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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Katjes I cant believe your missing this historic moment!!! Your always showing your face when oil is being discussed
  2. Katjdes where are you for this historic moment Listen to the audio here http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Madaxweynaha_Puntland_oo_furey_caalkii_ugu_horeyey_ee_shidaal.shtml
  3. Welcome To Historic First Oil Well To Be Dug in 20 Years. The Puntland Petroleum Well. Its real boys its very real
  4. Madaxwaynaha Dowladda Puntland oo xariga ka jaray ceelka shidaalka ee dooxada Dharoor Mon, 16 Jan 2012 06:55:49 -0500 am -05:00 -18000 Dharoor,16 Jan -Madaxwaynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole ayaa maanta xariga ka jaray ceelkii ugu horeeyay ee laga soo saarayo shidaalka Puntland (Shabeelle 1) ee dooxada Dharoor. Munaasbad balaaran oo lagu qabtay Dooxada Dharoor ayaa waxaa ka qaybgalay wafdi uu hogaaminayo madaxwayne Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ayna qayb ka yihiin wasiiro katirsan dowladda Puntland iyo madax katirsan shirkadda shidaalka Puntland baaraysa ee African Oil. Madaxwaynaha Puntland oo hadal ka jeediyay xarig jarka ceelkii ugu horeeyay ee laga soo saarayo shidaalka Puntland Shabeelle 1 ee Dooxada Dharoor ayaa waxaa uu sheegay,shidaalka laga soo saarayo deegaanada Puntland inuu muhiimad gaar ahaaneed uu u xambaarsanyahay shacabka Puntland iyo guud ahaanba Soomaliya. Madaxwaynaha waxaa uu sheegay dowladda Puntland hadii ay doonayso shidaalka inuu ku koobnaado ay markii hore ku dhawaaqi lahayd inay ka go'day Sooaamliya,balse waxaa uu yiri "dooni mayno inaan Soomaliya ka go'no, shidaalkana waxaa wax ku yeelan doono guud ahaanbaa dadka Soomaaliyeed. Afhayeenka xukuumadda Puntland Axmed Cumar Xirsi "LibaaxJoore" oo isagoo ku sugan Dooxada Dharoor waraysi siiyay Radio Daljir ayaa ku tilmaamay tilaabadan dhanka soo saarista shidaalka ee la qaaday,inay ahmiyad gaar ahaaneed u noqon doonto guud ahaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Madax katirsan shirkadda African Oil ee la filayo inay soo saarto shidaalka,ayaa sheegay inay kusoo saari doonaan shidaalka mudo 3 bilood ama 90 cisho gudahood. Munaasbaada xariga looga jarayay ceelka shidaalka Puntland ee Shabeelle 1 ee Dooxada Dharoor ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa madaxwaynihii hore ee Puntland Gen Cadde Muuse Xirsi. Diiwaanka Wararka Daljir Boosaaso.
  5. Madaxweynaha Puntland Oo Saaka U Amabaxay Dooxada Dharoor iyo (Warbixin) Riig ay lee dahay shirkada african-oil oo maanta ka bilaabaya shidaal qodis dooxada dharoor Boosaaaso (RBC) Madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland Cabdi Raxmaan Sheekh Maxamuud Faroole ayaa saaka umabaxay deeganka Dharoor oo u dhow magaalalada Boosaaso ee Gobalka Bari. Madaxweynaha oo ay la socdaan xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada dowladiisa ayaa maanta oo isiin ah xarig ka jari doona ceelal shidaal oo laga qodaayo dooxda dharoor. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa sheegay bishan gudaheeda in ay bilaabanayso qodista ceelashii ugu horeeyay ee shidaal laga baaro Soomaaliya,isagoo tilmaamay in ay wax ka tari doontaa dhaqaalaha dalka Soomaaliya. Maamulka Puntland ayaa waday muddo labo sano ka badan siddii shidaal looga qodi lahaa dooxda dharoor iyagoona heshiis la galay Shirkadaha Africa Oil iyo Range Resources kuwaas wadajir uga baaraya shidaal goobihii horay loo sahmiyay ee lagu tuhunsanaa inuu shidaal ku jiro. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa rajo fiican ka muujiyay in shidaal laga helo Dooxda Daroor oo u dhow magaala ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso, taas oo wax tar weyn u noqon doona ayuu yiri dhaqaalaha Puntland iyo Soomaaliya oo dhan. Madaxweynahu wuxuu sheegay in tallaabo horrumar leh oo uu maamulkiisa qaaday ay tahay qodista ceel shidaaladii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Soomaaliya in si rasmi ah maanta loo hirgaliyo. Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxu kaloo sheegay shidalkaasi hadii la soo saaro in maamulkiisa ay wax weyn kaga qaban doonto horrumarka dhaqaale ee deegada Puntland sida Garoomada diyaaradaha iyo la sameeyo wadooyin cusub oo caalami ah. Dooxada Dharoor waxa ay noqotay meeshii ugu horreysay ee laga baarayo shidaal dalka Soomaaliya. Amaanka ayaa aad loo adkeeyay dooxada daroor, oo ay booqanaayn masuuliyiin iyo hey’addo caalami ah, waxana tan iyo shaley ku qulqulaayay ciidamo badan. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, shirkadda Range Resources ee laga leeyahay Australia ayaa heshiis lagashay Afrika Oil kuwaas oo hadda ku howlaan qodida ceel shidaalyo laga dhisaayo Dooxada Nugaal iyo Dharoor. Sahaminta shidaalka deeganada Puntland waxa ay bilowdeen 2005, waxa si rasmi loo hirgaliyay oo heshiis lagalay shirkadaha hadda ka wada Puntland maamulkii ka horreeyay Faroole ee uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Cadde Muuse, laakin waa u yaraa heshiiskaas wax ka hirgala. Gobalada Nugaal iyo Barri waxa ay ka mid yihiin meelaha lagu tiriyo in shidaal ay ku jiraan dalka Soomaaliya. RBC Radio —————– Xafiiska Wararka Boosaaso
  6. The pictures of the crowning and speeches by prominent elders is below http://horseedmedia.net/2012/01/16/munaasabadii-caano-shubka-baashiga-beesha-reer-cumar-oo-duleeka-garoowe-ka-dhacday-codadsawiro/
  7. Man I love the view of the white washed buildings at Bosaso Sporting Ground, It gives it a mediterrenean feel
  8. The lady who did the report is claiming since 2002 till 2009 all the development thats occurred in Garowe is associated with piracy. That claim is ludicurous, Like I said Puntland Govt should take her to court for defamation or get the university for her re-tract her report. Puntland should simply provide the owners of those areas she mentioned such as their names, time of purchase, payment method, and their background. That will refute her whole argument!!! The Piracy fund are in nairobi and everyknows that, even the pirates themselves take their shares and invest in properties in nairobi!!! if Puntland did get the piracy funds in it's economy for 10 years it would look alot different then what it is today. She put her foot in the mouth and she should pay by losing her lecturing position or at very least or be reprimanded by her university to apologize and re-tract from her report!!! We will wait to see the arsenal Puntland comes out with it.
  9. Grand opening coming soon boys with loads of pics and drilling start tommorow
  10. DHAROOR : Xaflad heersare ah oo daaha looga qaadayo shidaal baarista oo ka dhacaysa Dharoor January 15, 2012 1:02 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Print Dharoor:-Waxaa iminka socota qaban-qaabada xaflad heersare ah oo la doonayo in lagu daah-furo shidaal qodista Puntland halkaas ka bilaabmaysa, waxaana xafladan ka soo qayb-galaya madaxda sare ee Puntland ee uu ka mid yahay M-wayne Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, masuuliyiin kale, Issimo, Waxgarad, Aqoonyahan iyo shirkadaha Shidaal baarista Puntland. Xafladan, ayaa waxay ka dhacaysaa deegaanka dooxada Dharoor oo ah halka lagu sheegay in shidaal laga qodayo, waxaana la filayaa in halkaas si rasmi ah bari uga bilaabmato shidaal qodista oo horay loo shaaciyay. Dooxada Dharoor ee gobolka Bari, ayaa la aaminsan yahay in shidaal kujiro, hase ahaatee, sida ay sheegeen masuuliyiinta shirkadaha shisheeye iyo madaxda Puntland waxay arintu kala cadaan doontaa muddo 3 bilood gudahood ah, kadib marka Riiga wayn ee iminka halkaas ku sugan uu bilaabo qodista ceelka. Dadwaynaha Puntland, ayaa aad u xiisaynaya in ay arkaan Puntland oo shidaal laga soo saaray, balse, dad badan ayaa waxay aaminsan yihiin Shirkadaha iminka hawsha wada ay yihiin kuwo nafac raadis ah oo mustaqbalka Dawladaha waawayn ay kula gorgortamaan dhaqaalaha ka gala ee aysan awood farsamo iyo mid dhaqaalaaba u lahayn Shidaal soo saaris rasmi ah. Puntlandpost.com
  11. She is real silly. She has no clue what Somalia is about and how its clan based. The last pirate hub in puntland was gara'ad and they were defeated just a couple of weeks ago. But I just can't get over how she thinks peace doesn't generate development. Garowe is the capital city of Puntland it hosts all the donor agencies, government headquarters, an IDP population, it has their own businesses and active diaspora investing into homes, hotels, businesses. With all those key-factors can she not see why Puntland would grow over the span of 10 years. Her argument about somaliland diaspora being more established, she is crazy. The diaspora is full of people from Puntland even though most are since 91 war, but there is also a significant population who came in the 80's like myself who came to Australia then and I know lots of Puntland folks who did also. Even using her argument if Puntland diaspora came in 91 today thats 20 years to establish yourself. She has no clue of how the dynamics are in Somalia and how majority of the business-men in dubai-zambia-kenya-tanzania-oman are all from puntland and if you go there for yourself to observe you will see. There is no region that is more entreprenuer then Puntland all somalis know thats and puntland has always had better living standard then the rest of Somalia mainly because the wealth of the nation from 60s till 91 is majority Puntland and you can ask any somali who invested the most in mogadishu in its hey-day they will tell you. She is just brainwashed by somaliland political folks in london, she should go do her studies no matter how much u try to defend them nothing is going to change for them in Somalia as we all know each other and our capabilities. U can go ask person in mogadishu or bosaso and everyone will tell you the same thing the folks in hargeisa are small clan compared to the rest of us population, soldier, economy, education and all aspects except khat, music and women. Thats what every somali regardless of tribe will tell you so there is truth to it but sitting in london thinking your report will change the reality on the ground I am sorry but u will be waiting forever because in Somalia we all know each other and what everyone is
  12. Somalia: Chatham House Piracy Study Criticised A new report on Somali piracy published by Chatham House argues, among other things, that piracy benefits bigger coastal towns than smaller ones such as Eyl and Hobyo. Dr Anja Shortland, a lecturer at Brunel University, used data from satellite imagery “ to track the developmental effects of piracy”. Dr Shortland says ”a negotiated solution to the piracy problem” will bear fruit if communities that rely on piracy are given “a more attractive alternative that brings them far greater benefits than hosting pirates does.” While it is true that availability of accurate data on the percentage of pirate money ( ransom) spent in Somalia is hard to find, there is a plenty of data to determine if a booming economy of town is caused by pirate money or not. Dr Shortland takes into account “ significant weaknesses in the “data sources” on which her conclusions are based. This essay discusses gaps in Dr Shortland’s analysis. Those gaps affect the implementability and accuracy of recommendations. Nominal Wages In discussing nominal wages of four regions ( Mudug, Nuga[a]l, Bari and Banaadir), the author of the study writes: “In the three pirate regions nominal wages have more than doubled since 2006, while in the Banaadir region nominal wages in 2010 were roughly equivalent to their 2006 levels.” The decline in the daily wage rate for causal labour in Mogadishu is accounted for by a major trend that make the region in which the capital located the inappropriate ‘comparator’ . Between December 2006 ( when Ethiopia intervened in Somalia to back up the Transitional Federal Government ‘(hereafter TFG’) and late 2011 (when Al Shabab militant group foot-soldiers were forced to flee Mogadishu) , people in the capital were affected by insurgency against the TFG, and this affected the economic activities in the capital and caused many people to become internally displaced people in places like Puntland ( figure 1 page 6). Piracy money and Somali exchange rate According to the author, livestock exports and pirate money affect Somali exchange rate ( although goats and camels are prized hard-currency earners) . “The Somali shilling (SSh) is not backed by a government and there is no monetary authority. Many transactions are conducted in US dollars, but the Somali shilling continues to be widely used,” writes Dr Shortland despite another effect on Somali exchange rate: money printed by the TFG and local administrations. “ Night-time light emissions” Using data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the author of the study argues that an increase in night-time light emissions reflect “ reconstruction after the civil war and diaspora remittances supporting consumption and development. After 2007 however, there appears to be a downturn in total light emissions in twelve of the fifteen cities. The exceptions are Garowe, Bosasso and Kismayo” but the author contradicts herself when she writes: “The Somali diaspora is likely to have contributed significantly to private investment in Garowe. However, mass emigration from Puntland is relatively recent and the Puntland diaspora is less able to contribute than the well-established Somaliland diaspora, which emigrated in the 1970s and 80s.” Emigration to the middle east in 1970s, and to Europe in late 1980s because of the civil war, was a common Somali experience. Neither the name Somaliland nor Puntland existed then: both administrations came into existence in1990s after the collapse of state in Somalia. Places like Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland, grew partly because if the internally displaced people who fled southern Somalia and because of making the city the seat of Puntland administration. Crack-down on pirates Since January 2009 when Abdirahman Farole was elected Puntland presidency, a crack-down on piracy has produced commendable results. Eyl, which Dr Shortland calls “a pirate capital”, is no longer a pirate base. “The counter-piracy operations would not have been possible without local Support,” agrees Dr Shortland only to contradict herself when she observes: “Puntlanders are relatively better off than the rest of the country as a result of piracy; the poor are no better off in absolute terms.” “When forces from Puntland, a semiautonomous region of northern Somalia, tried to free a Danish yachting couple, their three children ages 13 to 17 and two other adults in March, another group of pirates killed five of the soldiers,” wrote Alex Perry in a Summer Journey issue of Timemagazine. Piracy remains a problem partly because of leniency of international naval forces fighting Somali pirates. Some pirates are released; some are brought to Bosaaso, Puntland, although the regional administration’s jails are already overflowing with pirates from different parts of Somalia; some pirates are sent neighbouring countries for trial. Piracy is one of the troublesome trends associated with Somalia. One expects a discussion on such a topic is incomplete without discussing local administrations and what efforts they’re making to combat piracy. The report leads anyone with no knowledge of Somalia to conclude that Hobyo and Haradheere are parts of Puntland. Hobyo comes under Galmudug administration based in South Galka’yo. Haradheere is part of Mudug region but is under no administration . More research into the recent history of Somalia could have made the Chatham House report look less one-sided and more fact-based. Liban Ahmad libahm@gmail.com
  13. Anja Shortland is destroying her career by aligning with certain political factions in Somalia to create anti-puntland reports. Is it worth your career Anja? well you will find out sooner or later and you will be made out of an example to any future person who tries to create a report that has no facts supporting it. We can provide each and every owner house and their background that you claim is owned by pirates. Over a 10 year period you expect cities not to grow? Especially when their peace, education, health, and governance? of course it will grow with not only locals selling their livestocks and moving into town and the diaspora communities investing into the region. Your little love-affair with somaliland is up to you but to take it to a political level will not only jepordise your career but also the university you represent. U will hear from our lawyers very soon
  14. A so-called research document, entitled “Treasure Mapped: Using Satellite Imagery to Track the Developmental Effects of Somali Piracy,” was published by UK-based Chattam House think-tank, in January 2012. This document, which was supposed to be research funded by a UK university and the European Union, among other donors, eventually produced an unprofessional, highly prejudiced and defamatory document with the sole aim of unfairly targeting the reputation of Puntland State of Somalia and the Government’s counter-piracy efforts. In studying this document, it becomes evident that the authors who prepared the research lack knowledge about Somalia’s culture, history and current affairs, and in particular Puntland State of Somalia. It is common knowledge that the Government of Puntland has undertaken massive steps against pirates and the Government’s robust anti-piracy campaign is the most intense in Somalia. Puntland security forces have apprehended hundreds of pirates who are currently in Puntland prisons, including notorious pirate kingpins. The researcher’s flawed assertion about urban growth in Puntland State is an insult to the ingenuity, creativity, entrepreneurship, determination, and vision of the people of Puntland – including Puntland Diaspora communities. In reading this research, the reader comes out feeling that everything in Puntland – all the houses, vehicles, communications equipment, hotels – belong to pirates, whom the researcher absurdly argues “provide stability” and “help other entrepreneurs to trade more easily” (Page 7). Who on earth with a common sense could unashamedly state that criminals, such as pirates, produce stability and help trade in a country? It seems the researcher’s romanticized version of pirates does not only insult the people of Puntland and readers with common sense – it adds insult to injury for the innocent seafarers released or those still being held in captivity by pirates, and for the ship-owners, and for international forces spending time and effort to fight piracy along Somalia’s shores in recent years. Finally, Puntland Government shall pursue disciplinary action by Brunel University against the lecturer who produced a politically motivated and biased research with a heavy influence by a Somali political group with a particular agenda against Puntland State. The researcher’s lack of neutrality, objectivity and professionalism has produced research that damages the university’s image and profile. Ministry of Maritime Transport, Ports and Counter-Piracy Government of Puntland, Somalia E-mail: ministry.mtpcp@gmail.com Web: www.puntland-gov.net
  15. Puntland inayba dirto ciidan ma aha war hala diro ciidamada madaniga iyaga baba ku filane hargeisa
  16. Naxar Nugaaleed;774768 wrote: Pathetic is an understatement wallahi waan yaabay markan aqriyay security guards defeated somaliland military which they showing off about on SOL. if security guards what u think about the military?
  17. Those are security guards for goodness sake. Do u know how weak ur mamul sxb? if my mamul was beaten security i would be very concerned at wat level they are at!!! Pathetic
  18. Deg Deg: Ciidamada Somaliland oo Buuhoodle laga saaray Updated:- 1 min ago| 2 Commnets Waxaa dib mar kale degmada Buuhoodle looga saaray ciidamada Somaliland oo iyagu saacado kahor ganac ku haynteeda dagaal xoogan kula wareegay. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee Buuhoodle naga soo gaarey ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Somaliland ay dib magaalada uga bexeen kadib markii ay iska caabin xoogan kala kulmeen ciidamada deegaanka oo dagaal culus kala hortegey. Weriye ku sugan degmada Buuhoodle oo ay Horseed Media khadka Telefoonka kula xiriirtay ayaa xaqiijiyey in ciidamada Somaliland Buuhoodle laga saaray kadib markii ay ka itaal roonadeen ciidamada madaniga ah ee deegaanku. Waxaa dhinaca kale ay wararku nagu soo gaarayaan in ciidamada Somaliland khasaare xoogan oo isugu jira gaadiid dagaal oo laga gubey iyo saraakiil laga laayeyba lasoo gaarsiiyey, inkasta oo warkaasi uu yahay ilaa iyo hada mid aan sugnayn. Wararka dagaalka saaka ka dhacay xarunta gobolka Cayn ee Buuhoodle ayaa marba marka ka danbeysa kusoo dhacaya warqabadka warbaahinta Horseed Media, faah faahin dheeri ah naga filo saacadaha soo fool leh. LOL do you know what ciidamada madaniga is? neighbourhood watch security defeated the whole somaliland. Imagine if u met the military there or let alone puntland superior airforce that can strike all your towns and bury it with missles This is ciidamo madaniga " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Thats so embarassing. Dude you dont wanna meet the military