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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. kajdes;768008 wrote: Could you please supply an English translation or a near enough interpretation? Thanks, Kajdes Boosaaso:-Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ka shaqeeya Daka*****saaso ayaa waxaa maalintii 3-aad waxaa ka dagaya qalab isugujira Giriig, Matooro, Gaadiid iyo Tuubooyin kuwaas oo la sheegay in loo wado deegaanka Dharoor si loogu qodo macdan la aaminsan yahay in ay halkaasi ku jirto. Bossaso: A high level official at Bossaso port has clarified to us that for the past 3 days equipments have been docking at the port that include drilling rig, motors, trucks and pipes. Qalabkan oo la sheegay in uu yahay mid qaali ah oo aad u heersareeya wali macadda shirkada iska leh iyo wadanka laga keenaymana jirto wax war ah oo qalabkan ku saabsan oo maamulku ka warbixiyay, hase ahaatee, Puntland ayaa heshiis kula jirtta shirkado kala duwan oo ah kuwa baara macdanta iyo kuwa soo saara. It's been reported that the equipment is very expensive and advanced and the owners of the resources company and the country it originates from have not publicly issued any statements regarding it to the administration however Puntland has an agreement with various companies that explore resources and produce it. Shacabka Puntland ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlay iyaka oo qaarkood ku faraxsan in ay arkaan shidaal iyo khayraadka dihin ee waligood maqlayeen in uu dhulka ku jiro ay arkaan isaga oo la soo saaray oo laga faa’iidaystay. The people of Puntland have spoken about this matter and have various opinions some of who are happy to see the oil and resources they always were told about being drilled and benefited from. Qaar kale ayaa iyaku waxay la yaaban yihiin sida xog la’aanta ay uga yihiin khayraadka dhulkooda Hooyo laga soo saarayo oo aysan wax war ah oo warbaahinta iyo si kalaba loogu soo marshay aysan jirin. Another section are shocked at the lack of trasparency and lack of information regarding the resources in their motherland that is being drilled which hasn't provided any information to media outlets or any other avenue. Xogta ku saabsan qalabka oo dhamaystiran Insha’allaah kala soco Puntlandpost.com God willing For the complete story regarding these equipment follow Puntlandpost.com I hope that has helped kajdes
  2. I dont know why but in Bosaso all the buildings look the same, their is no ingenuity at all. Their all 3 to 4 stories high, usually always white. Is it me or has anyone else notice this? We need some better designs now. We need glass towers I am really looking forward to the golis and iftin bank projects I hope that sets the trend for the city!!!
  3. It has developed very fast. I remember watching 2005 video of it and it wasnt anywhere near like it is today
  4. Galkayo 2008. Lack Of Media To show any updates Bosaso Garowe Post-Card Pics Garowe Bossaso Galkacyo I vote for Bosaso on excellent video showing most of the city. As for pictures I think the garowe one really takes the cake!!! Galkayo is ok from 2008 video didnt realize it was that business orientated!!! As for garowe that video really showed me the city is pretty much under construction the amount of rocks layed out everywhere. My favourite city would be Garowe for family reasons!!!
  5. Walalkis its very important yes, it plans our future for at least the next 100 years after-which those revenues will create other viable industries that should see us do well even after the oil runs out!!! So yes its very important resource as it provides the required revenues to help rebuild the state in major infrastructures like highways, electricity, water, agricultural infrastructure, tourism industry, the things that can be accomplished is endless
  6. The Puntland Saracen program that shook the nation is also active in garowe and the program continues!!! For all of u who dont know what this means, it means the somali war-fare just got interesting!!! 6 helicopters Bullet-Proof Technicals(which were around even before saracen but theres alot more around now) Four F350 Armed Carriers 120 Technicals Specialized equipment like bullet proof vests, night vision goggles, gun-scopes, and marina head-quarter in Bosaso
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;767884 wrote: ^^ No pictures mean it didn't happen thats silly to equate with. Just because pictures are not available doesnt mean it didnt happen and you guys should know better!!! U know full well oil drilling is scheduled for january!!!
  8. another blow to the thread opener BOOSAASO: Gaas oo gaaray Boosaaso December 26, 2011 1:52 pm GMT - Written by PP - Edited by PP Boosaaso: (pp)- Raiisal wasaaraja DFKMG Soomaaliya iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa gaaray xarrunta ganacsiga Puntland ee boosaaso, waxaana ku weheliyey safarkiisa wafdi ka tirsan dowlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Safarka Raiisal wasaaraha ayaa la xiriira siddii ay wax uga ogaan lahaayeen khasaarihii Dab ee ka dhashay magaalada Boosaaso, iyagoo dhanka kale kulamo la yeelanaya ganacsatada magaalada boosaaso si ay xog rasmiya uga qaataan. Raiisal wasaaraha ayaa inta uu ku sugan yahay magaalada boosaaso kulamo la qaadan doona dadka waxgaradka ah ee ku nool magaalada boosaaso , kormeera kumari doona goobaha muhiimka ah sida Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Bandar qaasim Airport iyo Dekeda weyn ee magaalada Boosaaso. Waa markii ugu horaysay uu Raiisal wasaare Gaas uu gaaro magaalada Boosaaso, tan iyo intii uu qabtay jagada Raiisal wasaaraha dfkmg soomaaliya. Daabacaadda: Puntlandpost.com
  9. The culprits will be apprehended by bosaso police ' The culprit will be brought before the bosaso local court The culprit will be sentenced to bosaso prison Depending on his crime and what it is because their is terrorism tribunal which may handle the matter if it is not local matter but federal crime
  10. explosives found in michigan today http://www.annarbor.com/news/bottle-explosive-found-in-local-parking-structure/ Nairobi bomb scare 9 minutes ago http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/InsidePage.php?id=2000048947&cid=4 Oh Abdi-weli does that mean you wont go to those countries oo daily laga hela explosives, murders, etc. The issue is being dealt with in Bosaso by the Police Officers of the city and the culprits will be found and brought before the courts
  11. BOOSAASO : Maalintii 3-aad oo Dakada ay ka dagayaan qalabkii lagu qodi lahaa macdanta December 26, 2011 11:43 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Boosaaso:-Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ka shaqeeya Daka*****saaso ayaa waxaa maalintii 3-aad waxaa ka dagaya qalab isugujira Giriig, Matooro, Gaadiid iyo Tuubooyin kuwaas oo la sheegay in loo wado deegaanka Dharoor si loogu qodo macdan la aaminsan yahay in ay halkaasi ku jirto. Qalabkan oo la sheegay in uu yahay mid qaali ah oo aad u heersareeya wali macadda shirkada iska leh iyo wadanka laga keenaymana jirto wax war ah oo qalabkan ku saabsan oo maamulku ka warbixiyay, hase ahaatee, Puntland ayaa heshiis kula jirtta shirkado kala duwan oo ah kuwa baara macdanta iyo kuwa soo saara. Shacabka Puntland ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlay iyaka oo qaarkood ku faraxsan in ay arkaan shidaal iyo khayraadka dihin ee waligood maqlayeen in uu dhulka ku jiro ay arkaan isaga oo la soo saaray oo laga faa’iidaystay. Qaar kale ayaa iyaku waxay la yaaban yihiin sida xog la’aanta ay uga yihiin khayraadka dhulkooda Hooyo laga soo saarayo oo aysan wax war ah oo warbaahinta iyo si kalaba loogu soo marshay aysan jirin. Xogta ku saabsan qalabka oo dhamaystiran Insha’allaah kala soco Puntlandpost.com Puntlandpost.com
  12. Puntland can declare seccession its in the constitution if it meets the following conditions; 1. Federalism is Rejected in Somalia 2. Insecurity continues to prevail in Mogadishu 3. After securing 2/3 vote from parliament 4. Finally Public Referendum But I think thats a back up sort of thing like in-case another ina salad comes with national unity governmnt based from hamar for hamar only!!! After which Puntland will go to parliament and secure 2/3 vote for seccession,if it successful put forward a referendum and secede from Somalia. Even though its not popular with citizens due to clan and business ties in somalia. Farole for the first time made seccession a viable policy in puntland by law it never was like that before it was always we will wait for somalia to come!!! farole changed it big time and pretty much said if hamar doesnt gets it act together we wont wait no longer!!!
  13. SENSITIVE DEPT FOR AF/E EMBASSY ACCRA FOR A/S CARSON E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PGOV, PREL, ECON, KWMN, SOCI, SO SUBJECT: SOMALIA - Puntland Region Moves Toward Greater Autonomy 1. (SBU) Summary: On June 29, Puntland's parliament passed a new constitution which, if ratified by public referendum (tentatively scheduled for 2010), would increase the likelihood of Puntland's succession. Contacts tell us clan and business interests could stave off ratification. The constitution also calls for a transition from clan representation to a pluralist system. The move to multi-party democracy, however, is likely to remain illusory if Puntland President Abdirahman Farole continues to use the democratization process as a tool to consolidate executive power and embolden his subclan of the *****/*****. We are urging Farole to work with civil society and election advisors, provide civic education in advance of general elections, consult with clan elders from across Puntland, and engage with the TFG on the contentious issues of federalism and resource control. End Summary. ------------------------------------------- Constitutional Reform, A Multi-Year Process ------------------------------------------- 2. (SBU) The Puntland regional government operated under a provisional charter when it was first established in 1998 until May 26, 2001, when its parliament approved a provisional constitution. The provisional constitution relied on clan elders to select members of parliament who subsequently elected the speaker of parliament, president and vice president. The provisional constitution was supposed to have been subject to a referendum in 2004. However, lack of capacity and political will prevented the referendum from taking place. 3. (SBU) The new constitution was developed through a process that began in May 2007. A government-appointed constitutional review committee comprised of 11 members created the first draft which was submitted to several public forums of second tier political figures such as mayors and governors, civil society members, and traditional leaders. In June 2008, following the public forums, the committee completed a final draft of the constitution. The cabinet passed the draft, but the parliament refused to do so, arguing that any next steps should be taken by the next administration. The parliament was set to expire in 6 months and Presidential elections were scheduled for January 2009. On June 29, after six months of cabinet level redrafting, Puntland's new administration approved the constitution. ---------------------- Multi-Party Politics ---------------------- 4. (SBU) The new constitution introduces, for the first time, multi-party competitive politics in Puntland and builds upon Somaliland's model of a three party system. Under the new constitution, the three political parties with the most votes during District Council elections will be registered as the only three political parties allowed to run for parliament for a ten year period. (Note: Municipal elections are held every 5 years. The ten year timeframe represents two municipal election cycles. End Note.) The new constitution disallows parties based on clan and attempts to transcend narrow clan alliance by requiring political parties have branches in all regions of Puntland. --------------------------------------------- ------ Executive Attempting to Consolidate Greater Control --------------------------------------------- ------ 5. (SBU) January presidential election victor Abdirahman Farole and his new cabinet redrafted the constitution and vested more control in the hands of the executive, a move that will most likely continue to be debated and contentious in Puntland, despite the June 29 parliamentary approval of the draft. The new constitution makes it easier for President Farole to remove members of the judiciary and makes impeachment of the president more difficult. An Interpeace advisor to Farole told us his organization intends to reopen these issues with the President, despite the parliamentary approval of the constitution, as well as advise the President on the next steps of ratification and the creation of an electoral commission. The new constitution provisionally takes effect immediately. A date has not yet been set for public ratification, but our contacts tell us it will be sometime in 2010. ------------------------- NAIROBI 00001474 002 OF 002 Towards Greater Autonomy ------------------------- 6. (SBU) In a clear sign of edging toward Greater autonomy, under the new constitution, Puntland will modify its name from "Puntland Regional Government" to "the Puntland State of Somalia." Negotiations with Mogadishu would determine what powers the Puntland government would cede to the Somalia federal government. Until then Puntland would operate independently. (Note: Puntland's perceived right to control its own natural resource is a continual source of tension between Puntland and southern Somalia. Our contacts tell us drafters of the constitution wanted stronger and more specific language stating Puntland's demands in this area, but finally agreed on more flexible language after advice from constitutional advisors. End note.) The constitution states the Puntland government will reconsider its federal arrangement with Somalia if the Somali people fail to agree on a federal system and instability in southern Somalia continues to prevail.] Under such circumstances, the Puntland government reserves the right to seek a two-thirds vote for secession in parliament which would then be put to public referendum. (Note: Our contacts tell us that, while Puntlanders advocate for strong Puntland autonomy, secession would not be widely popular among Puntlanders due to cross-cutting clan and business ties with southern Somalia. End Note.) ------- Comment ------- 7. (SBU) We assess the new constitution is potentially a step toward long-term political reforms. However, it is also very likely Farole will attempt to manipulate the move to national elections and a three-party party system to seize Greater executive control and sideline would-be subclan opponents. Puntland's delicate political balance is threatened by intra-*****/***** tensions, with Farole's ********* subclan widely perceived as increasingly hegemonic. There is not yet a date for popular ratification of the constitution and little to no movement on either electoral commission or voter registration processes. Vesting Greater control in the executive or a potential call for secession would probably be widely unpopular among Puntlanders and, taken together, could roil Puntland's political waters.
  14. Somalai its suspicious that in the mogadishu conference farole said something of similar nature and sharif has re-said that in garowe!!! Its fishy
  15. Sharif saying to Puntland Give Up On Us. 8:42-:8:48 mark Farole also said something similar. 1:26-1:33 mark I am suscipious are the mogadishu folks stalling a government to happen so Puntland separates and they share the power with themselves? But it is worrying when farole says such things and sharif says something along the same lines of "Oh Puntland give up on us" !!!
  16. This is the latest June 2011 iskaba daa galkayo havent seen nothing since 06
  17. no I just want to get images of the city like the latests who ever provides that is appreciated
  18. Polanyi;767594 wrote: You got jealous of JB's thread. ha ha. dude i live breath, sleep, die puntland thats all i care about. If somaliland becomes saudi arabia i could care less its not my land its not my problems!!! I just care for my ppl is that hard 4 u to understand so that one day i can go back