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Presidential Palace Parliament
Baydhabo as we all know is a historic town in Somalia. In the past 20 years they have seen wars, famine, and everything horrific in the Somali civil war. They established the RRA around 1999 and got rid of all usc elements in their region. They are the only ones who control their regions and even though their cities are shabab aligned its mostly because of Mukhtar Robow having a top leadership in the movement and not because it was an idealogy forced down their throat. I must re-iterate that the region of bay and bakool are similar to Puntland who have suffered once or twice here or there but have risen up to glory and rebuild their regions and maintain peace for their people. There isn't much media-black out regarding the progress and development of this region which is a shame but I will display what I analysed. Baydhabo One section of the Down-Town University Construction Boom Street-Lights I love the RRA freed their people from USC terrorism, re-took their regions, established peace for their ppl and participate in rebuilding Somalia. A critical stakeholder
50% is not a joke sxb and u need to take into how much other resources that they will be getting like agriculture, minerals, funding from the international community. This will establish a monster federal govt no different to siyad barre govt and that is something we will never allow again as we seen what that has done to somalis for the past 20 years. Every region idinka is-ilaliya ma ceeb ba. We are autonomous were not your local government in mogadishu like tarzan.
Jacaylbaro you should be Puntland citizens if you want all eyes on you. Believe me its not good as it may appear. We always recieving the raw-end of the stick by everyone from shabab-somaliland-tfg qof somali ah meel walbo ha jogge oo puntland khayr uu rabo weligay ma arag. I thought we wud be safe from baidoa ppl but we all heard what their parliamentarians said recently. U name it. Be it in the TFG, Shabab, dahir aways comments recently, Somaliland, Galmudug, bay and bakool blasting on Puntland and now even galdogob-ssc. Anigu garan maayo waxay somalida sidan nagu naceen sow manahin dad kamid ah somalida wa caja'iib niyahow
Yahya you do realize this 50% share the tfg is calling for they will be getting the same from every region with any resources regardless. From kismayo to zaylac. This will beef up the tfg over anyone else since they get everything. Its not fair and I condemn it to the fullest!!! Most of oil stays in Puntland hand as a famous man once said Puntland iyo khayraadkeeda ugu horayn anagaa iska leh, waana garanaynaa tallaabooyinka ku haboon ee aan qaadi karno ee dhanka ka ah anxisinta soo socota ee sharciga kaas oo naga xayuubinaya xuquuqdayada
Naxar 30% for puntland your insane. Waynu arki doona waxay puntland ka tirahdo sheekadan daciifka ka soo yeeray dawlada tfgka
I like the pic JB but the guy standing at the end of the evolution chain should be Puntland and you know it deep down.not one clan in somalia has ever declared secession except u. Where-as hundreds have declared federal autonomy like me and some even have taken it to another level
There is no way that our oil is split half and half between the tfg. That is just absolutely insane. Majority of the oil waa inuu Puntland ku hara. I won't tolerate this wallahi haday dawlada puntland waxba ka oran im going to speak to my father who has influence there and say yaan laga oglaan tfgka sheekada daciifka. Wax ka badan 5% fuel levy lama siin karo
What a disgrace waana in si xoogan looga jawaba. TFG doesnt deserve anything more then 5% fuel levy from Puntland's oil. I am insulted by the TFG demands and Puntland agrees to this nonsense we are insane. Gobollada Puntland maxa ka soo gali jiray dawladi hore ee siyad barre gaar ahan beeraha koonfuurta? NOTHING. Maxay inoo gabatay dawlada dhexe? hal laami, iyo deked aanan la dhamayn iyo hal airport in galkayo. No ways I reject the TFG claim on our oil and anything beyond a 5% fuel levy charge to the tfg is crazy
C/qadir Dhimbil: ‘Boqolkiiba 50 ayey dowlada TFG-da ku leedahay dhaqaalaha kasoo baxo shidaalka Puntland’ Updated:- 1 min ago| 0 Commnets Wasiirka Tamarta, macdanta iyo shidaalka dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in dhaqaalaha kasoo baxo shidaalka haatan laga qodayo Puntland ay laba qeyb marka loo dhigo ay qeyb leedahay dowlada TFG-da. Wareysi uu siiyey mid ka mid ah idaacadaha Muqdisho ayuu Mr C/qadir Dhimbil ku sheegay in sharciga shidaalka Soomaaliya ee la qoray sanadki 2007 uu dhigayo in maamul goboleedki shidaal ka qota Soomaaliya ay xuquuqdiisa oo dhan leedahay dowlada KMG Soomaaliya ama dowlada Soomaaliya, dhaqaalaha kasoo baxana ay %50 u kala jabsanayaan labada dhinac. “Waxaa lagu dhaqmayaa sharciga shidaalka ee 2007 kaasi oo sheegaya in xuquuqda shidaalka ay leedahay dowlada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, gobolka qodonayana qaar buu leeyahay, Boqolkiiba 50 ayey leedahay dowlada dhexe, inta kalana waxaa iska leh maamulka soo saartay.” ayuu yiri. Dhanka kale wuxuu sheegay in dowlada Soomaaliya ay bogaadineyso maamulka Puntland oo noqday maamulki ugu horeeyey ee shidaal qodis ka bilaaba Soomaaliya mudo 20 sana ah kadib, isaga ku dhiiri geliyey maamulada kale ee dalka in ay soo saartaan hadi ay helayaan amaan. Maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa dhawaan ku dhawaaqay mashruux shidaal loogaga soo saarayo deegaanka Dharoor ee gobolka Bari, kaasi oo ay hada bilaabatay howshiisa shidaal soo saaritsta. Horseed Media
Carafat, I responded to you and your trying to create a situation whenever possible. Puntland straddles on a 1600km coastline no other region in Somalia does. It has both the redsea and indian ocean trade traffic no other region does. Its strategically sitting on the most busiest sea-trade traffic in Somalia no other region does. Its not suprising to see why piracy doesn't start there because the opportunity is not there to begin with
Nassir did u even read it? The President of the autonomous administration of Puntland (north-eastern Somalia) Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud known as Farole, has hired a new American lobbyist on security and anti-piracy issues . The guys want more funding for the security sector(darawish border control, police, PIS, Custodian Corps, SPU) and also anti piracy issues (marines)
Carafaat as far as the piracy is concerned, you think they are more powerful then puntland govt why dont they just go into garowe and topple farole or cadde or any president to come. The reality is they are not and even if they were sxb they are locals and their govt is puntland. U think they couldnt get together with the harardheere guys or hobyo guys and say lets invade puntland, stop being immature and childish!!! The reality is the reasons pirates flourish is. 1. Locals dis-enfranchised and their only known source of income being jeopardised by illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping. 2. The pirates come in and pay of the locals to use their town as base and in-return generate low level economic activities for the locals like restaurants providing food for hostages, fishermen given jobs as guides, and so forth.3. There is no-way to get to them since the coastal cities are off the road and by the time Puntland govt even does an operation they will have 5 hr head start to leave due to lack of road infrastructure to provide a rapid response!!! The only way to defeat it is to. 1. Stregthen Puntland marine forces so they can get to the pirates on-shore. 2. Build the required infrastructures namely roads so those towns are not un-reachable some of whom the only way in is through ferry and if there is land option its a very bumpy ride and will take quadruple the time to reach there. 3. Provide the coastal communities better alternative initiatives such as investment into the fishery sector to create employment, and also job opportunities will come up via basing a marine force in coastal areas, the construction of roads will open up other trade traffic related opportunities such as opportunities to become truck drivers, commercial businesses. Finally Puntland Govt investing further in low-level infrastructure such as water, schools and hospitals 4. Protect Somalia waters from illegal fishing and toxic dumping. Thats all they need to do in order to defeat piracy. Its not very difficult to comprehend
The only base of Pirates in Puntland is gara'ad and that is minimal to say the least and the locals are working with law-enforcement agencies in eradicating it. There is no other base of pirates in Puntland. The tsunami in the coastal areas only homes in some sections of the towns were rebuilt not even the whole towns let alone roads. I dont know where u get that idea other then lafa-goray road in bargaal and one in hafun, I cannot remember any road project other then those two in all of puntland coastal towns Since 1991. Unless you care to remind me!!! The idea of defeating piracy is to give the coastal communities opportunities those opportunities can not happen if they can't be reached or gaari-waa. We must first establish how we can reach there before we talk about anything else. Thats when the Off-The-Road projects come in. This project will re-connect those communities at the coast-line with the rest of puntland. This will bring trade to the city, this will enhance more nomads to settle down, the Puntland govt can then begin low-level projects such water generation, electricity, schools and hospitals. Once those are done the people will do the rest and slowly the city will flourish with business towers here and hotels there to follow, the fishery sector will rejuvenate and the locals will be able to sell it in the market place of their respective regional capitals
Carafat piracy is a major issue but internal security is a much bigger issue. If the internal security was good then I would be focussing on the Piracy. The piracy is going to be defeated with projects injected into the coastal communities. One such project has begun for EYL a road connecting it to garowe. Others are to follow for bayla-bargaal-las-qoray. Infact gara'cad is on a huge mission to eradicate piracy from its towns also cause they want a slice of the development projects. So Piracy is alot easier issue to deal with since the foundations have been laid on building infrastructure for them, internal/external security is a different story all-together. Those road infrastructures will help also the marines go down to the coastal areas and base a division of the marines in each of those key coastal towns while having locall support. One of the huge reason why piracy has flourished in coastal areas is the lack of puntland government forces there and also the lack of infrastructures like roads and so forth to get there when things do happen. The infrastructure needs to be built so Puntland Govt can go there in the first place. For example look at how they reach qandala via ferry what do u think of bargaal-bayla-eyl? The mission should be to connect feeder roads from coastal cities to their regional capitals. Jariban to Galkayo. Garacad to Galkacyo. Eyl to Garowe. Bayla to Qardho. Bargaal To Bosaso. Qandala To Bosaso. Once the roads are in-place this will open up business activity for those regions and the Puntland government can start building hospitals, schools, water and so forth that is needed.
I gave a fair summary on Puntland achievements and failures and an outlook on what needs to be achieved for this year. The security in the state needs to be tightened. Its election year in Somalia at August and Its election year in Puntland In 2013 January. The infrastructure mainly bosaso airport run-way, galkayo terminal have to be completed as well as coastal projects kick-started. I can't emphasise how important it is for farole if he wants re-election he will need to win hearts and minds back in Bosaso and Galkayo and the only way to do that is to finish the bosaso airport run-way and port along with the galkayo airport terminal. Those two infrastructures are critical for Farole chance of re-election along with improving security conditions this year. The Local government in Bosaso needs to pave roads in the city also. If we can achieve that on top of the diaspora investing in new commercial businesses, manufacturing plants and service based industries like hotels and banks and residential development farole has good chance of re-election. The state will really being moving forward and I hope to god the OIL drilling will wake up the diaspora into returning back home and rebuilding
Somalia;776602 wrote: ^^ True, lying is not his trait that's one of the reasons he pisses people off, he tells it like it is. His motivation after 1969 was power. As for their 1991 secession, it was in the interest of Puntland that it happened. If you get the book you'll see another side of Cigaal, turns out he was pushing the same line as Carte but his attempt failed and that's why the secession happened. There's also a great bit with him and Siad Barre and tensions they had in the 1950s over the killing of a UN appointed Egyptian diplomat. Do you have the book do you? Dammit its still hasnt opened in Australia
The Govt of Puntland has made great progress and failures under the farole administration The Health Sector. New Health Facilities under construction or opening up around the region, Health Initiatives such as immunisation, rapid impact surgeries, and also setting up relations between Puntland Health and International health organisation around the world The Education Sector. Scholarships of nearly 500 students last year alone. Puntland high-school certificates recognised by sudan, kenya and ethiopia. One curriculum for all primary and secondary students Domestic and International Relations. The Puntland profile is domestically and internationally accepted. Dual-Track is the new way. Excellent conferences held in Garowe to re-cement that in People's mind Sports Sector. Excellent football tournaments nationally and regionally, rehabilitations on sporting facilities inside puntland, Setting up sporting committees around the diaspora and connecting them inside the nation, Construction of the Olympic Village Multi-plex facility Commerce Sector. Created New building for his ministry in Bosaso, Held the business fairs in Bosaso which was a great success, created powerful separate chambers for agriculture and businesses. He is looking to add other chambers like fishery, livestock, manufacturing. His brought excellent policies to to enhance investments while thousands of puntlanders have been trained in technical and entreprenuer skills. Woman's Sector. This sector has improved alot, the minister of this sector is leading a huge fight to stop female genital mutiliation inside Puntland, The ministry today has 150 employees and in 2005 it only had 30. She has created a lobby group for puntland women. She has held successful nation-wide women's conference to bring somali women closer to each other. The ministry is building a Women's Center in Garowe. Oil Sector. Excellent work so far as far the drilling rig being in-place at shabeel-1 well. But within this year we need to complete the drilling for all 4 wells in nugaal and bari. We should start also looking into drillings at the offshore oil which the seismic studies have been completed or at the very least begin seismic studies in the mudug basin Those sectors above I have mentioned have worked excellent as far as the ministry is concerned, But there are failing ministries and of particular importance are two The Diaspora has failed Puntland. 10% or less has invested in the state. The business community and intellectuals overseas have still not lifted up their weight in help rebuilding the state in all sectors. The only area that I can praise them on is how united they have become overseas, but at the ground-level in Puntland there participation is sorely lacking. Infrastructure sector has failed in Puntland. The airports are still on-going projects. Galkayo should have had a terminal ages ago, bosaso airport should've of been paved. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The road sector was nothing beyond a few rehabilitations here and there and few new gravel roads. This year we expect 10km worth of roads to be paved inside bosaso!!! If this is not done this sector is total joke. The final sector which has failed miserably also ministry of security. Since farole has been in power 500 people most of whom are have been killed under his watch. This ministry of security has implemented ID cards in IDP camps but that hasn't stopped this, They've tried implementing police hotline in all major cities this has failed also. Now their trying to implement neighborhood watch in Bosaso so we will see if that bears any fruits but knowing the history of this ministry i've lost all hope!!! Not to mention the country-side fighting that sporadically occurs!!! Not to mention the fact Puntland is being attacked on all fronts from external enemies on all fronts with no response from our armed forces!!! For 2012 we have a fresh start, we need to make sure the security is 100% tight inside our region, our armed forces are not paid there to sit around and watch external enemies attack the state, they need to get up and defend the borders at baraxlay and las anod. We must wake up the sleeping diaspora who is in a state of comatose when it comes to rebuilding the nation and if they do participate its always for IDP humanitarian issues where-as the problem in Puntland is not a humanitarian issue but a development issue and the diaspora needs to wake up this now, I wish the best for Puntland but please for goodness sakes this year lets focus on the following huge issues; 1. Streghtening the security internally and externally 2. Activate the de-active diaspora into investing into the state primarily in job creating sectors such as manufacturing 3. Puntland govt needs to finish at least Bosaso Airport run-way and Galkayo terminal to win back the hearts and minds of the locals, the local government in Bosaso needs to finish the 10km road paving project in Bosaso. 4. Holding fireworks at Puntland's 14th Anniversary Wa billahi towfiq Dr Osman
Abdullahi Yusuf he doesnt do two things. 1. He never lies..2. He doesnt care about Money. Snm Time line 1964- Get all mad about somalia democracy and how they dont show up on the radar 1980- Set up SNM and go back to british somaliland where they are the majority. Set up attacks within hargeisa-burco-berbera knowing full well the army was going to attack. They wanted this to happen so they can tell the ppl "bal firiya sida ay somalia idin laayeen" card so they can drum up support for civilian uprising. 1991- Ali mahdi says I fixed ur issue of not having power the P.M spot is with cumar carte. They reject it still and say somaliland secedes because Somalia way ina xasuuqday!!! Marka How can anyone say that secession wasn't on the plate way before, Abdullahi Yusuf geesi somaliyeed I love him to death, And I love how he said to hereri "war adigu reerkas ba tahay"
Abdullahi Yusuf Made total sense. Why did the SNM fight in the first place fight for, there was no hargeisa bombardment in 1982 from what I can re-call. There was other objectives at play and going by their history they declared secession in the 1960s because they were upset at how power was being shared in the government and it makes only sense their best bargaining chip would be to declare secession hoping that somalia will share power according to their policy,which to be quite honest won't be happening due to the huge population difference between the two areas. You have to remember they declared seccession when Somalia was Africa's first democracy which followed a multi-party majority rules democracy that is accepted by the world today as the best system of governance. As Puntland we are striving for Somalia to go back to those days however there is even arguments to suggest the SNM are anti democratic given that history of trying to declare secession for the northern ends of Somalia when Somalia was a pure democracy!!! So in reality they don't even respect the majority rules formula of democracy in Somalia, their only after clan interests and affirmative action to set uo quota based powersharing!!! I think The SNM After seeing a Mahdi presidency and Pro-Union northern P.M, knew their was no chance to negiotate somaliland indepedence(which they are already planned in the 80s) and they declared secession from Somalia and forever have been where their at. They can't say it was a power-sharing issue because they were the P.M!!! There was other factors at play and Abdullahi Yusuf is spot on Lets not forget somaliland out of Somalia politics is some-what of a good thing as Somalia doesnt need anymore further stakeholders shifting policies towards their favor and causing problems. The huge issue with them is they have no internal allies at all. Even if they did get involved in Somalia politics today and said I will hold a conference for somalia in hargeisa and try to bring a solution before anyone even showed up the conference would entail "somalia's unity is non-negioable" or noone would show up as that breaches the constitution of the nation. They have no internal allies accept within the northern regions and lets be real those guys are not real mountain-movers in Somalia. The best bet they have is to follow the shabab path where democracy is rejected and people are elected to power through individual merit and clan-based power-sharing and then can they only hope they will ever rule anything in Somalia but as far as a democracy one man one vote we been there before guys and you guys hated it for a reason because your not a majority in Somalia and it doesnt work out in your clan favors!!!
The Instiutional Review continues, below is the ministry of social services http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Waxqabadka_Daryeelka_Puntland.shtml The Ministry of Commerce Review is also below (which I am very interested in) http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Waxqabadka_Ganacsiga_Puntland.shtml
What u think of this Somalia
Abdullahi Yusuf is the father of puntland. Nice work Somalia this one has slipped under my radar, I'll be watching intentively!!!
Farole sure loves the presidential treatment. I must admit on one thing ive heard on SOL and SNET that is correct in a way, this farole is saying that his apart of Somalia, but he is acting like an independent state when you see him
EYL : Waddo isku xirta magaalooyinka Eyl iyo Garoowe oo dhawaan la bilaabi doono January 18, 2012 10:49 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Print Garoowe:-Waxaa dhawaan la bilaabi doonaa waddo muhiima oo isku xirta magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Eyl, taas oo dhaqaalaheeda ay bixisay Dawlada Talyaaniga, waxayna arintan ka dambaysay kadib markii uu dhawaan yimid magaalada Garoowe masuul sare oo ka tisan Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibada ee Talyaaniga.l Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudahan Puntland Mudane, Cabdilaahi Siciid Yuusuf ayaa dhawaan mar la furayay suuq wayn waxa uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in magaalada Garoowe ee Caasumada Puntland ay yeelato Suuq kalluun maadaama dhawaan la samayn doono waddo isku xirta magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Eyl, taas oo sahli doonta in si sahlan Kalluunka Eyl looga keeno. M-waynaha Puntland, Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ayaa waxa uu sheegayin Eyl lagu abaal mariyay wadadan maadaama ay deegaankaasi ay ahayd halkii ay ka bilaab matay burcadbadu ayna noqdeen dadkii ugu horeeyay ee iska saara burcad-badeeda, sidaasna caalamku u aqoonsaday deegaan aan Burcad-badeed joogin iminka. Degmada Eyl oo ka tirsan gobolka Nugaal ayaa ah magaalo fac-wayn oo taariikhi ah, waxaana lagu xasuustaa oo wali raadkiisii yaalaa Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan. Eyl, waa magaalo xeebeed, waxaana bari loo isticmaali jiray qaab dakadeed oo xoolaha ayaa ka dhoofi-jiray, waxaana ka soo dagi jiray badeecadaha kala duwan, waxay leedahay jawi aad u wanaagsan, biyo macaan oo dhulka korkiisa iyo hoostiisaba mara, waxaana maankaaga ku soo dhacaya Il-dabay oo ah il rabbaani ah oo soconaysa wakhti kast, waxay leedahay durdur, waxay kaloo leedahay beero, waxayna si gaar ah caan ugu ahaan jirtay Bataatiga. Sikastaba, haddii wadadan hirgasho waxay soo celin doontaa sumcaddii iyo caan-nimimadii ilbaxnimada ahayd ee Degmada Eyl. Puntlandpost.com