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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Madaxweyne Xasan Shiekh oo caawa u hoydey Xerada Ciidamada Itoobiyo ee Baydhabo ka dib markii la hor istaagay Baydgabi–30 Maarso.2014–Pi– Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa maanta markuu yimid Baydhabo ilaa hada wuxuu ku xayiran yahay xarunta Ciidamada Itoobiya ka dib markii uu Magaalada kala kulmey soo dhaweyn la’aan iyo mudaharaad lagu diidan yahay imaatinkiisa. Wararka aan hada heleyno waxay sheegayaan in Madaxweynuhu uu u cid dirsadey Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Mudane Jawaari kasoo galabta soo gaaray Baydhabo lakiin wax guula ma soo kordhin imaatinka gudoonku oo labadooduba iyo wafdiyadii la socdey waxay go’doon ku yihiin Xerada Ciidamada Itoobiya ee Magaalada Baydhabo. Xaaladu aad ayay u cakiran tahay waxayna dhabarjab weyn oo siyaasadeed ku tahay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh tasoo laga cabsi qabo inuu Madaxweynuhu ku laabto Muqdisho isagoon Baydhabo gudaha u galin ama uusan la kulmin masuuliyiinta labada Maamul ee isdiidan ee magaalada ka jira. Nicholas Kay Ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobey ayaa caawa bartiisa Twitter-ka wuxuu ku soo qorey in si deg deg ah loo dajiyo xiisada Baydhabo ka taagan isla markaasna la wada hadlo. Puntlandi Baydhabo
  2. This is just dreams of the terrorist infested enclave, noone will dare speak on the matter of Somalia airspace until all federal entities are in place and every administration is given control of it's airspace. With Bosaso and Garowe airports being finalized it's in the race for Somalia airspace.
  3. Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Faraca Garoowe oo dhismayaal horleh lagu soo kordhinayo( Sawirro). Posted on March 7, 2014 by editor Garoowe (East Africa University.net) Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Faraceeda Garoowe Waxaa lagu wadaa in isbedel dhanka Dhismaha ah laga hirgasho iyadoo Madaxda Jaamacada ay Saaka Dhagax dhigeen Xarunta Maktabada u noqonaysa Jaamacada taasi oo dhawaan dhismeheeda la bilaabi doono, waxayna dhirir ahaan le’egtahay 24 halka Balac ahaanna ay le’egtahay 20 sida ay sheegeen Masuuliyiinta Jaamacada. EAU Growe Waxaa jiri Doona Dhismayaal ay ka mid yihiin fasalo horleh Meherado wax laga cuno Xarumo u gaar noqda Macalimiinta iyo Meelo la dhigto Gawaarida oo ay sii dheertahay Darjoiino ay ku nastaan Ardayda iyo martida iyadoo qorshahaasi mustaqbaka dhaw la fulin doono waxaana wali Jaamacada u harsan Dhul banaan oo hadii loo baahdo dhismayaashaasi iyo kuwo kale oo ka badanna laga dhisi karo. Dhagax dhiga Saaka ee Xarunta Maktabada Jaamacada Bariga Afrika qaybteeda Garoowe waxaa ku sugnaa Gudoomiyaha Guud ee Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Mudane Dr C/Risaaq Hiirad Maxamed,Gudomiyaha Aas-aasayaasha JaaMacada JBA Sheekh Yuusuf C/Casiis,Maamulaha Jaamacada Bariga Afrika Faraca Garoowe Sheekh Maxamuud Xaaji Yuusuf, iyo Agaasimaha Guud ee tacliinta Sare ee Wasaarada Waxbarashada Puntland C/Laahi Cali Jaamac (Dhubad) iyagoo si wada jir ah u dhagax dhigay Maktabada Cusub ee Jaamacada loo dhisayo dhawaan.
  4. New school under construction in buhodle by puntland govt
  5. New school opened in carmo by puntland president
  6. New modern MCH opening ceremony by puntlandminister of health in carmo
  7. Director of Puntland Project and development office addressing UK diaspora
  8. Garowe is getting a new iftin bank branch Galkacyo is also getting a new iftin branch
  9. (Sawiro) Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Dowlada Puntland oo dhagaxdhigay xarun cusub oo ay yeelanayso Jaamacada PIDAM Wasiirada Wasaaradaha Caafimaadka iyo Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomada Puntland ayaa maanta si wada jir ah u dhagax dhigay dhisme cusub oo ay yeelanayso Jaamacada PIDAM. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland Dr. Saadiq Eenow oo la hadlay Warfidiyeenada ayaa amaan balaran u jeediyay maamulka iyo Macalimiinta Jaamacada PIDAM oo uu sheegay inay door ka qaaten kor u qaadida Waxabarshada Jiilka soo koraya. Wuxuu intaas ku daray Dr. Eenow in muhiim ay tahay in Mujtamaca laga dhiso dhinaca Aqoonta. Wasiirka Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomada Puntland Xassan Cade oo ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyiintii la hadlay Saxaafada ayaa sheegay in dhismaha cusub ee Jaamacada uu kor u qaadayo Waxbarshada Jaamacadu ay u hayso ubada Soo koraya. Talaabada Jaamacada PIDAM ay ku dhisanayso xarun cusub ayaa waxa qayb ka tahay dadaalka kor loogu qaadayo hormarinta Waxabarshada Puntlpand. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada;- post@puntlandi.com. www.puntlandi.com.
  10. (Warsaxaafadeed+Sawiro) Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.Cabdiweli Max’ed Cali Gaas Oo Xafiiskiisa Madaxtooyada Garowe ku Qaabilay Mas’uuliyiin Ka Socday Shirkad Chain’s Ah Axad 30,03,2014 Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Max’ed Cali Gaas ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay masuuliyiin ka socday shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Chaina shirkadaas oo lagu magcaabo Chaina Civil Engineering Construction Corporation oo loo soo gaabiyo CCECC, shirkddasi oo hore Madaxweynuhu ugula soo kulmay magaalada Djibouti ee caasimadda dalka Djibouti kadib safarkii uu dhowaan dalkaasi ku tagay. Wafdiga Chain’s-ka ah ee ka socday CCECC waxaa hogaaminyay RUI Chen iyo Allen Lee oo ah kaaliyaha madaxweynaha shirkaddaasi CCECC. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland iyo masuuliyiinta shirkadda CCECC waxaa ay ka wada hadleen qaabkii loo horu marin lahaa wax ka qabashada dhinaca wadooyinka, dekedaha ,garoomada diyaaradaha,biyo xidheenada iyo wax soo saarka macaadinta. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdi-weli Max’ed Cali Gaas ayaa dhankiisa soo dhoweeyey masuuliyiinta Chain’s-ka ah ee ka socday shirkadda CCECC , tilmaamayna in Dowladda Puntland ay garab kusiinayso tallaabo kasta oo shacabka reer Puntland wax loogu qabanayo. Halka dhinaca shirkadda CCECC ay sheegeen inay diyaar u yihiin inay fuliyaan mashaariic wax tar u leh dalka iyo dadka reer Puntland, isla markaana ay danaynayaan inay maalgashi ku sameeyaan Puntland. Kulankaasoo qaatay mudo saacado ah ayaa wuxuu kusoo gaba gaboobay jawi wanaagsan iyo is afgarad , iyadoo kulanka ka dibna uu Madaxweyne Gaas qado shraf u sameeyey masuuliyiintaasi ka socday Shirkadda CCECC. -DHAMAAD- Xafiiska Warfafinta,Wacyi-gelinta Iyo Hiddaha Iyo Dhaqanka Ee Madaxtooyada Puntnland.
  11. (Warbixin+Sawiro) Dowlada Puntland oo Dhagaxdhigtay Dhul loo dhisayo Barakacayaasha ku nool magaalada Qardho Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Puntland,Maamulka Gobolka Karkaar iyo maamulka degmada Qardho ayaa si wada jir ah u dhagax dhigay dhul deegaan ah oo dadka Barakacayaasha ah looga dhisayo magaalada Qardho ee xarunta Gobolka Karkaar. Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha iyo Dowladaha hoose ee Puntland Cabdulaahi Xaaji Warsame oo la hadlay Warfidiyeenada ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay Dhismaha cusub ee loo dhisayo dadka Barakaacyaasha ah,wuxuu ugu baaqay Hay’adaha Qaramada Midoobay inay door ka qaataan Taakulanta Barakacayaasha. Duqa degmada Qardho Maxamed Siciid ‘’Hogaama-laroor’’ oo ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyiintiin ka hadlay Munaasabada dhagaxdhiga ah ayaa sheegay in magaalada Qardho ay tahay magaalo ay uso Barakacaeen dad aad u fara badan oo kaso Barakacay dagaaladii ka dhacay dalka Soomaaliya. Beexaani Axmed Bare oo ah agaaasimaha wasaarasa arimha guadaha Puntland u qaabilsan Barakacayaasha ayaa sheegay inuu aad uso dhoweynayo Dhulka loo dhisayo dadka Barakayaasha ah. Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada;- post@puntlandi.com.
  12. Isbitaalka Qardho oo lagu soo Kordhiyay Qaybta Gargarka Deg dega (Sawiro) March 30, 2014—2 Comments Isbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Qardho ayaa waxaa lagu soo kordhiyey Dhismo Cusub oo loogu talagalay in wax looga qabto arimaha Gargaar Deg Dega iyo dhammaan Howlaha Caafimaad ee u baahan in si deg deg ah wax loogu qabto. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Puntland Dr Saadaq Eenow ayaa xarigga ka jaray Dhimahaani,waxa uuna sheegay in aad looga baahanyahay in isbitaalka Qardho uu yeesho qeyb si gaar ah wax ugu qabato arimaha Gargaar Deg dega,waxa uu xusay Wasiirka in dhismahaan kaalin ka geysan doono Badbaadinta Shacabka ay soo gaarto dhaawacyada kala duwan si loola tacaalo xaaladaha Caafimaadka ee si deg deg ah ku soo wajaha,maadaama ay jiraan Shilaal kala duwan oo ka dhaca wada laamiga. Agaasimaha isbitalka Magaalada Qardho Cismaan Cabdi Aw Muuse ayaa Wasiirka Caafimadka Puntland Dr Saadaq Eenow siiyey warbixin ku saabsan sida oo u shaqeeyo Isbitaalka Guud ee Qardho, waxana uu ku soo dhaweyay cisbitalka magaalada Qardho isagoo u mahad celiyey Wasiirka Caafimaadka oo safar dheer u soo galay sidii uu dhismahaani Xariga uga jari lahaa. Agaasimaha Isbitaalka Qardho ayaa Wasiirka Caafimaadka ku soo wareejiyey Qeybaha uu ka koobanyahay Isbitaalka iyo Dhaqaatiirta ka howlgasha iyo goobaha ay jiifaan Bukaanada ku sugan Isbitaalka,waxaana wasiirka la dhacay shaqada ka socoto Isbitaalka isagoo ku booriyey Maamulka isbitaalka in uu sii laba jibaaro dadaalka shaqo oo ka wado isbitaalka. Isbitaalka Qardho ayaa waxaa ka socdo hor wanaagsan waxaana lagu soo kordhiyey dhismayaal kala duwan,adeegyada Caafimaad oo isbitaalka Bixiyo waxaa ka faa’ideysta dadka ku nool shanta Degmo oo ka koobanyahay Gobolka karkaar oo kala ah.Qardho,Rako,Waaciye,Xaafuun,Bandarbeyla iyo Waaciye.
  13. Puntlabd President Opens two new paved roads in Bosaso city which is the fourth paved road in bosaso. There is also another road under construction jidka Sodonka and others are in the pipeline.
  14. I am quite suprised after watching a number of federalism debates on youtube that there are people who are still anti federalism. It's absolutely shocking, what is wrong with these people? are they simply blind or are they just being spoilers? There is absolutely no question federalism is the way forward we clearly see the benefit for such system in Puntland which in retrospect was the least developed region in Somalia. If Puntland can do it, there is not much excuse for anywhere else. I have only one question to ask centralists, if centralism is so good, why after 20 centralism conference nothing eventuated? do we need to reach 50 failed conferences on centralism before you all give up such dreams? I don't understand their reasoning other then they are just being spoilers on a system that make sense after a nation has had a civil war, that has worked in parts of the country, and maintains the unity of country. With federalism the country has never had this sort of hope before, you remember all the previous centralist govt post 91, none of them came to close to the level the country is at today. The centralist need to forget if a clan has a bigger land then you do, that wouldn't change even if a centralist govt is introduced because democratic parliaments are formed thru mp's representing their degaan. If we are using 91 borders, no matter what form of govt takes shape, clans with more degaans will have greater representation. It's just how it is. Some argue for new borders but that will mean everyone gets new degaans so it's always going to be the same thing. Somalis need to accept what you have rather then seeking what is not yours. We wasted 20 years on that and nothing has changed.You should put to use what you do have because by the time others are finishing fighting for what is not theirs, you will be the only one left standing and will end ruling the nation because your region will be more developed and politically mature. These centralist are really digging themselves a hole.
  15. I love this man, he will always be remembered fondly in the history of puntland. I am still no fan of gaas, he would need to do a miracle before I have any confidence in him. You see with farole he may have been weak on somaliland due mainly to his wife but he sure gave HAG a hiding. This gaas though, I suspect he is going to be weak on somaliland and HAG. Like I said their would need to be a miracle before I am convinced in that loser. As you all have noticed my puntland threads are going to be far more less and I am studying on jubbaland and shifting soon my focus there.
  16. I have always wondered why puntland and jubbaland is lagging behind in the investment scene, i thought it was security, but once I saw mogadishu folks are investing in big projects in hamar, It surely can't be security. But we have to be honest there is a huge difference in investment when compared to hargeisa and hamar, it's as if the ppl have no confidence whatsoever. U only need too look at some of the multi million dollar projects happening in mogadishu and hargeisa and compare that to puntland and jubbaland and it's mere joke. What has caused this gap for puntland and jubbaland and please don't say security, cuz it clearly isn't. I am suprised, because if puntland and jubbaland have no confidence in investing in their own land, how will someone else. I've wondered about this for a while and am shocked why their isn't multi million dollar investments. I think bulaal cement is the only one at 32 milliion but I mean private business investment. For example look at salama bank in puntland it's a joke and there is many hotels that are a joke also
  17. Abdiweli is transparent leader, the first ever corruption case in Somalia is going to trial in Puntland, this says alot about his vision regarding good governance. As for his trips, they are not a secret, he speaks regulary to the media regarding them. It's obvious he learned from jigjigga on good governance and strategic plans, he implemented a 2 day conference in garowe on this matter, now he wants to see how jabuti does port management and foreign investment. As for the SSC issue this isnt a foreign issue where he will discuss it abroad, this is a domestic issue and will be discussed domestically in Puntland
  18. Abdiwweli already spoke to voa regarding his visit to jabuti, federal relation, ssc, and shabab here http://www.voanews.com/mp3/voa/africa/soma/soma1300a.mp3 It starts from 6:22 mark
  19. It's very suspicious when big projects are begun in the last year remaining of a leader's term. It's either a sales pitch to get re elected or they know before hand who's going to lead in the next term and they will stop this project and make the prrvious admin look like heros or basically lifting up the profile of the previous admin when people remember it. I doubt Somaliland will open a second port, it's first port looks inactive as it is, what need their would be for second port is nonsensical. It will be another failed project like somcable which puntland is already eyeing on starting. Any project or agreement signed or started in the last year of anyone's office is a sales pitch and will never come to fruition. In the last term if it isn't about opening forget it.
  20. Smart Fuad Shangole got the hell out of the amisom rampage. His hiding out in xarardheere Last I read, I am guessimg his waiting for things to blow over or he might've headed to galgala via boat to avoid puntland heightened security on the road and his face is well known, he would be spotted easily via road. I suspect if he did go to galgala, he wouldve gone from harardheere to bosaso via boat, But I think he would enter bosaso at the cover of night and get someone to pick him and head to the mountains in galgala. By the way, Where is Godane? is he heading to hargeisa?
  21. The video is on YouTube AS BILL GOLDBERG WOULD SAY....GODANE.. YOUR NEXT
  22. Dalmar u made a good point that d block has no allies in somalia, it's as if we are complete outsiders. I have wondered myself what has caused this extreme hate of sahal, because it's very unusual tribes who we don't even bother and actually helped like djibouti still hate our guts. I mean it's not like we massacred people, it's not like we are obstacle to peace, we want peace. We gain alot more by having a govt then we gain from not having one. Our looted properties will never be recovered without a govt, so it's unimaginable that we are an obstacle to peace. We even stuck up for water people in merca and I guarantee you tommorow they will be siding with usc against sahal. There is something deep historically where this hate comes from, it's not like someone just woke up one day and started hating sahal. But there is an usual pattern with the hate, every clan in somalia hates our guts even if we are good to them like djibouti,e rra folks, etc or if we are bad to them, the result will always be the same. Wallahi sahal folks are very patient people, I give them credit for that. You know half of bakool is settled by us yet we still let them have it out of somalinimo, just imagine if they or hag had half of jubba or bari? can you picture all the cries from hag and rra. Wallahi thee folks I don't know what they want. By the way I am not focusing on HAG, I am disugusted by their president, I won't ever forget the day he was welcome to garowe with caleemo qoyan and then has a cuqdad, caro filled face. You can easily tell by his body language his not comfortable, he doesn't feel these are his citizens. I am leaving Behind my focus on Puntland cause its all set up therr, I am going to focusn on Kismayo. Does this man feel happy? carada ka muqata wwjigisa firiya He does the same thing to Ahmed Madoobe Hassan Sheikh reminds me of xunjuf in power. Their both identical behaviour
  23. I can't believe RRA people claiming Jubbaland when the only region in Somalia that treats your people before their own citizens is Puntland. Heck you are even treated better in Puntland then your own region and don't get me started on what HAG do to your people in mogadishu, forget help they kill and rape your people everyday. Please danta garo iyo meesha ku fican. Puntland has treated you better then it's own citizens and you repay us back by claiming jubbaland? do you have no shame? indhaha kala furo meesha ku roon ayaa loo roonada. Look the services your people get in Puntland