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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. You can take many forms of federalism with the army, what's to say they're can't be federal soldiers clan based all around the nation, they are still the same army however in their own constituency to make the people comfortable. There is no point teaching people something they have no understanding off and if we want results a good leader works with what is reality on the ground not change it. Somalis try to emulate international standards which do not fit with the local culture, a good gov't appeases the local way of life and accommodates it and steers it for results. At the end of day we want results, we don't really need be fuzzed to much how its attained.
  2. Muir you should read waagacusub, just yesterday dahir alasow was firmly anti qoslaye, but now he is pro qoslaye since the u.n report came out which he considers as clan bias kkkk. What I wonder is what made him do this 360 degree flip on his position just from last week? Ummmmm maybe his clan is incriminated in the report who knows that could be just a wild idea. Read it here wallahi you will laugh http://waagacusub.net/articles/218/SomaliaUN-Monitoring-Group-and-its-clan-bias That's the problem with Hamar, they have no firm position, flip flopping within a day, and never taking responsibility.That's what wrong with HAG. I am sure qoslaye will fix this issue by putting together a motion against the PM who has failed in his duty and is responsible for this kkkkk. Wallahi they will just never take responsibility, dahir alasow is a great example waxay hamar ula Degi la'dahay, unfortunately even their politicians are like that. U see abdiqaybdiid interview on Somali channel denying massacring innocent women in bakaro? His excuse was I never fired any mortars in bakaraha, the city was a warzone fighting was happening on all four corners. until they have that culture not recognizing their mistakes, hamar will never see a peace.
  3. Dowladda Kenya oo qunsuliyad ka furanaysa Garoowe dibna u holgalinaysa safaaradi Soomaaliya ay kulahayd Posted on February 21, 2014 Nairobi[RBC Radio]Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka dalka Kenya William Ruto ayaa sheegay in dowladdisu ka go’antahay xoojinta xiriirka kala dhexeya Soomaaliya,waxaana uu soo hadal in xilligaan safaarad ka furan doonan Soomaaliya. William Ruto ,waxaa kalo uu sheegay in magaaloyinka qaar sidoo kale ay ka furi doonan qansuliyado taaso uu sheegay inay fududeyn doonta isku soo dhawan shiyaha labada dal,waxaana uu hadalkaan ka sheegay kulan uu Arbacadii la qaatay raysul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, C/weli Sheekh Axmed. Dowladda Kenya ayuu sheegay in si dhaqsa ah u rabto inay qunsuliyado ka furato magaalooyinka Garoowe oo xarun uu ah Puntland , Hargeysa oo caasumad uu ah maamulka Soomaaliland iyo Kismaayo oo maamulka Jubba saldhig uu ah. “Waxaan xaqiijinayaa in Kenya ay ka go’antahay in ay la shaqayso Soomaaliya, dhowaanna waxaan howlgalin doonaa Safaaradda aan ku leenahay dalka Soomaaliya. Waxaan ka qayb qaadan doonnaa xasilinta dalka iyo xoojinta xiriirka labada baarlamaan.”ayuu yiri William Ruto. Waxaa kalo uu soo hadal qaaday madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Kenya William Ruto, inay Kenya door firfircoon ka cayaari donto xaqiijinta in dastuurka Soomaaliya lagu sameeyo dib-u-eegis si doorasho dimuqraaddi ah ay u qabsoonto 2016. Ugu danbeyna waxaa uu caddeyey in Kenya qorshaheedu uu yahay inay muujiso doorkeeda derisnimo, waxayna xaqiijineysaa inay Soomaaliya xasilloon tahay,isagoona inta ku daray inay Kenya sii wadi doonto la dagaallanka argagaxisada iyo Al-Shabaab. Raysul wasaaraha Soomaaliya C/wali Sheekh ayaa isagu soo dhaweeyey adkeynta xiriirka dowladda Kenya,waxaana uu shaaca ka qaaday in door muuqda ku leedaay Kenya horumarinta xasilloonida Soomaaliya iyo caawinta qaxootiga Soomaalida, wuxuuna sheegay in laga guuleysan doono kooxaha argagaxisada ee fawdada ka wada dalkiisa. Dowladda Kenya waxaa ay ka mid tahay dalalka ay ciidamadu ka joogan Soomaaliya kuwaaso qeyb ka ah howlgalka AMISOM,sidoo kale malaayin Soomaali qaxooti ah ayaa iyaguna ku nool xeryaha qaxootiga dalkaasi Kenya. ________ RBC Radio
  4. Somalia presidential palace hit by major car bomb, gun attack: police The presidential palace in Somalia's capital Mogadishu has been hit by a massive car bomb followed by a raid by gunmen, police and witnesses said. The palace complex is home to the country's internationally-backed government. "There is a large attack on the presidential palace. Initial reports are that a suicide car bomber hit the gate and exploded, then men with guns followed," police officer Mohamed Ali told AFP. The attack appears to bear all the hallmarks of Somalia's Al-Qaeda-lined Shebab rebels. "Security forces are dealing with terrorists who blew up a car... and there is exchange of fire," said Ahmed Moalim Adan, a security official near the scene of the attack. "We have no details of the casualties but of course there are casualties." Witness Hussein Isa says the attackers are fighting inside the presidential compound. "A suicide bomber rammed a car full of explosives into the perimeter wall of the presidential palace and another one with heavily armed men penetrated the area where the first one hit," he said. "There is heavy exchange of gunfire continuing inside the building but we cannot tell what is happening." The sound of intense gunfire and sporadic explosions could be heard coming from the presidential complex, AFP reporters said. AFP
  5. War Deg Deg ah– Madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya oo gudaha loo galay qaraxyo iyo Dagaal ka socda guriga Madaxweynaha Gidaarka Madaxtooyada ayaa Gaari waxyaabaha qarxa ka buuxaan lagu jabiyey ka dibna gudaha ayay kooxda weerarka soo qaadey u galeen Madaxtooyada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Sargaal ka tirsan Villa Soomaaliya ayaa Puntlandi u sheegey in Xaaladu cakiran tahay, Madaxweynaha gurigiisa waa la weeraratbxili uu ku sugnaa, Walina war lagama hayo xaaladiisa. Agaasimihii Madaxtooyada ayaa lagu waramayaa inuu dhintey lakiin waki lama xaqiijin. Hada waxaa socda Dagaal iyo rasaas guud ahaan Cid waxgaartey si rasmi ah looma hayo lakiin Agaasimaha Vilka Soomaaliya ayaa warar sheegayaan in werarka hore uu ku geeriyoodey. wixii soo kordha kala soco Pi
  6. Why does SOL go so quiet when the evidences are piling up against Hassan shaykh? The evidence so far facing the embattled president is complete lost of confidence by the CIA, UN reports saying he is arming the enemy he is supposed to fight, corruption charges from Yusuf abrar, killing MPS in villa Somalia, turkey budget support cut(some reports says it back), Brits advising Somalia is a no go zone, Ali Khalif dardaran(he was referring to Hassan shaykh mp Faisal killing) on the domestic front ties cut off by galmudug, ximan iyo xeeb, Puntland. Now his own PM lost faith. Please keep into consideration that the former pm has no bad things said about him from any international reports. Please SOL be honest, lets put the clan card to the side and admit the man has failed. In one united voice lets say xassan xoolo
  7. PM is a honest man and says it like it is, that the gov't has lost control of Mogadishu and he doesn't give Somalis false hope. He said the gov't is basically are doing nothing and are spectators like residents. Lol. It's time to go Hassan shaky you are the problem, you are the one who isn't serious about Somalia and has divided loyalties between shabab and Somalia. I Hope SOL members just abuse this useless president that even his own PM has lost faith before even starting to work, but let me guess Hassan shaykh solution is replace the pm that will fix it, no what will fix it is you gone. No bad reports came out about any of the PM's. It's always you. CIA says your the weakest leader ever in Somalia, un reports say you sell arms to the people you been assigned to fight. Domestically noone has ties with you in the nation even galmudug and ximin iyo xeeb cutt all ties and so has Puntland.
  8. Somalis need to understand the difference between politics and business, if you want to make money and that is your priority, get into business and stay out of politics. You can make just as much or money through peace then you ever can through insecurity, especially for the capital. There is way to many rogue individuals in hamar and the culture of impunity where everyone Moryan and sheikh are protected is their major downfall, they are really heading down a path today where it won't be long before Mogadishu itself will be declassified from capital city status and once that happens they have noone to blame but themselves. They are really playing with fire and this mentality of if I rule hamar I can rule Somalia which is far from the truth today, most other regions have their own backing too and you simply can't be a nation if 60% of Somalia's land mass punt and jubba and probably 70% of our sea is taken away from Somalia. Dawlad casimad leh aan dhul lahayn ayaa imanayso
  9. Xaaji that's why federalism is great if I have nothing in hamar, I focus on Puntland. This one of the great things about federalism. The other great thing is you can see which clans got nothing in hhamar and make sure they get something regionally. The other great thing about federalism is alot of Somalia can typry politics regionally prove yourself and run for hangar with experience. Can you imagine all the regional mamul former presidents or ministers putting their experience regionally to nationally? We would never get useless leaders noone knows or tried. Xaaji throw away the clan policies, jump on board federalism you know its the right thing to do.
  10. We have a different system, our elders must stop politics if they assume the role of traditional elder, U know king king was minister of defence in hamar and was told he must relinquish all politics when assuming such a traditional post. It's because politics can corrupt an elder and jeopardize his ability to be seen as neutral when carrying out dhaqan issue. Don't get me wrong they settle political disputes but they are not involved in political capacity be it minister, mp, or anything. This makes them neutral at all times. Visit qardho some time, U will enjoy it, its a very cultural town and people are deep in traditions and know it very well. You can find tons of people alive even from sayyid days kkk. They R so stuck in tradition everything is about wa layaqana kkkk
  11. How can U reconcile one clan with foreign intervention? You make no sense when U say somalilander are not reconciled overseas, obviously not its the same clan, I think your just trying to be argumentive. If I remember correctly didn't Tuur didn't die overseas kkkkkk Ethiopia surely gets involved in Somaliland way more then so in Puntland, you couldn't even name ministers without being called to Addis kkkkkk, Puntland named an Islamist easier and Addis can't do nothing. Our relationship with Addis is purely security that is why, your relationship is security, business, and political kkkkk hence why you can barely move without Addis.
  12. Xaaji please learn how real traditional elders function, it seems yours are new guys and not soo jireen. Watch how it's really done as even Hassan shaykh said kingkong wuxu ka soo jeeday boqortoyo. Not small statement at all, we have streets named after Omar samtar in Addis for our fight against Italians and via mijjertenia roads in Rome. no clan in Somalia can claim such a feat. don't get me started on boasting about my royalty. Just watch how real soo jireen traditional elders do it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPg6hQHD5iM
  13. Xaaji, I'm not sure what your smoking, but it's far from normal entering parliament with pistols. As for meditation aren't U being mediated in Turkey? As for Kampala? It wasn't Puntland's idea to go to Kampala it was Sharif, he even retired there. Everything is done in Garowe if we get our way,everyone knows that. But it's not my fault all Somalis have an unfounded fear of Garowe, you even saw the hags couldn't sleep well even knowing Puntland soldiers were in town, if gaas didn't take them, he would be protected by amisom and you will still say the same thing "look at gas being protected by amisom". Blame hag not us. By the way I don't get why you need gurti involved in politics, traditional and conflict resolution is all our isimo is for, strictly no politics becuz it could negatively affect on their status in the state as balanced and seeking the common good with no strings attached.
  14. Excellent news, good to see their not knocking each other teeth out. That's really looks bad makes u look amateurish at politics and nothing worse then doing it in parliament where the law is supposed to be upheld the most. I like waraabe though he is funny as hell, I don't know if I would trust him to look after the state since he is unpredictable and can change very quickly. But he is definitely the clown in polotics everyone needs to watch to relax a bit.
  15. We do have the best doctors in Somalia I read somewhere, I think when WHO Complex is open Pit will have huge benefits raising medical standards in the state, by even opening in Puntland suggests WHO has confidence in Puntland Health System. I only wish also to read the best infrastructure in Somalia for Puntland, we R not there yet but I think we can work on it and if gas leaves behind that legacy of making Puntland no 1 in infrastructure he will be remembered very well. Roads, Ports, Airports, Foreign investment that is what he needs to leave behind if he wants to have a legacy to be remembered. Gas should know this 5 years is the era of infrastructure and investments, this what all Puntland are looking at in this term.
  16. PSU waa Jaamacadda ugu hooraysa Soomaaliya Garoowe[RBC Radio]Puntland State University ayaa noqotay Jaamacadda ugu horaysa dhinaca Tacliinta Jaamacadda ku yaalla guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya,sida ay soo saartay Shirkadda ugu wayn qiimaynta Jaamacadaha ee Webometrics. Webometrics ayaa qiimaysa Tayadda Tacliinta,Teknoloojiyadda iyo Daabacadaha Aqoonta ku dhisan ee ay Jaamacadaha ku soo bandhigaan Bogagga ay ku leeyihiin Intenet-ka. Shirkadaan ayaa Jaamacadaha ku qiimaysa sida Jaamacadaha Aduunka ay ugu kala xooggan yihiin Isticmaalka Internetka,Tayadda Bogga iyo Daabacadaha Online-ka ah ee ay sameeyaan. Sikastaba ha ahaatee Jaamacadda Puntland State University waraceeda ugu weyn waxaa uu ku yaalla magaalada Garoowe ee caasumada Puntland,halka sidoo kale faracyo ay ku leedahay magaaloyinka Puntland ee kale oo ay Gaalkacyo ka mid tahay,waxaana la aas-saasay 2004-tii. Puntland State University,waxaa ay noqonaysa Jaamacaddi ugu horreeysay ee ku taalla deegaannada Puntland misana kaalinta koobad ka gasha qeymeynta dhinaca Tacliinta. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso qeymeynta Webometrics:- Ku rido RBCKU dar RBC ________ RBC
  17. The famous Galdogob Express first phase is nearly over, 16 kilometre left. They are beginning the next phase is laying the asphalt. It's like 80 kilometre road project from Galkacyo to Galdogob. Here is the latest update I am really proud of galdogob, may this be an example of iskaga wax uu gabso is way better then Ngo aid, we shouldn't have them in Somalia, they are making money on us and give nothing in return to the people. I hope other states in Puntland do a Ku dayo on this.
  18. Xaaji, my point was the paid out politicians from the two minor sub lineages in SSC in comparison to abdisamad and ahmed karash are in a minority and that is assuming those two lineages are all pro Somaliland which they are not. I say that because you won't even see those two minor lineages attending any Somaliland conferences or parties let alone the other ssc folks. The major factor why those SSC politicians go to somaliland is because of money and if it wasn't given they wouldn't be there and there are others who go because competition is fierce in Puntland since majority of ssc politicians are all there so less likelihood of getting a position, where as Somaliland there is no competition in comparison and it's easy meal ticket. Anyone knows this, it doesn't need much explaining. Federalism whole purpose is for clan families to sort out and work together first before extending to other clans, most of Somali battles is all internal compared to external and that is what needs urgent fixing first and that is what this form of federalism achieves. Xaaji you can be proud but there is no need to be stupid, I am saving you money which is better spent on your own people because SSC will be a dead end at the end of the federalism journey. For god sakes the money u spent on SSC politicians would be better spent on job creations because as it stands today 45 job vacancies was offered in hargeisa, guess how many applicants applied? 5000. This is horrendous and the money being spent on dead projects is stupid. Just like how HAG lost all that money and lives for jubba for what? nothing becuz jubba returned to its owners as federation states. If you don't like my advice go right ahead, but dont say at the end what a waste of money and resources. As for everyone else who commented they support my reasoning, well it's very clear to see where our country is heading, it's just a shame some people think they are above the system that is what I call dangerous politics.
  19. Moog, what do you expect. The HAG are very different to all other Somalis in this aspect. All other clans know the difference between their sheikh and Moryan, these folks don't. A good example is I was watching a youtube clip of a Mogadishu resident complaining on behalf of Somaliland man who can't reclaim his property and is sleeping in the mosque. The people occupying his house are getting rent money from the property and basically wa laga fujin waaye. How can U tell that man this is his capital city when he can't even reclaim his property. He didn't do anything wrong but be of the wrong clan and the looters are the protected ones. Even the recent army downsizing the so called national army guess who got sacked and told this is not their city mostly Bantu folks and even a Somaliland woman was balling her eyes out, For god sakes where is the somali outrage at this, there is no city or town in Somalia that illegally occupies another person home except in our so called capital out of all places. Moog this a great crime and will jeopardise reconciliation its impossible to reconcile with a man who's still in your home and justice is not served, even though amazingly there is no region or town in Somalia that does this despecable act, have U heard of bosaso, hargeisa, kismayo occupying hag properties?. What the hag R doing is outright unjust. Its a kick in the teeth to somalinimo.
  20. Here is the full report of arms smuggling done by the ever Haag conscious president. http://allidamaale.com/UN_Doc_1.pdf Lets see some condemnation on Sol for a change about hag lunatic president.
  21. Xassan Xoolo, he has no shame. He is a total failure hated by everyone including the CIA, he has failed miserably and will be remember as another president seeking his retirement package. He should resign he has lost local and international support.
  22. Your not a very smart man. America doesn't have the largest army in the world, china does and America is way stronger. It's about advantages not numbers. Give me 100 navy seals to a 1000 snm soldiers, its about quality as proven in black hawk down for 18 soldiers hag lost a 1000. As for numbers its clear who is larger, it wasn't my minister crying on TV. So I won't bother responding to that. As for soldiers near garowe, you got pictures? Or reliable non somali sources to confirm such claim? Iska hadlow ina agare comes to mind. We know full well who is in Sool and it aint snm, if it was warancade wouldn't need to be so armed like all your snm that visit. Puntland is a powerhouse deal with it, the only reason they aren't warring in sool is to minimize casualties and that's it. Puntland will secure sool without one bullet being fired. As for your comment about me not having logic, It is me who brought this gov't to Somalia, it is my policies that R recognized locally and internationally, it is me the brains behind the constitution and you say I have no logic? If your so logical why isn't your politics winning? Give me a break and learn a thing or two you moron
  23. I haven't been following Somaliland development much except the failure of hargeisa airport and how the money was badly spent, there wasn't even a tender which is a bad sign. I Know of the roads happening have they finished? What happen to the fibre optic project? Even hamar has it now but Somaliland started it ages ago. One other thing from a development perspective has siilanyo been better then riyale? I dont remember anything major silanyo did other then the airports, i might be mistaken though and would like to know if he is better then Riyale on development. My opinion as an outsider really seems like his not interested in Somaliland, his body language, the way he speaks, and even walks just shows a lack of interest unlike hersi he is very passionate.
  24. I love Faisal, he is so funny. He is no politician but a comedian. He makes me laugh not think, I hope Somaliland elect him.
  25. Ciidan I am trying to save snm from wasting its money, lives, and resources on something that is not going to happen and I provided my reasons. If you want to go ahead, but dont cry later what a waste of resources Somaliland did when the inevitable happens and all of Somalia administration tribalize, the only reason its being ignored now is because of shabab but once they are gone and states federate along clan lines the same will happen in the north. You really Have nothing to stop it, no back up domestic or international, your army is no way stronger then Puntland or any other admin, you are on the weak side of the argument.