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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. spartacus;981689 wrote: what a barbaric! they always treat immigrants like animals. arabs they think they have enough so they can do what ever they want. Which video did you find shocking and do you have other shocking ones to add.
  2. The prayers of Puntland are with Somaliland in this tough moment with they're president's ailments. Siilanyo illahi caafimad ha siiyo wuu buqa.
  3. (War hadda soo dhacay) Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo maalmahan uu ku dhacay cudurka hilmaanka loo yaqaan ayaa ku suuxay xafiiskiisa,waxaana Kaameedda Wareegta ee Shacabkamedia ku guuleystay inuu helo sawir muujinaya,isagoo afka garoojo dawo ah looga shubiyo. Xiligii uu suuxayay Madaxweyne Silaanyo ayaa xafiiska waxaa la joogay Wasiirka Caafimaadka ee Somaliland Saleebaan Xaglatoosiye,wuxuuna diiday oo ka cudur-daartay Xaglatoosiye oo isku dayay inuu daawadda Madaxweynaha siiyo,balse wuxuu markii dambe ogolaaday inuu daawada oo jeebkiisa ku jirtay inuu siiyo Xogeyntiisa xafiiska oo markii dambe afka uga shubay daawo loogu tala-galay in la siiyo marka uu dareemo suuxdinta oo in muddo ah dhib ku heystay Siilaanyo. Qalinkii:Kaameradda Wareegta ee Shacabkamedia
  4. Hawdian this is not about going to people's countries or not. The world is a global village and everyone lives everywhere. The Gulf arabs live in other countries and they're not treated like this, why are they treating others in they're country in this manner. I specifically posted that this occuring to even muslims which makes even more damaging to the phrase known as one ummah They're animals and if you don't see that you must be one too
  5. Seems like these aren't fit to be humans, they're animals and we need to call them what they are. I use to give them the benefit of the doubt but the bodies are piling up. Lets talk animals in this thread and post your shocking videos only.
  6. The Saudi Variant of the Animal Were talking bodies in freezers The Kuwait Variant of the Animal
  7. Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland oo Xariga kajaray waddo laami ah oo iskuxiri dooonta magaalooyinka Galdagob & Gaalkacyo (Sawirro) Caasimada Galbeedka Mudug ee Galdogob ayaa waxaa shalay kadhacay xaflad aad loo soo agaasimay oo lagu daahfurayay waddo laami ah oo iskuxirta magaalooyinka Galdogob iyo Gaalkacyo xafladda ayaa waxaa kasooqaybgalay wafuud aad ufarabadan oo kakalayimid meelo kaladuwan oo dalka ah. Waxaana kamid ahaa wafuudaas Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland C/rashiid Maxamed Xirsi Wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guriyaynta dawladda puntland Daahir xaaji khaliif wasiirka shaqada iyo shaqaalaha Puntland C/wali indhaguran gudoomiya kuxigeenka Gobolka mudug Axmed Muuse waxaa kale oo kamid ahaa dadkii xafladda goobjooga ka ahaa ugaas Cali ugaas Maxamed ugaas Cali Caaqil C/wahaab Maxamud Guray iyo dad kale oo farabadan.. Uguhorayntii waxaa xafladda furay Gudoomiyaha ururka Hadaf oo ah hay.ada dhismaha wadada gacanta kuhaysa C/qaadir khaliif Haashi waxaa uu warbixin kabixiyay soo bilaabitaankii fikradda dhismaha waddadan iyo marxaladaha ay soo martay waxaana uu C/qaadir sheegay in dhismaha waddadan ay kubixidoonto lacag gaaraysah 4.8milyan oo dollar waxana uushegay in inta badan lacagtan ay ka imaandoonto dadka degaan asaga oo codsi udiray dawladda Puntland iyo Dawladda somaliya iyo Hay.adaha caalamiga ah inay gacan ka gaystaan dhismaha waddadan. Odayaasha dhaqanka iyo qaybaha bulshada kaladuwan ee dadka deegaanka Galdagob ayaa sheegay inay naftooda uhuridoonaan dhismaha waddadan ayaga oo dhaliilay in ay banaantahay kaalintii Dawlaha Puntland iyo Somaliya ayaga oo codsaday inay gacan ka gaystaan dhismaha waddadan. Ugu danbayntii ayaa waxaa xafladda soo xiray madaxdii kasocotay dawladda Puntland gudoomiyaha baarlamanka C/Rashid Maxamed xirsi ayaa balanqaaday in dawladda Punland ay kaalinteeda ka qaadan doonto dhismaha waddadan waxuuna uga mahadceliyay dadka reer Galdogob dadaalka ay kubixiyeen dhismaha waddadan. Sikastaba ha ahaatee dadka reer Galdagob ayaa in badan kutaamayay bilowga dhismaha waddadan haddii uu hagaago dhismaha waddadan aayaa waxa ay kaalin kaqaadan doontaa iskusocodka gaadiidka magaalooyinka Galdogob iyo Gaalkacyo oo ay hadda bulshada reer Galdogob ay dhib ku qabaan waddada oo ah raf aad uxun oo ay baabuurto dhib kala kulmaan marka ay kusafrayaan. Galdagob aya galkacyo ujirta 65kilomitir ayaa waxa ay kuqaadataa gaadiidlayda inay ukala socdaan 5saac ilaaa 6saacadood waqtigaas oo aad ubadan marka la eego masaafada ay iskujiraan labada magaalo. Hadda kahor ayay dadka reer Galdogob ay miinada kasaareen waddadan lafteeda qorshahaas oo ay lacag badan kubaxday kanna waa isku daygii labaad haddii lagu guulaysto waxaa uu waddada u xaarayaan mashaariic badan oo dadwaynaha somaliyeed ay aaminsanaayeen inaan shacab wax kaqaban Karin. By; c/raxman xashi farax jabin
  8. Maxa ka galay Puntland's election niman hamar joggo. Ana yaab aragay boowe
  9. DF oo faragelin ku haysa doorashooyinka Puntland 1 Oct 1, 2013 - 6:27:10 AM Wasiiru Dowlaha Madaxtooyada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Faarax Cabdiqaadir oo ka mid ah xubnaha ugu miisaanka culus Villa Soomaaliya ayaa booqasho lama filaan ah ku tegay todobaadkan magaaladda Minneapolis ee cariga Maraykanka halkaas oo uu kulamo kala duwan kula qaatay Soomaalida ku dhaqan. Wuxuu kala hadlay Dadkii uu la kulmay Guulaha ay gaartay Dowladda Federaalku, Qorshayaasha ay damacsan yihiin iyo sida ay lagama maarmaan u tahay in lala shaqeeeyo Dowladda. Kulan gaar ah Markii uu soo dhamaaday kulankii guud oo ka dhacay Hotel Doable Tree Wasiirku wuxuu kulan gaar ah la yeeshay xubno isugu jiray Ganacsato iyo Siyaasiyiin kuwaas oo ka soo jeeday Puntland isagoo kala hadlay doorashooyinka soo socda ee lagu wado inay ka dhacaan Garoowe . Sida uu Warsidaha Garowe Online u xaqiijiyey mid ka mid ah xubnihii ka qayb galay kulankaas Wasiir Faarax wuxuu codsaday in gacan lagu siiyo sidii loo bedeli lahaa Xukuumada Madaxweyne Faroole oo uu ku tilmaamay mid aan la jaan qaadi karin Dowladda dhexe ee Muqdisho caqabadna ku ah wuxuu ugu yeeray soo celinta qaranimadii Soomaaliyeed. “Kulankaas aniga wa la igu casumay runtii dadka loo yeeray waxay ahaayeen dad xul ah oo gaaraya ilaa 20 qof Wasiirkuna wuxuu nagala hadlay doorashooyinka soo socda ee Puntland isaguu nagu booriyey in aanu ku taageerno dadaalada ay ugu jiraan sidii loo bedeli lahaa Xukuumada Madaxweyne Faroole” Sidaa waxaa yiri mid ka mid ah dadkii ka qayb galay kulankaas oo ka cudur daartay in la soo xigto magaciisa. Wuxuu balan qaaday inay Taageero Dhaqaale iyo mid Siyaasadeed u fidin doonaan siyaasiyiinta loolanka ugu jira doorashada Madaxtooyada 8 Jan, 2014 si ay u noqdaan kuwo awood u leh inay la tartamaan Xukuumada Madaxweyne Faroole oo iyadu dadaal ugu jirta sidii mar kale xafiiska loogu dooran lahaa. “Puntland waa qayb ka mid ah Soomaaliya waxaanuna jecelnahay in aanu la yeelano xiriir fiican laakiin Madaxweyne Faroole kama turjumayo taas runtiina wuxuu caqabad ku yahay soo celinta qaranimadii Soomaaliyeed idinkana horumar idiin ma horseedi doono” Ayuu ku yiri Wasiir Faarax Xubnihii uu la kulmay . Isagoo sii wata hadalkiisa wuxuu yiri “Anagu dan gaar ah kama lihin Puntland laakiin waxaanu doonaynaa inay halkaas ka dhalato Xukuumada xiriir iyo wadashaqayn fiican nala wadaagta oo wax ka bedesha hab dhaqanka Xukuumada hada jirta” 5 Aug, 2013 ayey Dowlada Puntland joojisay guud ahaan xiriirkii ay la lahayd Dowladda Federaalka kadib markii Madaxweyne Xasan Sh. Maxamuud ku guuldaraystay inuu dhowro Dastuurkii lagu heshiiyey Dalkana uu ku hogaamiyo wadiiqo toosan oo horseeda soo celinta Qaranimadii iyo Karaamadii umada Soomaaliyeed. Wixii wakhtigaas ka danbeeyey Xukuumada Villa Soomaaliya waxay caadaysatay sidii ay u xagal daacin lahayd Horumarka iyo Deganaanshaha ka jira Puntland iyagoo qaar ka mid ah dhaqaalihii loo qorsheeyey dadka tabaalaysan u soo weeciyey dhanka Puntland si ay mucaarad xoogaan ugu abuuraan Xukuumada Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Sh. Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole). Garowe Online
  10. Abbas are you getting desperate again. Check out the bosaso booming thread you will leave in tears with your cuqdad jealousy
  11. Plus another 4 paved roads for Bosaso is being planned
  12. Garowe oo laga bilaabay dhismaha wado kale oo laami ah. Garowe(Puntlandi.com):- Magaalada Garowe ee Caasimada Puntland waxaa manta laga bilaabay dhismaha wadadii lamaad ee Laami ah oo xaafadaha magaaladan laga hirgaliyo. Masuuliyiinta Mamulka dawlada hoose ee magaalada Garowe oo ay weheliyaan xubno ka tirsan golayaasha dawlada Puntland, Waxgarad iyo xubno kaloo ka socday ururada bulshada radiydka ah ee Puntland ayaa dhismaha wadadan ka dhagax dhigay jidka Islaan Maxamad waxaana la qorsheeyay in ay ka bilaabato Barxada weyn ee magaalada ilaa jidka Sodonkana la gaarsiiyo. Duqa degmada Garowe C/casiis Nuur Cilmi Koor oo ka mid ahaa Masuuliyiintii dhagax dhiga wadadan ka hadashay ayaa sheegay in dhismaha wadadani uu ku baxayo kharash farabadan oo gaarsiisan $ 188,000 oo doolarka Maraykanka ah islamarkaana ay gaarsiisan tahay dherer ahaan 1,320-mitir. Duqa degmada Garowe wuxuu kaloo sheegay in dhaqaalaha ku baxaya dhismaha wadadani 138-kun oo ka mid ah ay UN-ku bixinayso halka dawladuna ay 10% loo qdondeeyay dhaqalahan in ay bixiso, 5% ay bulshadu bixinayso. Dhismaha wadadani waxaa ku guulaystay sid ay masuuliyiinta dawladu ay sheegeen Shirkadda BACA, waxayna shirkadu sheegtay in dhismaha wadadani ay ku qaadan doonto mudo 2 bilood ah. Bishii March ee sanadkan 2013 ayay ahayd markii si rasmi ah loo bilaabay isticmaalka wadadii ugu horeysay oo laami ah ee xaafadaha Magaalada garowe laga dhiso, tanina waxay noqonaysaa tii labaad ee la bilaabo.
  13. This is a city of 1-1.2 million. It's a great city of Puntland and the rising star of Somalia. All the SOL haters can just hate all they want
  14. Garoodi, Puntland is an important player and as much as that hurts you, please accept it. As for somaliland joining somalia who are you trying to kid with your nonsense. We all know it was the folks of las anod and erigavo that pushed your backside to it. Puntland went to mogadishu because that was were the capital was. Puntland didn't gain any favors from Italy because that area was grazed to the ground by the italians and so much resistance was there they even had to move the capital which was initially going to be hafun to mogadishu because the people there were very welcoming unlike the folks of the east. Puntland will always enjoy a strong share of Somalia, you can love it or lump it because we are not going anywhere and we will always get what is rightfully ours. What you mean the civil war people woke up? you lil cowards were killing shacabs not army. The Sahal family wasn't united against you untill we realised you just wanted to do the clans cleansing. The Sahal folks woke up and reclaimed galkayo and kismayo and you have ever since been reduced using proxies such as gedo folks or las anod folks but can never dare face us clan vs clan because our numbers are way superior to you. Clan wise we are the largest and the largest will always rule. Its us always welcoming you because we see you as our minority, and its always you who is not welcoming us because u see as the majority and threat. Niyahow xeer manta waxad jogta inaad soo gashatid niqab and hide in buraha galgala ma jab ka wayn ba jira. You need to come as a woman to the big boy of the east awoodeenu hadad ka shaki gabtid kas liiq.
  15. Garoodi, Just don't touch the constitution and we all cool. Markad soo fara gashatid you are playing with fire and trying to eliminate Puntland's existence. Why you think Puntland's recognised and if we want we can also put in there a referendum will be held for Puntland's indepedence. Don't mess with our dastuur you can lead all you want and execute the ideas for us but documentkasi inoo daa because its ** in the backstage playing politics on Somalia without the shiciib knowing anything because the president or pm are from other clans and they can take the heat.
  16. Tarzan doesn't even meet with officials of other nations same with galmudug. Anyone denying Puntland's importance in the nation or region is lying to himself about realities on the ground. Brussel conference was a victory for Puntland and anyone that cannot see is blind. Farole speech was given to those that mattered, he was invited separate from the government's delegation which galmudug wasn't. Farole has already met with the head of states of Libya, Kenya, Ethiopia, Kuwait, Yemen and India on his own as Puntland. He has met other country leaders as apart of somalia delegation in turkey and london. A number of high level delegations visit garowe as a separate entiity and farole visits them also. I don't see how that is a governor because galmudug and tarzan don't do any of the things farole does. Puntland today has more aqoonsi without declaring self determination then Somaliland and that's the truth and if they do declare indepedence sheekadu waa 5 minutes ictiraf. The way I see it is like this. Puntland is 15 years old and has put only 50% or even less of it's energy on Puntland and it's got more aqoonsi and development then Somaliland who has dedicated all its resource, manpower to somaliland. Puntland on th other hand still created Somalia through the constitution and the president and pm is only a puppet that has to execute what the constitution says. That's why Puntland initially welcomed the new president and pm because its only a puppet spot and they are not allowed to think for themselves and the thinking has already been done for them in the constitution developed in the somali homeland of puntland. That's why farole cut ties now with Somalia not because of who is president or pm because these are puppet spots but the challenge on the constitutiion and trying to change it which is where the danger lies. Somalia was fine before 1991 because the HAG weren't allowed to think from 1960-1991. It was either done for them thru yassin sharmarke the chairman and creator of the SYL who appointed abdullahi cisse to leadership of the party which again was a puppet role because the charter and the thinking was already done for him by the chairmen he abdullahi isse was there for one purpose to execute the policies and programs of yassiin sharmarke. Today Somalia is no different but if destabled by HAG it could lead to the days of the USC where the thinking and executing was done by the HAG and we all know where that disaster lead. As the famous poet once said HAG wuxu sharaf ku laha oo ku duubna oo nasab ku ahaa sahal ku dhexjirkisa hadase hayawaan buu ku soo baxay. It's very true the HAG are not problem if they be 100 presidents the problem waa markay iyagu fikerkooda fuliyan thats when it leads to disaster and mayhem and thats what changing the constitution may lead too. All these other acts of corruption like taking money, bribes, stealing the dastur has even answered but it hasn't been implemented or executed by the government for obvious reasons. Please note the constitution can sack anyone that comes against it. Your not president or pm to change the direction of somali ppl, your simply there to execute it and if you can't you will be executed. Puntland is very important major stakeholder of Somalia and regional player. It is the place where they only put half they're efforts in and has superceded Somaliland on all sectors barr jaad. It's the only region where it has set the direction for the somali ppl and is actively monitoring it to make sure it's executed even though there is hiccups which is what u see reported in the media of is-qabqabsi and all that nonsense, At the end of the day Puntland has Puntland which is thriviing and it's also controlling Somalia from the backstage just like yasiin sharmarke did with SYL and all presidents of the nations adopted SYL policies and directions today somalia is no different and it's always going to be the big boys of the east running the show directly or indirectly whether we like it or not. The above is the truth regarding Somalia whether we want to accept it or not. We can muran all day but president and pm spot is only used to entice clans thinking they're important because they think Somalia is like the days of siyad barre which is fine to have ppl like that murankooda ayaa naga yaranayso. Lakin to the educated there is no denying the importance of the constitution, it is what governments are made on or broken on. It is what sets the direction, policies, ideas, thinking of the people into a document and the president or pm merely executes it. They can never put they're ideas on it, they can never change it, they can never destroy it, that piece of document will always be there for hundreds of years on even after its executor the president or pm is gone. Its vital document and arin cayaar ah ma aha mana ah wax kaftan galayso on Puntland's side because this can see our clan thrive for centuries regardless who rules
  17. Somalia: Puntland leader meets Yemen President, PM in Sana’a 25 Sep 25, 2013 - 9:23:27 PM SANA’A, Yemen Sep 25, 2013 (Garowe Online) - The president of Puntland state government in Somalia met with President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Yemeni Prime Minister Mohamed Basindawa in the Yemeni capital Sana’a on Wednesday to discuss security and economic relations, Garowe Online reports. Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole arrived in Sana’a on Tuesday, accompanied by Health Minister Ali Abdullahi Warsame and Security Minister Khalif Isse Mudan. President Hadi of Yemen received the Puntland delegation at the State House in Sana’a. Puntland sources said that discussions with Yemeni government leaders covered a range of issues, including cooperation between Yemen and Puntland in counter-terrorism, anti-piracy and anti-smuggling operations, and economic cooperation in banking, fisheries and aviation sectors. President Farole commended Yemen for hosting tens of thousands of Somali refugees and pledged to strengthen cooperation in security and economic ties. The Puntland delegation led by President Farole has visited a number of countries and engaged in high-level meetings in Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, UAE, Belgium, and currently Yemen. GAROWE ONLINE