiga ka yimi Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Imaamka guud ee Abgaal iyo hogaamiye dhaqameed kale. Wufuufa ayaa aaday Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Qardho,halkaas oo ay Diyaaradi ka qaadi doonto. Khudbadaha xaflada ayaa socda,waxaana la filayaa in Saacadaha soo socda laso afmeero. Hoos Ka Daawo Madaxda iyo Hogaamiye dhaqameedka Muqdisho ka yimi oo la sagootinayo;- Hanaga fogaan si aad u hesho Xogtii ugu dambaysay ee Caleemo saarka Boqorka. Puntlandi,Qardho. Ciidansultan not today adeer, just not today. Spoilers wont ruin a historic day
  2. (Sawiro) Cali Maxamed Geedi,Xassan Abshir Faarax,Cumar Cabdirashiid iyo Imaamka guud Beelaha Abgaal oo soo gaaray goobta Munaasabada Caleema Saarku ka socdo Siyaasi Cali Maxamed Geedi,Xassan Abshir Faarax iyo Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke oo ka mid ah Ra’iisul Wasaarayaasha soo maray dalka ayaa soo gaaray goobta ay ka socoto Caleemo saarka Boqorka,waxaa sidoo kale weheliyay Imaamka guud ee Beelaha Abgaal iyo hogaamiye dhaqameed kale. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada;- Hanaga fogaan si aad u hesho hadba wixii soo kordha inta Munaasabada Caleemo saarku socdo;- Puntlandi,Qardho.
  3. Photo News:Daawo Sawirada Boqorka 34-aad ee Beelaha Daarood la Caleemo saaray Suldaan Siciid Suldaan Cabdisalaan,Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali iyo Isimo kale ayaa si rasmi ugu Caleemo saaray Boqorka Beelaha Daarood,Aqal Soomaali ka dhisan goobta Munaasabada Caleemo saarku ay ka socoto. Isimada Caleemo saaray Boqorka ayaa sheegay in Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse uu yahay Boqor Soomaaliyeed,ayna ku faraxsan yihiin inay goob joog ka noqdaan Munaasabada Caleemo saaraka Boqorka. Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse oo si kooban ula hadlay Saxaafada ayaa sheegay inuu gudanayo waajibaadka dhaqan ee loo igmaday. Xilliga la caleemo saaray Boqorka waxaa dhinaciisa fadhiyay Qoyska reer Boqor. Munaasabada ayaa wali socota,waxaana la filayaa in goor djhow la so afmeero ka dib Khudbadaha Mas’uuliyiinta. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada Caleemo saarka Boqorka;- Hanaga Fogaan wixii so kordha daqiiqad daqiiqad ayaan idinla socod siinaynaa.
  4. I have just gotten a huge superiority complex with the caleemo sar..let me just scream AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....More pictures are coming
  6. Photo News:Daawo Sawiro Cali Khaliif,Indhasheel,Isimada Dhulbahante iyo Wufuud kale oo ku qulqulaya Goobta Caleemo saarka Xildhibaan Cali Khaliif Galayr,Siyaasi Indhasheel,Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali,Garaad Saleebaan,Isimo,Mas’uuliyiin heer Caalami ah,Haween iyo qaybaha Bulshada ee lagu Caasumay Munaasabada Caleemo saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood ayaa si isdaba joog ah uso gaaraya goobta. Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland,Boqorka Beelaha Daarood iyo marati shafar kale oo nlagu Caasumay Munaasabada ayaa iyana la filayaa in saacadaha soo socda ay soo gaaran goobta,si Munaasabadu ay si toosa ugu bilaabato. Goobta ayaa waxaa sido kale ku sugan Mas’uuliuyiin ka tirsan Golaha Xukuumadda iyo Siyaasiyiin. Goor dhow ayaa la filayaa in Munaasabadu ay bilaabato. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawiro kale,isha ku hay Puntlandi,si aad u hasho hadba waxa soo kordha;- Puntlandi,Qadho. Here he is God U can just tell by his facial expression how uncomfortable he is and the shocking hatred
  7. WATCH THE CROWNING OF THE 34TH KING OF EAST AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST HERE http://new.livestream.com/accounts/2058831/universalsomalitv
  8. PHOTO NESW: Hoolka Xafladda Caleema-saarka oo ay kusoo qulqulayaan Marti sharaf badan Posted on May 25, 2014RBC, Sawiro, Wararka Qardho(RBC Radio) Waxaa daqiiqado yar ka dib laguda geli doonaa Xafladda Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse taasoo ka dhacay magaaladda Qardho. Hoolka ay ka dhacayso Xafladda Caleema-saarka ayaa,waxaa kusoo qulqulaya Wufuud tiro badan oo isaga kala yimid dal iyo dibadba,waxaana laga dareemayaa dhaqdhaqaad xoogan gudaha xarunta.Madaxda ilaa hadda soo gaartay hoolka Xafladu ka dhacayso Issimo,waxgarad,aqoonyahan,Wasiiradii hore ee Xukuumadii Faroole xubno ka socda,haween iyo marti sharaf kale. Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas iyo Wafdigiisa ayaan weli soo gaaray hoolka loo diyaariyey iney ka dhacdo qabsoomida Xafladda,waxaana socota qabanqaabo xoogan oo ay wadaan Guddiga,Saxaafadda iyo Shirkadda Golis oo fududeyneysa adeega Internetka. Sidoo kale ammaanka guud ee goobta Xafladu ka dhacayso ayaa si weyn loo adkeeyey,waxaana adag in si fudud aad kusoo gasho gudaha xarunta iyadoona aad mareyso baaritaano dhowr ah. Waxaa lagu wadaa iney soo dhameystirmaan Wufuuda ka qeybgaleysa Xafladda Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor oo qudhiisu aan weli soo gaarin goobta Caleema-saarka
  9. Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdulle oo ka qeyb galaya Caleema saarka Boqorka Daarood (Sawiro) May 24, 2014 8:18 pm GMT - Written by pp - Edited by pp Waxaa maanta ka dhoofay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Muqdisho Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Ugaaska Beesha Sade Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdulle kuwaas oo ka qeyb galaya caleema saarka Boqorka beelaha Daarood oo maalinta bari ah ka dhici doona magaalada Qardho ee gobolka Bari. image (1)Wafdiga uu Hoggaaminayo Ugaaska ayaa waxaa kusii sagootiyay garoonka ee magaalada Muqdisho, Xildhibaano, Siyaasiyiin iyo waxgarad Soomaliyeed oo kamid ahaa C/rixmaan Baadiyoow oo kamid ah siyaasiyiinta ugu caansan Soomaaliya, iyadoo dhinaca kale wafdigaan Qardho kusoo dhaweeyeen la caleemo saarayo Burhaan Boqor Muuse iyo Isimo aad u faro badan. image (2)Gaadiid iyo farto ayaa wafdigaan lagu soo dhaweeyay,Ugaaska Beesha Sade ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay ka qayb galka calemo saarka Boqorka Daarood. Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse oo dhankiisa hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay sida wanagsan ee Beesha Sade Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdulle loogu soo dhaweeyay magalada Qardho. image (3)Ugaaska Beesha Sade Ugaas Ciise ayaa horay ugu caana shubay boqorkii hore ee geeriyooday iyadoo lagu wado caana shubka boqorka cusubna uu sameeyo Ugaasku. imageMaalinta berito ah ayaa lagu wadaa in si rasmi ah loo Caleema-saaro Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse oo noqonaya boqorka 34aad ee Beelaha Daarood. Puntlandpost.com
  10. This guy is one of my heros. A real wadani, a pure nationalist who sees the destructive mindset of the HUTU, he is a hutu, he knows them best. The Base Population that we are recruiting from among the hutus are like this Imagine if that guy sees villa somalia, surely u cant expect much can u? Take your pick 4 the nation well being, the grand hutu council
  11. Kennedy you made some good observation, i've tried to figure out why their hasnt been 1 HAG leader who hasn't left anything behind that is positive for the nation since 1991 till today? If we look at Abdiqasim he stole arab donor funds and left behind 4.5 which alot of somalis despise. Then if you look at Sheikh Sharif, I think all he left behind was a big hotel bill. If you look at Hassan sheikh all you see is looting the central bank, fighting with pro sfg states like JL, KM50, MERCA. It is strange but there must be something about this community that is rotten or the culture as u put it. If you actually read all the un monitoring reports you never see any of this mentioned against Sahal leaders. It's always HAG. The only way I've come to reason the level of incompetence of HAG is based on 2 things. The lack of history and culture for governance and also the peasantry farmer base their population comes from which can explain why they all love looting regardless if it is civilians, govt officials, etc, it's always a 'maxan dhuuqa mindset'. If you closely assess the HAG main base their civilian u see that their all peasantry donkey riders in mogadishu coupled with a lack of history for governance can explain why everything a leader comes from there they do silly political moves like 'Hey Kismayo we want your port but Somalidiids u can take the airspace' and it can also explain why they always keep looting since they came from a peasantry donkey riding base where wealth is limited. I can envision anything good can come from HAG based on the fact that any candidate recruited from them will always be from that pool of donkey riding peasants with a lack of governance history. What makes HAG so much dangerous is when they actually start to think for themselves like they did in 1991, that's when they are really dangerous and we can see what that left behind 4 the nation. When PL does the thinking for them like create SYL, recruit them in, today they have halal guys they can boast about like abdullahi issa, aden cade but if they didnt go thru that halal process, I am sure they would be no different to aideed who skipped that halalizing process and thought for himself. Today thankfully HAGS have gone thru that Halalizing process 'federalism' and the 'constitution' and notice when they did, the nation is slowly starting to recover again, international community has more confidence, diaspora returning to hamar? These patterns are hard to ignore. But the halalization process of federalism and the constitution will not cure anything unless HAG follow it completely, we basically set them up the road to travel on and now their trying to 'divert' of it and we know where that will lead the nation, we already experienced that for 23 years. I honestly think it's best not even to trust HAG as the driver unless a PL is next to him making sure he stays on the road and not divert, sometimes that could mean simply making the HAG go to sleep like shaykh sharif while PM gaas did everything. But now we have a combination of HAG 'unstable' and a 'robot' gedo folks, you can see why staying on course is going to be difficult with that sort of combination and hence the mess. I think HAG have to realize, it's in their best interest to stick wit PL, we set up the road 4 u, just stay on-course and the nation will prosper, if u divert, you should know what life was like 4 somalia when 'HAG' came up with his own plan 'USC'. So Dr Kennedy, its crucial we make HAG just do what PL says regardless if this looks good to them or not since the goal is the resusciation of our nation state. If I saw a HAG doing good, I wouldnt be attacking them as I often do, If I saw the nation rapidly developing across sectors, I would congratulate them but adeer I simply do not see this, I see more looting and more known HAG squabbling. The HAG lady debating the Puntland lady on Kalsan TV is a good example of how the PL lady was showing how to seat properly but the HAG lady totally just responds with total outrage and known hutuism and attacking the person trying to make her look good, she sees this person as an enemy, so strange huh? but sees somaliland as a friend even though they send her godane, Sxb Prof Togane has studied hutuism for a while and I urge u to research to understand this unusual mindset which is very hard to explain and only thing a nationalist somali can do is outright deplore it.
  12. Barwaaqo bal meesha gal uu hiili puntland, u see this crazy daynille women, u know what she did to somalia, dont hide it and ignore it. U know SSDF never killed any civilians, raped anyone, looted any somali properties. U know we reinvited the galmudug folks back into their homes in galkayo even when they had our property. U know 1930-1991 we went to mogadishu and invested there, where-as not 1 hag has invested ever in puntland. Infact they all flee to hargeisa and invest there. They dont say to themselves 'puntland is peaceful and somali lets invest here, they waited for one road in maka al mukkaram'. Come on we know the wadanis, but 1991 killed that for us and we have a right for it to be killed. Slap that HAG witch in the face and wake her up. We gave them our properties, we gave them presidency, foreign aid, embassies all in hamar and ambassadors abroad, they have equal mps/minister, they have the capital. Wake up barwaaqo and side with the puntland women and be fair once in your life
  13. Barwaaqo I know deep down u agree with the puntland lady, just admit it.
  14. Barwaaqo enjoy watching, the bad blood goes deep. Notice how the HAG lady face was 'blank' the whole time the Puntland lady was talking. It was a nasty battle.
  15. Thats why the great xunjuf, faysal ali warabe, ciidan simply cant stand us, they always attacking us first have u noticed. Just watch that video and you will see why lol. Puntlanders feel they have to lead everything and have the biggest say. Faysal ali waraabe apparently told hassan sheikh not to name a PL PM he knows we will do what gaas did to sharif and make him just hop around to hotels while we do real managing lol.
  16. This was hilarious. Puntland people always want to rule, even how ppl seat down, it's due to that extensive 300 year kingdom in the east. We started Jabhads, We started Mamul Gobols. Heck thats why we also want president or pm regardless of which one because the other clan in the other seat will just be told what to do, that's why we get devastated when we dont get either position. Notice the gedo folks are simply robots in the PM seat, if a puntlander was there, they would tell hassan what to do like gaas did to sharif and made him look irrelevant and did all the work. Abdillahi did the same thing to geedi and nur cade. We just need u somalis to give us any seat be it presient or pm and we are satisfied just dont make us not get both, thats when we get frustrated.
  17. Finally the imcompetent security minister who is a big tribalist has resigned from his position. This horrendous minister even rejected to provide jubbaland army uniforms from which the SFG got in the name of somalia yet he provided those uniforms and weapons to galmudug state a frickin xafad. It's good to see the last of this shady jadiid character. I urge that farah abdulqaddir also resign, no constitutional talks can occur with Puntland untill that man farah abdulqadir is around. He needs to go immediately, we all know what the scumbag tried to do with Jubaland. He is responsible for these changes in the constitution regarding where the capital of somalia will be. He has to immediately. I urge the HAGS u have two options, the SAHAL cards are clear. 1 option is to show somalinimo and see that mogadishu isn't a city that can unite somalis anymore due to it's major role in the civil war, looting of properties, etc. It's time you guys say 'Mogadishu cant unite somalis, it will only cause them to divide further due to suspicions of mogadishu being HAG dominated and we hand over the capital city status to be discussed by somalis and where it should be'. Somalis then can make sure that a city with a better history during the civil war, not major war crimes, and a place that is neutral to all somali major clan is selected as the capital. Possibly Baydhabo is an option that could be on the table. Or your other option is to keep the capital but see the nation fragment even further then it is and the SFG duties reduced to nothing but a symbolic 'status' or a face for Somalia and the duties of the federal govt will be given the regions. So its up to you a strong govt with a capital change or a weak govt in mogadishu. When Nigeria had their civil war the capital was changed to an area that was neutral to all the tribes of that nation, I am suprised why that hasn't occured with mogadishu.Trying to find a solution where blood was spilled like crazy is caqli somaliyeed. U dont look for a solution from the problem, u isolate the problem and find a solution elsewhere. Thats what should of happened mogadishu isolated and used as a 'war memorial' a rememberance to the future generations of what a civil war means. We as somalis need a clean start, a capital city that regain the confidence of all somalis, somewhere it is neutral and everyone feels ownership. Only then will somalia stop fragmenting further, till that happens let the fragmentation continue.
  18. War Deg Deg ah — Wasiirkii Amniga Dowlada Federaalka oo iscasiley breaking nesWarar hada soo gaarey Puntlandi ayaa sheegaya inuu is casiley Wasiirkii Amniga ee Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed. Sida aan Warka ku helney Raysal wasaare Cabdiwali Sheikh ayaa Wasiirka ku cadaadiyey inuu iscasilaadiisa usoo gudbiyo tasoo lagu saleeyey inuusan waxba ka qaban amkiga Muqdisho. Wasiirka Amniga ayaa horey dhowr jeer loosoo jeediyey inuu is casilo ka dib markii amaanka Muqdisho Faraha ks baxay. weerarkii maanta ay Al-Shabaab ku qaadeen Baarlamaanka oo ay fuliyeen in ka yar tobon nafti halige oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab ayaa qaatey 4 saacadood iney Ciidanka Dowlada oo boqol gaaraya ay la dagaalamaan soona af jaraan. Puntlandi.com Muqdisho
  19. I think it's time the world wakes up. Kenya has been striked, Puntland Has been Striked, Djibouti has been striked, But hargeisa hasn't? It's clear as day now their active links and somaliland is the breeding ground for terrorism. We need to change our policies like America did when striked by alqaeda and make us look like the victims of terrorism. Kenya-Puntland-Djibouti-Mogadishu should do what America did form a coalition and fight the war on terror in hargeisa like America did with afghanistan for harboring terrorists. We should use the politics and switch it in our favor and make somaliland be the 'terrorist' state and apart of the axis of evil like afghanistan was for harbouring terrorist alqaeda cells. I think that is the politics that Puntland-Kenya-Djibouti should take and come out with alot of anti terror funding to buy sophiscated weaponry for our armed forces while launching a war on terrorism to clean it out from hargeisa.
  20. Two blasts heard in Djibouti, cause unknown: witness DJIBOUTI Sat May 24, 2014 3:49pm EDT (Reuters) - Two loud blasts struck a busy cafe in downtown Djibouti frequented by Westerners on Saturday and at least 10 people were wounded, a Reuters witness said. Police had cordoned off the scene. It was not immediately clear what caused the blasts. The witness said he saw at least 10 people sitting near the area of the cafe, with bloody wounds. Djibouti has the United States' only military base in Africa and is an important ally in the U.S.-led fight against militant Islam. The former French colony's port is also used by foreign navies protecting the Gulf of Aden's shipping lanes, some of the busiest in the world, from Somali pirates. It has also contributed troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia. Other contributing countries, Kenya and Uganda have in the past been hit by gun and bomb attacks by Somalia's al Qaeda-linked Shabaab insurgents. Somali troops and AMISOM, comprising troops from Uganda, Kenya, Burundi and Djibouti, drove al Shabaab out of Somalia's capital Mogadishu in 2011. (Reporting by Abdourahim Arteh, Writing by George Obulutsa, Editing by Angus MacSwan)
  21. Does anyone what the hell las anod folks did to IDPS in Sool? the SW3 folks are not happy at all. I urge the folks in Sool to respect the people who have fled their homes due to 'usc savagery' in the south, there was a time when all of us were IDPS too. This is totally unacceptable if what this man is saying is true. Dadka baydhabo degan ma aha dad xun, dad dembiyo wa-wayn ka galay dalka ma aha, they control alot of areas in bakool and gedo and I havent heard of any xasuuq they have ever did there to non RRA folks. These guy have fought before sxb and removed the USC from their lands with the RRA, lets not start a civil war again. I urge Las anod folks leave these people alone.
  22. I am not sure what Ali Khalif is doing here, This is the first time he has ever set foot on Puntland. His ruining the event, I don't know why any allowed him in, this guy is a well known con artist through out somalia. He was the one drinking tea in mogadishu while kalshaale was happening, it was puntland that helped. He only comes when he wants something, other times he is nowhere to be seen. He was even told to get lost by hargeisa, I urge Puntland becareful with this character, all doors have been shut on him, dont open any doors 4 him.
  23. DEG DEG: Siyaasi Cali Khaliif Galayr oo soo gaaray Magaaladda Qardho Posted on May 24, 2014RBC, WararkaSiyaasi Cali Khaliif Galayr Qardho(RBC Radio) Waxaa caawa soo gaaray magaaladda Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar Siyaasi/Xildhibaan Cali Khaliif Galay iyo xubno uu hoggaaminayo. Siyaasi Cali Khaliif Galayr iyo xubnaha la socda ayaa ka yimid deegaanka Taleex,waxaana ay ka qeybgeli doonaan Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse. Mid kamid ah Guddiga qabanqaabada ayaa Raxanreeb u sheegay in magaaladda Qardho soo gaareen Siyaasi Cali Khaliif Galayr,Siyaasiyiin khaatumo ka tirsan oo ka qeybgalaya Caleema-saarka. Dhanka kale,waxaa iyana ku sugan magaaladda Qardho Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali iyo Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil oo ah Issimida ugu waaweyn maamulka Khaatumo. Magaaladda Qardho ayaa caawa la ciir-ciireysa dad tira badan oo isugu jira Madax,Issimo,waxgarad,haween,siyaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale. Dhammaanba waxaa buuxa caawa hoteelada,guryaha iyo goob kasta oo jiif lagu tuhmayo taasoo loo aaneynayo dadka soo buux dhaafiyey magaaladda ee ka qeybgalaya Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse. Maalinta berito ah ayaa lagu wadaa in si rasmi ah loo Caleema-saaro Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse oo noqonaya boqorka 34aad ee Beelaha Daarood. _____________ RBC Radio
  24. Garaadka Beesha Tanade Daarood Leelkase Garaad Cali Aadan Diini oo soo gaaray magaaladda Qardho (Sawirro + Dhageyso) Qardho(RBC Radio) Garaadka guud ee beesha Tanade Daarood ee beesha Leelkase Garaad Cali Aadan Diini ayaa maanta si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyey magaaladda Qardho. Garaad Cali Aadan Diini iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo kasoo kicitimay magaaladda Boosaaso ayaa soo gaaray magaaladda Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar si uu uga qeybgalo Caleema-saarka Boqorka oo lagu casumay. Waxaana ku weheliya Safarkiisa Xubnaha kala ah: 01. Caaqil Bulxan Maxamuud Diini. 02. Nabadoon Cabdirashiid Axmed Ismaaciil Fanow. 03. Nabadoon Maxamuud Axmed Aadan. 04. Caaqil Maxamed Muuse Jaamac. Garaad Cali Aadan Diini Garaad Cali Aadan Diini 00:0000:00 Garaadka oo la hadlay Raxanreeb Online ayaa uga warbixiyey Ujeedada safarkiisa ee magaaladda Qardho xili maalinta berito ah lagu wado in la Caleema-saaro Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse. …..”’Waxaan maanta safar kaga soo baxnay magaaladda Boosaaso anagoo u soconay Casumaad aan ka helnay Caleema-saarka si aan uga qeybgalno Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse,…..”’ayuu yiri. Guddiga qabanqaabada Caleema-saarka Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse ayaa si weyn uga qeybqaatay soo dhaweynta Garaadka,waxaana laga dareemay imaatinkiisa magaaladda Qardho. Maalinta berito ah ayaa lagu wadaa in si rasmi ah loo caleema-saaro Boqorka Beelaha Daarood Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse,waxaana Caleema-saarkiisa ka qeybgalaya Wufuud tira badan. _____________ RBC Radio/Qardho Audio is available here to listen. Tanade is in the house http://www.raxanreeb.com/2014/05/garaadka-guud-ee-beesha-tanade-daarood-leelkase-garaad-cali-aadan-diini-oo-gaaray-magaaladda-qardhosawirro/