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Saalax;968601 wrote: Interesting. If the British didn't give NFD to Kenya, now that oil could have belonged to Somalia . Good luck to Garissa folks. It actually works out better. It's in our interest we have powerful lobby groups in Kenya and Ethiopia to support our agenda in Somalia. This is unfolding as we speak. The support of Kenya to Jubbaland would never have happened if it wasn't for the somali-kenyans. Ethiopia support wouldn't have happened either if it wasn't for them. The way I see it is. If we want to win in somalia we need to use our ties in kenya and ethiopia and push them to believe in our agenda for somalia rather then the other stakeholders in somalia or else suffer onlf attacks or shuftas in north east kenya. Politics is working excellently for beesha malmahan.
Xildhibaan Quraan jecel oo sheegay in Puntland laga soo weerarayo Hargaysa & Muqdisho Xildhibaan Cabdilaahi Maxamad Jaamac oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa maanta sheegay in falal ammaanka Puntland iyo horumarkeeda looga soo horjeeda laga abaabulayo magaalooyinka Hargaysa iyo Xamar. Quraanjecel ayaa tilmaamay in shacabka iyo dowlada Puntland looga baahan yahay in si wada jir ah looga hortago masiibooyinka Somaliland iyo dowlada dhexe ee Somalia ay la damacsan tahay xukumada Puntland,wuxuna hoosta ka xariiqay inaysan u dulqaadan doonin dhul balaarsi uu sheegay Somaliland inay ka wado Sanaagta bari iyo qaybo ka mid ah Gobalada Sool iyo Cayn. "Waxaan la soconnaa in Maamulka hargeysa uu ciidan soo dhoobay Gobolka Sanaag ee Puntland waxaan la soconnaa in Maamulka Muqdisho ka arimiya uu lacag ku bixinayo kala furfurka iyo kala daadinta Puntland quwadeeda waxaan la soconaa in arimahaasi oo idil ay gadaal kasoo riixayaan dad Reer Puntland ah oo wax ma garad ah'' Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay dadka cadowga ku ah Dowlada Puntland iyo dadkeeda ay ka xun yihiin isku duubninada iyo nidaamka axsaabta badan ee loo guuray,wuxuna tusaale usoo qaatay Somaliland iyo DF.Somalia inay ka xun yihiin Shirarkii dib u heshiisiinta ee Garowe lagu qabtay,kuwaasoo ay kasoo baxeen qodobo muhiim ah. Hadalka Xildhibaan Quraanjecel ayaa waxa uu kusoo aadayaa xili mad madow siyaasadeed uu soo kala dhex galay dowlada Puntland iyo dowlada dhexe ee Somalia,kaasoo salka ku haya ku dhaqanka dastuurka iyo nidaamka federaalka ah. Dunidaonline.com Xafiiska Garowe
It has everything to with us and specifically jubbaland.This will provide companies more confidence in exploring jubbland. This will provide much needed investment from garisa folks into kismayo. It will trickle down mark my words
This is huge news, HOW DID SOL MISS IT. Garisa strikes oil and has the biggest oilfield in kenya. Just in one well were talking 16 million barrells adeer macaane. This has great implications for jubbaland because they share the same geographic area.
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UN & Puntland oo ka wada hadlay dastuurka Somalia 13 Jul 13, 2013 - 3:50:04 AM GAROWE ONLINE Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Shiikh Maxamed Farole ayaa maanta 13 July,2013 xarunta madaxtoyada Garowe ku qaabilay ergayga Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay. Wasiiro ka tirsan Puntland ayaa garoonka diyaardaha Garowe ku soo dhoweeyay wafdiga Kay ,waxana hogaaminayay wasiirka maaliyada Faarax Cali Jaamac ,wasiirka deegaanka Cabdiqani Yuusuf Cade iyo wasiirka gaadiidka Eng.Daahi Xaaji Khaliif. Ka dib kulan saacado qaatay ayay labada masuul si wadajir ah saxaafada ula hadleen ,waxana lagu soo hadal qaaday mawduuucyo ay ka mid ahaayen doorashooyinka deegaanka ee dhowaan ka dhacaya Puntland, Wax ka bedelka Dastuurka DF,Dhibaatada shilinka Somaliga ,Cunaqabadaynta hubka iyo heshiiska DF & Somaliland ee hawada oo ay ku galeen Turkiga. Madaxweyne Farole ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay inay doorashooyinka u soo baxaan ,ayna u codeeyaan isbedelka si nabadgelyo iyo dimoqraadi ah ,isagoona raacshay inaysan muhiim ahayn cida loo codaynayo balse muhiimadu tahay in laga gudbo habkii hore. ''Somalia waa in dib loo soo celiyaa dastuurkeedi ka hor intaan xeerar kale la gudbin ama dib u eegis loogu samayn'' ayuu yiri Farole oo ka hadlayay dastuurka Federalka Somalia. Dib u dhiska Maamulada dalka iyo xiriirka Puntland iyo DF ayuu xusay inay ka wada hadleen Mr.Kay oo uu raaciyay inay intii macquul ah u tanaasuli doonaan DF. Dhankiisa ayaa madaxa xafiiska UNSOM Amb.Nicholas Kay bogaadiyay horumarka iyo nabadgelyada Puntland ay ku talaabsatay ,isagoona sidoo kale ugu hanbalyeeyay doorashooyinka soo socda ee degaanka. ''Qaramada Midoobay qayb kama aha doorashooyinka Puntland,balse waxaan soo dhoweynaynaa isbedelka siyaasadeed'' ayuu yiri Kay. Waa booqashadiisi ugu horeysay Puntland tan iyo markii uu shaqada Dr.Mahiga kala wareegay 03 June,2013. Booqasho labo maalin ah ayuu ku joogi doona Puntland Mr.Kay oo xariga ka jari doona mashruuc UNDP ku taageereyso garsoorka Puntland. AUDIO http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/UN_PL_oo_ka_wada_hadlay_dastuurka_wax_laga_badalay.shtml
UN & Puntland oo ka wada hadlay dastuurka Somalia 13 Jul 13, 2013 - 3:50:04 AM GAROWE ONLINE Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Shiikh Maxamed Farole ayaa maanta 13 July,2013 xarunta madaxtoyada Garowe ku qaabilay ergayga Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay. Wasiiro ka tirsan Puntland ayaa garoonka diyaardaha Garowe ku soo dhoweeyay wafdiga Kay ,waxana hogaaminayay wasiirka maaliyada Faarax Cali Jaamac ,wasiirka deegaanka Cabdiqani Yuusuf Cade iyo wasiirka gaadiidka Eng.Daahi Xaaji Khaliif. Ka dib kulan saacado qaatay ayay labada masuul si wadajir ah saxaafada ula hadleen ,waxana lagu soo hadal qaaday mawduuucyo ay ka mid ahaayen doorashooyinka deegaanka ee dhowaan ka dhacaya Puntland, Wax ka bedelka Dastuurka DF,Dhibaatada shilinka Somaliga ,Cunaqabadaynta hubka iyo heshiiska DF & Somaliland ee hawada oo ay ku galeen Turkiga. Madaxweyne Farole ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay inay doorashooyinka u soo baxaan ,ayna u codeeyaan isbedelka si nabadgelyo iyo dimoqraadi ah ,isagoona raacshay inaysan muhiim ahayn cida loo codaynayo balse muhiimadu tahay in laga gudbo habkii hore. ''Somalia waa in dib loo soo celiyaa dastuurkeedi ka hor intaan xeerar kale la gudbin ama dib u eegis loogu samayn'' ayuu yiri Farole oo ka hadlayay dastuurka Federalka Somalia. Dib u dhiska Maamulada dalka iyo xiriirka Puntland iyo DF ayuu xusay inay ka wada hadleen Mr.Kay oo uu raaciyay inay intii macquul ah u tanaasuli doonaan DF. Dhankiisa ayaa madaxa xafiiska UNSOM Amb.Nicholas Kay bogaadiyay horumarka iyo nabadgelyada Puntland ay ku talaabsatay ,isagoona sidoo kale ugu hanbalyeeyay doorashooyinka soo socda ee degaanka. ''Qaramada Midoobay qayb kama aha doorashooyinka Puntland,balse waxaan soo dhoweynaynaa isbedelka siyaasadeed'' ayuu yiri Kay. Waa booqashadiisi ugu horeysay Puntland tan iyo markii uu shaqada Dr.Mahiga kala wareegay 03 June,2013. Booqasho labo maalin ah ayuu ku joogi doona Puntland Mr.Kay oo xariga ka jari doona mashruuc UNDP ku taageereyso garsoorka Puntland. AUDIO http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/UN_PL_oo_ka_wada_hadlay_dastuurka_wax_laga_badalay.shtml
Ururka Wadajir oo isaga baxay qorsha Doorashooyinka Puntland [Dhageyso] | on July 12, 2013 Urur Siyaasadeedka Wadajir oo kamid ah lixdii urur oo isu diiwaangeliyey inay ka qeyb galaan doorashooyinka Puntland ayaa sheegay inay ka baxeen doorashada xili deegaanada Puntland laga dareemayo abaabulo xoogan oo looga soo horjeedo qorshaha dowlada Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ee ku aadan doorashooyinka. Xoghayaha ururka Wadajir Axmed Ibraahim Cawaale ayaa saxaafada u xaqiijiyey go´aanka ururkoodu qaatay kadib markii ay yeesheen kulan ay uga wada xaajeesanayeen xaalada iyo xiisadaha ka taagan deegaanada Puntland ee salka ku haya doorashooyinka ay wado xukuumada Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole. `…Markaan eegnay doorashooyinka, Amaanka, dhaq dhaqaaqyada socda, markaan eeganay dhinacyo badan waxaan go´aan ku gaarnay inaan ka baxno…` ayuu yiri Xoghayaha Wadajir oo shaaciyey inay isaga baxeen qorshihii doorashooyinka Puntland ee uu muran ka taagan yahay. Wuxuu xoghayaha sheegay in xaalada amaan ee ka jirta Puntland ay tahay mid muujineysa sida wax u socdaan inaysan dan ugu jirin isla markaana isga baxeen doorashooyinka iyagoo tixgelinaya shacabweynaha Puntland oo u muuqda xiligan inay kasoo horjeesteen habka loo wado nidaamka dimuquraadiyeynta oo uu garwadeenka ka yahay xisbiga Madaxweyne Faroole. Ururka Wadajir ayaa sheegay in dhamaan gobalada Puntland laga diiday qaabka loo wado doorashada isla markaana digniin kasoo baxday Gobalada waaweyn ee Puntland, oo ka digay cawaaqib xumada ka imaan karta ololaha ay wado xukuumada Cabdiraxmaan Faroole. Luul Jaamac Aw Nuur oo ah guddoomiye kuxigeenka ururka wadajir ahna siihayaha xilka Gudoomiyaha ururkaasi, ayaa iyaduna shirkaasi jaraa´iid ka sheegtay inaysan diyaar u ahayn in doorashooyinka la sheegayi n 15ka dhici doonaan iyo kuwa kale ee uu guddiga doorashada iyo xukuumada Puntland wadaan. Waxayna sheegtay inaysan iyagu dooneyn ka qeyb qaataan dhibaato kusoo socota Puntland ama mushkilad khal khal ku keeni karta amniga Puntland. Go´aanka Wadajir ayaa kusoo beegamaya xili dadweynaha Puntland ay si weyn u hadal hayaan doorashada la sheegay in ay dhici doonto 15ka July oo ku beegan maalinimada Isniinta ah. Ururada Puntland looga dhawaaqay ayaa ku guuleysan waayey inay xafiisyo ka furtaan gobalada Puntland oo dhan isla markaana taageero xoogleh ka waayey shacabweynaha arrintaasi oo ay tusaale u ahayd banaanbaxyadii ay ururadan isku dayeen todobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay inay ka dhigaan Puntland, in aysan ka qeyb qaadan inta badan shacabka Puntland oo ka gaabsaday taageerida ururada aan kalsoonida ka heysan bulshada Puntland. Horseed Media News Desk AUDIO http://horseedmedia.net/2013/07/12/ururka-wadajir-oo-isaga-baxay-qorsha-doorashooyinka-puntland-dhageyso/
Peace is easily maintainable if your surrounded by peaceful neighbours. That's not a feat somaliland achieved its more of blessing they got. What Puntland achieved now thats a feat. Just use logic and think about it. Puntland sitting right next to the clan that destroyed Somalia and Puntland being very active in the nation's politics and still maintained peace and development says alot. The ceasefire agreement signed by abdullahi yusuf and aideed is one of it's kind also. Think about somaliland peace. They're surrounded by Puntland-Djibouti-OG. These states are not hostile to somaliland and could care less and somaliland staying out somali politics saved them a-lot of the aarsi attacks from mogadishu clans. Puntland deserves the right of maintaining peace because; 1. They sit right next to a clan that has caused so much havoc in the south and began the chaos and destruction of the nation state. They not only did so before but are still doing so like hassan dahir aways and they're clans-men in shabellaha genociding locals there. 2. Puntland not only participated in rebuilding Somalia and played a very active role, it still managed to go unscathed compared to the south even though the south has some very bad blood for this region since yusuf keenadid time 3. Puntland is the only known government in the Somali pennisula when the colonizer cames. When they went to somaliland they looked and saw old men sitting around chewing jaad butt naked. The italians saw 2 sultanates in Puntland. Hobyo and Bari and attacked it because they viewed this government owned somalia since all the other somalis in the area were butt naked and nobody needed to ask them anything. 4. Even HAG call it the hoyadi of somaliyeed says alot Please give Puntland it's dues all somalis do even the somaliland your praising was present in the boqor funeral, this tells you alot about the greatness of North-east Region. Wa dad gob ah ha uu diidin and hadad uu diidan wa inaad ka jawabta why abdullahi yusuf got a national burial and the 33rd king of somalia did. Why is it called hoyadi somaliyeed ma dad gun ah ba waxaas loo samaya ama loo yaqana, caqliga ha shaqeyo adeer macane I believe everyone knows Puntland did the unimaginable not only did it keep the peace in it's region and develop it from nothing but a barren wasteland to a booming metropolitan region with peace and the best education, health, business and security sectors in the nation but it helped its brothers out in the south. Thats gobanimo
Ceyn iyo Sool oo u diyaar garoobey Doorashada Goloyaasha Deegaanka Puntland Buuhoodle — 12 luuliyo,2013–Puntlandi– Degmooyin iyo Tuulooyin ka tirsan Gobolada Sool iyo Ceyn ayaa waxaa ka socda Olole xoogan oo loogu diyaar garoobayo Doorooshooyinka Goloyaasha Deegaanka Puntland oo lagu wado iney Isniinta 15 luuliyo ay si rasmi ah uga bilowdaan Deegaanada Puntland. Gobolka Ceyn ayaa diyaar garow xoogan ay ka socdaan waxayna musharixiinta xisbiyadu si wayn ugu ololeynayaan sidii dad badan codkooda u dhiiban lahaayeen. Horey waxaa Magaalada Buuhoodle u tagay Masuuliyiin sarsare oo ka Socda Xisbiyada Siyaasda si ay u taageeraan Wakiilada Xisbiyadooda ee deegaanadaan, waxaana u dambeeyey xubno wasiiro ah oo bishii hore booqdey Buuhoodle kuwasoo ka socdey Xisbiga Horseed. Bosaso waxaa Shalay gilgiley Taageerayaasha Horseed oo muuniyey taageeradooda gobolka iney aad u xoogan tahay. Punlandi.com Buuhoodle
Somalia;968263 wrote: Doctor, your prognosis, I am afraid is wrong. HAG is building a state from the ground up which will take much time , simply a steady foundation is necessary otherwise the house will crumble. I might be wrong but mark my words marki meesha lagu kala yaco come back to me and say doctor doctor give me the news.
Learn your election basics 101 of Puntland Elections
Tillamook si fican uu aqri waxan qoray bal ma been ba mise waad iska dagalamaysa for the sake of dagaal. Wax sheeg advertisement iyo commercial break looma bahno lagu bunbuniyo wax aan jirin
The HAG can never build a government if Sahal isn't there. This is quite clear in all the gobollo of the HAG. The only reason xamar has one is because sahal is there and if we weren't they wouldn't have one there too. I think xalimo soofe said it quite right when she said naga ilaliya hag wuxu nasab iyo insaan ku ahaa sahal ku dhex jirkisa, hadase na'cas buu ku soo baxay. An old man in xamar once said "SNM hadu tago fanaan waayi mayno, Sahal hadu tago dawlad heli mayno". Bal illa arka odaygas ma been buu sheegay illahi baan kugu dharshe. If SNM leave Somalia they can find singers to replace them because there is heaps of singers in Somalia, but if Sahal goes they weren't ever see a government and this is because 1. HAG can't agree way is cunayan without SAHAL keeping somalinimo alive. 2. Sahal has the larger portion of land in Somalia. You can't be a government without a land to govern.
You guys are silly if you do not understand the power of politics. You think only in terms of muscle and military. Niyahow if somaliland is the aviation authority, approval for anything happening in Somalia airspace will need direct approval or be deemed illegal. Once something is deemed illegal this is when international law can convene and pressure the state or donor or parties involved to comply or else face sanctions like your port life line cut, any flights to your region aborted, lose international credibility as a spoiler and be punished with other political measures such as your state losing it status as a state but as a regional antagonizer, neighbouring IGAD nations cutting ties, companies or donors not complying can be black listed to trade and cause bankruptcy. You all have no clue what the power of politics can make the greatest of powers succumb to demands. Anyways I see this move as one step backwards for the somali people. Why you think they want management of somalia airspace and not somaliland's if its just the u.n flights not going there. It's quite bigger then that adeer macaane they don't want a 88 again and Puntland is armed to the teeth with it's air capacity.
Anwar Hargaysa controls anything that uses our airspace including airplanes. If it was for just domestic and international flights the ageement would stipulate that however It didn't and it said hawada somaliya. This can only mean anything using that airspace regardless of what it is needs approval or be deemed illegal which has serious consequence for my airforce that I boast about and Puntlanders boast about when in fadhi ku dirir. Like one old man I overheard in a debate in a cafe saying war adigu oo meelahasi ku cararayo ayay manta puntland ciidamo cirka samaysate.
Xaaji, this is a serious issue sxb and it has implications for Puntland airforce and its donors and any future donors wanting to use of somalia airspace legally. They can even turn around and say any airforce facility needs to be built in Hargaysa only because it is the headquarter of the air control facility. They can just reject donor applications for other regional airforces with a hidden clan hand using a legal argument as a disguise. They can even do fake inspections on Puntland's airforce facilities and deem it illegal and call for it's immediately culling or relocating to hargaysa to be monitored by the air control facility. They're so many devastating moves they can do and I doubt they will use that power in any good way for puntland
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> This is amazing stuff. This meeting doesn't represent Somaliya because Puntland isn't represented and it is represented by hostile tribes to Puntland on both sides of the table. This has serious implications for Puntland. If Somaliland governs Somaliya airspace this means Puntland's airforce can be immediately told to cease all air activities of military nature on Somalia airspace. This can lead to a sanction from the UN if Puntland doesn't comply with the hargaysa based air control facility. This can have a devastating effect on Puntland. This hargeysa based agency can not only dismember our air-force from carrying out it's regional duties in the airspace, but it can lead to blockades of funding to the dismemberment of Puntland airforce and it can also lead to any foreign donor thinking about funding any airforce in Somalia to go through hargaysa. I am very against this and it's time Puntland to give a press conference showing they're opposition to this meeting which unconstitutional and doesn't have a Puntland representative on the table.
Wouldn't it be awesome driving on Bosaso beach with your iphone switched to SOL while your hearing all this cross fire debates happening
I hate it when people come in here and show they're clan hand
Xaji are you trying to suggest we call it boqor osman yet what about the other isimo of the state, this is puntland adeer macaane nacasnimadada hamar la tag dad waxgarad ah ba joggo meeshan oo meel dheer arimaha ka eegan. Peace and Horumar hasn't been achieved here through silliness, we are the most hated clan in Somalia. Everyone wishes the worst for us yet we are succeeding. What does that tell you. Caqli ba meesha jirto marka caqli xumada aad la timid kala tag intanan hafun kula tagin