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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. uchi yes the plan is 10% royalty when the production of oil begins, we will still get only 10% untill all the costs associated with drilling, exploration, infrastructure is paid off. We can assume the cost of all the debt wont be above 250 million tops because at the exploration stage its at $150 million mark right now as we speak, I doubt the infrastructure, pipes, dedicated port, so forth will be above 100 million so if you combine both were looking at 250 million after all is said and done and were in production mode. So 10% to keep us going untill we pay off the 250 million, after which 80% of the revenues is ours, 20% for the companies. You can imagine 19 billion barrels x $100 current market price were talking 2 trillion dollars revenue and if u take away the initial costs of 250 million so from 2 trillion till 1.7 trillion mark we will be getting 10%. After the 1.7 trillion mark is reached all our debts are paid off and thats when the 80% of revenues kick in. we still have 80% of 1.7 trillion we get 1.3 trillion in revenues. Then you have the tfg which most likely will get a slice of the pie or an oil excise around the 60-40 mark!!! pland will get 60% from 1.3 trillion we still walk away with 800 billion dollars in revenue after all tfg-resource companies are paid off. Knowing farole he will probably bargain even harder with the TFG to make sure puntland gets the majority since it is in our land!!! It will really depend on who the president of Puntland is when the negiotations with the TFG begins. Please note the good thing is, thats just bari-nugaal oil getting a clear $ 800 billion or more. We haven't touched our offshore which is double the exploration size of the onshore, plus the iron ore, gas, coal, minerals such as silver, zinc, and the mudug oil remember abdullahi yusuf and the chinese company negiotating that. Dude were set up for life
  2. Xaaji, Egypt and Ethiopia dam situation is not changing regardless of government changes. They have no interests in recognizing somaliland because a small nation like jabuti can not withstand eritrea let alone ethiopia. Their best bet is a united somalia!!! No I dont need to separate because I am not a minority i am the majority, I run things at home including your little burco to hargeisa 30km stretch and you always keep forgetting that the constitution went to hargeisa, got signed off by your leaders and odeys so I don't know how you can ignore this overwhelming evidence that proves that your seccession is just a story to keep you asleep
  3. Saalax;768258 wrote: Cowke it was in Cairo alright. Wasiirada Arimaha Dibada iyo Madaxtooyada Oo Si heer sare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Magaalada Qaahir posted by: Daahir shaami Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda, Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar iyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa si heersare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Qaahir oo ay maanta ka degeen waxaana gegida diyaaradaha ku sugaayey oo ka horyimid Dublamaasiyiin iyo masuuliyin ay horkacaysay Wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha Debeda ee qaabilsan Africa ee Dalka Masar, Mona Omar oo uu weheliyo Safiirka Dalka Masar ee Somaliya iyo Somaliland Ayman Magdi Labada Wasiir oo ay gelbinayaan masuuyiin sarsare oo u badan wasaarada khaarajiga ee dalka masar ayaa la dejiyey halkii loogu talo galay oo maqaamsare leh. Weftiga Somaliland ayaa la filayaa in maalinta beriya kulamo la yeeshaan madaxda dawlada masar oo uu ugu horeeyo wasiirka arrimaha debeda ee dalkaasiSocdaalka uu weftiga Somaliland ku tegay dalka masar ayaa ah mid qiimo weyn ugu fadhiya xidhiidhka ay Somaliland la yeelanayso wadamada carbeed iyo kuwa Afrikaba iyadoo ay u muuqato in ay Somaliland ka faa’iidaysanayso isbedelka ka dhacay dalka masar waxana la ogyahay in ay dawlada masaaridu meel muuqata kaga jirto Saamayn weynaha ku leedahay guud ahaanba siyaasada Afrika iyo carabta oo ay tahay halka isku xidha. http://www.togaherer.com/2011/12/24/wasiirada-arimaha-dibada-iyo-madaxtooyada-oo-si-heer-sare-ah-loogu-soo-dhaweeyey-magaalada-qaahir/ Sheeko kale baad ii gashay. I said source the pic or its just the undp secretary girls at hargeisa!!! Secondly I already researched both of those names and Mona is africa affairs minister and magdi guy is special representative for somalia. Very low level even if its true which it isnt!!! American senator and America Special Representative to Somalia come to us at our town garowe. You think going to them is a big deal!!! Puntland already meets those africa affair ministers in u.k, italy, america far bigger nations then small egypt, lol if we went to egypt we would meet the god damn president not some africa affair minister like we met the prime minister of libya
  4. Saalax;768254 wrote: Cowke you missed it. Source the picture. dont get me a pic from low level delegation from the undp at hargeisa secretary girl. Source the pic, who did they meet, after which I will google and see their importance!!! Till then its up to you justify not me to disprove!!! Till then it didnt happen
  5. Under the agreement with Puntland will received between 4% and 12% royalty on all production and a 50% share in profits for any oil and gas discovered onshore. Please note that all the investment, exploration, studies and so forth Puntland hasn't paid a cent, so the production agreements first must pay off all the costs the resource companies paid into the project which Puntland will still get its royalties but the real cruncher begins after the initial costs is paid off and were talking profit oil that is where the real money is!!! In the quote above thats what cade muse signed, but farole amended it saying Puntland was getting ripped off because in general production agreements with other nations after the initial cost of oil is recovered and paid back to the resource companies they sign 80-20 agreement on any profit oil with other governments. I think that what farole signed in the re-signing of the production agreement. He might of amended the royalties a bit higher but I doubt it will be that high untill the initial costs are paid off. Either way on bad deal which was cade signed that was the statistics I posted and Farole said he wanted a better deal so it's only going to get better but as of yet their is no information available on what exactly those figures are!!! So put it this way the initial exploration, drilling, production assets will probably total 250 million after all is said and done. Puntland will recieve a royalty of 10% while that is happening and after those assets are paid off and we enter the profit oil margin we will have 80% of whats recovered!!! So 19 billion barrels in place you can imagine how quick 250 million will be paid off and how much money will still be left over for Puntland
  6. Uchi, do you struggle reading? the report says 3.6 billion attributable to range its their share 20% of 19 billion barrels of oil which works out to be 3.8 billion. Stop downplaying the oil as if only 3.6-3.8 billion barrels are in place on-shore and stop misleading the people. Thats Range resource slice of the pie and they even say it in brackets twice!!!
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;768141 wrote: Well there are times to travel and times to be effective Abdi weli has been traveling the Middle east doing nothing giving interviews to aljaazera making a fool out of him self.He's the TFG prime Minister he needs to do his work correctly and be in the Capital and work closely with the security forces and mps and establish law and order his aim is to defeat Alshabaab in southern Somalia, not to travel around In Bosaaso doing what exactly? taking pictures with the governor of Garowe Mr Faroole hellow time is ticking the TFG mandate ends in 2012 august. Refuted yet again oh give up xaaji give up
  8. Somalina;768110 wrote: You have yet to produce C/Weli walking in the streets of Boosaaso. Pics of Carmo and bunch of Saracen puppets aint doing the PM justice. I will give it one more day for the pics. There U GO
  9. The oil is a reality boys your just all devastated that Puntland will progress while your left behind however rather then hating get yourself a Puntland Citizenship!!! Puntland Resource Map Puntland Resource Map Detailing Offshore. Notice how bigger the land the offshore oil sits on compared to the onshore oil!!! If the onshore oil has 19 billion barrells then its safe to assume the offshore is double that cause the exploration land is four times the size!!! Range Resource on-going bari projects include silver at qandala, coal at dhurbo, minerals at majiyahan Older PICS Oil Pipes Boys!!! Water Tanks Containers
  10. Jacaylbaro;768091 wrote: I thought u hate copying ,,,, Copying what? Democracy? I think you need head re-examined!!! Puntland has always had consentual politics through traditional methods now its just becoming through multi-party to involve the people.
  11. Karkaar Has The Most Famous Traditional Methods in all Somalia!!! Its just amazing!!!
  12. PDRC With Its Mobile AV Unit Touring Towns and Districts To Spread Democratisation Program " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Some other interesting videos. Education is Success " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Karkaar Peace Agreement " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  13. Hilarious there is no comments it appears people are owned
  14. Boys Security is Tight Ammaanka magaalada Boosaaso iyo Buuraleyda ku dhow ee laamigu dhex maro oo aad loo adkeeyey [sawiro] Updated:- 1 hour ago| 1 Commnets Ammaanka magaalada Boosaaso iyo guud ahaan wadada laamiga ah ee isku xirta gobolada dalka ayaa aad loo adkeeyey iyadoo meel walba maanta lagu arki karey ciidamo badan oo ammaanka si xoogan u sugayey. Wadooyinka waaweyn ee magaalada dhex mara iyo luuqyada yar yar waxaa ilaalo ka hayey ciidamo isugu jirey Boolis iyo Daraawiish waxaana intii ay wefdiga madaxweynuhu horkacayaa magaalada soo gelayeen la joojiyey isu socodka gaadiidka ee wadooyinka waaweyn. Sidoo kale dhulka buuraleyda ah ee ku yaala inta u dhexesa Boosaaso iyo tuulada Kala-bayr oo iyadu qiyaastii 60km dhinaca koonfureed kaga beegan ayaa waxaa ku sugnaa ciidamo tira badan oo qaarkood ay wateen gaadiidka dagaalka. Buuraha korkooda, Jeexyada Jidka laamiga ah ku dhow, iyo weliba wadooyinka jid-cadeyaasha ah ee Laamiga ka leexda ayaa iyaguna ahaa kuwo lagu arki karey askar labo labo u wada socda oo ilaalo ka hayey. Waxaana sidoo kale soo gelbinta wefdiga Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo madaxweynaha Puntland qayb lixaad leh ka qaatay ciidamada Mariiniska ah ee loo tababaray ilaalada badaha Puntland. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waa markii ugu horeysey oo ciidamo intaas tiro le’eg lagu arko magaalada Boosaaso iyo weliba wadada Laamiga ah ee soo gasha arintaas oo lagu micneeyey inay qayb ka tahay ka hortagga qaraxyo lala eegto wefdiga Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo iyagu galabta magaalada Boosaaso soo gaarey. Horseed Media ]
  15. Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo wefdigiisa oo degmada Carmo si diiran loogu soo dhoweeyey [sawiro] Dadweynaha iyo maamulka degmada Carmo ee gobolka Bari ayaa maanta si diiran usoo dhoweeyey wefdi uu horkacayo madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud oo uu ku jiro Ra’iisul wasaaraha DKG ee Soomaaliya Prof. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali. Munaasabad soo dhoweyn ah oo ahayd mid si weyn loo soo agaasimey ayaa ka dhacday hoolka shirarka ee kulliyada tababarka Booliska ee Carmo iyadoo halkaas Madaxweyne Faroole iyo Ra’iisul wasaaruhuba ay hadalo ka jeediyeen. Madaxweyne Faroole oo isagu ugu horeyn halkaas ka hadlay ayaa u mahad celiyey bulshada degen degmada Carmo iyo maamulkeedaba isagoo sheegay in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin sida qiimaha badan ee ay usoo dhoweeyeen. Prof Cabdiweli oo isna intaas kadib hadalka qaatay ayaa sheegay in sanadkii 2000 oo ahayd markii ugu danbeysey gobolka Carmo ay ahayd tuulo yar , hadase uu aad ula yaabay sida ay mudada kooban ugu dhisantay islamarkaana ay u noqotay mid kamid ah degmooyinka gobolka Bari ugu waaweyn. Ra’iisul wasaaruhu wuxuu isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata sheegay in loo baahan yahay degmooyinka kale inay iyaguna dhinaca horumarka degmada Carmo kaga daydaan, wuxuu sidoo kale ku booriyey bulshada degmada Carmo ku dhaqan inay howsha halkaas kasii wadaan. Intii ay wefdigaasi ay Carmo ku sugnaayeen waxay booqdeen dhamaan qaybaha ay kooban tahay kulliyada tababarka ciidamada Booliska ee degmada Carmo iyagoo sidoo kale warbixino ku saabsan howsha kulliyada ka dhegeystey qaar kamid ah Saraakiisha xeradaas maamula. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysey oo wefdi ka socda DKG ah ee Soomaaliya ay degmada Carmo iyo guud ahaan gobolka Bari booqasho ku yimaadaan haseyeeshee waxaa isna dhowr sano kahor sidan oo kale kulliyada ciidamada ee Carmo usoo booqday Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi. Maxamed Salaad Xaaji Dirir Horseed Media Boosaaso
  16. Prof Cabdiweli oo 11-sano kadib Boosaaso soo gaarey [sawiro] Updated:- 12 mins ago| 0 Commnets Wefdi uu horkacayo madaxweynaha Puntland Cadbiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) oo ay qayb ka yihiin Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Prof Cabdweli Maxamed Cali (Gaas), ku-xigeenkiisa, xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka FKMG, iyo qaar kamid ah golaha wasiirada ee Puntland ayaa galabta soo gaarey magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Wefdigan oo saaka kasoo ambabaxay magaala-madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe ayaa ku hakaday kulammana lasoo qaatay maamulada iyo dadweynaha ku dhaqan qaar kamid ah degmooyinka laamiga ku yaala ee ka tirsan gobolada Karkaar sida degmada Qardho ee gobolkaas xarunta u ah, iyo degmada Carmo oo iyaduna raacsan gobolka Bari. Bulsho weynta degmada Qardho oo ugu horeyn ay wefdiga uu madaxweynuhu horkacayaa soo mareen ayaa si diiran u soo dhoweeyey waxayna mudadii ay halkaas ku sugnaayeen warbixino koo kooban ka dhegeysteen Mas’uuliyiinta maamulka gobolka Karkaar iyo kan degmada Qardho. Intaas kadib waxa ay wefdigu usoo gudbeen dhinaca gobolka Bari waxayna in mudo ah joogeen degmada Carmo iyagoo khudbado koo kooban ka jeediyey kulliyadda tababarka ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee Carmo halkaas oo munaasabad soo dhoweyn ah oo aad u balaarani ay ka dhacday. Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali oo intii uu degmada Carmo ku sugnaa dadweynihii soo dhoweeyey si kooban ula hadlay ayaa uga mahadceliyey sida qiimaha leh ee ay usoo dhoweeyeen, wuxuuna ku booriyey inay sii balaariyaan horumarka ay gaareen oo uu Ra’iisul wasaaruhu tilmaamay inuu yahay mid aad u balaaran. Kolonyadii gaadiidka ahayd ee gelbinayey wefdiga uu horkacayo madaxweynaha Puntland waxay intaas kadib usoo ruuqaan sadeen dhinaca degmada Boosaaso ee ah xarunta dhaqaalah iyo ganacsiga ee Puntland. Waxaana meel magaalada aad uga durugsan kaga hor yimi boqolaal dadweyne ah oo ruxayey Caleemo qoyan , Calammo, iyo boorar ay ku qoran yihiin hal-kudhigyo soo dhoweyn ah oo ka turjumaya sida ay bulshada magaalada Boosaaso ku dhaqani ugu faraxsan yihiin booqashada ay wefdiga uu Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya qaybta ka yahay magaaladooda kusoo gaareen. Kumanaan dadweyne ah ayaa sidoo kale isugu soo baxay jidadka waaweyn ee magaalada dhex mara iyadoo ammaankuna uu ahaa mid aad loo adkeeyey,waxayna ku dhawaaqayeen erayo soo dhoweyn ah oo ay kamid ahaayeen: ” Soo dhowaada, Jaalayaaloow Soo dhowaada” Madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa loo sii gelbiyey dhinaca madaxtooyada, mana jiro wax hadal ah oo ay mas’uuliyiintaasi jeediyeen kadib markii ay aqlka madaxtooyda gaareen , waxaase la filayaa saacadaha soo socda inay Shir jaraa’id qabtaan. Maxamed Salaad Xaaji Dirir Horseed Media Boosaaso
  17. $19 billion x $100= 2 trillion. Puntland will get half 1 trillion and the other half the resource company, then the TFG will want some of the pie which is probably going to be either a 80-20 agreement or 60-40 agreement...If its 60-40 agreement puntland will get 60% of the 1 trillion or 600 billion..and if its 80-20 agreement puntland will walk away with 800 billion while the tfg gets 200 billion. I am suspecting it will be 60-40 agreement!!! So Puntland walks regardless 600 billion dollars in its revenue over the course of oil production. Plus there is other oil in mudug and sool and sanaag minerals plus offshore oil gas and iron ore after all the negiotation is said and done puntland will have trillions generated in revenue which will go into so many other industries to progress the state forward.
  18. have u got pic fetish? it happened and the oil is being drilled january, production starts early 2013 and mega-construction begins through-out the state while you sit there and watch from the sideline saying its not happening and theres thousands of barrels being exported daily!!! thats the way it will be Meanwhile in Somalia, Range Resources (LON:RRL) and Red Emperor’s (LON:RMP) upcoming drill campaign in the Puntland region is hotly anticipated among investors. Work will focus on the Dharoor and Nugaal valleys which cover nearly 36,000 square kilometres and have been assessed to potentially contain 19 billion barrels of oil in place. The two scheduled exploration wells could be a catalyst for the shares, according to analysts at Panmure Gordon. just two wells will bring 300 million each and the amount land their working with 36000 kilometers which contain all-together in bari and nugaal 19 billion barrells of oil. We haven't even touched mudug or sool yet nor the offshore oil on the seaside which was recently signed over by farole son khadar in America nor the iron ore and gas potentials!!! The horizones look great
  19. kajdes;768044 wrote: Would that be a good idea? :-) have u got pic fetish? it happened and the oil is being drilled january production starts early 2013 and mega-construction begins through-out the state while you sit there and watch from the sideline saying its not happening and theres thousands of barrels being exported daily!!! thats the way it will be
  20. Thats real democracy in action, it's not on paper but in action. No video in Somalia can match it!!!