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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Oh btw I know their just trying to troll me so i start a thread like this. But ppl dont learn no other way as the moderator refused to do anything about it!!!
  2. Dr_Osman;767553 wrote: I didnt start it go read the thread that did!!! The rules say u cant start trouble on the forum it doesnt say u cant defend yourself against someone who start trouble. Posting a video of pirate being shot which is not even true is the thread that started it and broke the rules not me im defending
  3. Garnaqsi;767551 wrote: If you are a moderator, then I'm dumbfounded that you've read all his posts preceding yours and you've decided to take no action. I didnt start it go read the thread that did!!!
  4. africaown u know why i do this cause i know i am powerful infront of u..cause u spend all day thinking of me and our leader dont care about ut i feel like a VIP with u thats why i like it
  5. africaown have u ever seen sharif ever talk about somaliland u wish he did!!! farole only talks about of vice president. Noone cares and i care only cause i love to rub it in how our leaders could care less about u while ur ppl live everyday thinking about us. Just watch it sharif will never address minorities
  6. hargeisa ppl live in bosaso even have hotels, noone goes there bro. U use our port we dont bother u...your below our standard
  7. AfricaOwn;767543 wrote: Advise your aunt to move to Bosaso then.... my aunt is from mogadishu her husband mother lives there thats why she went, she hated it there and as for someone going from bosaso to hargeisa lol your mad I think!!! its like choosing business city to a city that doesnt even have basic water and housing for its ppls let alone idps
  8. somalia when it comes down to it bro. Pirate Vs Pedofile!!! who would u be...dood over ps: the youngest was 7 month that was horrendously abused but according to a video i watched 40% children under 5 are abused sexually
  9. Somalia;767537 wrote: Dr_Osman, this is a moderator you are speaking to I felt the same in the beginning. Wallahi calm down before they ban you, I called someone a pathetic loser and I was warned by some moderator that "kids watch this forum" so it was not appropriate and I would be banned if I did so again. I am calm, I am just suprised he claims his from mogadishu but is against waagacusub footage is something amiss here or is it me!!! sxb they want to diss bro but they dont want anything to say back. I feel sorry for them wallahi stay away from the maqahiyad if i were you its nasty as hell and no moderator either. I dont mind the dissing bro but i hate it when they dont allow me to diss back because I can win easily and I think they know it!!! or else they wouldnt care. I ignoring that dude posting about pirates yet his ppl are raping his kids, his ppl are starving and the youth are tahribbing and he worries about a couple hundred of pirates when thousands are on the brink of allow alle his backyard
  10. Sxb posting pirates being shot is ok as thread, but harsh realities of thousands of people in hargeisa is not ok!!! what is your standard? I suspect you are from that region because u never defend any other region when I talk about hamar!!! Like I said im playing nice I have raw footage also of kids in somaliland who have been abused as of yet according to donor agency 40% of the kids are but i am not posting ive posted in relevant forum they belong for children safety!!! what i posted is just common knowledge, I have shocking things I havent posted like I said i post those stuff not here as i know its somaliland based forum I post to white forums so they can view that state for what it is
  11. miskin you cant expect to give and not expect to return. Like xosh on universal you guys love to give but when u get harsh reality back you all cry. Marka dont start cause its you who cry always first!!!
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;767518 wrote: Thread starter, what do you really have to contribute on this site than badmouthing certain Soomaalis from day one you joined? Did you just register again for that solely. miskin is this somaliaonline or somalilandonline? am i the only thread thats provocative to you? if it is somalilandonline please change the name of the forum and it will guarantee you that just like ur media no somali will bother u
  13. burah step 50 metres away from the kid ayaa manta suuqa la yirah dadkiina..waxba ma ogid!!! anyways have fun bro but leave the kids alone your own 7 month old baby inaad wastid wa haram waana dhaqan xumo
  14. just leave the kids alone, only region in somalia known for it is yours..piracy is known around all of somalia so is camel robbing
  15. i wont post the video of the baby but leave the kids alone!!! ka fogow carurta wa ariin sick weeye
  16. sxb i have ur women on video saying pedofilia is a way of life in hargeisa and kids are harmed daily for u talk to about is piracy your pedofilia culture bro is not somali!!! camel robbing is!!! U need help bro, carurta daa wa carurtadi !!!
  17. burahadeer;767502 wrote: No, I mean the money you get from piracy.I thought you said you would help. yeah we will help you bro you need all the help you can get
  18. Somalia, yeah their is crisis there bro before focussing on other help the guy who said dr osman put me here I have even worse ones but i wont post cause i will get banned but if u want pm me
  19. unfortunately the youth is this. We need to help them
  20. burahadeer;767498 wrote: some pirate cash will help:D unfortunately their option is not piracy their not on the indian ocean...unfortunately their option is this
  21. Im flabbergasted people live in their cities in sheds. I mean in Bosaso we are creating that for IDPS
  22. The somaliland shilling is the problem, my aunt was telling me they place the shilling at the same level as the dollar which makes the commodities way out reach for the avg person. I suggest hargeisa change its fiscal policies immediately and in the mean-time we need to help these people
  23. Farming has taken off across the whole state. The agriculture minister recently declared he would be doing a census on how many farms, farmers, and setting up chamber of agriculture where all the farmers will be united under that similar to the chamber of commerce. So its becoming a force kinda of like how trade became a force and required a chamber of commerce Wasaaradda beeraha Puntland oo dhisaysa ururka Beeralaydda Puntland+Dhagayso Garowe-MMedia-Waxa maanta kulan ku saabsan dhisidda urur ay ku midaysan yihiin beeralaydda Puntland iyo sidoo kale soo bandhigidda siyaasadda Puntland ee ku aadan beeraha ayaa maanta ka dhacey xarunta wasaaradda Beeraha iyo waraabka Puntland ee magaaladda Garowe. Waxaana kulanka soo qaban qaabisey wasaaradda beeraha Puntland,iyadoo ay ka soo qayb galeen qaarkamid ah masuuliyiinta wasaaradda,ganacsatadda beeraha Puntland iyo masuuliyiin kale. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Beeraha Puntland Maxamuud Maxamed Shiikh Ibraahim oo furitaanka kulanka hadalo ka jeediyey ayaa sheegey in dowladda Puntland ay tixgalin gaar aha siinayso dadka cilmiga u leh Beeraha,waxaana uu hoosta ka xariiqey in ujeedka arintaasi ay tahey,sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa tayada iyo wax soo saarka beeraha Puntland. Dhanka siyaasadda beeraha Puntland oo wasiirku ka hadley ayuu ku sheegey in ay tahey mid sidii loogu talagaley u socota,waxaana uu cadeeyey in goordhow la soo bandhigi doono tiradda guud ee beeraha Puntland. Dhisidda urur ay ku mideeysan yihiin beeralaydda Puntland ayaa inta baddan dadku waxa ay ku tilmaamayaan mid beeralaydda Puntland u horseedi karta,hormar iyo waxsoo saar tayo leh. Faduma Abdirisak Cawad Maakhir Media Garowe
  24. Somalia;767455 wrote: I 100% agree, agriculture and livestock should be our priority when it comes to our financial security. Check out this greenery hey bro other then the south pland is the next most green state. Irrigation systems are opening up for goodness sake their not there for nothing