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  1. Shidaalka Puntland .. Tallaabo 3-aad oo la qaaday . Farah Warsame Bile1971@hotmail.com Jan 18 2012 Shaki kuma jiro in saddex tallaabo oo waaweyn oo muuqda uu maamulka Puntland ku tallaabsaday intuu jiray. Tallaabooyinkaas oo kala ah dhismaha Puntland oo aan ogeyn sida uu ku dhismay iyo waqtigii xasaasiga ahaa ee la aas’aasay!, Habka maamul ee Puntland ku shaqeyso oo taabbo gal ka noqday illaa xad gudaha iyo dibeddaba iyo Howsha hadda nagu cusub ee kheyraadka puntland sidii loo soo saari lahaa ku saabsan. Labada tallaabo ee hore ee kala ah dhismaha puntland iyo systemka maamul ee halkaa ka jira hore-na waan uga hadalnay waana ka sii hadli doona haddii alle idmo laakiin maanta maqaalkeena wuxuu ku saabsanaan doona tallaabada 3-aad ee nagu cusub taasoo ah shidaal qodista. Arrintan shidaal qodista ayaa maalmahan noqotay hadal-heynta ugu weyn ee caalamka guud ahaan, gaar ahaan soomaalida ka maqalno. Waa arrin la yaabkeeda leh naguna cusub, tallaabo dheer oo hal mar la qaaday maadaama aysan wax sahlan aheyn in Soomaaliya maanta shidaal loo soo saaro, la-ismana laheyn sidan ayay wax u fududaan doonaan. Mudadii hadal-heynta shidaalka Puntland ay socotay, inta markaa sheekadaa si kal & laab ah ugu qaadatay aad ayay u yaraayeen, aniguba aan ugu horeeyee. Laakiin aniga shakigeygu wuxuu ku saleysnaa baqdin aan ka qabay in shirkadaha shidaalka sad-bursi aad u weyni ka iman karo marka laga eego xagga nidaamka dowliga ah ee wax kala qeybsiga ee heshiisyada noocan oo kale ah loo galo. Waxaana mar walba ii muuqday welina ii muuqda, in mar haddii soomaaliya dowlad adag oo heshiisyo sidan oo kale ah saxiixi kartaa aaney wadankeena ka jirin, in markaa si sahal ah laguu dhici karo. Ama haddaan si kale u dhigo lagugu qancin karo wax aad u yar oo aan kuu qalmin, iyadoo laga faa’ideysanayo dhibaatada & rafaadka aadka u xun ee ku soo daashaday welina aan kaa dhammaan. Sidoo kale waxaa mar walba igu soo dhacayay sababta dowladihii waaweynaa ee Soomaaliya soo maray uga horyimaadeen in shidaal laga qodo waddankeena iyagoo markaa saluugsanaa sida ama qaabka shirkaduhu saamiga ugu qorsheeyeen Soomaalida. Shaki kale waxaan ka qabay arrimaha amniga Soomaaliya guud ahaan, gaar ahaan Puntland anigoo marwalba qalbiga ku hayay dhacdo hore uga dhacday qeyb Puntland ka tirsan markii la damcay in baaris loogu dhaqaaqo sida durba looga hor yimid iyo kuwo kale oo kuwaa la mid ah. Laakiin waxaa shakigii aan qabay aad u yaraaday mar aan bishii oktoobar ee sanadkii tagay socdaal ku tagay magaalada Sydney ee waddankan Australia oo markaa annagoo badan oo soomaali ah cayaar kubadda cagta ah daawaneyna, uu noo yimid nin caddaan ah isagoo soomaalinimo noosoo heybsaday. Waxaa na dhex martay aniga iyo isaga sheeko gaaban. Wuxuu hadal iiga bilaabay” Ma soomaali baa tihiin?” Markaan iri “HAA” wuxuu i weydiiyay ” Soomaalidee tihiin?” Ma fileyn in shakhsi caddaan ah su’aashaa oo kale i weydiinayo, waayadana wax su’aashaa oo kale i weydiiya ma arag! Anoo su’aashiisa dhibsanaya laakiin doonaya in aan u jawaabo ayaan ku iri “Ma soomaalidaad kala taqaan?” Isagoo dhoola cadeynaya ayuu igu yiri “Haa” iina raaciyay “Wax reer Puntland ah ma idinku jiraan??” Yaab ayay igu noqotay, shakise ima gelin maadaama meesha la joogay ay aheyd meel ammaan buuxa ka jiro, maalintaana cayaaro kubadda cagta ah socdeen, oo isagu laftigiisa cayaarahaa u yimid. Waxaana durba ugu jawaabay “Anigan kula hadlaya ayaaba ka soo jeeda Puntland ee maxaa cusub?” Wuxuu iigu jawaabay” Bosaaso ayaan 4 sano dagganaa”. Gartay!!!. Halkaa markay sheekadu mareyso ayaan wareysi ugu dhaqaaqay aniga oo weydiiyay wuxuu Boosaaso ka qabanayay mudada intaa le-eg. Wuxuu ii sheegay in uu ka tirsan yahay khubarada gacanta ku heysa shidaal qodista Puntland. Waana meesha aan ka ogaaday in Puntland shidaalkeeda la soo saarayo isagoo aakhirkii iigu khatimay “baaristii waan dhammeynay, markan noqoshadeyda dambe waa soo saaristii!!” Markii hore aad ayaan u farxay laakiin mar walba waxaa farxadeyda kala dhantaalayay fikradda illaa hadda aan qabo ee shakiga ah ee ah in kheyraadkeena la boobayo. Mararka qaar waxaanba is weydiiyaa, armay waxaad horumarka la gaari weyday ama dadka qaarkii la gaari waayeen tahay cabsida amaa lagu dhacaa ah ee idinku jirta? Waa wax dhici karta laakiin markaan soo xusuusto xaalkeenu meesha uu marayo ka-soomaali ahaan, ayaan firkaddaa iska iloobaa!!. Haddaan shidaalka u soo noqdo, Shaki kuma jiro meel shidaal laga qoday laga rajeynayo in laga helo dhaqaale ummaddan wax loogu qaban karo intuu doono ha le-ekaadee . Arrinta keliya ee aan isleeyahay soomaali wey isku dirtay ee faqriga ku saabsanna lagala dagaalami karo. Waana markii ugu horreysay oo dhag bani’aadam ku soo dhacdo in dhul soomaaliyeed shidaal laga qoday. Waxaan oran karaa marka dhinacaa laga eego waa horumar soomaali u soo hoyatay gaar ahaan Puntland. Shidaalka Puntland wuxuu howshiisa bilowday 2005-tii, wuxuuse uu aad u soo shaac baxay 2007-dii markii heshiisyo arrimahan ku saabsan la kala sixiixday. Dhulka Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in uu yahay halka ugu badan guud ahaan soomaaliya ee shidaalku ku jiro. Sidoo kale waxaa Puntland lagu sheegay in uu ku jiro macaadin kale oo faro badan oo gaasku ka mid yahay taasoo aan weli baaris lagu bilaabin laakiin la filayo in mar dhow iyadana loo howl galo. waxaana la rajeynayaa in Puntland noqoto dhul hodan ku ah kheyraadkeeda. Ceelashan shidaal ee hadda soo saaristiisu bilaabaneyso waxaa lagu qiyaasay in ay ku jiraan illaa 5 bilyan oo barmiil ama foosto hadba qofku sida uu u yaqaan. Qiyaastan wey ka yaraan kartaa weyna ka badan kartaa. Laakiin waa bilow fiican haddii si fiican howshu isugu duba dhacdo. Dabcan tallaabooyinka xiga ee ay Puntland qaadeyso ayaa ah in ay u socoto sidii dad wax heysta oo markaa heshiisyo iyo mashariic kale oo hrumarineed ay ku tallaabsato, iyadoo mar walba magaca soomaaliyeed inoo sidda. Kuma koobana Puntland meelaha shidaalku ku jiro, dhulal badan oo soomaaliya ka tirsan ayaa la sheegaa in macaadin ka buuxdo, xitaa waagii aan yaraa ayaan sheekooyinka shidaalka ku saabsan maq-maqli jiray iyo hadal ah sucuudigaa diidan in la soo saaro iwm. Mar haddii shidaal la maqlay waxaan is leeyahay shakiga ah shidaal ma ku jiraa dhulkeena iyo mala soo saarayaa uu meesha ka sii baxayo. Laakiin aniga weli far ayaa ii taagan waxayna su’aasheydu tahay maxaa xigaya? Yaan loo qaadan in aan dhinaca xun uu wax ka eego (pessimist), laakiin waxaa mar walba dib u jalleecaa dabeecadaha Soomaalida, kuwaas oo weli tusaalooyin aan wax ku kala ogaan karo ii noqda, haddana waxaan ogahay in wax laga badali karo dabeecadahaas haddii la doono!!. Waan hubaa in soomaalida oo isku dayashada ku dheereysa uu tartan soo dhex marayo, oo meelaha kale oo soomaaliya ka tirsan ee weliba ammaanka yari ka jiro, taasoo la saadaaliyay in shidaal laga heli karo, sida Somali-land oo kale ka bilaabaneyso shidaal qodis kale. Laakiin marka uu tartan bilowdo ,xaaladda aan ku jirno iyo dhaqanka soomaalida lagu yaqaan isku eego, waxa aan ka baqayaa in si laablakac ah oo qabyaaladi hor boodeyso inta wax loo bilaabo ama adigu keligaa nooloow, ay markaa hadhow sheekadu noqoto jaantaa rogan, oo shaksi walba wax iska saxiixo, kii ku yiraahda labo gaari oo aan xoolaha furdada ku geysato ayaan kuu iibinayaa ee aan kheyraadkaaga daldasho, aad tiraahdo “you’re most welcome”.. Taana ha biciidsan oo hore ayay noo soo mareen. Qaar iska daa in wax loogu badalee kursi qurxoon inta la fariisiyay wasiir aan weligii soo mareen noloshiisa inta laga dhigay halkaa saxiix la yiri, hanti qaran sidaa ku baxshay. Ogowna haddii sidaa aan saadaaliyay wax u dhacaan hubaal waxaa noqoneysa in heshiiska Puntland uu noqonayo, kan markaa ugu wanaagsanaada. Su’aasha kale waxay tahay sidee arrimahan oo kale looga manaafacaadsan karaa si siman oo soomaalinimo ku jirto? Maxaase caqabado ah ee ka iman kara? Caqabadaha haddaan ku hor maro, wey badnaan karaan waxaana ugu horreeya uguna muhiimsan tan aan mar walba ku celcesho ee arrimaha nabadgelyada. Waxaa jira oo aan weli la iska daweyn xanuunkii soomaalidu qabtay ee qabyaaladda oo markaa kuwii dabka shidi jiray bilaabaan howshii ay takhasuska ku ahaayeen ee isku dirka, dhaleeceynta iyo iska hor keenista. Waxaa sidoo kale caqabadaha ka mid ah in maadaama dadku iska gaajeysan yahay suurto gal noqon karto in loo soo jabo meelahaa dhan-dhanaanka yar laga soo sheegay iyagoo dadku markaa ama shaqo doon ah ama naftaada badbaadi is-leh, oo markaa ummadda intaa le’eg ee soo hayaantay dhibaato xagga amniga ah abuurto. Sidoo kale marka ay wax qeybsi timaaddo waa muran kale oo tuhun iyo wax kala jiidasho wata. Soomaaliduna iyagoon wax kala hubsan ama fiiro dheer u yeelan waxa ay sameynayaan ayay iskala boodaan arrimo aan loo baahneyn oo khalkhal abuuri kara. Arrimahaa oo dhan waa dabeecado aan Soomaalida hore ugu aqiin. Dhinaca kale markaan eegno, markii la maqlay shidaalka puntland waxaa ummadda soo gashay rajo ah in ay nolol sameystaan. Hubaal waxaa ah haddii si wanaagsan oo soomaalinimo ku jirto kheyraadka soomaaliya loo wada manaafacaadsado, in ninna uusan gaajooneyn! Dhibka iyo shiddadana la yareyn lahaa, Laakiin weli waxaa la la’yahay sidii dadkani wa loo fahamsiin lahaa ama iyagu wax isu fahamsiin lahaayeen. Waxaan ku soo gabagabeynayaa, aan ilaashanno ishaa yar ee noo soo burqan rabta. Ka muwaadin ahaan ku bixi juhdi walba sidii looga manaafacaadsan lahaa. Dowladda puntland-na waxaan kula dardaarmayaa in sidii ay ballan qaaday howsha u waddo, ummadda oo dhanna soo dhaweyso. Wabillaahi Towfiiq Farah Warsame Melbourne Australia Bile1971@hotmail.com
  2. Burah adeer we just working with a much larger land-area then somaliland is. This is where having big land comes into play!!! If somaliland even is about muster a few million barrells from guban which I doubt even if they are puntland is working with 5 times the bigger land with identical matching terrain in yemen. I am telling u now. Most of Puntland's oil is in the offshore mark my words now!!!
  3. Burahadeeer is furious he knows he is being left behind!!! But no need to take it out on us. Somaliland oil is minimal at best. Other then guban area they have no other. Awdal doesnt have the terrain nor does sanaag or waqoyi galbeed. Sool does and if anyone getting that I doubt it u. It will be Puntland or Khatuumo State but most likely Puntland since concessions have been sold so Puntland will need to work something out with SSC!!! Remember this was all done with SSC permissions the garaads endorsed Puntland up untill a few weeks ago!!! Puntland has the right terrain for oil in all her regions except the sanaag area to produce oil. Especially Nugal-Mudug-Bari-Sool Basins and then there is offshore capabilities and somaliland only has half the red sea the rest is puntland and then there is long indian ocean coastline that is proven oil producers and shares the same terrain as yemen's offshore basins!!! Everyone knows most of Somalia oil is in the north-east.
  4. Diyaargarow laga Dareemayo Xulka Kubada Cagta gobolka Bari[sawirro] Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Xulka kubada Cagta gobolka Bari ayaa muddooyinkan isu diyaarinayey ka qeybqaadshada Ciyaaraha gobolada Puntland oo bishan gudaheeda ka furmaya magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Puntland. Guddoomiyaha Ciyaaraha Kubada Cagta gobolka Bari Mustafe Majacase oo la hadlay RBC Radio ayaa sheegay in muddo bil ah ay wadeen Tababaro kala duwan sidii ay ay wacdaro uga dhigi lahaayeen Ciyaaraha gobolada Puntland iyo kii Soomaaliya ee ay wacdaraha uga dhigeen. Musfatafe Majacase ayaa tilmaamay in maanta ama beri u ambabixi doonaan magaalada Garoowe oo lagu qaban doono Ciyaaraha Puntland,waxaana uu xusay in la sameeyey Group-yadii kooxaha gobolada lana leeyihiin Ciyaarta ugu hor eysa ay la leeyihiin kooxda kubada cagta ee gobolka Nugaal. Sidoo kale waxa xusay in gobolada kale ee ka qeybqaadanaya ay yihiin Group A-Bari,Nugaal,Hayland iyo Karkaar,Guruop-B Mudug,Sool,Sanaag iyo gobolka Cayn,kuwaas oo isu diyaarinaya ka qeybgalgalka Koobka. Muddo bil iyo xoogaa ayey Tababar ku jireen Xulka Kubada Cagta gobolka Bari ,diyaar garowgooduna waa sidii looga bartay oo ay wacdaraha uga dhigeen kaalinta wanaagsan ka galeen Ciyaarihii gobolada Soomaaliya ee lagu qabtay Caasimada Dawladda Puntland kaas oo kama danbeystii usoo baxeen gobolka Bari iyo gobolka Banaadir…….”ayuu yiri Majacase. Dhaqaalaha ugu badan iyo cida taakulaysa Kooxda kubada cagta gobolka Bari ayuu ku sheegay in ay wanaagsan tahay ayna si wanaagsan u taageereen,sidoo kale mid intaas ka badan ay filayaan dhawaan. Koobka gobolada Puntland ayaa ka furmi doona Caasimada Puntland ee Garoowe bishan gudaheeda,waxaana 6-mar oo la qabtay 5-kamid waxa qaaday gobolka Bari halka soo harayna gobolka Sool. RBC Radio Boosaaso Xafiiska Wararka Boosaaso
  5. There is the puntland team in your own back-yard why dont you go take up your concerns to their face
  6. I suggest all SOL guys just take their beef straight to the Puntland govt when they make their official visits overseas rather then whine online
  7. The haters never cease to amaze me. A historic day for all somalis and these rats are crawling everywhere!!! just make sure the rats dont get caught under drill cause you will get squashed
  8. There is 2 wells being dug in Puntland. Low estimates say 300 million barrells in each well. That works out to be 60 billion. 40% of it is gone to the oil companies and Puntland will see $36 billion. The TFG doesnt deserve more then a few billions especially in the early stages because these funds will be used for rapid creation of infrastructure such as a dedicated oil port, roads, airports. Once that is done and vital infrastructure is built the levy can be increased with due time when more wells are drilled and more revenues is coming through and the vital infrastructures are completed. But the first phase of creating those vital infrastructures is mandatory or we won't be able to drill more oil wells. After those infrastructures are completed we can start heavily expanding other sectors of national importance such as education, health, agriculture, fishery, manufacturing, tourism and a service industry. The two main sectors to recieve huge boosts after the infrastructure sector definitely must be education and health. In Puntland the people come first!!! we can then look at the other sectors that provide growth in revenues and job opportunities for locals. Wish us luck guys we have an astitute educated class that will be going back home to assist in the re-development of the state. PS: I am going home once oil is struck
  9. Farole should be very careful how he shares the oil, the somali govt didnt exactly share agriculture wealth with north-eastern regions. Infact it was abadoned other then 1 airport at galkayo, an incomplete port at bosaso, a national highway and also an electricity grid. If anything the tfg doesnt deserve more then a fuel levy of 5%. 55% of it should stay with Puntland in the safe hands of our regional govt who will guarantee that infrastructure and opportunities is created for locals.
  10. Chimera we are the only region with wind farms to provide electricity plus dont forget we also have surveillance cameras in our streets along with stop signs, give way signs, bump ahead signs and proper bus stops in all of our cities. We have the strongest fishery sector in Somalia, the only man-made irrigation system plus the most oil in every region of Somalia. Infact we have 5-6 companies who are fighting it out for concession rights on this highly prospective land and the first drill site in 20 years started. Not to mention over $100 million already invested to open up this new industry for Puntland!!! We must take it to another level and really start investing hard in small manufacturing self-depedence is the key to any regions success and the moment we can get there the better our people will be
  11. As far as somaliland is concerned untill i see a drill site its all sheeko iyo booto. bring me a drill or save it I aint listening
  12. GoldCoast;776182 wrote: LOL 60 billion!!! I have evidence just ask naxdin kale aan kugu ridde
  13. This is a huge development and I believe its time other electricity firms in Puntland namely ENEE, SEPCO, NEPCO All jump in and update their electricity sources. Puntland has two strengths. 1. Wind and 2. Sun we need to take advantage of this and not really on fossil fuels
  14. No region in Somalia that can compete on the oil front with Puntland. 5-6 companies inside investing, 1600km coast-line with concessions already gone with 60 billion barrells of oil best estimates. 20 billion barrels of oil onshore. TFG cries and screams when it hears puntland but doesnt do so with other region which tells you something
  15. Burahadeer show me one drill in somaliland. put your money where ur mouth is!!! You cant cause somaliland has nothing. Puntland 1600km of coastline with 3 concessions already gone. 60 billion barrel potential
  16. burahadeer;776158 wrote: the largest oil deposits are in somaliland.2nd is Jubas.3rd is puntland............................. well why dont we see 5 companies in somaliland taking advantage of it? stop lying to yourself somaliland has nothing and no company will dare go near it, its investment suicide
  17. Yusuf garaads map is hilarious. Especially the part he calls somalia and where he says is pro-govt happens to be just his clan areas!!! Funny how he forgets that puntland rules 80% of sanaag and boocame(southern sool) and buhodle areas!!!. Whats even funnier is how he tries to claim all of mudug area where in-fact his clan were re-invited back into the region after they were removed and soundly defeated. Finally Yusuf garaad your clan has nothing in Somalia who are you kidding!!!!
  18. This new form electricity is going to provide the electricity needs of garowe. The 3 piece set will be most likely stationed at NEC power-station and will funnel in the electricity through the wind-farms and he will then provide that the city residents, businesses, government and public institutions. This will stop the reliance on mid-east oil which won't be needed anymore. It will take a while till that investment is paid back but once it does he will be making a killing since all his electricity sources is from the wind, he will just need to small maintenance on it yearly at $1500 thats it
  19. Chimera its already purchased it, its now starting the transition from oil fuelled electricity to solar wind based electricity. The idea has been floating around as early as 2010. http://www.mywindpowersystem.com/marketplace/ads/12-x-ge-wind-turbine-ge-1-5-mw-ge-1-5-sl-e-wind-turbine-as-new-for-sale-immediately-available/ From what I can ascertain he is looking to purchase hi after i have seen your second hand wind mill 500kw 10 pc if we are intersting 3pc 1.5mw energ can you sell as . an d olso can you pl fix as in we are read to pay engneering cost bast regand chairman of Nec somalia His looking for 1.5MW a 3pc set. Check it out below http://www.mywindpowersystem.com/marketplace/ads/12-x-ge-wind-turbine-ge-1-5-mw-ge-1-5-sl-e-wind-turbine-as-new-for-sale-immediately-available/ 1 set is 990k x 3. Thats $3 million dollars investment!!! Guddoomiyaha NEC, Cabdifitaax Kismaayo waxa uu sheegay in ay u diyaar-garoobeen in sanadka 2012 ay isticmaalaan dabaysha iyaka oo ka faa’idaysanaya khayraadka dalka islamarkaasna dhimaya kharashka badan ee wadamada carabta aada ee lagu soo gato shidaalka iyo Olyada, waxa uu sheegay in mashruucan cusub ay ku baxayso dhaqaale aad iyo aad uga badan kii hore balse marka uu hirgalo uu ka kharash yaraanayo nidaamka iminka la istimaalo ee shidaalka. I can surely appreciate what he meant when he said alot investment went into this and that's only if he hasn't changed his mind on exactly how many sets he got, he could've of got the whole damn lot a 6 piece set at $5 million at the last moment. Who knows but we will find out the technical details with due time
  20. A watchtower over the Gulf of Aden The Indian Ocean Newsletter December 10, 2011 Over the years, President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh (IOG) has taken the maximum advantage of his country`s geo-strategic position, as far as making it a key element in the international fight against terrorism in the Horn of Africa and beyond. The chaotic situation in neighbouring Yemen and the expansion of Somalian piracy accentuate still further the interest in using this country as a viewpoint over the Gulf of Aden; it is already home to French, American and - something unique - even Japanese military bases. This background explains the benevolence of Paris, Washington and Tokyo towards a regime that is a long way from respecting its citizen`s human rights. Here is a spotlight of this Western stronghold in the Horn of Africa. Who will sign the agreement - After months of tough negotiations, the new defence agreement between Djibouti and France seemed, in early December, ready for signature. The visit to Djibouti last week of General Benoît Puga, Personal Chief of Staff to President Nicolas Sarkozy, had smoothed over the remaining obstacles. He was carrying a letter from the French President setting out the terms of the agreement. On 30 November he presented President IOG with counter-proposals after Paris had rejected the request to train Djibouti officers at the prestigious St Cyr and Saint Maixent military academies (ION 1319). The senior Djiboutian officials would then draft a final document on this basis. However, the agreement is unlikely to be signed this year by the two Heads of State in view of their diary obligations. Particularly as a final twist this week will delay it still further: Djibouti introduced new requirements for logistics and military training. It also wants the defence agreement to be signed with the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppé, while the French military would prefer it to be with the Defence Minister Gérard Longuet. An anti-piracy hub - Djibouti has become an important rear-base of private security companies that provide protection for ships in the Gulf of Aden against attacks by Somalian pirates. From one month to another, between 8 and 15 of these companies operate from Djibouti, after approval from Djibouti Maritime Security Services (DMSS), chaired by the Frenchman Bruno Pardigon, responsible for overseeing the activity of these firms (ION 1259) for the President of Djibouti. Approvals are also given by Djibouti (between three and ten a month) to vessels of these companies established in the international shipping zone to provide services of all kinds (rest cabins, rental and storage of arms) to the agents of security firms. According to Intelligence Online (published by Indigo publications), one of the boats registered in Djibouti is the Marshall 5 owned by the firm Naval Guards, which sails on the 15° North parallel. But the most active ship in this area is the Sea Lion owned by the British company Drum Cussac situated at 17.30° North. Another British company, Protection Vessels International, whose boat is situated at 18° North, only transits via Djibouti for bunkering. Other similar vessels are the Sinbad, Express Opportune, Judge and the Maagen, the latter owned by a Russian maritime security firm. Another vessel, Sri Lankan this time, is based off Port Sudan and is chartered by Ocean Base Support which is believed to be a joint venture between the Frenchman Eric Stachura and the Irishman Dennis Dennehy, both formerly with Shied Consulting. IOG wants to keep control of Somalia - President IOG, who has acted as sponsor to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) headed by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, shares the latter`s concerns about the recent Kenyan military incursion into southern Somalia. Both would like the Kenyan troops limit their action to creating a buffer zone without directly attacking Kismayo and they become incorporated in the AfricanUnion Mission in Somalia (Amisom) which 800 Djibouti soldiers are soon to join. To regain control of the Somalian issue, which is escaping him through regionalizing, IOG would like to build bridges between the TFG and the autonomous administrations of Somaliland and Puntland. With this in mind, he put pressure on the President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud known as Silanyo, in late November in Djibouti (see p.3), apparently, without any immediate result. In fact, Djibouti is an excellent vantage point, but not really a regional power. New Afar Sultan has already rubbed up Meles Zenawi The Indian Ocean Newsletter November 16, 2011 Anything that touches on the Afar community that straddles Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, immediately has a regional connotation. A case in point was the ceremony in the town of Asaita, Ethiopia on 10 November to consecrate the new Sultan of Awassa covering the Ethiopian Afars, Hanfareh Ali Mirah, son of the late Sultan Ali Mirah who died in April. The long list of guests proves it: the Djibouti Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita, accompanied with nine members of his government; a large contingent of Afars from Djibouti; the Ethiopian Minister of Culture Amin Abdoulkader, who brought a message from Prime Minister Meles Zenawi; the French Ambassador to Addis Ababa Jean-Christophe Bélliard and his counterpart representing Egypt, Mohamed Idris, as well as representatives of the European Union. There was even a large military-looking discreet American who had come from Djibouti! The choice of Hanfareh Ali Mirah as the new Sultan of Awassa had the support of Meles Zenawi, preferring him to his younger brother Habib Ali Mirah even though the latter is less confrontational and is the manager of the Sultanate`s fertile lands in agreement with the Ethiopian authorities of the Afar Regional State. True to his reputation of not mincing his words, Hanfareh Ali Mirah made a strong speech at his consecration in which he lambasted the policies of the Ethiopian regional authorities, who, according to him, neglect social policy while also being economic predators. He was referring to a vast programme to irrigate 100,000 hectares from the River Awash to grow sugar cane to be used for ethanol production. This grabbing of natural resources is a major danger for Afar nomads and the new Sultan reminded his audience that their ancestors “have died and have killed for these lands”. The President of the Afar Regional State, Ismail Ali Siro, looked particularly ill at ease while listening to this speech. And he was right: just two days later on 12 November Meles Zenawi telephoned him to complain, in very strong terms, of the way this ceremony had been held.
  21. President Farole gets a powerful lobbyist in Washington The Indian Ocean Newsletter January 05, 2012 The President of the autonomous administration of Puntland (north-eastern Somalia) Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud known as Farole, has hired a new American lobbyist on security and anti-piracy issues. In a letter dated 21 November 2011, he authorised Stephen Heifetz, a partner in the firm Steptoe & Johnson LLP, to represent Puntland in Washington on both subjects. Heifetz`s work should in particular be to find funding to create a Puntland Maritime Police Force. In a document dated 7 November, Heifetz promised Farole that he would carry out this lobby activity “at no cost to you” inasmuch as it did not interfere with the interests of his paying customers. The latter include the firm Sterling Corporate Services (SCS) that he advises “regarding counter-piracy issues”. If SCS interests ever come into conflict with those of Puntland, Heifetz would stop representing the latter. This would appear to suggest that SCS may be interested in Farole`s counter-piracy projects. In any case, Heifetz will provide Puntland with a powerful ally in Washington. Formerly with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (1996-98), he subsequently worked for the Department of Justice (1998-2000), before joining the private firm WilmerHale (2000-2005), where he specialised in anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulations. He then joined the Department of Homeland Security (February 2006 to March 2010) as Deputy Assistant Secretary in charge of Policy Development. There, he was in charge of air and maritime cargo screening, aviation and transportation security, visa screening. He is also a member of the think tank Council on Foreign Relations. Heifetz is not President Farole`s first lobbyist in the United States. In 2009, Farole hired Duane Morris to try to obtain American funding for Puntland. And last year, he took on the services of The Moffett Group, owned by the former Democratic congressman Toby Moffett, to try to persuade ConocoPhillips, which had abandoned oil exploration in Somalia in 1991, to resume operations in Puntland. Somaliland lobbyists in the United Kingdom The Indian Ocean Newsletter December 10, 2011 A group of British supporters of the Hargeisa government has banded together to found the Somaliland Development Corporation (SDC). The main initiators of this company, whose goal is to help finance projects in Somaliland, are the former head of the law firm Clifford Chance, Jeremy Carver, the head of EnexEnergy Resources, Len Tiahlo and the former diplomat Myles Wickstead former Secretary of the Commission for Africa now a teacher at The Open University. They are supported in this project by Steve Taylor director of Crown Agents and by Paul Whiteway, of Independent Diplomats, a consulting firm that has already done work for Somaliland. No red carpet for Silanyo The Indian Ocean Newsletter December 10, 2011 At least two sensitive subjects were discussed during the meeting on November 27, between Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh and his counterpart from Somaliland. The President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud known as Silanyo, and his Djibouti counterpart Ismaïl Omar Guelleh (IOG) agreed to disagree on two points at the outcome of their meeting, held on 27 November during Silanyo`s visit to Djibouti. According to a source close to Silanyo, IOG had strongly suggested that he should attend the future conferences on the reconciliation of Somalia and accept their conclusions whatever they be. IOG also asked Silanyo to order the officials in his government to henceforth use a Somalian passport for travel to Djibouti, because the Somaliland passport accepted up to now is not recognised by the international community. President Silanyo was shaken by IOG`s warning shots, but did not sway. He said that he would accept to participate in the Somalia reconciliation talks but refused to endorse the results of these talks in advance. Secondly, he declared that he was surprised by IOG`s backtracking on Somaliland passports, which Djibouti had recognized up to then. However, as soon as he was back in Hargeisa, President Silanyo informed in writing the head of immigration, Mohamed Osman Alin, that the Djibouti government would no longer accept Somaliland passports. Discord with Ethiopian Consul The Indian Ocean Newsletter November 26, 2011 Last week a Somaliland minister passed on his remonstrations to General Berhe Tesfaye, the Ethiopian Consul in Hargeisa. Tesfaye did not like what he heard! While President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud known as Silanyo was on vacation in the United Kingdom, the Minister to the Presidency, Hersi Ali Haji Hassan, visited the Ethiopian Consul, General Berhe Tesfay, on 19 November. According to a source close to those present at the meeting, he complained, somewhat undiplomatically, about the actions by Ethiopian troops who entered Somaliland without authorisation. Hersi asked the Consul to inform the authorities in Addis Ababa of his displeasure on this point. He also complained of what he called “the expansion of Ethiopian culture into Somaliland”. Hersi, who is deeply religious, was referring to the large increase in the number of snack bars run by Ethiopians that sell alcoholic drinks and housing prostitution. Berhe Tesfaye, whose features could be seen to tense with anger, did not respond to this criticism. He left on 21 November to refer the matter to the authorities in Addis Ababa.
  22. What the hell happen to SEPCO Bosaso Second Major Public Electricity Grid?
  23. Listen below to Puntland Locals regarding the oil drilling http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Shidaal_qodista_PL_Ra_yiga_Dadweynaha.shtml