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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Cabdifitaax Maxamd Cabdi (Kismaayo) Guddoomiyaha Shirkada Korantada Garowe NEC GAROOWE : Shirkada Korantada NEC oo ka guuraysa isticmaalka Shidaalka una guuraysa isticmaalka dabaysha January 17, 2012 7:08 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Print Garoowe:-Shirkada Korantada NEC waa shirkada kaliya ee magaalada Garoowe adeega Korantada siisa, waxayna iminka isticmashaa nidaamka shidaalka, waxayse qorshaynaysaa in sanadkan 2012 ay u wareegto isticmaalka Hawada, ama dabaysha, hadba si aan xog dheeraad ah uga ogaano waxaan maanta booqday shirkadax afiiskeeda, waxaana warbixin iga siiyay sida ay Shaqada Shirkadu tahay Guddoomiyaha NEC Mudane, Cabdifitax Maxamed Cabdi (Kismaayo). Guddoomiyaha NEC, Cabdifitaax Kismaayo waxa uu sheegay in ay u diyaar-garoobeen in sanadka 2012 ay isticmaalaan dabaysha iyaka oo ka faa’idaysanaya khayraadka dalka islamarkaasna dhimaya kharashka badan ee wadamada carabta aada ee lagu soo gato shidaalka iyo Olyada, waxa uu sheegay in mashruucan cusub ay ku baxayso dhaqaale aad iyo aad uga badan kii hore balse marka uu hirgalo uu ka kharash yaraanayo nidaamka iminka la istimaalo ee shidaalka. Horumarka ballaaran ee Shirkadu gaartay ayuu sheegay in qof kastaaba uu indhihiisa ku arki-karo oo Shirkada ka muuqato, waxaana uu sheegay in la balaariyay adeegii bulshada loo hayay oo Korantada la geeyay dhismayaal cusub oo magaalada ka baxsan, islamarkaasna waddooyinka magaalada layrar waawayn lagu xiray, kuwaas oo bilic aad u wanaagsan magaalada ko kordhiyay. Qiimaha sicirka ayuu sheegay in aysan isbadal saas u wayn aysan samayn sadexdii sano ee u dambeeyay, maadaama qiimaha shidaalku uu kor u socday amaba hoos u dhacayay wax aan qiimo-dhimis lagu samayn-karin. Waxa uu xusay in horumarka iyo shaqada la balaarshay ay ka timid macaamiisha iyaka la’aantoodna aysan Shirkadu gaarteen horumarkan, waxa uu sheegay in mararka qaar laga hadlo qiimaha, waxa uu sheegay in qiimaha ay dib ugu ceshaan bulshada isaga oo sheegay in ay adeeg (Koronto) lacag la aan ah siiyaan: Masaajidada Saldhigyada Xerada Agoonta Dugsiga sare Isbataalka oo ay baxshaan in ku dhow 50% Waddoyinka Wuxuu ammaan iyo duco u jeediyay Saamilayda Shirkada oo uu sheegay in ay yihiin kuwo samir badan oo faa’iidada ay ka helaan shirkada ay ka badan tahay midda ay ka faa’iidaystaan Macaamiisha isticmaalka adeega Korantada ee NEC. Adeega Korantada ee NEC, ayaa waxa uu yahay adeeg 24 saac si joogta ah loo isticmaalo, waxaana maalgashay ganacsato reer Puntland ah kuwaas oo iminka wax gacana ka helin cid kale noocay doonto ha ahaate. Puntlandpost.com Wajiga hore ee Xafiiska Korantada NEC Xafiisyada adeegyada Macaamiisha Shirkada Korantda Garoowe NEC I mentioned this to you guys a couple of weeks ago that this would be happening Check out the comment left by the owner of NEC-Somalia a couple of months ago http://www.mywindpowersystem.com/marketplace/ads/18-nedwind-46-500kw-second-hand-wind-turbines-for-sale/ You can confirm that I said this in my puntland unleashed topic, and for anyone who hasnt seen that topic is nutts http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/61011-Puntland-Unleashed.-By-Dr-Osman/page2 Puntland is moving forward
  2. Time-line of the oil game in Puntland This Man Had A Vision Some People laughed and said agriculture is the best thing in Somalia Today That Vision has become a reality Those same ppl who mocked are now devastated The Next Goal is laying down the pipe-line Refinery Plants in at Mudug-Bari-Nugaal with their own respective ports for export
  3. The Godfather Of Qardho and Bosaso This Guy Says Victory For Daror
  4. Good Documentary on Sydney. I am from here they covered the area quite welll infact i been to some of the place in the video daily http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/586229" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. Perth Video http://vimeo.com/27966239" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Melbourne Video
  6. This is not a snm topic. A new Somali era has begun an OIL era. An era where ppl are self-sufficient its being reported by huge news network inside somalia and outside like msnbc and your sitting here talking about SNM. war niyahow naga tag!!! if u want snm go to that topic stay out of this one
  7. Somalia;775762 wrote: sxb i am talking about haters in the media who reach out to thousands of ppl polluting their mind with anti-puntland propaganda!!! I am talking about those haters!!! somaliland is the least of our concerns not many somalis bother reading their garbage for the simple reason they left somalia. I am talking about the real haters with an audience base HOL-BBC-VOA-DAYNIILE-UNIVERSAL who have millions of viewers
  8. You see the lights Bright up all the site at night like this Infact the oil rig there looks identical to the one in daror ironic
  9. Now lets talk about your future guys, my future is established. Where are you haters? galgalanews, somalilandpress, dayniile, bbc. voa, amiinamiir, their devastated, their broken down, their shocked, their speechless, their defeated, they see a future in puntland where-as they no sort of future in their land. I am so happy to be a citizen of this state
  10. Where is katjes is he having heart-attack. He hasnt responded to this HUGE DEVELOPMENT
  11. This is serious...WAKE UP http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46016165
  13. Horn Petroleum Commences Drilling in Puntland, Somalia 16 Jan 16, 2012 - 4:31:53 PM PRESS RELEASE- VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 16, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Horn Petroleum Corporation CA:HRN +1.14% ("Horn Petroleum" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce the spudding of the Shabeel-1 well on the Dharoor Block in Puntland, Somalia and is currently preparing to drill ahead to a total planned maximum depth of 3800 meters. Drilling operations have also commenced on the Shabeel North-1 well with the setting of the 30 inch surface casing and the drilling of a 50 meter pilot hole. Please see attached photos. To see the photos associated with this press release, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/hrn116i.pdf . The Sakson 501 rig will be used to drill both wells which are expected to take approximately 90 days each for drilling and evaluation. These two wells satisfy the first exploration period minimum work obligations of the Production Sharing Contracts for both the Dharoor and Nugaal Blocks. They are the first oil exploration wells to be drilled in over 20 years in the country. To see the photos associated with this press release, click on the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/ao116.pdf The Shabeel and Shabeel North prospects are located on a Jurassic aged rift system which is part of the same system that has proven to be highly productive in the Masila and Shabwa Basins in Yemen that contain an estimated 6 billion barrels of oil(i). Both prospects are very large fault block prospects with internal most likely estimates of potential oil volumes of over 300 million barrels of recoverable oil. Source rocks are expected to be rich Jurassic Kimmeridgian shales in the deep portion of the rift immediately down dip from the Shabeel prospects. Reservoirs are expected to be sandstones and carbonates of the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic systems analogous to Yemen. Horn President and CEO, David Grellman, commented, "The commencement of drilling in the Dharoor Valley block is a major milestone in the evaluation of the oil potential of Northern Somalia. We have had very strong support from the Puntland regional government and the local communities who are all keen to see development resume in the region after prolonged periods of internal strife. These wells are the first to be drilled into the deep areas of the rift basins and will be key to unlocking the hydrocarbon potential of this unexplored prospective trend." Horn Petroleum Corporation is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Puntland, Somalia. The Corporation holds a 60% interest and operatorship in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks encompassing a Jurassic Rift Basin on trend and analogous to the large oil fields in Yemen. The Corporation's shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "HRN". (i) Sourced from country and industry websites - not NI 51-101 compliant. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD David Grellman, President and CEO FORWARD LOOKING INFORMATION Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "will", "expected" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward looking information and are based on the Company's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to the Company. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and the Company is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Contacts: Horn Petroleum Corporation Sophia Shane Corporate Development (604) 689-7842 (604) 689-4250 (FAX) hornpetroleum@namdo.com
  14. 90 days guys for the Shabeel-1 well to be drilled once oil is confirmed. Their moving onto Shabeel-2. The process will repeat itself in the nugaal basin also. Then there is going to be calls for other major oil companies to invest into production pipes and for the time being the oil will be exported to muqalla yemen where it will be picked up by major countries untill enough cash-flow has come through for Puntland to build a dedicated oil export ports which will be more then just 1 to handle the cargo. The fund will be used for urgent investments into infrastructure primarily roads and airports. Once that is complete other key sectors will be invested into also. There is potentially going to be 2000 folks in bari alone who will get jobs from the oil gig and plus another 2000 or more in the nugal region.
  15. Suuq cusub oo Garowe laga furey 16 Jan 16, 2012 - 9:06:13 AM GAROWE ONLINE Dowlada Hoose ee degmada Garowe ayaa maanta 16,Jan ,2012 xariga ka jartay suuqa cusub ee Garowe kaasi oo lagu talagay in ay ku ganacsadaan dadka danyarta ah ee ku nool magaalada, waxana furitaanka suuqa ka qeyb-galay madaxda ka tirsan dowlada Puntland iyo masuliyiin ka socotey hayada IOM . Mashruucan dhisitaanka suuqa cusub ee Garowe waxaa wada-fuliyay hayada IOM iyo ururka Kulmiye Development Organisation (KDO),waxana la sheegay lacagta ku baxaday suuqaasi in ay tahay ($80,000 kun Dolar) . Suqani ayaa madaxdii furitaanka ka qayb gashay waxay sheegeen in ay muhiim u tahay bulshada Garowe ku nool gaara ahaan haweenka oo int badan iyagu suuqyada ku iibiya adeegyada nolol maalmeed ka ah ee ay u baahan yihiin bulshada inteeda kale. Duqa degmada Garowe Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi (Koor) ayaa kalmado hadal ah oo uu ka jeediyay furida suuqa cusub waxaa uu mahad -celiyay dhamaan intii ka qeyb-qaadatay hirgelinta suuqa,waxaana uu intaasi ku daray in suuqaani mid la mid ah isna laga furayo Injida dhex dhexdeeda sanadkii hore ujeedooyinka suuqyada dhisidooda laga leeyahay ayuu ku sheegay in ay tahay sidii bulshada danyarta ah ugu ganacsan lahayeen suuqa. Cabdicasiis Nuur Cilmi (Koor) ayaa bulshada ugu baaqey in fursadani iyo kuwa la midaba ay ka faa’idaystaan ,waxaana uu tilmaamay in Dowlada Hoose mar walba u heelan tahay sidii bulshada Garowe uga haqabtiri-lahayd baahiyadooda, sidoo kale waxay sheegeen in suuqyo kale oo kuwaasi la mid ah laga hirgalinayo Garowe . Khaliif Ow Cali oo ka socday ururka howsha fulinayay ee Kulmiye ayaa hadal isna ka soo jeediyay furida suuqan, waxana uu sheegay in howsha isla wadeen hayada IOM iyo ururka Kulmiye si wanaagsana uu ugu dhamaaday ,isagoo intaasi sii raaciyay in suuqa uu leeyahay hoolal waaweyn oo dadka ku ganacsanaya ay anfici doonto , Nabadoon Khaliif waxa uu tilmaamay in kharashka ku baxay dhisitaanka suuqa oo muddo socday ay bixisay hayada IOM maantana uu soo dhamaaday dhismihiisu isagoo bulshada loogu tala-galay ugu baaqey in ay suuqa ilaalintiisa iyo daryeelkiisa ay masuul ka noqdaan . Suqaani maanta xariga laga jarey ayaa waxaa la filayaa in dhawaan ay si rasmi ah uga bilowdaan howlihii nolol maal-meedka waxana talaabadan soo dhaweyey haweenka ka ganacsada khudaarta iyo hilibka suuqa Garowe. Halkan ka dhageyso warbixin uu ka diyaariyay C/xamiid Salaad suuqa cusub http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Suuq_cusub_oo_Garowe_laga_furey.shtml
  16. This puts a blow to galgala and anti puntland news agencies saying that their burying poison. Their devastated
  17. kingofkings;775705 wrote: Dr_Osman, how do you feel this extra especial day? Its overwhelming to express in words the way i feel about this and what it means to Puntland and Somalia in general. THE DREAM HAS COME TRUE AS FAROLE SAID
  18. Full View Of The Shabeel Well The Stick Please listen to further speeches here http://www.radiodaljir.com/zview.php?id=1623