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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. How did military enforcements arrive within 30 minute time-span? This seems like a game
  2. Ali Khalif Galayr has concocted this whole plan by moving out the buhodle forces into taleex under the guise of "clan conference". I strongly believe this guy is somaliland and farole has said it a number of times before wuxu ku radsanaya kursi. Not kursi in Somaliland this guy wants to be president of somalia and he knows he can't get that going through the puntland channel!!! So what better way then to cut a deal with hargeisa and say ssc will be apart of somaliland but in the TFG I will represent somaliland. There is no competition in Somaliland for him because only clans can be president and prime minister which automatically rules out the snm clan. Finally The TFG will select him as either president or p.m because 1. His from the clan and 2. His representing a recognised administration that bring the two closer. The Somaliland govt probably said "ku shaqo tag mamulkayga hamar and let me satisfy my ppl to give them hope somaliland will be recognised" Thats what I think Khalif Galayr plan is, but we will see in the coming days what he is. But I swear it just dropped to me now, if it his plan a genius stroke but remember khalifow kama ficnid farmaajo without puntland blessing no d guy can survive in hamar no matter which administration you come in through!!!
  3. Gaalkacyo: Macadkii Maamulka & Maareynta Simba oo Loo Badalay Jaamacada Gaalkacyo [Cod+Sawiro] Updated:- 15 mins ago| 0 Commnets Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa si rasmi ah looga furay Jaamacad cusub oo ku soo biiraysa saaxada waxbarashada ee gobolka Mudug taasoo loogu magacdaray Jaamacada Caalamiga ah ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo (Galkacyo International University) Iyadoo Xaflad balaaran oo lagu furayey Jaamacadani ay ka dhacday Daarta Amal Plaza ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo Xafladii furitaanka jaamacada waxaa ka qayb galay boqolaal dadweyne ah, Madaxda maamulka gobolka, Ururada waxbarashada, Maamulka waxbarashada ee gobolka Mudug, Waalidiin iyo Arday aad u farabadan halkaasoo lagu soo bandhigay furitaanka Jaamacada iyo himiladeeda fog ee ku aadan inay qayb ka noqoto hormarka Waxbarashada dhanka jaamacadaha ah ee Sanadihii lasoo dhaafay ay Dawlada Puntland tiigsanaysay. Kamaal Sheekh Xuseen Maxamed oo kamid ah maamulka Jaamacada cusub ee (GIU) ayaa ugu Horayntii si rasmi ah u daah furay xaflada isagoona sheegey in Jamaacadu ay tahay mid gaar loo leeyahay islamarkaasna ay diyaar u tahay inay ka shaqayso buuxinta baahiyaha waxbarashada iyo Xirfadaha ee ka jira gobolka Mudug taasoo uu sheegey in jaamacadan uu dhalay Machadkii Maaraynta & Maamulka ee SIMBA Dhagayso Codka Kamaal Sh Xuseen Maxamed http://horseedmedia.net/2012/01/15/gaalkacyo-macadkii-maamulka-maareynta-simba-oo-loo-badalay-jaamacada-gaalkacyo-codsawiro/ Maamulka jaamacada ayaa soo bandhigay intii ay socotay xafladan qaybaha waxbarsho ee lagu dhigan doono jaamacada caalimaga ah ee Gaalkacyo waxaana ay kala yihiin Faculties (Degree Programs). -Bachelor Of Business Administration -Bachelor Of Information Technology (IT). -Bachelor of Human Resource Managemnet -Bachelor of Shari’a And Law. -Bachelor of Economics. Diploma Programs. -Diploma English Language -Diploma In Business Management -Diploma in Human Resources Manegment. -Diploma in Accounting -Diploma In Computer Applications -Diploma in Project Management -Diploma in Operatiopn of Manegment -Diploma in Logistics Duqa degmada Gaalkacyo mudane Siciid Cabdi faarax oo isna hadal kooban ka soo jeediyay furitaankii jaamacada ayaa sheegay in maamulka degmada Gaalkacyo uu soo dhaweeynayo dadaalka waxbarsho oo ay wadaan maamulka jaamacada Gaalkacyo isagoona ku dheeraaday muhiimada ay leedahay waxbarshada iyo hormarkeeda. Bashiir Axmed nuur Khalaf Gudoomiyaha gudoonka waxbarashada ee gobolka Mudug oo ka hadlay Furitaankii Jaamacada Caalamiga ah ee Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegey in uu ku faraxsanyahay jaamacada cusub ee magaalada laga furay isagoona sheegey inuu rajaeynayo inay soo kordhiso barnaamij wanaagsan oo waxbarashada gobolka kor usii qaadaya. Ugu danbaytii danbaytii maamulka jaamacada caalamiga ah ee Gaalkacyo ayaa balanqaaday intii ay socotay xaflada furitaanka jaamacada in ay bixin doonaan deeqo waxbarsho oo bilaash ah isla markaana deeqahaas 70% (Boqolkiiba Todobaadan) lagu taageeri doono gabdhaha ku nool gobolka Mudug . Axmed Maxmed Cali [Caano-Geel] Horseed Media Gaalkacyo-Puntland
  4. This is excellent news exactly how I envisioned it. Now the SSC people should see who their real enemy is!!! I urge the SSC army fight back and this is an excellent opportunity for farole to get in and put an end to this debacle. Somaliland is not even 1/5 of the power we have. Sicid dheere said it best 2 days adeer. Farole haka fa'ideysto chancekan soo baxay ka bacdi wada hadal dhab ah ha laga galo with ssc
  5. Somalina, I hope your happy Mareeg State is progressing (on paper at least)
  6. I guess puntland wasn't that bad after-all
  7. Somalia;774563 wrote: LOL Its funny isn't it. Garoowe:-Sida ay ogaatay Puntlandpost waxaa la xiray Siyaasiga caanka ah ee Maxamed Xaaji Aadan kadib markii ciidamada ammaanka ay soo qabteen isaga oo maraya deegaanka Degmada Qardho Ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland ayaa maanta meel u dhow degmada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar ka qabtay Siyaasiga caanka ah ee Maxamed Xaaji Aadan. Go back to history Maxamed Xaaji Aaden, was among those captured near the town of Qardho . Even hargeisa got sick of him Wasiirkii hore ee arimaha gudaha Puntland ee xukumadii Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Maxamed Xaaji Aadan ayaa habeen hore ciidamada sirodoonka somaliland kala baxeen huteelku ka deganaa magaalada Hargeysa oo la yidhaahdo togwajaale islamarkaana saldhiga dhexe ee hargeysa u dhaadhicyeen ama ku xidheen asagoo macaswiis kaliya wata oo qaar qaawan. His not hard guy to locate
  8. Galia come on bro lay off the puntland attacks waagacusub war is not with us, the brunt of the USC is being felt by somaliland
  9. Bosaso, 12 July 2002 BREAKING NEWS The following is public information. The Office of President informs the Puntland State public as well as the international community that the President, H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, is now in the town of Qardho, paying a working tour of the community there. Qardho residents are presently conducting a wild warm reception of overwhelming public support for the President’s visit. In another separate development, one of the prominent figures involved in daylight highway robbery and banditry, Maxamed Xaaji Aaden, was among those captured near the town of Qardho. Please stay tuned for any further development on the President’s working tour in Gardho and Garoowe. Ismail H. Warsame Its always Deja Vu for this guy lol. His always arrested near qarho
  10. Can Puntland Match it I love the the way the flags line up the steps. We Will need to something similar when foreign delegations in town even if its one or two states that is in town. We can line up 10 Poles 1 flag for puntland 1 flag for somalia 1 flag for the visiting nation and rinse and repeat untill we fill the ten poles!!! My dream is to lead delegations from other countries into our parliament going up the steps with the flags of nations flying
  11. Somaliland stole puntland soldier uniforms and boots thats even more pathetic but u didnt get the good stuff the black hawks 6 of which are parked in bendar ziyada. Everyone see somaliland wearing puntland soldiers boots and uniform waba lagu caaya maqaahiyada ppl say "war hadad uniform uu bahan tahay ina waydiso" because their uniform was sooooooo old same with the dacas
  12. I couldn't believe this. Is this democratic ideals? 83% of the power in one clan's hand. Now thats true definition of tribal enclave!!! Check it out guys below. Its all in english too http://sunatimes.com/view.php?id=1629 Another good article is below on how to cure this clan sickness in hargeisa http://sunatimes.com/view.php?id=499 War dadkasi waa xoolo and your talking about Puntland clan representation. We dont have anything compared to that which is madness. We only have 45% and weliba taas ayaa na lagu haysta. 80% lol if that happened it would be civil war in puntland
  13. Farole is playing a master-stroke. Let SSC see who their enemies is, When they battle it out. Puntland will come with an airforce and send everyone home!!! Sit down with the SSC folks and re-negiotate!!! That could be the reason on Farole silence
  14. Listen to the debate here http://taleex.net/2012/01/14/aragtida-dhulbahnate-oo-la-banraamij-laga-sameeyay-dhagayso Very excellent and what I believe war meesha dastuur ayaa la kala saxixday adeer
  15. U all do realize the oil concessions in sool were signed over. It's done. 4 years exploration and 20 year production deals. The garaads signed they were puntland when all of this took place so theirs no back-peddling. Plus we can easily speak to the TFG and tell them they see Puntland as the way it was 1998!!! Our bag of tricks are to many list. Any resources in sool and sanaag is gone for at least 20 years and no company in this world will touch it for you without huge legal repercussions. Look at somaliland wa laga diiday inay baaritan ku sameeyan sool and sanaag they were told by the companies those concessions are gone!!! Marka Puntland is not silly guys dont waste ur time with this SSC admin
  16. Puntland is playing it low-profile let the SSC folks see who their real enemy is. When they battle it out, Puntland can save the day and then re-negiotate with SSC. Lets watch it out guys, farole afkaga iska xir lets do that master political stroke later
  17. We know full well that the RRA folks are shabab, were not silly sir!!! We know full well your snm clan is shabab too. I know each of the IDP camps in Bosaso and the areas they come from
  18. Abokor I know full well who resides in our IDP camps. I have read the places they came from. 60% are from the south, 20% from somaliland and the rest from ethiopia
  19. I am enjoying listening to talk-back radio from Radio-Garowe between locals and ministry of health and the people are calling in from garowe and its suburbs with t.vs blaring and debating on the phone. I've never seen this is other parts of Somalia. Do other parts of Somalia have these sorts of facilities? can the people afford to use the phone? is the facility for talk-back lacking? Im not sure but i've never heard them in any other part of Somalia and even on somali channel alot call from Bosaso, so im under the impression Puntland is home to the only talk-back radio where people and locals can question their ministries on a yearly basis!!!
  20. I really need this question answered. I don't hate the IDPS or anyone fleeing war but why are they coming to Puntland? Mogadishu is peaceful, baydhabo is peaceful I don't understand why they continue to flee to Puntland. Ma tahrib ba? are they trying to get a boat-ride to yemen? Thats suicide considering the situation yemen is in today and not to mention the naval forces in the gulf of aden both of which has pretty much killed the tahrib business!!! So I cannot understand for the life of me why would someone leave baydhabo-mogadishu and come all the way to Bosaso that is 1000km away when you can just stay in your own cities with your own families which is peaceful today, the famine has calmed down, There is no tahrib happening, so why come unless for evil intentions
  21. Ali Khalif Galayr responded already to http://www.puntlandpost.com/taleex-cali-khaliif-oo-u-jawaabay-siilaanyo-dhegayso/
  22. Guraac you will get the royalty fee of 10% and Puntland 50%. Nice division and works out well for you to get a fuel levy!!! 20 billion barrels x $100 per barrel=2 trillion dollars. 40% goes to the oil companies, 10% to the tfg, 50% to Puntland Oil Companies get $800 billion. You walk away with $200 billion. Puntland Walks away with the Rest $1 trillion dollars. Thats just the bari-nugal basins. U will get 10% of mudug/offshore/sool reserves so you won't be running out of funds anytime soon. As for the minerals depending on quantity, profitability, lifetime and so forth we cannot discuss that yet and the tfg cut