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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. So far the list is very long who have cut ties with the SFG or lost support in it. Puntland, Galmudug,Ximan iyo Xeeb, Khatumo, HAG Elders, Dayniile Clan, CIA, Yusur Abrar,UN Monitoring group. But I guess nothing is wrong here is there? It's just everyone else fault, it surely can't be qoslaye. Lets see maybe the solution might be to get npa new PM kkkkkkk. I think this Nicholas Kay face says it all. Total despair
  2. http://raadreeb.com/somali-news/beesha-murursade-oo-si-rasmi-ah-kalsoonidii-ugala-laabatay-dowlada-xasan-sheekh-maxamuudsawiro/
  3. Breaking News: Saraakiil iyo ciidamo Shabaab ah oo soo gaaray Mudug Last update 24-02-14 Xoogag katirsan kooxda alshabaab ayaa lagusoo waramaya inay usoo gudbeen koonfurta Gobolka ee gobolka Mudug oo uu hogaaminayo madaxa wacdiga uqaabilsan kooxda alshabaab Sh.fuaad shangole xili ciidamada Ethiopia ay kawadaan dhaqdhaqaaq Gobolada dhexe. Dhawaan ayey ahayd markii saraakiil kasocota ciidamada Ethiopia ay wadahadal layeesheen hogaamiye Cabdi-qaybdiid ayago kawada hadlay amniga koonfurta Mudug iyo sidii aysan kooxaha argagixisadu gabbaad uga dhigan deegaanadaas. Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa ka helay ogaalsho difaacista shacabka somaliyeed ee dagaaladu ragaadiyeen kuna dhaqan gobolada dhexe iyo maamulka Galmudug oo aan lahayn quwad maamul, maadaam dagaalo sokeeyana ay lahareen goboladaasi ayaa ogalaaday arintaas. Dhanka kale shacabka Galmudug ayaa kusoo waramaya in dayuuradaha qumaatiga ukaca ee hilocopterska iyo kuwa miiga ay arkayaan oo jawi hoose kuduulaya deegaan xeebedka konfurta Mudug kuwas oo tilmaamay in ay ahaayeen dayuuradaha PL ee sahanka iyo sirdoonka iyo kuwa dagaalka ee Ethiopia oo wada shaqayn sahan kawada deegaanadaas. Sikastaba ha ahaatee soo galitaanka kooxda alshabaab aya waxaa beeninaya maamulka Galmudug hase yeeshee shacabwaynaha Galkacyood ayaa tilmaamaya in kooxdani damacsantahay inay utalowdo deegaanka buuralayda Puntland hadii aan laga hortagin iyo in ay falal is qarxin ah ka geystaan magaalada Gaalkacyo. Sidoo kale shacabka gobolka ayaa ku baaqaaya in dhaqdhaqaaqa sirdoonka Gobolka Mudug iyo dhamaan Puntland si weyn loo howl galiyo, si looga hortago falal argagixiso oo ay ku dhintaan dad hada nool oo aan waxba galabsan. allidamaale News Maxamed Axmed Busur.
  4. I agree the capital has failed in it's national duties horribly, i've always said meel dab ka shidan biyo lagama radiyo, we are still applying einstein theory of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a differrent result. After 20 national conferences we just continue repeating the cycle thinking we will hit the jackpot this time. fat chance As for somaliland it still stuck in the 80s which is I guess an advantage for hamar because he is sleeping and not disturbing the hag process of suffocating him in the end.
  5. What u think Puntland has been beefing with the SFG, they want the whole nation in that handicap position lacking infrastructure while they use all foreign aid and investment for their own backyard. This policy will have ramifications for the regions because it will econimicallu suffocated and collapse while hamar prances along. It is basically economic warfare and what will happen you will become the gaari wa so your whole population shifts back to hamar for jobs and in return your state slips into coma.
  6. Doctor it's trading city people all over Somalia come also ngos,govt officials, diaspora and they need a place to sleep. All private investment is welcome, Puntland is a free market. As for other priority investment they will come once the necessary economic infrastructure is developed by the govt. A state is like your house, if it's lacking basic amneties such as electricity, water, roads, security you will find it hard to sell it to anyone let alone develop it. Well a state is no different, you need the basics there for people to come and this include port, airports,roads to move goods and people. U need cheap electricity so people don't lose all their money on operating costs, strong banking system so people have a place to deposit their money, good governance to ensure no corruption, insurance, and strategic policies for banks to invest in big return projects and obviously security. But an effective banking system is crucial to any development, the money the bank holds of people they can make money by investing that into strategical projects and people end up getting jobs, they end up being consumers and other service industries will open to serve them and basically rinse and repeat that process over and over and you have an environment that is booming. So for true investment start alot depends on the govt making the environment suitable for investment, I don't expect gaas to achieve all that but if he can set up port, airport infrastructure and strategical investment strategy that will be a good start. The rest the next leader can start doing like banking and electricity investments. Each govt needs to their bit because they wont be able to do it sll in 5 year terms.
  7. more pics n audio here http://horseedmedia.net/2014/02/24/maagaalada-bosaso-ayaa-maanta-xariga-looga-jaray-hotel-cusubcodsawiro/ http://www.raxanreeb.com/2014/02/xaflad-lagu-furaayey-hotelka-cusub-ee-al-sabaax-oo-maanta-ka-dhacday-magaaladda-boosaasosawirro/
  8. Hey Gheele, It's better then nothing, but i do agree puntland has been lacking sorely in big privzte investments when compared to other major cities and our commerce minister was even saying thiz the other day in Bosaso how the diaspora and business community have failed on their part to invest and diverify the economy. Even this hotel shows that it just a copy of the same design of other hotels in the city, same quzlity, same amneities. There is just no uniqueness or diversifying. But thankfully our commerce minister has stated he will start a census on identifying existing businesses, seeing where there is opportunity and lack of investment and preparing a strategy to fill the void. He said he will focus on outreaching to the diaspora and business community on the investment strategy for the state. So there is hope, let's just wait and see if investors actually do their part and invest
  9. (Sawiro) Hotel Casri ah oo laga furay Bosaso iyo Qurabajoogta oo dalka Maalgashanaya Munaasabad balaaran oo lagu furayay hotel cusb oo lagu magacaabo Al-sabaax ayaa maanta ka dhacday magaalada Bosaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari. Aqoonyahano,Ganacsato,Culumaa’udiin,dhalinyaro,hogaamiye dhaqameed iyo marti sharaf kale ayaa ka qayb galay Munaasanbada lagu furay Hotelka cusub oo ay hirgalisay Jawaahir Siciid Maxamuud oo ka mid ah Qurbajoogta Puntland. Beeldaajaha Maxamed Beeldaaje Ismaciil Beeldaaje Cabdulaahi oo ka mid ah Isimada Puntland ayaa si rasmi ah xariga uga jaray hotelka. Milkiilaha hotelka Al-sabaax Jawaahir Siciid Maxamuud oo ka hadashay Munaasabada ayaa sheegtay in Hotelku uu ka kooban yahay;-Qaybta Jiifka,Hoolal loogu talagalay Shirarka iyo xafladaha,Maqaayada Shaaha iyo adeegyo kale oo dheeri ah. Jawaahir Siciid Maxamuud ayaa ugu baaqday Qurbajoogta reer Puntland inay door ka qaataan dib u dhiska ka soconaya Gobolada Puntland,arrintaas oo ay ku tilmaantay mid muhiimad balaaran xambaaran. Qaar ka mid ah Waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahankii ka qayb galay Munaasabada ayaa soo dhoweeyay talaabada Jawaahir Siciid Maxamuud ay ku maalgashatay dalka. Gobolada Puntland ayaa waxaa ka jira amaan balaaran oo la isku halayn karo iyo Ganacsi xor ah. Si kastaba ha ahate,Qurabajoogta Puntland ayaa la filayaa inay ku daydaan Jawaahir Siciid Maxamuud. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawiradda;- <img
  10. If these rumours are true, I doubt the legend is going to mogadishu with hassan shaykh there, if he will go anywhere before the next somalia election it would be jubbaland, but I highly doubt he is returning to politics and if he does it would be for president of Somalia in the next election.
  11. EU training is a separate pledge for Bosaso port security where 200 or so will be sent to djibouti and be trained by EU staff, it has nothing to with this deal. This is strictly a darawish pledge which I have been calling for a number of years to upgrade the darawish equipments. They need additional training to combat in mountainous areas since most of their training is for urban and desert warfare as evident in base 54 headquarters. Though they are very poorly equipped and need urgent upgrading, I am just not sure if Ethiopia is the greatest partner in this area. Puntland PIS, Marines,Commandos, and Police are excellent sectors however the general darawish lack sorely compared to those institutions and need to be brought up to standard.
  12. Somaliarising, I wasn't aware Somalia was divided, you present it as if somalia is two. No recognition means nothing is divided.So noone is securing the unity of Somalia for that to occur there would need to be recognition for somaliland to even argue or fight over unity. What SSC is all about for Puntland is a constiutional obligation not a Somalia unity obligation.If we can't honour our own constiutional obligations, it is far fetched to expect us to demand mogadishu to uphold the national constitution.
  13. Where r hassan shaykh supporters? even his own clqn elders have lost hope, whhr u still arguing?
  14. http://saadaalnews.com/2014/02/23/dhagayso-nabadoon-xaad-anaga-hadalkayaga-waa-maqli-weyday-dowlada-xasan-sheekh/
  15. Xaaji u missed the whole point all together, if amisom left today hamar would be captured in a day, not so Puntland. The shabab outright battle with somali forces in hamar and do hit and runs when amisom is on patrol. They use the same guerrila tactics on puntland as they do with amisom which says alot about their capacity or else they would battle them like the SFG. The fact they are in galgala says it all, just like talibans in toro boro when america arrived. It is Puntland superior forces that makes them hide in Mountains and the only thing they can do is wear a jilbab and bomb strap and attack civilians. U have to admit it Xaaji if shabab is using the same tactics when dealing with amisom and puntland and hiding in caves doesn't that say alot about the superiority of Puntland Defence Forces? shabab r inside hamar not bossaso and the ones in galgala r allowed to stay to keep getting cia funds rolling in for pis, whats the worst they can do in a desert, kill scoroions? u see kkkk...They r nowhere nowhere near any populated centers.
  16. Wow this is a powerful speech by Farah Macalim regarding the future of Somalia.He was talking about how Somalia if it doesn't get it's act together it will be displaced by Oromos. I've heard Xaaji Xunjuf talk about the oromo migration but I thought he was exaggerating but according to farah macalim they play oromo music in Bosaso and drive all the mini buses. Thats scary stuff especially if you know anything about population shift.He also made a remark about population of nfd and how everyone claims it is 3 million but he said it's alot less because only 200k wouldn't of voted. He is illustrating how larger kenyan tribes are threatening the NFD. Pls note I've made similar arguments against Somaliland not being 3 million because only 500k voted in it's last election and I know your all drooling to see voter registrations in Puntland to work out population figure but you will wait longer thankfully I can continue with my figures unabated. Anyways here is the video. Enjoy
  17. Xaaji if you think Puntland forces is weak why are shabab hiding in mountains? why do shabab wear dumar clothes? why does shabab use the same tactics of hit n run with amisom in puntland? why arent they outright battling puntland forces? do you see anyone use guerilla warfare with your rag tag snm? of course not u dont need to. now go away and leave puntland alone.Wa sucalo ku sugaysa jawabtisa ama afkagu uslub uu yeel
  18. Xaaji oh please...puntland is stronger then amisom, they vacated the security at aden cade airport and villa somalia while the professor was in town because of the superior puntland forces. And as of amisom coming to puntland, the spokesman for amisom won't dare come as the forces there are to strong. AMISOM oo sheegtay inaysan Al-Shabab uga daba tageyn deegaanada Puntland. Posted on February 13, 2014 RBC, Wararka amisom-logo (1)Afhayeenka Howlgalka Midowga Africa ee Soomaaliya ee AMISOM Cali Aadan Xumad ayaa sheegay inaysan Al-shabab uga daba tagi doonin deegaanada Puntland waa hadii ay kaga guulaystaan koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya. Cornelkan oo waraysi bixiyay ayaa sheegay in AMISOM ay kaliya sharci u haysato inay ka howlagalaan koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya kana sifeeyaan Al-Shabab. Cali Xumad ayaa sidoo kale cadeeyay in howlgalada AMISOM ee sanadkii lasoo dhaafay uu ahaa mid aad u hooseeyaa sheegayna in sanadkan 2014 ay sameyn doonaan isbadal la taaban karo. “Haddii dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo caalamka ku niyad-jabeen shaqadii aan qabannay sanadkii 2013, sanadkan waxaan sameyn doonnaa is-beddel weyn. Waxaan Al-Shabaab ka saari doonnaa magaalooyinka muhiimka ah ee ay kaga sugan tahay dalka,” ayuu yiri Afhahayeenka. Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Sheek Maxamuud ayaa balan qaaday in sanadkan 2014 uu noqon doono sanadki la xidido siibi lahaa Al-shabab. RBC RADIO.
  19. Go away Xaaji, it's not abdi cawar his name professor abdiweli mohamed ali gaas. Secondly he is in addis to discuss u and get siilanyo to peacefully pull out after a little show of force from Puntland to keep ppl talking, he didnt take sicid dheere for nothing. Gaas is going to show addis that garowe and jigjigga ties r strong and onlf won't sneak in like they uses to since our ties with jigjigga are stronger then ever. Anyways you shouldn't be following what gaas is doing, worry about somaliland which is signing coal deals and port deal all in the last year of silanyo leadership kkkkkk
  20. Ciidan actually thinks somaliland is strong..sxb even khatumo match your tank numbers and i have q report to prove it, let alone the wider family. Puntland iskaba daa cirka buu dadka ka toganaya. You r weaker then us but we have bigger duties then you, we know with hag pacified who is your god u will be over. You cant survive without hag with your small numbers ask unfpa If u were in las anid ciidan why arent u slaughtering? 7 deaths in a year is not genocide kkkk
  21. Balony stuff here. The reality of the matter is well known. Any country has a duty to it's citizen to protect it from enemies domestic and foreign. Rebel groups disturbing the peace of a nation for clan glory deserves the full force of the national govt. Any country would do this if a rebel group was disturbing the peace in their land. America did it to the taliban for housing al qaeda, siyad did no different to hargeisa who not only went to foreign enemy which is treason and carries heavy punishments in every country today but they also disturbed the peace in the nation. Siyad had a duty a national one, snm had a duty a tribal one ha is barbar dhigin labadu.What the ppl should of done is kicked out the rebels disturbing the peace from their homes and support qaranimo not qabilnimo. Don't fall for the warped history, facts n evidences destroys any petty argument from hargeisa.
  22. Oday Somali it is not my choice somalia is tribal, it is the facts. I don't think it serves anyone's benefit trying to achieve a united govt as per 1991, we will be in the same spot never moving forward. It is in our best interest we accept what we have to work with and steer it for outcomes. Our ppl will be dead from malnourishment, wars, and fleeing the nation while we all sit in hamar trying to agree on a govt which noone ever will. Federalism takes that unnecessary load of the capital and makes people focus on the regions. A good example is abdiweli gaas a former somali presidential candidate who failed in his bid, he then ran for puntland and won. If there was no puntland he would join shabab or something to disturb the govt. You can apply what abdiweli did all the way down to ministers. If ppl dont get a minister they can run for one in their home states and the troublesome one can be guaranteed one in their state thru federal and state negiotations. Federation is the only way out of this mess we are in. Every nation that goes thru a war usually ends up federalized ie; ethiopia, yemen, iraq, its nothing new.I would love somalia to be the way it used to be but i wont have my ppl die waiting for it to be realized and thats if it is even realized.
  23. Doctor kennedy, you shouldn't really get to deep into this issue. Somaliland hasn't got domestic or international support for their policies, they're only ally is ethiopia who is a firm believer of somali unity and is based in mogadishu. If they truly had backing it would be different story. They r on the weaker side of the table. If they don't comply with federation, economic sanctions will follow like aid cuts, port and airport sanctions, and if necessary military action and they will have no way to re arm because ethiopia will cut all ties on top of a un embargo they will be sitting ducks. Their leaders r not stupid, they will peacefully federate. U have to understand the only thing they have is berbera port to convince ethiopia to support them but ethiopia will say get lost, i got puppets in hamar and i'd prefer a unity puppet then a separatist one. You giv sland way to much credibility as if their policies are real challenges, politicians r not stupid they sland stands on nothing but its about diplomacy and public image for hamar about these turkey talks